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3,2,1: Under 3 mg Valium people


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540.gif"I am Walking Off" today, made it to 0. 534.gif it has been a long taper, but so worth each minute of it, to feel like I do and to be finished. Best to all of you, and if I can do it, you can too, make a Plan and if it works great, and if it doesn't make another plan. "Just never ever give up" It can get pretty tough at times, but there is "Hope always" for Healing. 💖 Peace and Healing For All. :smitten:


"A person doesn't realize how much he can stand until he is put to the test.

You can stand far more than you think you can.

You are much stronger than you think you are."~AU

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You did do it!!! You must feel so relieved!  Way to go!!!🎉👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻

Thanks for you kindness and cheer. :smitten:
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Congratulations Begood!!you are so patient and so positive!

Thanks libr, I had to change how I thought, because trust me, those first two tapers about did me in, so I knew I had to change to a better mindset, and it worked...also lots of time. Stay Strong. :smitten:
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Congratulations BeGood!  Hope the days/weeks/ months pass with continued  Healing.

Thanks so much caltn, I am hoping the same. Stay Strong. :smitten:
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I am having deep feelings of sadness and darkness today. Any words of comfort would be so appreciated.


Begood you are an inspiration!

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I am having deep feelings of sadness and darkness today. Any words of comfort would be so appreciated.


Begood you are an inspiration!


I'm so sorry magnolias. Most of us have been there, too. I certainly have. I chose some things to repeat to myself, such as, "I am safe. It will pass." I also kept a list of thing to use to distract myself from the bad feelings. I played word games on my iPad for hours. I watched old, comforting TV shows that I got from the library. Hours and hours. Find some ways like this to be kind to yourself.


You are safe. It will pass. :hug:

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I am having deep feelings of sadness and darkness today. Any words of comfort would be so appreciated.


Begood you are an inspiration!

Thanks Magnolis. I am so sorry, Gardie gave some good ideas, it is not you, it is the benzo, hang in there, things will get better.. :smitten: :smitten:
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We are here for you Mag, sadness and darkness are hard symptoms to deal with, but try to remember it's the meds.  We love you and are glad you are with us.  LY, Mary 💜
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I’ve been lucky that this is the first time I’ve had to uodose


But my dosing needs to change and I would like to check this out  with the group. Typically I only liquefy 1 mg and titrate from that and take  a second dry does around 2 to 3 in the morning. the liquefied dose I take around 10 PM. Now I just had a major withdrawal surge and I broke off a quarter of the .75 that I will additionally take tonight. Is that OK? Is it OK to dose at various times while your stabilizing?  I had a rough patch at the beginning of the taper but I never dosed other than my bedtime. Is this OK to Dose around 530pm temporarily or will my body get used to that time from here out?



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I’ve been lucky that this is the first time I’ve had to uodose


But my dosing needs to change and I would like to check this out  with the group. Typically I only liquefy 1 mg and titrate from that and take  a second dry does around 2 to 3 in the morning. the liquefied dose I take around 10 PM. Now I just had a major withdrawal surge and I broke off a quarter of the .75 that I will additionally take tonight. Is that OK? Is it OK to dose at various times while your stabilizing?  I had a rough patch at the beginning of the taper but I never dosed other than my bedtime. Is this OK to Dose around 530pm temporarily or will my body get used to that time from here out?


If you need to change your dosing times, you may find you don't want to go back to once a day, but if you do, you can go back, you can do it in steps, just to make sure your body is ok with it, which, it probably will be. And if you don't make the change long, you can probably just do it all at once.  Just my opinion  :)

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I’ve been lucky that this is the first time I’ve had to uodose


But my dosing needs to change and I would like to check this out  with the group. Typically I only liquefy 1 mg and titrate from that and take  a second dry does around 2 to 3 in the morning. the liquefied dose I take around 10 PM. Now I just had a major withdrawal surge and I broke off a quarter of the .75 that I will additionally take tonight. Is that OK? Is it OK to dose at various times while your stabilizing?  I had a rough patch at the beginning of the taper but I never dosed other than my bedtime. Is this OK to Dose around 530pm temporarily or will my body get used to that time from here out?


I didn't 100% understand this, but I will tell you what my doctor told me. "The brain likes predictably. Stop changing your meds. Take the same doses at the same time every day."


I kept my doses even and 12 hours apart. And I made no changes during my hold.



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Sorry. Simpler version. I’ve always dosed at bedtime only. Being this sick , I need a dose in between. Once I start twice a day, do I have to stay twice after I stabilize....  And is it better to dose twice anyway?
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I'm so sorry you are suffering. I think it is ok to take a little earlier and then the rest at your normal time. With the long half life of Valium, it really doesn't matter.
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Sorry. Simpler version. I’ve always dosed at bedtime only. Being this sick , I need a dose in between. Once I start twice a day, do I have to stay twice after I stabilize....  And is it better to dose twice anyway?


Yes, simpler. No numbers! ;D


I started with Xanax, which is a very short benzo. I was dosing 4 times/ day. I found as I tapered, I need to dose 5 times, then 6 times. So it could be you do need to dose more often as you get lower.


Then I crossed to Librium, which is slow like Valium. I dosed twice/day. Same dose every day at 9AM and at 9PM. My doctor told me to do it that way.


Is there a reason you don't want to dose twice/day? What does your doctor say?



