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Chronic Insomnia Before Taper


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I'm trying to begin a taper but despite all the garbage I have to take in terms of Klonopin, I cannot get sleep. I'm also on Remeron.


How bad is the insomnia going to get during taper if I can't sleep now? It's almost laughable. -3 hours?


Also, I keep hearing about how Remeron has saved/ helped people during taper w/d and just in general with sleep. For me, it has not.


I also keep trying to search for people with as severe a case of insomnia as me, whilst still being on large benzo doses. Nothing. Don't really think the insomnia will help me start a proper taper.

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Insomnia is part of withdrawal.  Frustrating, annoying, and if you're working or caring for a family...devastating.  There were nights during the end of my taper and into the first months of recovery that I slept ten to twenty minutes a night.  It was what it was... I didn't take anything for it, just waited it out. 


I now sleep 6-7 hours a night but have nights now and then where I toss and turn and fight insomnia most of the night.  It seems to run its course and then sleep comes more easily again.  I was prescribed benzos for insomnia originally.

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Right, thanks. But what I'm trying to refer to exclusively is chronic insomnia prior to a taper. As in, little to no sleep before even beginning a taper, and having this relate to or be the effect of tolerance.
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I have suffered from chronic insomnia my whole life, and it has only gotten worse as time has progressed. It takes me a long time to go to sleep - on a good night -  I am awake several times in the night -  and often very early in the morning for good. On a bad night, which I had last night, I simply could not go to sleep until the wee hours, my sleep was very light - almost just a doze - and I was wide awake well before 4 am. I don't know how long I slept, not nearly long enough, and I will be headed off to work with this sleep hangover. Sometimes this lasts for one night, sometimes it lasts for several nights in a row for several weeks or even months in a row. I was like this before I went on clonazepam, it's the reason I started this drug, it has been like that since I developed a tolerance to the drug a long time ago. The last crazy bout of insomnia I had was on clonazepam at full dose. It lasted 3 months. I waited it out and allowed myself to get some rest for a few weeks before starting current taper.

So yes, I have suffered chronic debilitating insomnia while on clonazepam for insomnia, before I started to taper. Every night is an unknown, and some periods are far worse than others. Tapering does make it worse. I have failed in my efforts to get off this drug twice because, as bad as the insomnia could get while on the drug, it got even worse while tapering and I was sent running back to my original dose. I think I was tapering too fast. My current taper was going pretty well, with some hiccups, until my most recent taper this weekend. After two okay nights, last night was horrendous. Despite some new techniques for focusing my thoughts that have helped, I was unable to stop my mind from wandering all over the place for hours. I'll see what happens the next couple of nights. If this trend continues I will go with a smaller taper amount. Since you have unrelenting insomnia even on the drug, you have nothing to lose by starting the process of getting off it - in teeny tiny amounts at a time.

I take no other sleep aids, prescription or OTC - magnesium if you want to call it a sleep aid - they all make me feel completely hungover the next day no matter how much I have slept so what's the point. Good luck to you - though you may feel very alone in your night time wakefulness, you are not alone -

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I had (and was formally diagnosed with) chronic insomnia prior to my taper. It made the taper very difficult and having to go to work every day and care for my family made the insomnia devastating. But I got through it and tapered off. You can too. We have to be strong to get through this, insomnia or otherwise. My sleep is much better now, not 100% yet, but I have not had a totally sleepless night in months.    :yippee: :yippee: :yippee: :yippee:

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What's starting to happen is that I can no longer recall dates, numbers, appointments, schedules, and I'm exceptionally clumsy. I have fallen whilst trying to walk indoors out of sheer tiredness and can't really keep up. I've been like this since May 8th of this year. Don't know how much longer I can manage because I can't rely on my memory or physical body to help me much.
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I have suffered from chronic insomnia my whole life, and it has only gotten worse as time has progressed. It takes me a long time to go to sleep - on a good night -  I am awake several times in the night -  and often very early in the morning for good. On a bad night, which I had last night, I simply could not go to sleep until the wee hours, my sleep was very light - almost just a doze - and I was wide awake well before 4 am. I don't know how long I slept, not nearly long enough, and I will be headed off to work with this sleep hangover. Sometimes this lasts for one night, sometimes it lasts for several nights in a row for several weeks or even months in a row. I was like this before I went on clonazepam, it's the reason I started this drug, it has been like that since I developed a tolerance to the drug a long time ago. The last crazy bout of insomnia I had was on clonazepam at full dose. It lasted 3 months. I waited it out and allowed myself to get some rest for a few weeks before starting current taper.

