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Would like opinion on my c/t


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Hi dreamer,

Yes. I do think you should just keep pushing on and deal with benzo wd as best you can. Reinstating will only cause you more trouble. If one has already gone CT off benzos, reinstating and then tapering is probably a wrong way to go.

Your symptoms sound very normal to me for bwd. Now is this the time to read up on what causes your weird symptoms. ALL of it comes from your brain.

Benzos work on the fear center in your brain the amygdala. And when you go off benzos by any way, all hell can ensure. Severe anxiety, fear, all sort of weird symptoms can happen. What you descried IS benzo wd.

You have to give your brain time to heal itself, because it WILL, all on its own.

How does one get through bwd? By distracting your mind, by staying as active as possible, by eating healthy but not obsessing about this. Drink enough fluids. Don't try supplements or other stuff. None of them will help you, so why bother.

You can doo this, dreamer. You can beat benzos. I did and I just an ordinary woman who took benzos far too long.



Easy Coast, why do you think some people can stay active like you recommend and many are housebound or even bedridden? Dreamer I hope you find what's right to you. I don't know enough to give advice.


Genetics probably play a role. Alot of us have auto-immune predispositions and taking an immunosuppressive drug such as xanax can trigger some pretty disabling symptoms


Many of us in protracted (6 years plus) have had spinal taps and tested positive for proteins associated with multiple sclerosis


There are many unknowns


My buddy has been taking xanax and never got sick like myself. I recall 8 years ago, all of my lymph nodes became swollen exactly when i started experiencing inter-dose withdrawal


I developed a 2 mm chiari malformation, my eye pressure increased to 45 per eye, and my spinal tap indicated elevated proteins. I also started dumping water at night, and suffered with night sweats, and an elevated temperature of 99.1 for almost 16 months


My friend on the other hand hasnt experienced anything like that


Most people 6+years into protracted all had a similar side effect profile. Which indicates some sort of auto immune disorder, such as MS


Incognito I'm sorry to hear you've been in protracted for so long. I hope you start getting better. Baylissa does say everyone heals even if it takes years for some.


Thank you  :)


I've been trying to turn this negative into a positive. Lots of free time. Decided to remaster highschool math/science to get back into a good college by mid 2020


Benzo withdrawal may turn out to be a blessing ironically


That is the essence of positive thinking. I think that will be true for you.

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