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HH-- deep breaths, your will get through this. Maybe you are just nervous about the field trip tomorrow and its a trigger of some sort. Remember our CNS is still so very sensitive. I will be praying for you. ((Hugs)) jenny
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This wave has gotten worse today and I feel like I am in acute.  :'(  I just had a panic attack and I haven't had a true one for MONTHS!  What the heck is going on? 

My husband, who earlier was saying how much better I have been doing, actually mentioned if I need some medicinal help.  :( This scares me SO MUCH!! 

I don't know how I am going to get through tomorrow's field trip.  I could really, really use your prayers and encouragement.  :'(


HH, its just a panic attack.


I'm not trying to sound harsh or insensitive to how they feel. But don't you give them one inch of your concern or fear. Listening to Dr. Claire Weekes, she says do NOT give any second fear. Do not build your own "crisis"; there is not a real crisis occurring, friend :) Also remember, "panic" is just that - panic - and you can go, and be, anywhere you want to be, regardless of "panic". You are no "more" or "less" "safe" whether you're here, or on a field trip -- either place, you are perfectly SAFE. And, you will be a-okay :) It is up to you whether or not you go, sweets :) I do NOT will to make decisions based on fear or panic -- I do NOT want to "teach" myself that I am "unsafe" or ANYTHING because of panic or fear. HH, this is just where I am personally with things. If you are not, or this way of dealing with things is not what works for you, absolutely NO WORRIES. Okay? We're all a little different, so what works for me may not work for someone else :) And that's alright! Uniquely awesome :)


"The Lord is my helper; I WILL NOT be seized with alarm." Your will plays a role in this -- you WILL not, you "will" it not, etc. Just REFUSE to panic -- be that stubborn 3-year-old child who WILL NOT give in. That is one if the visuals I see when I think of with a rock-stubborn will that refuses to panic. "Let the redeemed of the Lord [have the] say so!" So, have the "say so"!! Its yours! TAKE it! Grr!!


(Again, IMO only, dear :) Grain of salt, of course :) )


You have nothing to fear. Yes, I believe that the meds & such are the cause, and yes I believe that this will pass just as quickly as it came. A little setback is all -- no. big. deal.


Hang in there. Remember, you've done this before -- and you'll do it again to recapture YOUR life. Its your life! The good news is, its much shorter lived! Hallelujah!!


Love ya girl. You're gonna be okay. Hang tight :) Prayers are coming your way.


Mrs. :smitten:

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Oh Mommy,

I needed to hear this!  I am so very, very afraid.  And, my anxiety is almost exclusively health anxiety.  I am so afraid right now that I will be the ONE who really has a major issue with my heart and I will drop dead.  I will cling to your words that this is only a blip and that I am not going backwards. 

Green mentioned that the glue on my table hasn't set yet, but right now I am feeling like my table has been blown up and is in a million shredded peices.  :'(


I promise promise promise you will not drop dead.  I have had to deal with that the last few weeks.  Absoloute worse case scenario is you pass out.  You can not die from a panic attack.  Here is the scripture that nipped it in the bud for me..


Psalm 28: 7


My heart trusted in Him, and I am helped;

Therefore my heart greatly rejoices,

And with my song I will praise Him.


I read like my actual heart is trusting in him.. the organ itself is trusting in him..  your heart cells and their very make-up, the cells hold together by his word.. understand?

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I also want you to know...


The things I mentioned above, absolutely none of them do I do perfectly. I reread my post and think I came across "all-knowing" and like I think you need to "get your act together" or something. I don't think or feel that way at all, sweetie. I know how it feels, and I think you're doing a mighty job :) I spoke so firmly above, to fear & panic and not you. They are ruthless beasts, and in no way "gentleman" in inviting themselves over for a visit. So they, in the same way, get a pretty aggressive beating "out of town" from Mrs, lol!! They are unwelcome visitors, and ain't welcome staying around to sing their sings and spin any webs of lies!!


