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UK: Latest prescription data shows consumption of psychiatric drugs continues...


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Hi folks


I did read the article about GPs' experiences and perceptions of benzo prescribing.


It isn't easy for doctors.  They deal with so much emotional and psychological problems nowadays.  In the UK they generally have 10 minutes with a patient. That wasn't so bad when you regularly saw the same GP.  Now it is very hard to get an appointment with any GP, let alone the same one.  The practices are much bigger and have more GPs than they used to have.


I paid to see a private GP simply to get time to talk to someone.  It was a half hour appointment and I managed to cover all the issues I wanted to discuss.  I also paid to see a private doctor re menopause issues because I knew she would have time to properly discuss things.


Doctors in the US should have more time for patients.  Is that correct?

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That GP article was really illuminating and hit on all the major issues about lack of time, attitudes towards patients, attitudes towards benzos, knowledge, etc. I think the issue of time with the patient is almost universal, so whether it's the UK/Canada/Australia model or the US for-profit model, I think there can be some similar issues.


I can't weigh in on the question of meds for bipolar at all. Perhaps it would be good to post the question in one of the other sections on BB so that people can participate in the discussion.

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I wonder how much adrenal fatigue has to do with depression and anxiety. As our food supply gets more and more contaminated, and flagging western economies increase stress on us all, it only stands to reason that our adrenal function will suffer, and more and more people will seek out "easy" help in the form of a pill. I know it's controversial - most docs don't believe adrenal fatigue even exists .... but then we've heard that one before, haven't we?
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So I've been reading all of this stuff about how psych drugs don't work. I totally see that with depression and anxiety. The exposure I've had to folks who are bipolar, though, is that the meds help (imperfectly) but maybe I've been wrong all of this time. How are those of you with that issue doing with the mood swings (both up and down)? Do you find your moods are more stable off the drugs? What do you do that helps? I really want to know so I can be more helpful to others.


Hi, MTfan.


Robert Whitaker's "Anatomy of an Epidemic" is a really good book to read. There's a couple of sections specific to bipolar and how the medications have made the illness chronic with much worse outcomes than before the medications came out.

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Thanks for the book recommendation, Mind.


Docs in the US are supposed to have 15 whole minutes but I've been told they aren't supposed to address more than one problem per appt. So if you go to your GP and have 3 or 4 (or more) major problems you, or your doc, are supposed to pick the most pressing one and make follow up appts. for the other. How often do you just have one freaking problem when you go to the doc. It can be super frustrating.


I was talking to someone today was telling me how her pdoc years ago told her that she'll always be on medication and she's come to accept it. Her current pdoc wants her (along with my support) to wean down/off Xanax but she keeps wanting to wait until this or that happens. She's already having memory and other consequences but she won't listen. I find myself wondering how some of these older people can get off meds unless they're very motivated. I believe she'd be better off but I can't imagine how she'd survive with the getting worse with wd part.

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It is the same in the UK re GP appointments. They want to focus on one thing at a time which may be ok if the problems you have are unrelated. Elderly people in particular often have multiple health issues.  I paid to see a private GP so I could discuss several issues at once.  There are very few private GPs here which is a pity.  Folk like me who can afford to pay for some consultations could do that and help to reduce pressure on the NHS.


The pressure on GPs here is very much in the news just now as we come up to a general election.




I think people have to reach a point where they need/want to come off benzos themselves.


Older folk have to weigh up different pros and cons such as how much longer they think they will live.  My dad lived to 97 and there are many other examples of long life in my family.  If I had thought I only had another 10 years I might not have bothered.  You don't know how badly you have been affected until you come off them. 


Anyway, enough from me.  Awake all night again so fed up!!




LF  :smitten:



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Wow, LF, you're this far out and still losing full nights of sleep. That's a whole lot of suckatude. I did the zero sleep thing again last night. It feels like I've been doing the 3-4 nights sleep/week forever but I guess it's only been 4.5 months with 19 months before that of only 3-4 nights of decent sleep and restless the others. Now it's between zero and restless. This is the symptom that bothers me the most :( How are you holding up? I'm thinking about starting a support thread for severe insomnia since the regular insomnia support group has turned into something else that isn't very helpful. Hearing how awesome some members sleep every single night is wearing on me. I want to hear from people who are dealing with this or have really struggled with it in the past.
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Sorry, MTfan, although I am awake all night, every night I am also asleep all day every day, 10 or more hours.  I haven't slept normally for 2 years.  All over the place.  Have had spells of insomnia but always make up for it by excessive sleeping. 


Insomnia is simply the worst thing.  Have had long periods of it while on drugs and trying to work.  All I can say is that it always came ok again but it was horrible.


A thread for severe insomnia is a good idea.




LF  :smitten:





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One of our GP practices is closing here in Aberdeen because they can't recruit.


I have never heard of a practice closing before.  It rarely happens here.


We have yet another GP recruitment and retention crisis.  >:( >:(>:(


GP training places are unfilled. 


This is nothing new.  Don't know what the answer is.


GPs are arguing for a bigger share of NHS funding.  Currently 8% which is very low. Hospitals get the lion's share.


LF  :idiot:





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LF, we're having major problems with recruitment for GPs in the US, especially in rural areas. Docs want to be specialists here, get paid more and not have as nutty of a schedule. Our congress needs to open more spots for training residencies but they're so focused on not getting anything done. GPs are leaving in droves. The practice i go to is like a revolving door. My GP also got sleep disorders. Sad to see her go:-(


I hope your sleep normalizes soon. I'll see about starting a severe insomnia thread. Thanks for the input. :smitten:

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Sorry your GPs are leaving too. 


Hope you get better sleep soon.




Thanks. I hope your sleep normalizes soon and they find a cure for the GP crisis everywhere. I just got a message from my doc's office that my GP, who was supposed to be leaving (for an unknown reason but I think burnout and health) at the end of June, that today is suddenly her last day. Now I have mystery provider instead ???


LF  :smitten:

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