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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

New Dr/new ativan detox?? Thoughts


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I was recommended to a specialist. I went and saw him today. He says the method he uses at all his clinics, rehabs etc, works very well. He wants me to stop taking my ativan asap and switch to phenobarbital for the detox. So here I am weighing out the Ashton method or his phenobarbital substitute for 6-8weeks. I have been on 1mg of ativan for about a year. Tried cold turkey last month, had every side affect known! For me, my worst was losing my mind feeling. So I reinstated and feel ready to finally be done with this mess. But I'm terrified and want opinions or experience with these 2 methods! THX A MILLION
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builder what does .5 diazapam equal in Klonopin? Just wondering how your jump went and if you're feeling any side efffects? I have read so many places to jump at .5 diaz. I jumped at .25 klonopin.
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builder what does .5 diazapam equal in Klonopin? Just wondering how your jump went and if you're feeling any side efffects? I have read so many places to jump at .5 diaz. I jumped at .25 klonopin.


.5 mg V = .025 mg K.


Thankfully, my jump from .5 has gone very well...no sxs, and my sleep pattern seems to be returning to normal.


My mood/dispositi0on is great.

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I was recommended to a specialist. I went and saw him today. He says the method he uses at all his clinics, rehabs etc, works very well. He wants me to stop taking my ativan asap and switch to phenobarbital for the detox. So here I am weighing out the Ashton method or his phenobarbital substitute for 6-8weeks. I have been on 1mg of ativan for about a year. Tried cold turkey last month, had every side affect known! For me, my worst was losing my mind feeling. So I reinstated and feel ready to finally be done with this mess. But I'm terrified and want opinions or experience with these 2 methods! THX A MILLION


OMG, going to detox and being put on phenobarbital is a cold turkey withdrawal. Phenobarbital is no substitute for a benzodiazepine. I went to a detox center 10 months ago. The moment I stepped through their doors my Ativan was stopped. I was put on phenobarbital (they use this as it is an anti-seizure med). After 4 days I was released. This is when the real nightmare of a cold turkey withdrawal began for me. The next month was the most horrific thing I have ever been through. The mental torment excruciating. You have already experienced the horror of cold turkey in the past. Please don't put yourself through that again when you can taper.  Also, detox centers that use phenobarbital typically only prescribe it for 14 days. It is a very strong barbiturate and highly addictive. I personally have never seen it used for 6-8 weeks .


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His protocol for detox is 30mg phenobarbital every 6 hours for 5 day. Then 15 mg for 5 days. Then come back for appt to evaluate and if need be adjust. More thoughts!?!? I'm terrified either way
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So, we jumped at the same dose! I'm day 5 out and feel like crap, yest and today! I guess I should have tapered properly! Did you have any withdrawl when coming off the 14th? I jumped the 24th
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His protocol for detox is 30mg phenobarbital every 6 hours for 5 day. Then 15 mg for 5 days. Then come back for appt to evaluate and if need be adjust. More thoughts!?!? I'm terrified either way


IDK.  I'm shaking my head.  If it were that easy why doesn't everybody know it.  I think what detoxes do is negligent and inhumane.  It is shameful.

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Not to scare you any further but I read an article about Jonathan Davis from the band Korm,,he went from klonopin to phenobarbital than weaned off the pheno and said for 6 months he went absolutely crazy',,just my 2 cents
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It takes years for receptors to repopulate.  I know people hooked on Pheno and IT'S A BITCH to taper!!!!!!!!  Years just like benzo's!!!!!!! And the last 2mgs are total hell!!  People can't ever seem to finish Phen tapers, I know 9 people hopelessly stuck on the 1 or 2 mg.  pheno. level  VERY TOUGH to finish!


Lots of doctors looking for quick bucks and YOU pay in more ways than one.  Even Ashton is too fast BTW IMO.  Do this slow enough and you will not need a dotox, just micro taper and in a few years it's over no sweat.


If you want to give money to doctors with fake cures go to the Coleman institute, I'm sure your money is welcome there too.


Also ALL the tricks that DO actually work involve very addictive drugs so it takes a well disciplined mind and a powerful will to get off all drugs or you will just end up on something else.


Remember what kind of warped society we live in.  A judge can order a full detox of a heroin addict and 7 days later the man is reborn, fixed, his new RX bottle full of methadone is his legal "MEDICATION', another one CURED - HALLELUJAH! ready to work and pay taxes again.


The same with the alcoholic and the new bottle of valium in his pocket, CURED! HALLELUJAH! only 7 days?,,,,  Not going to happen.


Making you a Phen addict will not help you and tapering it in 30 or 60 days will leave you in a tortured state.  Taper it for a year or two, MAYBE,, then just maybe could work.



Member COOL35 went the phen route and he was NOT happy man!


Benzo's fit like a KEY into all the effected receptor slots so there is NO better drug to taper with. NONE.  Fight fire with fire.  benzo's work for benzo's, nothing better.


If I could go back in time and do it all over again I'd make plans for a 5 to 6 year long HYPER SLOW micro taper  :thumbsup:


That's what I'm doing with the baclofen and I do not feel cuts and I'll be done by 2018  ;D  no big deal, what taper? :laugh:


The brain is DAMN good at handling SLOW change especially when it comes to all things gaba related!!!!

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It is a scary thought and I am scared shit to start my taper but all these people on this board have done it and so can you,,have confidence that you will overcome these evil little pills
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Not to scare you any further but I read an article about Jonathan Davis from the band Korm,,he went from klonopin to phenobarbital than weaned off the pheno and said for 6 months he went absolutely crazy',,just my 2 cents


OUCH!  Yeah these people would all do better on a 2 or 3 year long home taper. ( 4 years?? yeah why not)  I studied this "BENZO" thing to the tune of 14,000 hours of reading material for the last 18 months.  Conclusion: GLUTAMATE is very toxic for the brain, benzo's not so much really. The problem is benzo's cause inter-synaptic glutamate levels to rise. 


The analogy I like is that benzo's are like a "BULLETPROOF VEST"  and Glutamate is the bullets.


Using benzo's long term is like standing in the middle of the most brutal war zone with a bullet proof vest on,,,  little by little you will get hit, slow damage since the benzo can't protect all receptors all the times, bullets keep getting through, excitotoxic damage occurs!  High dose users have the most risk so and as the benzo dose gets lower and lower you can relax your taper speed a lot and land soft.  The very end of a taper should be snail slow is what I discovered and almost everybody get's antsy at the end to get it over with, wrong time, wrong move.


Wearing the worlds best bullet proof vest is not a good job choice :laugh:




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