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Hi i need some serious advice about tapering off Ativan...


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Hi everyone,


I have been trying to find some information on a proper taper off Ativan. I have been seeing my doctor for 2 years, and I started on 1mg of Ativan, however over the years my doctor has upped my dosage. I asked her for 6 months to start to taper me because i felt i was having interdose withdrawals. Her response was "well you haven't been here for that long" She constantly kind of woos me, tells me how great of a patient i am and just a lot of compliments. We never talk about my problems, i usually just go in, sit with her for about 35 mins, and she writes me scripts. I have a heart condition that causes anxiety and thats what lead me to her in the beginning. I was having panic attacks and severe anxiety that was so crippling, i was in the ER literally at least twice a month. To make a long story short, she talks more about her life than asking me about mine. She just throws me pills. I'm very upset at myself that it has taken me this long to recognize certain things about her. I also believe her reviews were fake. She has changed offices twice, and now instead of seeing patients 2 days out the week, she has limited to 1 day. Sometimes I believe she throws me into these withdrawals on purpose, as since i have been asking to "please wean me off" she has been acting differently towards me.


So finally enough was enough, i went to her office crying because i had just had enough. The ativan no longer works on my anxiety but if i dont have it, i get sick. I didn't want to keep upping the meds more and more and more. So this was the deal, I was taking 5mg ativan per day for probably the last 6-8 months, every single day.


Her weaning process (which she seems kind of bewildered sometimes about it) is this...

1st time...she told me to take 2mg ativan per day, and .05 of Valium twice a day. This lasted for a week and WHOA did it send me into a tizzy, i ended up in the ER from panic attacks that week and high blood pressure. So I went back to her withdrawal symptoms and all.


THIS time, she has me taking 1.5mg of ativan PER DAY (from 5MG PER DAY), and .05 Klonopin every 4-6 hours. I have been doing this for a week again and BOOM im back in withdrawals, and they are super bad. Another ER visit over the weekend. I'm very concerned because my heart condition is rare and it causes very fast heart rate, and can cause cardiac arrest. She KNOWS this as she has me taking propranolol as well. (20mg per day)


My question is, what kind of TAPERING is this? Is this normal? To go from 5MG per day for almost a year, to 1.5-2mg per day? How can I make it absolutely clear to her that this isn't working without coming off aggressive? I have also gained 35lbs, i feel more depressed, i have those nasty benzo sweats so i sleep on the couch and not with my husband, he hates seeing me go through this. I also have broken sleep that leaves me so sleep deprived. Usually when I call or text her before me asking to taper, she answered right away, now she seems to completely dodge me and im so worried.


I just want to wean down from this. I am experiencing most of the withdrawal symptoms and i am so afraid for my heart and so is my husband. Is there anyone there with some advice for me? I am all ears!

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Okay, I'm no expert on tapering, but I know one thing: Your doctor is a complete idiot when it comes to benzo drugs and tapering. Her method is WAY TOO FAST. She is telling you to lower your Ativan to a ridiculous degree while adding other benzos to the mix. You need to find some way of stabilizing so that you don't end up in the ER due to w/d symptoms.


Some people on BB are doing microtapers off Ativan. Some have switched to Valium and are doing microtapers. If I were you, I would check out the Support Group part of BB and read posts and get in touch with those who can offer help.


There's also a General Taper Plans area on BB. People write in asking for help in planning their tapers.


Hopefully others will chime in here as well to offer advice. 


I wish you the best, RR!  :smitten:


P.S. I really dislike calling doctors "complete idiots" and "clueless," but doctors' continued ignorance about benzos has caused way more harm worldwide than we may ever know. 





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Okay, I'm no expert on tapering, but I know one thing: Your doctor is a complete idiot when it comes to benzo drugs and tapering. Her method is WAY TOO FAST. She is telling you to lower your Ativan to a ridiculous degree while adding other benzos to the mix. You need to find some way of stabilizing so that you don't end up in the ER due to w/d symptoms.


Some people on BB are doing microtapers off Ativan. Some have switched to Valium and are doing microtapers. If I were you, I would check out the Support Group part of BB and read posts and get in touch with those who can offer help.


There's also a General Taper Plans area on BB. People write in asking for help in planning their tapers.


Hopefully others will chime in here as well to offer advice. 


I wish you the best, RR!  :smitten:


P.S. I really dislike calling doctors "complete idiots" and "clueless," but doctors' continued ignorance about benzos has caused way more harm worldwide than we may ever know. 








THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR RESPONSE! I knew something was totally wrong and since me wanting to wean off the drugs, she has been acting very strange and distant with me. I remember she used to call just to check on me when I was completely fine, but once I started inquiring about weaning because I HAVE ENDED UP IN THE ER DUE TO W/D, she doesn't call back when she says she will. One day I completely just showed up at her office, she loves giving me "fake hugs" and completing me on physical traits it's so weird. I made an appt this morning with my GP and I am taking all these bottles, the inconsistent dosages over the course of 6 months (I keep everything) she agreed to see me and help me. We'll see what happens. AT this point I have no more Ativan, and have to take more Klonopin than I am prescribed to keep the withdrawals at bay but I feel so "loopy" and weird and I am so scared im going to overdose or something. I am really scared BECAUSE of my heart condition and I am home alone during the day, I can NOT seizure out. Im wondering if she is avoiding me because she has no idea about weaning and she just doesn't want to deal with it? she TEXTED ME (yes texted) me and said she was tired and at home and would call me today (she said this last night) I am calling her every 2 hours and also leaving messages since 9am this morning, absolutely NO answer, no response. WHO DOES THIS? And this isn't a young doc either, she's an OLDER woman, in her late 50s, YEARS in the medical field. However lately I have noticed she has been getting very bad reviews. I found her on ZocDoc with good reviews, and she was taking patients, seemed very nice, this was 2 years ago. I just think its kind of sociopathic and uncaring to KNOW how withdrawal is and allow this to go on, almost like control or punishment. That's how I feel.

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Okay, I'm no expert on tapering, but I know one thing: Your doctor is a complete idiot when it comes to benzo drugs and tapering. Her method is WAY TOO FAST. She is telling you to lower your Ativan to a ridiculous degree while adding other benzos to the mix. You need to find some way of stabilizing so that you don't end up in the ER due to w/d symptoms.


Some people on BB are doing microtapers off Ativan. Some have switched to Valium and are doing microtapers. If I were you, I would check out the Support Group part of BB and read posts and get in touch with those who can offer help.


There's also a General Taper Plans area on BB. People write in asking for help in planning their tapers.


Hopefully others will chime in here as well to offer advice. 


I wish you the best, RR!  :smitten:


P.S. I really dislike calling doctors "complete idiots" and "clueless," but doctors' continued ignorance about benzos has caused way more harm worldwide than we may ever know. 






OH she did have me on Valium FIRST, had me taking 2mg per day, with the same lowered Ativan. I've never taken valium but later I did a conversion and was like "what the hell?!" is she TRYING TO kill me? 2mg of Valium PER DAY! I have lost my job due to w/ds, me leaving and going to ER, I had the worst holiday. I tried to stick with her schedule even at the expense of my sufferings because she's the doc and im the patient. But now, I am tired, sleep deprived, upset, and sick of shelling out money to this person, CASH, and she is not cheap. There's just so much I can say about what I've been through but its just good to know I am not wrong about how she is tapering me.

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Hi everyone,


I have been trying to find some information on a proper taper off Ativan. I have been seeing my doctor for 2 years, and I started on 1mg of Ativan, however over the years my doctor has upped my dosage. I asked her for 6 months to start to taper me because i felt i was having interdose withdrawals. Her response was "well you haven't been here for that long" She constantly kind of woos me, tells me how great of a patient i am and just a lot of compliments. We never talk about my problems, i usually just go in, sit with her for about 35 mins, and she writes me scripts. I have a heart condition that causes anxiety and thats what lead me to her in the beginning. I was having panic attacks and severe anxiety that was so crippling, i was in the ER literally at least twice a month. To make a long story short, she talks more about her life than asking me about mine. She just throws me pills. I'm very upset at myself that it has taken me this long to recognize certain things about her. I also believe her reviews were fake. She has changed offices twice, and now instead of seeing patients 2 days out the week, she has limited to 1 day. Sometimes I believe she throws me into these withdrawals on purpose, as since i have been asking to "please wean me off" she has been acting differently towards me.


So finally enough was enough, i went to her office crying because i had just had enough. The ativan no longer works on my anxiety but if i dont have it, i get sick. I didn't want to keep upping the meds more and more and more. So this was the deal, I was taking 5mg ativan per day for probably the last 6-8 months, every single day.


Her weaning process (which she seems kind of bewildered sometimes about it) is this...

1st time...she told me to take 2mg ativan per day, and .05 of Valium twice a day. This lasted for a week and WHOA did it send me into a tizzy, i ended up in the ER from panic attacks that week and high blood pressure. So I went back to her withdrawal symptoms and all.


THIS time, she has me taking 1.5mg of ativan PER DAY (from 5MG PER DAY), and .05 Klonopin every 4-6 hours. I have been doing this for a week again and BOOM im back in withdrawals, and they are super bad. Another ER visit over the weekend. I'm very concerned because my heart condition is rare and it causes very fast heart rate, and can cause cardiac arrest. She KNOWS this as she has me taking propranolol as well. (20mg per day)


My question is, what kind of TAPERING is this? Is this normal? To go from 5MG per day for almost a year, to 1.5-2mg per day? How can I make it absolutely clear to her that this isn't working without coming off aggressive? I have also gained 35lbs, i feel more depressed, i have those nasty benzo sweats so i sleep on the couch and not with my husband, he hates seeing me go through this. I also have broken sleep that leaves me so sleep deprived. Usually when I call or text her before me asking to taper, she answered right away, now she seems to completely dodge me and im so worried.


