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Micro Tapering/Daily Tapering off of Klonopin – Success Story -


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It has been over 6 years now. Wow I forgot about the anniversary.  :) I am doing well. back in 2017 they changed the makers of my blood pressure pill. I was put on because of WD.  I had a bad reaction, it was exactly like acute benzo withdrawal, the doctor tried out 3 more pills, I had allergic reactions and one of them, a channel calcium blocker cause a full blown case of akathisia for about 8 months, little did I know channel calcium can cause akathisia.


Other than that from 2015 - 2017 I had zero symptoms. Then after the akathisia left I slowly got better. I stayed away from medications and well I don't know if that was the right decision but after the months of akathisia and not being able to stop walking I just could not take any pill for anything.  I go months at a time without thinking about WD and this whole experience. I still have not taken any medication, I am not saying that is the answer, but I don't and won't take a chance unless I absolutely have to.


Therapy helped me  a great deal. I have to say PTSD type of therapy was a perfect fit. I guess anyone who went through this would be traumatized. 


I remember what my Husband said when I was lingering in not the worse and not the best state, he said "We have to have a life in spite of". Even though I was suffering we tried to have some normal things in our daily life. I think it helped me backed then and it is one thing I keep remembering.


A little normalcy, or larger part in your day is a good thing. It keeps you apart of the world.  Some days you won't be able and some days it will bring some relief, either way it is a great way to gradually come back into the world. And you will. You might think you are that unlucky one that won't heal or not heal all the way. But that is a fear talking not the truth.





So glad you are doing well. I like you used the milk taper, your story helped me back then. I remember reading when you went backwards and it really scared me, because I had horrible akathasia myself for almost a year prior.

I agree with staying away from all the drugs you can. Haven't had any since February 2017 and am doing great, rarely even think about the Hell I went through. Life is beautiful again!

Thanks for your story, it helps others.



B strong

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B strong, I recently started a thread questioning all theses symptoms endured during withdrawal. It’s hard to believe that medications taken short, long term or one off can cause such grief!

I have akathesia and a movement disorder as a result of medications. The neurologist, doctors etc don’t believe it’s drug induced. The only person that does is my GP but as I deteriorate even he is starting to question it. I too have been prescribed meds, I was so desperate I tried a few, they only made things worse. Now I just stick to the devil drug I know well Ativan. I am doing a DMT and everyday I question how I’m going to survive this. It’s already been over 2 years of this torture and I have a while to go tapering, 2nd attempt. My poor little body is so worn out from all the movement and then the need to move all the time.

Thank you for your success story. It gives me some strength to continue this fight to survive.

It’s hard when you are misdiagnosed and specialists refuse to treat you unless you do what they tell you and take medications.

I’ve dumped them all and now only see my doctor to help me through this.


I hope that one day I can inspire others and write my success story like you.

I wish you a long and peaceful life my friend 🤗


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So sad to read of your battle with drugs(and doctors). I completely get it! Like you, I had all the tremors, shaking, and akathasia....and was even diagnosed with Tardive dyskinesia by one neurologist and Parkinson's by 2 others. When I questioned a Dopamine drug that was being prescribed that had massive side effects, I was "blacklisted" by the doctor. He told me if I didn't fully believe his diagnosis and essentially follow him blindly, that I wasn't allowed in his practice anymore. I tried to see other local Neurologists and they refused to see me also, because they were called by this doctor.  This was at a time when I was at my worst and spiraling downward. So much for the "do no harm" path these doctors take.

I now look back and wonder had I taken that drug blindly would I still be being treated for TD? Parkinson's?...even maybe dead?

The commercials on TV for TD tell people that the side effects for taking the TD drug are "body shaking and tremors"......I thought that's what it was supposed to prevent?

I was even given Thorazine in the Psych hospital, coming off that was even worse than benzos. Why was I given it? I supposedly was diagnosed with "acute anxiety", why was I given a drug they used in the 50's to warehouse patients by giving them a "chemical lobotomy"?

I say this again to say, be your own advocate! Make your own decisions! There are some great doctors out there, just like there are some not so great. Just like plumbers, lawyers whatever. Just because a doctor is a doctor doesn't mean he's a good doctor.

Hope you can fight through this Aussiegal. Thanks again Kay!

B strong

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Thank you for your understanding. I have been prescribed anti-epileptic meds to try and the side effects are tremors & TD etc. Also the drugs you described that works on dopamine were also discussed. Even with this knowledge I tried Sodium Valporate (I basically licked the bottle because I was so scared) even on the tiniest amount my movements got worse and I was told it’s all psychological. Maybe part of it is but I can’t afford the risk anymore of makes things worse or permanent (even though it feels very permanent).

I also had a stint in a psych facility, polydrugged and given forced ECT twice. I’m completely traumatised by the experience. I never want to see any other doctor or drug again.


Got a question for you...Did the tremors & aka stop only after you were off your benzo?

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