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I think she was experiencing Interdose withdrawals so took a bit of her nighttime dose early... I think if this works for you it is ok..
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I’ve realized that I have done my taper wrong for the last three years . I used the Valium like a sleeping pill which I’ve relied on all my adult life. (temazapam)I’ve always dosed at around 1am. I couldn’t sleep last night. I’m in a bad way because of the fear that what I’m doing is wrong and I can’t think straight to fix it.. I also take most of the dose in a pill form and liquify 1 mg the tapering dose.It’s no longer working for me .can someone please help me with dosing.  I need take a total of 2.75. ****Should I liquefy all of it and not do the dry . I’m the most scared I’ve been.**** I thought today I would take the .75 dose at 1pm and when I can get a taper plan I will proceed. Anyone that can help me now would help me from a total freak out.


Gard  you asked about my dr. He knows nothing. All he does is prescribe. I’ve done this all on my own and with the help of this group.

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I’ve realized that I have done my taper wrong for the last three years . I used the Valium like a sleeping pill which I’ve relied on all my adult life. (temazapam)I’ve always dosed at around 1am. I couldn’t sleep last night. I’m in a bad way because of the fear that what I’m doing is wrong and I can’t think straight to fix it.. I also take most of the dose in a pill form and liquify 1 mg the tapering dose.It’s no longer working for me .can someone please help me with dosing.  I need take a total of 2.75. ****Should I liquefy all of it and not do the dry . I’m the most scared I’ve been.**** I thought today I would take the .75 dose at 1pm and when I can get a taper plan I will proceed. Anyone that can help me now would help me from a total freak out.


Gard  you asked about my dr. He knows nothing. All he does is prescribe. I’ve done this all on my own and with the help of this group.

You can fix this. One step at a time.


Question 1: Are you experiencing interdose withdrawal?


It could be yes. Valium is long acting, but some people are fast metabolizers of Valium. You may need to dose twice/day.


You might try asking here: Valium Support Group  Ask people how often they dose. That will help you decide how often to dose.


Question 2: If you decide to dose twice, how to divide the doses?


It's too bad your doctor won't help you with this. :(  My doctor told me equal doses equally spaced to achieve steady state blood levels.


Question 3: Should you liquefy all or part and how to do it?


I don't know. Some do and some don't. And I am not good at titration plans. I think you should ask that on Titration and/or Withdrawal Support During Your Taper.


I know this is hard to sort out when you are in withdrawal, but you can do this one step at a time. :thumbsup:

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It looks like you are generally cutting .25-.5 at a time. If you keep this up, you can probably get away with  dry cutting, which is what I do. Way less complicated! But if you think you want to make smaller cuts in the future, you might want to stick with liquid.

My doc had me dosing 3 times a day at the beginning of my taper, for the same reason Gardie said. I eventually tapered down my afternoon dose, then my evening dose, and now I only dose in the morning. It works for me.

Once you get low enough, the dose is not really therapeutic anyway, it is just keeping the amount in your system level. Does that make sense?

Wishing the best for you, you are tough, you've got this!



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I’ve realized that I have done my taper wrong for the last three years . I used the Valium like a sleeping pill which I’ve relied on all my adult life. (temazapam)I’ve always dosed at around 1am. I couldn’t sleep last night. I’m in a bad way because of the fear that what I’m doing is wrong and I can’t think straight to fix it.. I also take most of the dose in a pill form and liquify 1 mg the tapering dose.It’s no longer working for me .can someone please help me with dosing.  I need take a total of 2.75. ****Should I liquefy all of it and not do the dry . I’m the most scared I’ve been.**** I thought today I would take the .75 dose at 1pm and when I can get a taper plan I will proceed. Anyone that can help me now would help me from a total freak out.


Gard  you asked about my dr. He knows nothing. All he does is prescribe. I’ve done this all on my own and with the help of this group.

Magnolis.  I was taking a mixture of dry and liquid until I got to the lower end.  I usually dissolved 10mg of V into 100ml of water and used that for several days until it was gone.  Usually about 4-5 days worth.  You could theoretically take a 2 mg pill and draw out .75mg of liquid.  Let me know if I can help you figure this out in any way.  :)--V

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I’ve realized that I have done my taper wrong for the last three years . I used the Valium like a sleeping pill which I’ve relied on all my adult life. (temazapam)I’ve always dosed at around 1am. I couldn’t sleep last night. I’m in a bad way because of the fear that what I’m doing is wrong and I can’t think straight to fix it.. I also take most of the dose in a pill form and liquify 1 mg the tapering dose.It’s no longer working for me .can someone please help me with dosing.  I need take a total of 2.75. ****Should I liquefy all of it and not do the dry . I’m the most scared I’ve been.**** I thought today I would take the .75 dose at 1pm and when I can get a taper plan I will proceed. Anyone that can help me now would help me from a total freak out.


Gard  you asked about my dr. He knows nothing. All he does is prescribe. I’ve done this all on my own and with the help of this group.

Magnolis.  I was taking a mixture of dry and liquid until I got to the lower end.  I usually dissolved 10mg of V into 100ml of water and used that for several days until it was gone.  Usually about 4-5 days worth.  You could theoretically take a 2 mg pill and draw out .75mg of liquid.  Let me know if I can help you figure this out in any way.  :)--V


So good to see you, Valley! I'm curious, did you do a water-only titration?



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