Love to you. You ARE strong, powerful, mighty against things like this. A warrior princess, and the kid of a king, and worthy & able to overcome anything that comes your way :) Life, and life more abundantly. Strong and the power of His might. Love to you, and my apologies for sounding so "harsh" above,


Mrs. :smitten:

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Hi guys

Sorry some of us are having such a rough time right now.  I myself am trying to ignore the beast and just do things. Beautiful day; went for a walk but anxiety was higher than I would like.  I call it "the Grimm" like in Harry Potter and I've given it a face; sometimes I laugh at the Grimm because I know it's not real or true; just my brain trying to protect me from a danger it perceives due to receptors repairing.  That's the truth.  "I'm never going to get better", "there is something else wrong" " I can't breathe right anymore"....etc are all lies....my brain needs to rationalize the fear it feels with something......but there really is no danger......so weird.  Thanks brain but ......

Now that it is being recognized they may come up with something for us.....stay strong....it is very tiring I know.

Hugs to all of you. :smitten

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I have one s/x that bothers me mostly.  It has happened 3 times.. when I woke in San Fran with the panic attack and I didn't know where I was.  Then two nights later I woke up realizing I had my 3 year old sitting up and thought he was throwing up.  Hubby told me he heard him make a noise that sounded like it, but I wasn't awake when I sat him up.  Then the other night I was laying in bed and heard a noise in the kitchen.  As I rationalized what the noise was I realized I was struggling with where my kids were and what time of day it was.  I had mental confusion.  It took a few seconds for everything to click.  I am hoping this part of the process.  Anyone else deal with confusion like that?





Mommy R,

This is my absolute biggest fear, that I will 'lose' myself when with my children. It's hugely anxiety producing. It hasn't happened with them, but I have gotten 'lost' on the way to work and at other moments. I do think it's part of the process. I read your post to my husband, let a rational person tell me not to be afraid. And he did. About getting up in the night with your son who was not vomiting, he said, "I've done that." About being in bed and being confused, he said, "She sounds really tired. I do that." And him finding some normalcy on those moments helped me, I hope it helps you too. There is a part of those occurrences that happen to regular people under stress, or sleep deprivation. This thing we are going through is a boatload of unrelenting stress. Of course we get lost. I try to keep other adults close. It sounds like you do too.


You are not alone.



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I am with you. I did not think I would make it through my first big deal field trip at my new school where no one knows what's going on, and I did. Because the worst that could happen is that I have an anxiety attack, my dr increases, I tell someone I'm not feeling well and need to go home. I have to follow it through the whole way, the what if. And in the end the what if is just not that bad. Your increase in symptoms is anxiety. You have a lot going on in your body with illness and hormones and STRESS. Because even though it's great, teaching is stressful and you've been a rockstar at work and volleyball games and your body is tired out. You are ok. You are absolutely ok. You only need to take care of you because this is not a life changing field trip to your students. "I'm not feeling well." We need to practice accepting this as teachers, as moms, as humans in this 21st century. I am not invincible, I am human. So are you. And you're good at it. So drink some tea, go to bed early, wake up tomorrow and see how you feel. And if you don't' feel well, then tell someone - "I don't feel well." And if you need to miss the field trip, miss the field trip. Because either way your students are learning. It's so important that we teach them self care. "I was sick so we didn't go. I take care of myself when I don't feel well." Man, I wish someone had taught me this lesson when I was young!


I think you're going to be well in the morning. I really do. Either way, you are doing great. Your trend is toward health.



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I have one s/x that bothers me mostly.  It has happened 3 times.. when I woke in San Fran with the panic attack and I didn't know where I was.  Then two nights later I woke up realizing I had my 3 year old sitting up and thought he was throwing up.  Hubby told me he heard him make a noise that sounded like it, but I wasn't awake when I sat him up.  Then the other night I was laying in bed and heard a noise in the kitchen.  As I rationalized what the noise was I realized I was struggling with where my kids were and what time of day it was.  I had mental confusion.  It took a few seconds for everything to click.  I am hoping this part of the process.  Anyone else deal with confusion like that?





