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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Question about trazodone


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Does it work on gaba receptors like benzos do?  I dont want to delay my healing, but my doctor thinks it will help for sleep and physical pain.
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No it does not. It's a relatively weak med compared to benzos and work's on different receptors. Histamine I think? Can't remember. It's been a while.


traz hasn't done much for me but I found it pretty easy to get off. Your milage may vary though

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I take it occasionally, only 50 mg's and it works for me but I'm not tapering yet,,couldn't hurt to try, I know a few people take it on here
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Does it work on gaba receptors like benzos do?  I dont want to delay my healing, but my doctor thinks it will help for sleep and physical pain.


No, it does not work the same way as benzodiazpepines. I took it after my first withdrawal. It did help with sleep but the first 30 minutes in the morning really put me in a stupor. I was on 100 mg. Anyway, it did help with sleep so I took it for about three months and had no problem all at stopping it. I did a 10 day taper.

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No, it does not work the same way as benzodiazpepines. I took it after my first withdrawal. It did help with sleep but the first 30 minutes in the morning really put me in a stupor. I was on 100 mg. Anyway, it did help with sleep so I took it for about three months and had no problem all at stopping it. I did a 10 day taper.


Nice.  Yeah, I've been on it before and I think I had 50 mg tabs that I cut in half.  I just got sugar cravings really bad if I didn't go to sleep right away, I was out and had little trouble waking up.


I tried gabapentin and that put me in a stupor, as you said, the entire day.. not a pleasant experience.

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Benzos-r -cruel,,did you ever heal during either of your previous c/t"s?


Nope.  I'm still holding.  It sucks, but I know if I cut anymore I wont be able to function how I need to.  Hopefully it gets better soon.

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