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Sleep Tracks for non drug sleep help


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Hello Buddies


My wife and I always have a box fan on at night. The white noise does help.

When I was going through the worst insomnia of my withdrawal from 6mgK the box fan did little more than help dry my sweaty body.

I do think there is something to the "brain wave technology" gradually with repeated long term use healing/retraining our brain to sleep more naturally.

If you read through early posts on this thread you will see that I bought a book with a sleep hypnosis cd by Paul McKenna "I can maike you sleep.

What I did was load the sleep hypnosis program on my I pod to be followed with the "whole night" program of sleep tracks. I set it up so that once the hypnosis

program had played (me listening on low volume with ear buds) the "whole night" sleep tracks program would play over and over. If I were to wake up and not be able to readily go back to sleep I would start the whole sequence again. I also have a separate "whole night" sleep tracks program on the I pod which also plays over and over which I will still today use if I have any difficulty with sleep. The sleep tracks program also comes with an anti anxiety tract which I only tried a few times during the day. I can not say how well that work's as I did not give it much of a try. The book "I can make you sleep details all the various things you can (and should) do to help make yourself ready to sleep. For example 1. No bright lights, computer use or TV within an hour of bed time. A hot shower or bath about 1hr-30min before bed time (allow time to cool down before bed), stay up late at night before trying to sleep, no naps during the day etc. etc. The best thing about Paul McKenna's book was the hypnosis CD which I did find useful.


It is worth it to put the effort into getting as much sleep as possible so your body can heal. Even though you may think you are awake all night long, often you will find that for brief moments you drift off to sleep. This would explain why some of us have experienced BAD insomnia during withdrawal but are not just totally burned out the next day like you would be if you had driven a motor vehicle 24/7 and then tried to have a good day with no sleep.


Wishing good sleep for all!




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Thanks TK,


I am trying SleepTracks again. I tried to Anxiety Ease today and it seemed to help a bit. I'm listening to the Insomnia Buster over and over while getting ready to wind down for the night. I had a rough sleepless night last night, but like you said maybe got 1-2 broken hours. Sleep is my last in a long laundry list of drug induced symptoms. I've got to work on my mind too, positive thoughts and visualizations. Picturing myself healthy and sleeping like a champ again. When I sleep I am happy and more calm, not pre-drug yet, but much better. When I don't sleep i go to the dark side again. Husband says I am like Jekyl & Hyde... It's true. I'm working on it.

Thanks for coming back to help!

Melo x


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  • 4 months later...

Hi CGMMelo


I read your post dated May 3, 2012 "My sleep has been getting better and better too!


Congratulations Melo it is just a mater of time and your sleep will be good! Each night you get a bit more sleep your body

can heal just a little more. Keep hanging in there CGMMelo your 85% will soon be 100%+. I am so happy for you that you have

come so far and are starting to feel better!


Peace Love & Happiness!



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Thanks Teakettle!

I've had 10 nights of pretty good sleep in a row. Today is 18 months drug free!

Healing is happening.

Thanks for your support; it means a lot to me. My buddies have cheered me on and kept me positive and hopeful.

Sending lots of Love to you!

Melo x


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congratulations melo. Wish I could say the same for me. I am 17 mos off temazapam and still really struggling to sleep. Once in a while I can sleep but I find I am using unisom way too much because I just don't fall asleep. I try for about an hour, then do melatonin. Sometimes that works, other times no. Then about midnite I take a unisom. After all I went thru in withdrawal this is just so incredibly frustrating not being able to sleep. I have the sleep tracks, but gave up on them. Use the zzz glasses and relaxing music at bedtime. I am so bummed and wondering what is wrong with me that after this much time off the drugs I'm not sleeping. Of course I couldn't sleep before the drugs so am i back where I started.
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Hi maletesemom


I am sorry to hear that you are struggling so much to obtain consistent good sleep. Having also taken temazepam (for insomnia)