So yes, I have suffered chronic debilitating insomnia while on clonazepam for insomnia, before I started to taper. Every night is an unknown, and some periods are far worse than others. Tapering does make it worse. I have failed in my efforts to get off this drug twice because, as bad as the insomnia could get while on the drug, it got even worse while tapering and I was sent running back to my original dose. I think I was tapering too fast. My current taper was going pretty well, with some hiccups, until my most recent taper this weekend. After two okay nights, last night was horrendous. Despite some new techniques for focusing my thoughts that have helped, I was unable to stop my mind from wandering all over the place for hours. I'll see what happens the next couple of nights. If this trend continues I will go with a smaller taper amount. Since you have unrelenting insomnia even on the drug, you have nothing to lose by starting the process of getting off it - in teeny tiny amounts at a time.

I take no other sleep aids, prescription or OTC - magnesium if you want to call it a sleep aid - they all make me feel completely hungover the next day no matter how much I have slept so what's the point. Good luck to you - though you may feel very alone in your night time wakefulness, you are not alone -




Thank you for taking the time to respond. I hope your taper is successful and that you do finally find comfort in a decent night's rest.

I have tried Remeron but I'm part of the unfortunate few for whom the drug does not seem to work.


Take care,


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I had (and was formally diagnosed with) chronic insomnia prior to my taper. It made the taper very difficult and having to go to work every day and care for my family made the insomnia devastating. But I got through it and tapered off. You can too. We have to be strong to get through this, insomnia or otherwise. My sleep is much better now, not 100% yet, but I have not had a totally sleepless night in months.    :yippee: :yippee: :yippee: :yippee:




Thanks for responding.

May I ask, how did they treat your chronic insomnia prior to the benzos or was that what they gave you for it? I worked during tolerance w/d but the insomnia is really what made me cave in. I had to drive a total of 2.5 hours to and from work and just could not concentrate. The long commute and stressful job... I just couldn't handle anymore.

Glad you got through it all! Best of luck to you and I'm glad to know your sleep has improved!!

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Right, thanks. But what I'm trying to refer to exclusively is chronic insomnia prior to a taper. As in, little to no sleep before even beginning a taper, and having this relate to or be the effect of tolerance.




I suffered from sever insomnia before my taper ever began. That was one major reason I was put on benzos. I would go countless of nights of little or no sleep. It was very painful. In fact, it got so bad that I had to take a leave of absence from work. A pdoc tried me on almost every drug out there ~~ mostly SSRis ~~ but they had a paradoxical effect on me and my anxiety was sky high. She finally gave up on putting me on a non addictive drug so she put me on benzos, so here I am. I soon became tolerant to them so she added Clozaril to the mix. I do not recommend that anyone take that drug under any circumstances. It is a very dangerous antipsychotic and many psychs refuse to script it. But boy, did it make me sleep. Too much. 15 hours a day. The rest of the day I was a walking zombie.


So I could not function and went on disability. I then found a new pdoc who immediately took me off the Clozaril. I felt oh so much better. Then my insomnia returned, before I began my taper. My new doc  basically tried me on the same sleep aid meds to help me sleep. But nothing worked. The OTC stuff was a joke. So I went 1 year sleeping 2-3 per hours night. And that's all. During that time, I was doing my taper and the taper didn't seem to effect my sleep. Then he told me I had to get some sleep or I would not properly heal. So he put me on both Trazodone and Seroquel. He put me on both because Seroquel makes you fall asleep, but doesn't allow you to sleep thru the night. The Trazodone doesn't make you fall asleep, but keeps you from waking up. So now I am getting about 7-8 hours of sleep each night. But I give you fair warning: Seroquel is a very difficult drug to taper from. Hope that helps and good luck to you. I know how bad the insomnia  can get. ~~ Bets

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Aki  Itoo suffer paralyzing insomnia. Tried so much. Remeron not helping me either. I may get 3 or 4 hrs on a good night. not for a week.  I cry and am anxious. I rest but cant nap . I just hope some sleep gets better too. I feel your pain. Try to hold on. Hugs  rose
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Right, thanks. But what I'm trying to refer to exclusively is chronic insomnia prior to a taper. As in, little to no sleep before even beginning a taper, and having this relate to or be the effect of tolerance.