Mommy R,

This is my absolute biggest fear, that I will 'lose' myself when with my children. It's hugely anxiety producing. It hasn't happened with them, but I have gotten 'lost' on the way to work and at other moments. I do think it's part of the process. I read your post to my husband, let a rational person tell me not to be afraid. And he did. About getting up in the night with your son who was not vomiting, he said, "I've done that." About being in bed and being confused, he said, "She sounds really tired. I do that." And him finding some normalcy on those moments helped me, I hope it helps you too. There is a part of those occurrences that happen to regular people under stress, or sleep deprivation. This thing we are going through is a boatload of unrelenting stress. Of course we get lost. I try to keep other adults close. It sounds like you do too.


You are not alone.




Thank God almighty!  I was hoping someone would read that and respond.  I feel like we experience things other's do who are under great duress...except we aren't (sort of).  You know what I mean?  Yes, I am tired..very tired.. but so used to doing this day and day out for months on end, so I am not able to say this is normal or not.  Thank you soooo much for validating  and to your husband for his response.  Our kids are so important.  My top priority is their safety.  You understand absolutely.  Now, I am watching for that entovirus and doing my best to just let things be.  My oldest had pneumonia in Feb.. and the youngest has asthma so I have started him on steroid treatments.  The doctors like to say you have underlying anxiety and I'm thinking ..uh yeah.. I'M A MOM!!  haha..


Bless you Peace..

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Hi guys

Sorry some of us are having such a rough time right now.  I myself am trying to ignore the beast and just do things. Beautiful day; went for a walk but anxiety was higher than I would like.  I call it "the Grimm" like in Harry Potter and I've given it a face; sometimes I laugh at the Grimm because I know it's not real or true; just my brain trying to protect me from a danger it perceives due to receptors repairing.  That's the truth.  "I'm never going to get better", "there is something else wrong" " I can't breathe right anymore"....etc are all lies....my brain needs to rationalize the fear it feels with something......but there really is no danger......so weird.  Thanks brain but ......

Now that it is being recognized they may come up with something for us.....stay strong....it is very tiring I know.

Hugs to all of you. :smitten


I am with you Woot..

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HH.....I was like that the other day...so afraid...my sweet man was worried for me and that worried me....but I settled down.  I read up on it and I know in my heart that this will get better.  I am much better today.

I turn here to you guys when it's unbearable and just hold on.  It will pass. It always does.

I get that same fear when I am going back to a place where I had a horrible panic attack when this all started.  I get dizzy; I start to sweat; I'm terrified but I do it and I'm still alive after....next time it will be easier.  You are very brave; we all are. We are all going to get better.  :smitten:

Another good article describing what is happening to us.  Knowledge is power. :smitten:



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This wave has gotten worse today and I feel like I am in acute.  :'(  I just had a panic attack and I haven't had a true one for MONTHS!  What the heck is going on? 

My husband, who earlier was saying how much better I have been doing, actually mentioned if I need some medicinal help.  :( This scares me SO MUCH!! 

I don't know how I am going to get through tomorrow's field trip.  I could really, really use your prayers and encouragement.  :'(


HH, its just a panic attack.


I'm not trying to sound harsh or insensitive to how they feel. But don't you give them one inch of your concern or fear. Listening to Dr. Claire Weekes, she says do NOT give any second fear. Do not build your own "crisis"; there is not a real crisis occurring, friend :) Also remember, "panic" is just that - panic - and you can go, and be, anywhere you want to be, regardless of "panic". You are no "more" or "less" "safe" whether you're here, or on a field trip -- either place, you are perfectly SAFE. And, you will be a-okay :) It is up to you whether or not you go, sweets :) I do NOT will to make decisions based on fear or panic -- I do NOT want to "teach" myself that I am "unsafe" or ANYTHING because of panic or fear. HH, this is just where I am personally with things. If you are not, or this way of dealing with things is not what works for you, absolutely NO WORRIES. Okay? We're all a little different, so what works for me may not work for someone else :) And that's alright! Uniquely awesome :)


"The Lord is my helper; I WILL NOT be seized with alarm." Your will plays a role in this -- you WILL not, you "will" it not, etc. Just REFUSE to panic -- be that stubborn 3-year-old child who WILL NOT give in. That is one if the visuals I see when I think of with a rock-stubborn will that refuses to panic. "Let the redeemed of the Lord [have the] say so!" So, have the "say so"!! Its yours! TAKE it! Grr!!


