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Tapered to fast


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I have been doing the liquid taper off of 1.50 ml's since March of this year. From Aug-Nov I was pulling 1ml every 2 days from 200 mils of water. I did this because I felt the same way if I pulled every 3 days. Well I have crashed and burned. I have been holding at .45 of K for 12 days now. My question is..... Will I get somewhat stable holding for awhile? I really hate to updose. Thank you in advance. ;)
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Water usually isn't recommended for titration. Whole milk is much better.


You will eventually get stable, but you need to be patient. The other alternative which is often recommended is to go back to the last dose you felt okay on. Don't see that as being negative. Sometimes you have to take a few steps back to go forwards. It also doesn't always mean that it will make your taper slower. Ironically it can make your taper quicker because you can get on with the job of tapering, instead of holding for goodness knows how long.

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