I just want to wean down from this. I am experiencing most of the withdrawal symptoms and i am so afraid for my heart and so is my husband. Is there anyone there with some advice for me? I am all ears!



So this is like a real life soap opera! She finally called me back and said she was at the ER and another doctor trying to get medication for her intense pain. I am going through withdrawals and of course im going to be moody, for 2 years ive went to her and have been her "star patient" because of my patience and kind nature. NOW because I am irritated with how I feel im being treated she told me I may be Bipolar and I need to come in and we need to talk about it and start a medical treatment for it. I have never in my life been aggressive, in fact, im afraid to be, or to bother people with my problems. She claims she does not believe I am going through withdrawal, that I just have bipolar....yet when she began to raise her voice at me, I had to calm her down and we began to talk about her experience at the ER, she got upset with me because she said I don't care about her. She's my DOCTOR not my best friend and I have never treated her in that manner. She also told me she was my 2nd Mother...so now she's adding to my anxiety by making me think I am Bipolar because im going through withdrawals, and she is going to order me more Ativan and do a taper from that. She totally forgot her taper she did with me. I had to send her screen shots of the bottles. So im wondering, who's Bipolar, her or I? LOL

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All I can do is shake my head, RR, about your doctor.


I hope someone here can help you because I don't know what route you ought to take at this point.










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I'm just going to see another doctor. She didn't even get around to giving me the ativan i needed (guess she forgot) but she gave me 180 Klonopins last week. My friend's a pharmacist and her brother is an ER doc and I talked to them both. The advice was to just take the Klonopins to get rid of the withdrawal symptoms and it worked. Although I feel sleepy, loopy and tired all day (i hate this weird feeling) my withdrawal symptoms are gone and I have appointment with my GP in 6 days. I am officially done with her. I think she wants to diagnose me as bipolar for several reasons. One is to cover her own butt, she's never mentioned Bipolar to me in 2 years, ever but once I begin to be my OWN advocate and speak up, im Bipolar. Also, I believe she knows i probably won't be seeing her again, so that was a manipulative way of getting me to see her again. OR if i decide to make a complaint against her, I just look like a "crazy bipolar person" oppose to someone struggling with withdrawals from anti anxiety meds. I think she seems to forget I was a psych major, lol. But why the HECK would someone prescribe me 180 Klonopins and its not the generic kind, either. I'm even sensitive to tylenol, and i took vicodin once after a dental procedure and threw up 30 mins after taking it, threw the pills out.


So this lady wants me to pop pills all day long. Klons, propranolol, zoloft, and ambien. LOL I think she IS trying to kill me. Now that i feel better (just hazy) I can joke about this and its just so weird and funny to me how this is happening. She was never like this 2 years ago but maybe something is going on with her, she may be a doctor but they are also human at the end of the day.  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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All I can do is shake my head, RR, about your doctor.


I hope someone here can help you because I don't know what route you ought to take at this point.




And thank you for the advice and reading/listening, it helped a lot! Thank you!

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I did a cold turkey withdrawal from 8 mg of Ativan so I know first hand how horrific withdrawal can be from it. I agree, your doctor's taper sounds much too fast, and in my opinion that is what is causing your severe symptoms. I also don't sounds like a proper cross over to another benzodiazepine either. Ativan is very potent so it would take 50 mg of Valium to equal it. The recommend reduction rate is 5 to 10 percent every two weeks. It is also important to stabilize between cuts. I think you would feel much better if you slowed the taper down.
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RR, my biggest fear about your GP is concerning the level of knowledge, or lack, your GP even has. I'm glad you won't be seeing your other doctor. The fact that she just gave you 180 K pills doesn't sound ethical at all.


You might check out the Klonopin Klub if you decide to stay on Klonopin since you got rid of the Ativan. It's an individual choice. Some people have done K microtapers, and from what I've read, they help to stabilize the cns more than a regular taper would. There's also the Daily Micro-Tapering Support Group.


You may need to figure out a taper plan for yourself, along with help from BB, instead of relying on your GP. Frankly, in the medical community, doctors are mostly ignorant about tapering. They tend to either taper a patient off way too quickly or just tell a patient to quit taking the drug entirely; both can lead to extremely bad w/d.


Take a look at the threads I mentioned, and get in touch with those who are traveling that road. A couple of people who have done micro-tapers off Klonopin have been benzogirl and Clona 21. 


I hope you get help soon, RR! I'm glad you're feeling better if a bit hazy.


This is completely out of my area of knowledge, the tapering. I made some really stupid mistakes while tapering off K, and I realize now that a slow and steady easing off the drug should have been the way to go. Instead I wanted to be done with w/d quickly and started doing something I called 'creative tapering." I was very ignorant about the potency of benzos.   


I just read what Crash Bandicoot had to say. I would definitely take what Crash said to heart. At this point you need some solid advice from people who are knowledgeable. Crash has also done a micro-taper off K. You might get in touch regarding that.



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