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Is this anxiety really leave one day ? Is It going to get better one day ?


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I have no relief of anxiety since more than a year now, extrême stress intolerence, my body Is totally destroyed by this anxiety...

Is It really gonna get better ?

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It will fade over time. I'm not done with it, but I know that mine has faded, although it still flares up really badly if I do something I shouldn't do. So many people say that it goes entirely, so I have to believe them.
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It will fade over time. I'm not done with it, but I know that mine has faded, although it still flares up really badly if I do something I shouldn't do. So many people say that it goes entirely, so I have to believe them.


My anxiety went away pretty quickly, but like you, handling normal, garden variety anxiety required some coping mechanisms because I was pretty reactive for a long time.  I was Rx'd for sleep, not anxiety, and that may be a factor in recovery, too.

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i had a thyroid echography, but not the adrenals, had many blood works done maybe they already checked, i have so much bad symptoms and every doctor tells you're fine just go back on AD....
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It's been over 3 years since my last benzo. I come on occasionally to give others hope. When I was going through this I would try to read positive stories  on this forum .My anxiety disappeared over a year half ago. It was all due to withdraw. I have been meaning to write my success story just haven't had time. But yes there is hope as now I live a normal life with no more symptoms and no more antidepressants. Stay positive as one day hopefully you will be back to your old self
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It's been over a year since my last benzo and my anxiety is completely gone. Well, some anxiety is a normal part of being human. But the I'm-so-anxious-I-can't-enjoy-life feeling I had all the time in benzo withdrawal, that's completely gone now. It seems like a bad dream...
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Yeah, I have that type of anxiety right now at 8.5 months. Never had it before the psych meds and never expected the withdrawal to last this long. I do see improvements here and there, though. It used to be maddening and pretty much 24/7, now it's up and down throughout the day.
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You're welcome.. I felt like I was in a nightmare and nobody believed what I was going through they thought it was all in my head. I had such  severe depression tried 7 different antidepressants finally found one that worked stayed on that for a little over a year then wean myself off. I know for a fact it was the Xanax I was taken I never had depression before I never had anxiety before. It is all completely gone. Occasional anxiety but that's typical for anybody. 3 years ago was the worst time of my life I just laid in bed everyday and worked. Came home and lay down my anxiety was severe my depression was severe. I prayed for the day that this would all disappear and it did. Like I said in my previous post stay positive keep the faith.


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I'm almost 20 months off and still struggling with this badly. It is other wordly and ppl who aren't going through this could never understand. If this went away I'd be high on life.
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My anxiety hasn't fully gone away. It mostly did in month 3, but now it's always around. I notice that it fluctuates randomly though. Sometimes I have racing intrusive thoughts for days and then that will go away.. other times it will turn into OCD of some sort or just a general anxiety that keeps my thoughts and mood based around that and I can't seem to stop thinking about it or just feeling overly aware of everything and I just want to relax and do nothing.


Sometimes I am able to distract away from it near completely, other times its impossible. I'm in month 9 and hoping that it eventually mends itself. Seems like I'm in a wave right now and all of the hardcore intrusive thoughts are back.. It's not really an intrusive thought about anything in particular.. It moreso feels like my mind is forcing me to ruminate on and explore the anxiety.. 


Basically just constant negative, anxious thoughts that I dont want and it feels like my mind is constantly fighting me for supremacy. Sometimes even the most tiny thought will cause a stress response and it gets to the point where I start to feel insane and I can't think deeply about anything. Just all around bizarre psychological symptoms that feel like they are never going to fade.

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  • 3 weeks later...
At first I felt chemical terror and anxiety. Then it went into nervousness. Now I can control my anxiety if I do not get stress. It takes time, but slowly but surely it calms down.
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Yeah, I have that type of anxiety right now at 8.5 months. Never had it before the psych meds and never expected the withdrawal to last this long. I do see improvements here and there, though. It used to be maddening and pretty much 24/7, now it's up and down throughout the day.


I’m very happy you’re getting a bit of relief LAI.  I know you where struggling for a long time.

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Anxiety is part of our 'wiring' as humans beings. We will always live with anxiety. In fact, anxiety is there for a reason and it can save our lives when we need to deal with very dangerous, stressful situation. So, I don't believe that it will completely fade away. However, I believe that it can get better; and you are the only one who can make that happen by changing the way you process your thoughts, perspectives of life. Having excessive, unnecessary anxiety is partly due because you have let it run the show like I did. You need to worry efficiently so you can pick your battles and start focusing on solving the issues that need to be worked on. For me, working on dealing with my anxiety better has become now a lifetime commitment. I started watching some videos like the ones Dr. Korol has posted on You Tube for free:

Cognitive behavioral therapy is working for me and I truly recommend it. But you have to put in the work daily. I am also doing self-help workbooks. I am determined to beat this beast without pills. The fact is that we will be faced by all kinds of stressful events throuought our lifes and learning techniques of CBT are helping me to deal with my issues better. Good luck!

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  • 1 month later...
I had horrible anxiety for the first three months off benzos. It was 24/7 and it felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest every day. I felt I was not functioning and had to go back to work and so I started a non-benzo anxiety med (Buspar) and cognitive behavioral therapy. It has really tapered off-- I can't tell if it's because of the Buspar or just the passage of time-- and I would say now, at 11 months out, my anxiety is much better. I function at 90% most days, whereas I would say I was functioning at 10% in the months after jumping.
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  • 4 months later...
I had my thyroid removed about a year and a half ago. My levels are not normal yet. Would that have anything to do with the bad anxiety in my throat and chest?
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My anxiety has stayed and is unrelenting.  I have never had anxiety at this level before in my life.  Benzos also deplete saratonin.    This stuff is really bad!!!
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