I suffered from sever insomnia before my taper ever began. That was one major reason I was put on benzos. I would go countless of nights of little or no sleep. It was very painful. In fact, it got so bad that I had to take a leave of absence from work. A pdoc tried me on almost every drug out there ~~ mostly SSRis ~~ but they had a paradoxical effect on me and my anxiety was sky high. She finally gave up on putting me on a non addictive drug so she put me on benzos, so here I am. I soon became tolerant to them so she added Clozaril to the mix. I do not recommend that anyone take that drug under any circumstances. It is a very dangerous antipsychotic and many psychs refuse to script it. But boy, did it make me sleep. Too much. 15 hours a day. The rest of the day I was a walking zombie.


So I could not function and went on disability. I then found a new pdoc who immediately took me off the Clozaril. I felt oh so much better. Then my insomnia returned, before I began my taper. My new doc  basically tried me on the same sleep aid meds to help me sleep. But nothing worked. The OTC stuff was a joke. So I went 1 year sleeping 2-3 per hours night. And that's all. During that time, I was doing my taper and the taper didn't seem to effect my sleep. Then he told me I had to get some sleep or I would not properly heal. So he put me on both Trazodone and Seroquel. He put me on both because Seroquel makes you fall asleep, but doesn't allow you to sleep thru the night. The Trazodone doesn't make you fall asleep, but keeps you from waking up. So now I am getting about 7-8 hours of sleep each night. But I give you fair warning: Seroquel is a very difficult drug to taper from. Hope that helps and good luck to you. I know how bad the insomnia  can get. ~~ Bets




I've taken Seroquel alone once when I was hospitalized. My issue is mostly sleep maintenance. I can't stay asleep but can fall asleep. How far up have you gone on Trazadone? Remeron gives me 2-3 hours. I wonder if I could mix the two?

Also, I have been meaning to ask you about your taper since we're both on K. How has it been for you and how have you approached it?


Thanks for your time.

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Aki  Itoo suffer paralyzing insomnia. Tried so much. Remeron not helping me either. I may get 3 or 4 hrs on a good night. not for a week.  I cry and am anxious. I rest but cant nap . I just hope some sleep gets better too. I feel your pain. Try to hold on. Hugs  rose


Hi Rosegal,


Did this occur to you before or during your taper? I'm sorry the Remeron doesn't help, I wish it would.


Good luck,


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A... I had insomnia likd you and Bets. I stopped sleeping at 51...menopausal. Went 4 weeks no sleep. Went to ER. They gave me ativan iv. I slept. Began them 12 yrs ago. Still poor sleep many nights. Tolerance last yr. So yes, I had insomnia before taper. I have not slept 7 or 8 hrs in years. Awful condition. I am so fragile nerve wise now. Taper and hardly sleep. SUCKS.    :(
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I suffered from severe chronic insomnia and I was put on Klonopin for sleep.  It worked for awhile but then I developed a tolerance to it and did not work well.  I needed to sleep in order to keep my job. I started my taper off klonopin and my insomnia was bad, my Pdoc put me on Silenor 6mg which is very low dose doxepin an older tricyclic AD.  Doxepin at very low doses 3-6mg works for sleep maintenance and has no AD effects and is non addicting.  It has worked pretty well during my taper, getting about 6-7 hrs sleep a night, albeit sometimes restless.  Now that I'm down to 1.5 mg of Valium on my taper all my symptoms have escalated including the insomnia.  I still get 6 hrs sleep most nights, but I now can have a miserable night of not sleeping every few weeks as my taper gets near the end.  IMO insomnia is the worst of all symptoms because sleep deprivation is devastating.  I would recommend asking you P doc about Silenor, to see if it works for you.
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does silenor give you heart palps?

i will definitely ask , thank you so much! im kind of comatose due to insomnia. everything is off. can't even cook for myself anymore because my body is so drained and tired. it's like i'm slowly shutting down.

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Right, thanks. But what I'm trying to refer to exclusively is chronic insomnia prior to a taper. As in, little to no sleep before even beginning a taper, and having this relate to or be the effect of tolerance.




