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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Under .125 Klonopin Club


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Hey folks,


It's been 26 days since I finished my slow taper and ditched Klonopin forever! As I approach the 1-month point, I thought I'd tell you about my experiences in this early stage of WD.


  • I've had basically the same physical symptoms for months, in particular since I hit the 0.125 mark. Nothing new has popped up since coming off. SLEEP is the arbiter of all things -- if I get a decent night's sleep (say 5 - 6 hours), then my physical symptoms during the day are easy to ignore. If I'm in that horrible 0 - 3 hour zone for sleep, I feel my physical symptoms far more. There's not much of a pattern to my insomnia, except that if I have about 3 bad nights in a row, I'll probably have better sleep on the 4th night. But overall there's nothing I do or don't do during the day that has impacted my sleep greatly.
  • I've kept to a restricted diet of mostly whole foods, no gluten, and no soy. Occasional caffeine (i.e. one-third cup of coffee in the morning). No alcohol. Exercise nearly every day: a long walk and some weight-bearing floor exercise.
  • I was focusing so much on whether I'd have new or increased physical symptoms that I neglected keeping an eye on mental symptoms. The ones I've been having really snuck up on me; they're more like (temporary) personality changes. I had read that a lot of people deal with increased social anxiety after benzos. For me it has been the opposite: I have been seeking out social experiences, dealing with a terrible lack of filter, and experiencing an intense need for validation from others. All of this combined with a HUGE boost in my overall energy and motivation has been... weird. It's led to things like writing 20 short stories within a few weeks and sending them out to literary journals, and then having to deal with the huge barrage of rejections (and 2 acceptances, so that's something), which hit me MUCH harder than when I used to submit my fiction pre-withdrawal. Also, I was overcome with waves of nostalgia for ex-friends and ex-romantic partners I no longer know, and there were several nights of poor sleep that I spent writing and sending emails to some of those people, which were received, uh, poorly, to say the least. Truly, and I say this from a place of DEEP embarrassment and REGRET, please be gentle with yourself and avoid putting yourself back into emotional / volatile situations with people who were perhaps not kind to your heart in the first place. I guess that's just good life advice, but it goes double in benzo WD.
  • I do feel like I can get control of the above mental symptoms, but I think it will take some time and therapy. Unfortunately even finding a therapist has been really fraught with emotion, as the therapists in my area have full client lists. Contacting therapists' offices has been yet another exercise in dealing with rejection. But I'm trying to be persistent.
  • I haven't taken any new supplements. Pre-jump, I was taking a probiotic and a women's vitamin / hormone aid. I was also taking 500mg magnesium, which I ditched, and it has not seemed to have made any difference either way. I've considered trying CBD to help with sleep but I figured I would get farther out before I tried that.


That's all I can think of for now. Happy to answer questions. Sending good thoughts to all of you in the later stages of your tapers.

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Thanks Spin the Klono.


I look forward to the day I am done with this poison. I just recently switched to milk titration and am shooting for 0.001 mg daily reduction. Currently at 0.118 mg.


Do/did you notice your tinnitus being louder when your w/d symptoms were worse?


thx seeking.

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Thanks Spin the Klono.


I look forward to the day I am done with this poison. I just recently switched to milk titration and am shooting for 0.001 mg daily reduction. Currently at 0.118 mg.


Do/did you notice your tinnitus being louder when your w/d symptoms were worse?


thx seeking.


Hey seeking,


I've been trying to look for patterns in my tinnitus lately. I think the main one I've found is that more stimulation leads to louder tinnitus for me. Like today I was out of the house for most of the day, busy, did some socializing, and when I came home I was more bothered by my tinnitus than usual.


You're so close to being done! Best of luck as you continue your taper.

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Thanks Spin the Klono.


I look forward to the day I am done with this poison. I just recently switched to milk titration and am shooting for 0.001 mg daily reduction. Currently at 0.118 mg.


Do/did you notice your tinnitus being louder when your w/d symptoms were worse?


thx seeking.


Hey seeking,


I've been trying to look for patterns in my tinnitus lately. I think the main one I've found is that more stimulation leads to louder tinnitus for me. Like today I was out of the house for most of the day, busy, did some socializing, and when I came home I was more bothered by my tinnitus than usual.


You're so close to being done! Best of luck as you continue your taper.


