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how to deal with triggers ?


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looking for advice on dealing with my anxiety and panic attacks triggers ?  mostly my biggest trigger is when i dont sleep well and i am tired the anxiety is so high i have a panic attack every time ?  anyone else dealing with this ?  also my second biggest trigger is when i dont feel good which is a couple days a week  i have bad ears one has tintinius  for the past 5 years and my sinus hurt pretty bad  and im scared to take medicine because ive had a panic attack from it before
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I'm sorry. I wish I knew how to turn off anxiety and panic. I just try to do other things to distract myself for awhile, give myself a break.  Walking always helps, seeing new things. Right now I'm very anxious bordering on panic because of having to see the doctor tomorrow, certainly the worst trigger for me. I was just thinking that it would be nice to take a benzo just for that, to get momentary relief, but I know it's a very slippery slope and not worth it in the long run. I just wish it was over, because this feeling is much too difficult to take. There are always a ton of intrusive, obsessive thoughts climbing on board at the same time. It feels like a tidal wave.


I hope you feel better soon!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am familiar with what you are talking about. All of my panic attacks seem to happen at night when I'm sitting alone with nothing but my thoughts. This usually leads to me thinking about everything that I dread. It seems that the only time that I get a good nights sleep is when I am tired from being active during the day. But many days I don't feel well enough to go out and get exercise to make myself physically tired. I have tried to keep myself distracted in the evenings by doing crossword puzzles or other mind games so I don't concentrate on the things that make me scared.

As far as the tinitis, I noticed that my ears began ringing and whistling when I started tapering off of Clonazapam. When I have good days, the sound is less. When I have bad days, the noises get louder and bothersome. During the first month after my last dose, the noise got so loud that I actually started checking all of the smoke detectors in the house. I think that there is a direct correlation between the sounds in my ears and the withdrawal that I am going through.

I wish I could help, but I don't have any answers, just share the same symptoms.

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I frequently don't sleep well either.  I think in this case if you worry about it you'd just feel worse.  It's best to just accept that some nights you'll not sleep enough, and that's not going to kill you.  I try to spend the sleepless time thinking about nice fantasies, things I like, good books or movies.  If you can find something that's both pleasant to think about and kinda boring that's even better.  Say if you have a collection of plates, try to think, ya the first one I acquired in 1998 and was such and such, the next one is...etc.  I know it's easy to say.  I'm not too good at it sometimes, got all pissed off that I wasted so many hours in bed, and worried I'd feel awful the next day.  But, many such days after sleepless nights happened, I'm still here and I haven't done anything too destructive or stupid on those days, so it's mostly OK.  Practice accepting it and you'll feel better.
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