I suffered from sever insomnia before my taper ever began. That was one major reason I was put on benzos. I would go countless of nights of little or no sleep. It was very painful. In fact, it got so bad that I had to take a leave of absence from work. A pdoc tried me on almost every drug out there ~~ mostly SSRis ~~ but they had a paradoxical effect on me and my anxiety was sky high. She finally gave up on putting me on a non addictive drug so she put me on benzos, so here I am. I soon became tolerant to them so she added Clozaril to the mix. I do not recommend that anyone take that drug under any circumstances. It is a very dangerous antipsychotic and many psychs refuse to script it. But boy, did it make me sleep. Too much. 15 hours a day. The rest of the day I was a walking zombie.


So I could not function and went on disability. I then found a new pdoc who immediately took me off the Clozaril. I felt oh so much better. Then my insomnia returned, before I began my taper. My new doc  basically tried me on the same sleep aid meds to help me sleep. But nothing worked. The OTC stuff was a joke. So I went 1 year sleeping 2-3 per hours night. And that's all. During that time, I was doing my taper and the taper didn't seem to effect my sleep. Then he told me I had to get some sleep or I would not properly heal. So he put me on both Trazodone and Seroquel. He put me on both because Seroquel makes you fall asleep, but doesn't allow you to sleep thru the night. The Trazodone doesn't make you fall asleep, but keeps you from waking up. So now I am getting about 7-8 hours of sleep each night. But I give you fair warning: Seroquel is a very difficult drug to taper from. Hope that helps and good luck to you. I know how bad the insomnia  can get. ~~ Bets




I've taken Seroquel alone once when I was hospitalized. My issue is mostly sleep maintenance. I can't stay asleep but can fall asleep. How far up have you gone on Trazadone? Remeron gives me 2-3 hours. I wonder if I could mix the two?

Also, I have been meaning to ask you about your taper since we're both on K. How has it been for you and how have you approached it?


Thanks for your time.


That's why I take both Trazodone and Seroquel. The S made me fall asleep but I soon awakened. The Traz kept me asleep. One would not work w/o the other. Remeron. Nada. I began tapering July 2013 (10 mg of K) and dropped 5% every two weeks. I slowly did a partial C/O to V, maybe an extra 10 mg every two months, a few times once a month. I didn't do a complete c/o b/c I would be on way too much V. I still tapered off the K while doing the C/O. Except for the insomnia I first experienced, I am symptom free at the moment. But I don't expect that to last. I am now down to 1.62 mg of K, so there is light at the end of the tunnel. But remember, I next have to tackle the V C/O. You can bet all of your money that this will be an unpleasant experience. ~~ Bets

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Alizarin, I am battling severe chronic insomnia as well. It started back in Sept of 2013 due to a bad anxiety episode. I started sleeping 3 or 4 hours a night, then I had nights of not sleeping at all. I went on K for the insomnia and it worked for about a month-then I started not sleeping at all or sleep 2 or 4 hours a night. (I would kill for 3 or 4 hours of natural sleep a night right now.)


In February I crossed over to V and still wasn't sleeping. During my taper (it was fast--I got off 7.5 mgs in 6 weeks) I slept about an hour and a half a night. Once I jumped on March 15, that's when I started to go days without sleeping. People didn't believe me, they would tell me I must be sleeping and just not realize it. Please, I remember what it feels like to sleep! I am seriously wide awake.


Ever since March I have been not sleeping, micro sleeping, or sleeping two or three hours a night. I am like you, I feel that my body is shutting down. I go to a new primary care doc tomorrow, but honestly, I don't know what she will be able to do for me. I use Benadryl, Unisom, and Vistaril, and none of them work that well.


I am afriad to try Seroquel because of possible side effects. I took Trazadone one night and it did nothing for me.


I am beside myself and don't know what to do anymore.

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Oh wow, you're experiencing the exact same thing as me in terms of the amount of time! I am SO sorry that you have to go through this. I definitely KNOW what it's like NOT to sleep for 2.5 weeks, micro sleeping maybe, but I remember it felt like I just had 'forgotten' how to sleep. Still to this day, I think my body has just forgotten what it's like to sleep. I usually sleep 2 and 3 on a fab day which hasn't happened in a while. But for some reason, I should at least be able to function without falling, right? I'm 36. I also have to carry a journal with me everywhere I need to go because I can't remember a thing. So I keep lists and dates, times, numerals, etc. It feels like I'm just floating about. Even typing takes a lot of concentration.


