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Worried About Serequel


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Pdoc (the first one) was horrified about my second opinion of starting temezapem.    He said great....let's have you taper off TWO benzos  good plan.  I don't what I was thinking that I even entertained the idea.  I guess that is what you would call desperate benzo brain.  Will work on sleep in other ways.

Hope everyone had a good day :) :)




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:oHi Seroquel belongs to a family of drugs called atypical antiphycotics.These are very powerful drugs.Seroquel is what we call it in Canada.Anyway I have seen that the fda in all its wisdom :crazy:(my opinion only )is marketing Seroquel as a antidepresent .Well they used it with Bi-polar disorder now a miracle a new class of antidepresent.Dont get me wrong my shrink said get off the Clonazepam that will give you dementia.Well dementia or not that was a good Idea and that is what I am working on but then she gave me a persciption for Seroquel 25 mg up to 4 times a day.I took it and it makes me a somby.Now this is a great drug for phycosis part of bipolar disorder but it has in my opinion some possible horrible side effects this drug can cause, one small one is Diabetes type 2.Yes I dont think I want a medication for sleep that will give me possible Diabetes but this is only my opion i am not a Medical Doctor.But I think that seroquel might make you sleepyalright but  I would take trazadone or even doxopin in a heart beat over a antipycotic unless I have a true Pyhcosis.Thats only my opinion.Sorry for spelling errors I cant even say spell check LOL.Sorry for the long story.Good luck EVERYBODY Alleyy.
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Has anybody tried passionflower for sleeping?  My doc said it would be ok.  Just wondering what everyone's experience is.
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No, I would not try the temazepem....I would see about getting off the seroquel first, like you said.  Then give the trazadone a try.


Is temazepem similar to Ambien?   If so, I'd steer clear....too much like a benzo.  That is why the traz is good.....very different from benzos.


Good luck....



temazepam is a benzo

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Hello worried about seroquel


My friend takes Seroquel in the evening when she gets hyper, it calms her down and helps her get a good night sleep.  She takes 100mg every evening.  She did not seem to have problems with it and continues to take it.


Everyone is different, when I took 25mg for sleep, I felt many side effects and gross. I stopped taking it after one night!


It can cause Tardive Dyskinsia so you would what to take the least amount for the shortest amount possible.


Good Luck


blog  Mary1331

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Hey Melissa7 I would not do the passionflower as this is a "natural" drug and until you are fully healed your system may not accept it. I find Magnesium to be one of the most important discoveries to my sleep in all of this and I highly recommed it to all who are struggling with their sleep. It seems to knock me out and I am not kidding about this. I only sometimes take 200 mg if I am having trouble and it just puts me sawing logs in no time. I take a MAG/Cal supplement also Mag glycinate. Just remember this is NOT a benzo or a natural drug and it may take time to build up. So if you don't experience immediate results do not be alarmed it will work once the stores are where they should be. All the stress depletes us so bad it may take awhile for it to work. Here is also a partial list of foods with extreme high mag content:

Wheat bran

Rice Bran (Highest of all)


Beans (especially black)


Greens (especially kale and spinach)

Wheat germ


Brazil nuts

Peanut butter and almond butter

Pumpkin seeds

Here is just some of the good foods high in this most important mineral. You eat these and you will see a change in your sleep. I never thought I would say this but I am sleeping better now than I have in my whole life I think. Also exercise ALOT. Don't be afraid and think about it. Just DO it and this will help your sleep IMMENSLEY. NONE OF US NEED A DAMN PILL TO SLEEP. We just need to love our bodies and minds again.

Hope this helps,



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You are right .....I stopped the seroquel.  Doc told me to.  It was making me feel like crap.  Cut the dose for a few days although he told me I could just stop it.    Feeling better already and it's only the 1st day.    Felt like absolute crap on it.

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That is because drugs are the fuel of the blackness of greed and misunderstanding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So glad you are off that mind stealing garbage. Keep going towards health and you will receive what you seek.

with hope,


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Rev, you are right on!!!!  Well said!!!!!





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