(Again, IMO only, dear :) Grain of salt, of course :) )


You have nothing to fear. Yes, I believe that the meds & such are the cause, and yes I believe that this will pass just as quickly as it came. A little setback is all -- no. big. deal.


Hang in there. Remember, you've done this before -- and you'll do it again to recapture YOUR life. Its your life! The good news is, its much shorter lived! Hallelujah!!


Love ya girl. You're gonna be okay. Hang tight :) Prayers are coming your way.


Mrs. :smitten:


Thank you, Mrs :smitten:.... this is exactly what I needed to hear.  I NEED to hear the stern-ness.  Rather like a good shake and a loud "snap out of it". I have been building my crisis and making it worse.  I am trying to stop that now.  I HAVE done this before, and I AM safe.

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Hi guys

Sorry some of us are having such a rough time right now.  I myself am trying to ignore the beast and just do things. Beautiful day; went for a walk but anxiety was higher than I would like.  I call it "the Grimm" like in Harry Potter and I've given it a face; sometimes I laugh at the Grimm because I know it's not real or true; just my brain trying to protect me from a danger it perceives due to receptors repairing.  That's the truth.  "I'm never going to get better", "there is something else wrong" " I can't breathe right anymore"....etc are all lies....my brain needs to rationalize the fear it feels with something......but there really is no danger......so weird.  Thanks brain but ......

Now that it is being recognized they may come up with something for us.....stay strong....it is very tiring I know.

Hugs to all of you. :smitten

The Grimm.  That is such a great description!  I guess if the Grimm comes along with me tomorrow, he does, but I'm hoping that he stays home.  ;)  Thinking of it as the Grimm actually seems to take some of the scariness away. 

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Oh Mommy,

I needed to hear this!  I am so very, very afraid.  And, my anxiety is almost exclusively health anxiety.  I am so afraid right now that I will be the ONE who really has a major issue with my heart and I will drop dead.  I will cling to your words that this is only a blip and that I am not going backwards. 

Green mentioned that the glue on my table hasn't set yet, but right now I am feeling like my table has been blown up and is in a million shredded peices.  :'(


I promise promise promise you will not drop dead.  I have had to deal with that the last few weeks.  Absoloute worse case scenario is you pass out.  You can not die from a panic attack.  Here is the scripture that nipped it in the bud for me..


Psalm 28: 7


My heart trusted in Him, and I am helped;

Therefore my heart greatly rejoices,

And with my song I will praise Him.


I read like my actual heart is trusting in him.. the organ itself is trusting in him..  your heart cells and their very make-up, the cells hold together by his word.. understand?

Thanks Mommy :smitten:


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HH-- deep breaths, your will get through this. Maybe you are just nervous about the field trip tomorrow and its a trigger of some sort. Remember our CNS is still so very sensitive. I will be praying for you. ((Hugs)) jenny


Thanks Jenny!  I am definitely nervous about my field trip.  I realized after talking to my dad, who suffers from panic attacks, that going back to a place where you had a previous panic attack is really, really hard.  I had one while at this location before, while in the tapering process, and then managed to avoid going back all last year.  I'm actually thinking that by avoiding it last year by cancelling, I have made my fear of it worse.  It will be a big day for me tomorrow to overcome this fear.  Couple this fear with the sensitive post-benzo CNS....it's no wonder I'm freaking out.  I'm hoping this perspective helps to relieve some of the fear!

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That's the spirit HH.....Expecto Patronum............lol.  kick that Grimm off a cliff for us on your hike.

Have the best day you can....I'll pray for sunshine and some light and laughs for you.  You are very strong and brave.