I think it’s related to fatigue because when I get too much visual stimulation I get dizzy and nauseous and even more tired

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hey, all.  Just joining the club here.  I've been tapering off 2MG for almost two years by myself and hit a hard wall in July and then again during the last month.  I'm down to .075MG now and holding based on symptoms.  My symptoms are: insomnia & adrenaline surges throughout the night, floaty boat, tinnitus, anxiety, dizzy/blurry vision.  My ability to handle the symptoms relates directly to my sleep patterns. 


I'm looking for suggestions about how to restart my taper once my symptoms are better.  My last taper was 10/11 and I've been dry cutting .001g every day that I can.  It's been harder since 9/1.  Thanks in advance! 

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Hey, all.  Just joining the club here.  I've been tapering off 2MG for almost two years by myself and hit a hard wall in July and then again during the last month.  I'm down to .075MG now and holding based on symptoms.  My symptoms are: insomnia & adrenaline surges throughout the night, floaty boat, tinnitus, anxiety, dizzy/blurry vision.  My ability to handle the symptoms relates directly to my sleep patterns. 


I'm looking for suggestions about how to restart my taper once my symptoms are better.  My last taper was 10/11 and I've been dry cutting .001g every day that I can.  It's been harder since 9/1.  Thanks in advance!


Hey RodgerThat. You are just a bit ahead of me. I am at .086 mg right now and tapering 0.001 mg a day. I switched to liquid titration about a month back since the scales can fluctuate and that can vary your dosage amount at this low dose pretty significantly. It took me a bit to get used to the liquid approach but although still rough I have been able to continue my daily taper.



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Hey RodgerThat. You are just a bit ahead of me. I am at .086 mg right now and tapering 0.001 mg a day. I switched to liquid titration about a month back since the scales can fluctuate and that can vary your dosage amount at this low dose pretty significantly. It took me a bit to get used to the liquid approach but although still rough I have been able to continue my daily taper.




Hi, seeking to heal.  Thanks for responding.  It's great to meet people who are in the same place with this terrible drug.  I've been wondering about liquid tapering and your comments make so much sense.  I calibrate my scale every time but I am left wondering about the accuracy of the low dose.  Thanks for mentioning that. 

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Hello fellow Clonazepam users :D.


I am also tapering this awful poison, at the moment going with the A/D down first, than continuing with the Clonazepam.


I also struggle with the scale (using a jewelry scale), but seems to have some error tolerance, as I am at 0.30, at the moment it's not a huge deal, but I assume I need to make bigger jumps as I cannot go so accurate with this scale. There is no liquid form in my country either, sadly.

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Hey, all.  Just joining the club here.  I've been tapering off 2MG for almost two years by myself and hit a hard wall in July and then again during the last month.  I'm down to .075MG now and holding based on symptoms.  My symptoms are: insomnia & adrenaline surges throughout the night, floaty boat, tinnitus, anxiety, dizzy/blurry vision.  My ability to handle the symptoms relates directly to my sleep patterns. 


I'm looking for suggestions about how to restart my taper once my symptoms are better.  My last taper was 10/11 and I've been dry cutting .001g every day that I can.  It's been harder since 9/1.  Thanks in advance!


Everybody's got an opinion, but the liquid titration saved my rear. I was super mega sensitive the entire ride down to zero, sound I felt every cut no matter how small. The liquid enabled me to do ridiculously small cuts, and thank the holy heavens above. I know quite a few people that had really rocky times at the low doses while dry cutting, and then their worlds smoothed out after making the transition to liquid. Our bodies adapt to practically anything, so go for whatever you see fit. Our best to you!!

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  • 1 month later...

I have been alerted t the existence of this group. Now on 0.045mg Klonopin.


Any advice on the final push?


Sure...don't look back. I wouldn't even look at as a "push". I just treated it as an everyday task (like brushing my teeth) and almost forgot it was even my last dose when I took it!! You're gonna do great :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Chalkey, how are you doing? I saw your post in early December that I was not too far behind you in dosage. What's your dosage now?


I am at .056 mg right now and trying to figure out how to move forward to the end as I feel every little cut.





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Chalkey, how are you doing? I saw your post in early December that I was not too far behind you in dosage. What's your dosage now?


I am at .056 mg right now and trying to figure out how to move forward to the end as I feel every little cut.






Heck, you're close to jumping!!! Keep on rockin' it :)

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  • 1 month later...

Hello all. Appreciate everyone's support and my thoughts are with each of you. I decided to jump at I think around 0.0425 mg. Pretty unstable for the last month and not clear I was getting accurate dosing each time. Saturday was my last does. I posted in the withdrawal group in more detail but wanted to touch base with this group.


