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Effexor XR


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Hi all, I know Effexor XR is not a benzo but has anyone had any side effects from tapering off it? I used to be on this site back two years ago when I was tapering off Klonopin and the emotional side effects of that were horrible. With Effexor, it seems that the physical side effects are getting to me, if that's what this is.


Since doing a very fast taper about 10 days ago (I went from 112.5 to 75 to 37.5 to none in about a week) I have had severe headaches that feel like crazy sinus pain. So much so that I went to see an ENT about it, he did a CAT scan and I just got the results today that my sinuses are normal which has me very down and depressed. I was hoping I had a sinus infection that antibiotics could fix or even something wrong with my sinuses that surgery could correct. No such luck. He gave me a steroid nasal spray, said I should see a neurologist and sent me on my way.


The only think I can think of is the Effexor. I have ringing in my ears (a high pitched sound like a ton of crickets make at the same time on a really hot summer day), I feel nauseous at times, and there always seems to be a tightness around my eyes (pressure) which is like a sinus headache.


I had also been taking .5mg of Klonopin as needed but stopped that as well, but I was only taking that maybe once or twice a week at most.


It has been about 10 days now and these symptoms are still strong. It has led me to feel very depressed, frustrated and emotional and I keep telling myself over and over again when I have crying spells that "I'm not making this up". It feels like I'm going a little crazy.

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I took effexor xr for around 7-8 years with some tapers/time off during this period.  The first time I stopped taking it, per my MD's advice, was after my first year and a half of usage.  I got pretty depressed and very emotional; it noticeable difference from when I was on the medication.  There were events in my life that exacerbated these feelings. I went back on effexor some months after this.  Emotional issues disappeared.  However, if I missed a day or two of it I felt lethargic and somewhat depressed.  Several years later it started losing its efficacy and I weaned myself off of it.  Strangely enough the second time around wasn't so bad.  However, I did feel a little like I was "losing it" at times.  Got much better fairly quickly.  Hope this helps, and my best wishes to you.
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i took effexor for the last 7 years.  over the last year i tapered off it.  it wasn't until i jumped that i had w/d.  they were bad but not nearly like the benzo w/d i'm going through.  the last effexor i took was feb. 2, 2010.  i had w/d sx for about 30 days.  had the same thing, crying a lot and extreme rage...had very little control over my emotions.  hang in there...if you've already gone through benzo w/d, effexor w/d is a piece of cake.  :)
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L123, how slowly did you taper?  I've had to reinstate because at 20days out I had a panic attack which brought on massive anxiety and I lost all ability to function.  I was looking into a deep dark hole and new I had no choice.  Plan to do a much slower taper, just that the effoxor board I'm on recommend way way slow.
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Some people have really severe Effexor withdrawals...


be careful. I've known people to get as sick as the sickest benzo sick people from Effexor withdrawal. I had a relatively easy time when I came off of it many years ago, but the fact is for some people it's one of the worst of the AD withdrawal syndromes. It simply pays to be very careful and cold turkey can be dangerous though not in the same way as benzos...not likely to die but you can make yourself good and disabled.

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hey tiger,


i think i tapered for maybe 2 years.  i don't think it has to be done this slowly, i did it that way because i had a hard time coming off it before.


the one thing i would say is to be careful...the 37.5mg are the smallest dose of the extended release.  the next step down is 25 mg tablet but it is not the extended release.  probably the best way to jump would be off of 37.5mg and then switch over to prozac for awhile.  i had no trouble getting off of prozac...it has a much longer half life than effexor.


these are all just hunches on my part, though.  definitely get advice from a MD.

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hi...I left this on another thread where similar stuff was being said


I'm cutting and pasting most of it here with a couple of edits:


Crossing over to Prozac could be very risky...they are not the same class of drug. Prozac is an SSRI and Effexor is an SNRI...it's possible the Prozac would cover the withdrawal but it in by no means always does...(I know Effexor withdrawal very well)...


Prozac is not even effective most of the time with SSRI crossovers even though it's often touted as a good way to go. In practice it often doesn't and on boards like Paxil Progress they absolutely don't advise it. David Healy made the idea popular. He's a doctor and so people listen but the fact is that while it makes sense in theory (because of the long halflife of prozac it just doesn't work in practice all that often.


Slow cautious withdrawal, much like is taught on the benzo boards is the best...if you've got capsules opening them up and counting pellets down to zero worked for me with Effexor...


Length of time for taper depends entirely on your body.

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G and L, thank you for your replies.  Wish wed 'met' before my unsuccessful taper.  I came down hard after 20 days off - only spent a month tapering off 75mg.  Thats all they have where I am.  I came across paxilprogress, where I must say they seem pretty extreme.  But they did give me the right advice in telling me to reinstate ASAP.  I just dont want to go as slow as they recommend, but I guess I'll just have to.


Interesting stuff on the prozac, I had considered it but didn't want to add another substance.


Pls keep this thread going, its good to be able to discuss this on here!



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thanks for the info. re: prozac.  i didn't know that.  see, don't take any medical advice from me!  like i said, it was just something i read that may be a possibility.


again, i did okay with the taper of effexor, it was when i had to jump the w/d were bad...and they lasted about 30 days.


please keep us posted on your progress.  :)

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