That may sound laughable but it's my reality ATM and so, experiencing that, I can't believe someone else has to go through it. Trazadone felt like taking candy. Seroquel, once at the hospital, and I was wide awake.

But congratulations on your taper advancements. You've achieved a lot and should feel proud despite the dreaded adversity with insomnia. It's literally crippling but you're struggling through it. Hats off to you.


Believe me, I'm in the same situation, trying to get off 2 mg of useless (yet deadly)K but can't even sleep with Remeron before I go any lower in taper. I will definitely keep you in mind if I can arrive at a solution. Again, I'm sorry. I know it's painful.



Alizarin, I am battling severe chronic insomnia as well. It started back in Sept of 2013 due to a bad anxiety episode. I started sleeping 3 or 4 hours a night, then I had nights of not sleeping at all. I went on K for the insomnia and it worked for about a month-then I started not sleeping at all or sleep 2 or 4 hours a night. (I would kill for 3 or 4 hours of natural sleep a night right now.)


In February I crossed over to V and still wasn't sleeping. During my taper (it was fast--I got off 7.5 mgs in 6 weeks) I slept about an hour and a half a night. Once I jumped on March 15, that's when I started to go days without sleeping. People didn't believe me, they would tell me I must be sleeping and just not realize it. Please, I remember what it feels like to sleep! I am seriously wide awake.


Ever since March I have been not sleeping, micro sleeping, or sleeping two or three hours a night. I am like you, I feel that my body is shutting down. I go to a new primary care doc tomorrow, but honestly, I don't know what she will be able to do for me. I use Benadryl, Unisom, and Vistaril, and none of them work that well.


I am afriad to try Seroquel because of possible side effects. I took Trazadone one night and it did nothing for me.


I am beside myself and don't know what to do anymore.

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Remeron didn't work for you either? Wow, second person other than me. It's suppose to knock out a horse. I'm more of a scarecrow build but it did nothing to me either. Thanks for the info on the S and T---how big or small a dose did you take for Traz?


Also, congrats on your K taper accomplishment thus far. That is a colossal dose and you've done incredibly well. Here's hoping you'll ride out the end as smoothly as possible.  :thumbsup:



Right, thanks. But what I'm trying to refer to exclusively is chronic insomnia prior to a taper. As in, little to no sleep before even beginning a taper, and having this relate to or be the effect of tolerance.




I suffered from sever insomnia before my taper ever began. That was one major reason I was put on benzos. I would go countless of nights of little or no sleep. It was very painful. In fact, it got so bad that I had to take a leave of absence from work. A pdoc tried me on almost every drug out there ~~ mostly SSRis ~~ but they had a paradoxical effect on me and my anxiety was sky high. She finally gave up on putting me on a non addictive drug so she put me on benzos, so here I am. I soon became tolerant to them so she added Clozaril to the mix. I do not recommend that anyone take that drug under any circumstances. It is a very dangerous antipsychotic and many psychs refuse to script it. But boy, did it make me sleep. Too much. 15 hours a day. The rest of the day I was a walking zombie.


So I could not function and went on disability. I then found a new pdoc who immediately took me off the Clozaril. I felt oh so much better. Then my insomnia returned, before I began my taper. My new doc  basically tried me on the same sleep aid meds to help me sleep. But nothing worked. The OTC stuff was a joke. So I went 1 year sleeping 2-3 per hours night. And that's all. During that time, I was doing my taper and the taper didn't seem to effect my sleep. Then he told me I had to get some sleep or I would not properly heal. So he put me on both Trazodone and Seroquel. He put me on both because Seroquel makes you fall asleep, but doesn't allow you to sleep thru the night. The Trazodone doesn't make you fall asleep, but keeps you from waking up. So now I am getting about 7-8 hours of sleep each night. But I give you fair warning: Seroquel is a very difficult drug to taper from. Hope that helps and good luck to you. I know how bad the insomnia  can get. ~~ Bets




I've taken Seroquel alone once when I was hospitalized. My issue is mostly sleep maintenance. I can't stay asleep but can fall asleep. How far up have you gone on Trazadone? Remeron gives me 2-3 hours. I wonder if I could mix the two?

Also, I have been meaning to ask you about your taper since we're both on K. How has it been for you and how have you approached it?


Thanks for your time.