Appreciate everyone.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Decided to post here as I just recently reached the .125mg milestone after tapering down from .75mg starting in June of last year.


I was super excited to get here, but unfortunately the past two weeks have been really tough at this dose. Getting a ton of nausea, headaches, light akisithia, and weak legs; as well as interrupted sleep again for the first time since I started tapering. I thought I'd ask if others have experienced this as well, as I feel like its common for people to have a bit of a relapse down at theses doses? I didn't cut this week as the symptoms just won't let up. Going to just hold here until they do.


Staying positive though, I know others have it worse than I do, so I'm appreciate of that and proud of how far I've come. I'll take any words of wisdom from anyone that's experienced anything similar. Hope everyone else is doing well, and soldiering onward.

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You have done such a great job agenthall to get down to the quarter tablet!! There's just a mental shift when you reach the lower numbers right?


I'm sorry about the symptoms and I don't have a lot of wisdom, but I just wanted to say to hang in there! I've read about a lot of people who struggled as they got lower, so you're not the only one. I think it was a good decision not to cut, but just holding a bit longer.


Please keep us updated with your progress!

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Decided to post here as I just recently reached the .125mg milestone after tapering down from .75mg starting in June of last year.


I was super excited to get here, but unfortunately the past two weeks have been really tough at this dose. Getting a ton of nausea, headaches, light akisithia, and weak legs; as well as interrupted sleep again for the first time since I started tapering. I thought I'd ask if others have experienced this as well, as I feel like its common for people to have a bit of a relapse down at theses doses? I didn't cut this week as the symptoms just won't let up. Going to just hold here until they do.


Staying positive though, I know others have it worse than I do, so I'm appreciate of that and proud of how far I've come. I'll take any words of wisdom from anyone that's experienced anything similar. Hope everyone else is doing well, and soldiering onward.


Agenthall, I started experiencing much more severe Sx when I got below .125.  I've learned to be very patient with myself and give myself permission to slow or hold when it feels right.  It's such a personal journey.  I just held for two months Dec-Feb and it was wonderful because I've been feeling great (really great!) and also believe that I am experiencing a lot of brain healing.


I just hit two years on my taper.  When I started tapering I wouldn't have believed you if you told me it would take this long! It's definitely a journey...

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Thanks Rodger. Appreciate that. Completely agree on the time comment! If you had told me last year that this taper was probably going to take a year (or more) I wouldn't have believed you. But its really becoming clear to me that patience is key to doing this (and patience on a scale that I've never had to deal with before).


I'm holding here at .125 for a while until things settle down. My nausea's gone down but I developed a sinus infection due to allergies and I've got fluid in my ears now... fun... so I'm waiting to see if I've got to do antibiotics or it clears up on its own. Don't want to mess with another cut if I'm dealing with antibiotics and stomach issues from that too. So I'm just holding, and I'm learning that that's ok.  :thumbsup:

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  • 1 month later...
I am not quite to 0.125mg, but very close @0.129mg. I’m wondering if anyone tried decreasing dose by 1% every other day? And how that worked for you? I’m so hesitant to go too quickly, bc I know how bad it feels, but I don’t want to go too slowly either. I’d love to hear your stories about what worked for you the last bit. I appreciate this group so much! Sure helps to discuss with people that actual understand. 😍
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Well I'm doing about 10-15% every two weeks and I'm doing ok. So 1% every other day wouldn't be too bad I think. I tried to do a 20% cut 6 weeks ago and I felt it... too much... wasn't great. Had to hold for a while to stay functional.


I say go for it, and if you start feeling it (ie, trouble sleeping, or your bad symptoms come back). Then just hold at that dose until you normalize, then go forward. I have never had to go backward after I started doing this taper the correct way. I've had to HOLD for sure, but never had to go backward. You can do it  :thumbsup:

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Hi everyone!


I've been on 0.125mg for over a month now.  I started taking Clonazepam in November 2021 and begin tapering in January 2022.


I have recently started a 30 ml titration where I have been removing 1ml per day.  I am at day 9 today.


My worse symptom is my heart beating in my ears when I am resting/sleeping. I also get the occasional heart flutter when laying down as well.  I am desperate to get off Clonazepam but understand it is important to go slow - it is very frustrating!


Wishing everyone the best in these challenging times and would love any encouragement or tips if you have any.



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