I can relate to the rebound insomnia that one experiences post last dose. Since sleep has been a long term problem for you

it would seem improvement would take time and come gradually. No one solution works for every one and many of us must do many things to help our bodies heal after benzos just to get back to the not so good place we were in when we started using benzos. I would encourage you to just keep committed to doing all the things you have learned "might" help with improving your sleep. All the sleep hygiene things (warm baths, no stimulants near bed time, low lights prior to sleepy time, stay off the computer & TV just prior to sleepy time, herbal sedatives, exercise and get tired during the day, avoid naps etc. etc.


I still have an night when sleep does not come easy. My ipod is my best friend (excluding Mr. Kettle who just happens to snore).

What I still do when I find myself awake in bed late at night is with ear buds (low end Skullcandy bought on sale for about $9?)

and on very very low volume I play recordings of Coast to Coast am shows (keeps up on alternative issue like Tin foil Hats) or

I will put on the Whole night tape of sleep tracks (repeated over & over & over). I find that either I fall asleep because of the

white noise (I always sleep with a box fan going regardless of sleep issues helps drown out Mrs. Kettles snoring) or I am distracted by the recorded Coast show (no advertisements) or Sleep Tracks and get through the night with probably having slipped off to sleep for a short time even though I feel like I did not sleep.


T Kettle has no relationship to the Sleep Tracks people, their product has been a help to me (one of many things). I think CMGMelo found minimal if any help from Sleep Tracks, some people have had great results others none (at least its a $'s back satisfaction guaranteed type deal). Doing whatever it takes to give your body time to heal and finally, gradually get bits more sleep each night may, should, will pay off big time in your overall health and help you to enjoy your life. Sleep seems to be a big key to what separates healthy people from those who have illness.


Keep strong Maltesemom, keep doing what you know "may help", accept that it may take a longer time than seems reasonable and ultimately you will heal.


I will keep your struggle in my thoughts Maltesemom and send (my Tin Foil enhanced) positive energy to you!




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Thanks Teakettle. Appreciate any good thoughts. This insomnia is just so miserable. Sometimes I just can't believe after being off the benzos for so long...that I am not sleeping. I do have occasional nites where I can sleep, but for generally that is not the case. I have had sleep tracks for a long time and I don't think it helped me. I may try it again. I listen to insomnia buster and fall asleep with no voice while I am reading. It does relax me. Then I play the insomnia buster and fall asleep with vocals when I turn the lights off. I also use a cd called Insight from Mercola.com. It is just rain sounds.

I do all the sleep hygiene, that's why its so frustrating. You've been away from the insomnia forum for quite a while. It's good to hear from you again. I'm glad the sleep tracks helps you. Everyone is different so we have to keep trying! Each night I think....maybe tonite I'll sleep.

Thanks, Kathi

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This sounds like a very interesting product!  I might give it a try after I taper down some more.  I currently supplement my tapered dose of klonopin with valerian, an antihistimine, and melatonin.  I plan to cut those out or eliminate them eventually, and this might help to retrain my sleep patterns.  My internal clock has been off for many years due to some late work hours, academic demands, not to mention sleep aids and benzos.  Thanks for this informative thread :)
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Hi Teakettle. Used the sleep tracks last nite for the first time in a while. I think they helped me get to sleep. I woke up and the fall asleep was almost over and I don't remember listening for very long. Yea!!! We'll see what happens tonite. I was so exhausted from zero sleep the nite before. Last nite I slept about 5 hrs which for me is great. Each nite is a new adventure. I have to get up early tomorrow for a class, DR. appt and grooming for my dog. Hope I sleep tonite.
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Hi Buddies


Great news Maltesemom, on getting some sleep. Sleep Tracks or whatever works, good for you.

I do believe from personal experience that with long term consistent use there "may" be truth to Sleep Tracks claim

to through brain wave technology (whatever that is) heal our brain hand help us to regain the ability to have natural sleep.