That's why I take both Trazodone and Seroquel. The S made me fall asleep but I soon awakened. The Traz kept me asleep. One would not work w/o the other. Remeron. Nada. I began tapering July 2013 (10 mg of K) and dropped 5% every two weeks. I slowly did a partial C/O to V, maybe an extra 10 mg every two months, a few times once a month. I didn't do a complete c/o b/c I would be on way too much V. I still tapered off the K while doing the C/O. Except for the insomnia I first experienced, I am symptom free at the moment. But I don't expect that to last. I am now down to 1.62 mg of K, so there is light at the end of the tunnel. But remember, I next have to tackle the V C/O. You can bet all of your money that this will be an unpleasant experience. ~~ Bets

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Remeron didn't work for you either? Wow, second person other than me. It's suppose to knock out a horse. I'm more of a scarecrow build but it did nothing to me either. Thanks for the info on the S and T---how big or small a dose did you take for Traz?


Also, congrats on your K taper accomplishment thus far. That is a colossal dose and you've done incredibly well. Here's hoping you'll ride out the end as smoothly as possible.  :thumbsup:



Right, thanks. But what I'm trying to refer to exclusively is chronic insomnia prior to a taper. As in, little to no sleep before even beginning a taper, and having this relate to or be the effect of tolerance.




I suffered from sever insomnia before my taper ever began. That was one major reason I was put on benzos. I would go countless of nights of little or no sleep. It was very painful. In fact, it got so bad that I had to take a leave of absence from work. A pdoc tried me on almost every drug out there ~~ mostly SSRis ~~ but they had a paradoxical effect on me and my anxiety was sky high. She finally gave up on putting me on a non addictive drug so she put me on benzos, so here I am. I soon became tolerant to them so she added Clozaril to the mix. I do not recommend that anyone take that drug under any circumstances. It is a very dangerous antipsychotic and many psychs refuse to script it. But boy, did it make me sleep. Too much. 15 hours a day. The rest of the day I was a walking zombie.


So I could not function and went on disability. I then found a new pdoc who immediately took me off the Clozaril. I felt oh so much better. Then my insomnia returned, before I began my taper. My new doc  basically tried me on the same sleep aid meds to help me sleep. But nothing worked. The OTC stuff was a joke. So I went 1 year sleeping 2-3 per hours night. And that's all. During that time, I was doing my taper and the taper didn't seem to effect my sleep. Then he told me I had to get some sleep or I would not properly heal. So he put me on both Trazodone and Seroquel. He put me on both because Seroquel makes you fall asleep, but doesn't allow you to sleep thru the night. The Trazodone doesn't make you fall asleep, but keeps you from waking up. So now I am getting about 7-8 hours of sleep each night. But I give you fair warning: Seroquel is a very difficult drug to taper from. Hope that helps and good luck to you. I know how bad the insomnia  can get. ~~ Bets




I've taken Seroquel alone once when I was hospitalized. My issue is mostly sleep maintenance. I can't stay asleep but can fall asleep. How far up have you gone on Trazadone? Remeron gives me 2-3 hours. I wonder if I could mix the two?

Also, I have been meaning to ask you about your taper since we're both on K. How has it been for you and how have you approached it?


Thanks for your time.


That's why I take both Trazodone and Seroquel. The S made me fall asleep but I soon awakened. The Traz kept me asleep. One would not work w/o the other. Remeron. Nada. I began tapering July 2013 (10 mg of K) and dropped 5% every two weeks. I slowly did a partial C/O to V, maybe an extra 10 mg every two months, a few times once a month. I didn't do a complete c/o b/c I would be on way too much V. I still tapered off the K while doing the C/O. Except for the insomnia I first experienced, I am symptom free at the moment. But I don't expect that to last. I am now down to 1.62 mg of K, so there is light at the end of the tunnel. But remember, I next have to tackle the V C/O. You can bet all of your money that this will be an unpleasant experience. ~~ Bets


Thanks for the congrats on my K taper. I dropped more today and am now down to 1.5 mg. Phew! But except for the insomnia which has now been addressed, I am symptom free. The remeron made me anxious. I am on 200 mg of Traz and 150 of Seroquel. I'm asleep within 5 mins. I  take both an hour before light's out. Hugs, ~~ Bets

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You're welcome. I tried 300 mg of Traz and fainted, landed on my knees then right side of face. Still didn't sleep. But I get to have oral surgery tomorrow.



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