The loss of this ability to have natural sleep is what got many of us on Benzo's. Be it insomnia or anxiety sleep, good deep

non drugged "natural" sleep is a hugely positive thing in healing our bodies and minds.


I hope you continue to heal Maltesemom and that soon restful good sleep just happens for you with ease.


Peace, Love & Good Sleep!



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Hi angelluv



Her is the sleep tracks web site: http://sleeptracks.com/ 

(Note: 8 weeks no questions asked $'s back guarantee.)


The key to success with Sleep Tracks is continuous long term use. The easiest way I have found to use it is with an ipod/ear buds set on very low (so low I can fall asleep/just slightly hear the sound) and have it play recorded in a loop so it plays over and over all night long. It is "white noise" that has the potential (according to the manufacture) to in time heal/reset our natural

sleep. Maybe it works or maybe just time benzo free is what does the trick. At worst the Sleep Tracks helps to distract you during times of insomnia and get you through the long night (with probably little short moments that you slip into sleep).

Some buddies have found Sleep Tracts of NO value. Others have benefited greatly.


Hope this helps you angelluv!



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Hi Teakettle. Used sleep tracks again last nite...didn't work at all. Could not go to sleep. After 1.5hrs I took a unisom. So frustrating. I was exhausted and couldn't get to sleep. I'll keep using the sleep tracks but it doesn't seem to be the answer.
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  • 9 months later...

Hi All


Don't under estimate the value of this Sleep program. I can tell you as a person who has used the program it Works!



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I haven't used SleepTracks, but I've used the Delta Sleep System which I believe uses similar binaural audio sounds to help promote sleep and found it very helpful.  In fact I still use it occasionally when I feel like I need to slow my brain down a little bit.  If I were still tapering or suffering from insomnia I'd probably give Sleeptracks a try.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Buddies


Give it a try. $'s back guarantee! If it does not help get your bucks back.


Peace & Love



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  • 4 months later...

Hi Buddies


Just wanted to put this out front for the newbies to review. It was a HUGE benefit to my success at fighting insomnia!


Peace & Love



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Thanks TK. I might give that a go.


As a side note I can recommend a couple of longer relaxing music tracks that have always helped me to relax and drift off when struggling with insomnia (which is still every night for me):


The Necks - Driveby and

The Necks - Townsville

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Hi Buddies


Here is the most recent link I have to the Sleeptracks program:http://www.slideshare.net/sleeptracks/sleep-tracks-yan-muckle-sleep-tracks-review


I hope this helps you buddies as much as it has me. Even today "healed" when I have a difficult time getting to sleep or wake up and can not go back to sleep quickly I will turn on my sleep tracks tapes using an iPod.


Peace & Love



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  • 1 year later...
  • 7 months later...

Hey Buddies


If all else fails check out Sleep Tracks, it helped me get through the worst of times.



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  • 1 year later...

I might just try that since sleeping still is a big problem here. Thank you for bumping this one!

How are you doing these days tea kettle?

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Hey FemWen


Your very welcome for the BUMP.


The Sleep Tracks system did me some good when I was at my worst and could not sleep thats why I wanted to put it out in front of all the new buddies who may have never come across the system. Weird how not being able to sleep is such a scary thing?


I will say the last .25mg cut from my 6mg total was the roughest. I had to deal with some weird dreams and not so happy thoughts but I just kept on believing it was the drug and pushed on. The support I got from my buddies was a HUGE factor in me Never giving up. I do believe we all have more power than the drug, its a mind over matter thing.


TK is doing good but a bit weary of the "Trump Train" so the Kettle Compound is in lock down until we see what happens on January 20th?


Best wishes FemWen I do hope you get some relief on you benzo free journey. Do keep in mind if Sleep Tracks for what ever reason does not do for you what you want there is a full or at least used to be refund deal within a certain trial period.



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