:smitten:  Let's all have a good night.  We are in this together.  Thank God for all of you.


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I am with you. I did not think I would make it through my first big deal field trip at my new school where no one knows what's going on, and I did. Because the worst that could happen is that I have an anxiety attack, my dr increases, I tell someone I'm not feeling well and need to go home. I have to follow it through the whole way, the what if. And in the end the what if is just not that bad. Your increase in symptoms is anxiety. You have a lot going on in your body with illness and hormones and STRESS. Because even though it's great, teaching is stressful and you've been a rockstar at work and volleyball games and your body is tired out. You are ok. You are absolutely ok. You only need to take care of you because this is not a life changing field trip to your students. "I'm not feeling well." We need to practice accepting this as teachers, as moms, as humans in this 21st century. I am not invincible, I am human. So are you. And you're good at it. So drink some tea, go to bed early, wake up tomorrow and see how you feel. And if you don't' feel well, then tell someone - "I don't feel well." And if you need to miss the field trip, miss the field trip. Because either way your students are learning. It's so important that we teach them self care. "I was sick so we didn't go. I take care of myself when I don't feel well." Man, I wish someone had taught me this lesson when I was young!


I think you're going to be well in the morning. I really do. Either way, you are doing great. Your trend is toward health.




Peace, I have been thinking about you and your field trip a lot through this.  I have been dreading this particular one due to a previous panic attack I had while on the last field trip I had at this location.  I am hoping you are correct about being well in the morning!  I am holding on to the fact that there have been numerous times that I have had horrible anticipatory anxiety and have somehow pulled it together when I needed to....I am hoping that this holds true tomorrow. 

I do have a back-up plan in place, if needed.  My good friend, also a staff member and a parent who is going with us, will step in for me if I can't go.  I am really hoping that is not the case, however.

Thank you for your encouragement and prayers!  :smitten:

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HH.....I was like that the other day...so afraid...my sweet man was worried for me and that worried me....but I settled down.  I read up on it and I know in my heart that this will get better.  I am much better today.

I turn here to you guys when it's unbearable and just hold on.  It will pass. It always does.

I get that same fear when I am going back to a place where I had a horrible panic attack when this all started.  I get dizzy; I start to sweat; I'm terrified but I do it and I'm still alive after....next time it will be easier.  You are very brave; we all are. We are all going to get better.  :smitten:

Another good article describing what is happening to us.  Knowledge is power. :smitten:





Thank you!  I am so glad to hear that you are much better today.  It WILL pass....you are right, it ALWAYS does.  Why is it so hard to see in the middle of a wave? 

I will hold you in my thoughts tomorrow.  You went back to a place that you had a panic attack and are still alive.  :)  I will be too. 

Love to you and thanks for the article!  Knowledge is power.

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Holy cow, I don't know what I would do without you all!  My fear for tomorrow has calmed down significantly thanks to all of your words of truth. 

I have realized that I wasn't breathing through this fear very well.  My rib cage got so tight and I wasn't taking deep breaths.  I will be working on that tomorrow. I'm going to try to eat some protein and I'll be taking a bath and then going to bed early.

I went on a walk tonight and will be meeting my friend at 5:30 tomorrow morning for another one.  Hoping to burn off some excess anxiety before I get started. 

My dad told me to make an exit plan.  I will be calling my husband to come and pick me up, if I absolutely need to, but I think just by knowing that is an option I will feel less trapped, calming my fears. 


This little group of ours is such a blessing!  :smitten: 

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HH-- deep breaths, your will get through this. Maybe you are just nervous about the field trip tomorrow and its a trigger of some sort. Remember our CNS is still so very sensitive. I will be praying for you. ((Hugs)) jenny


Thanks Jenny!  I am definitely nervous about my field trip.  I realized after talking to my dad, who suffers from panic attacks, that going back to a place where you had a previous panic attack is really, really hard.  I had one while at this location before, while in the tapering process, and then managed to avoid going back all last year.  I'm actually thinking that by avoiding it last year by cancelling, I have made my fear of it worse.  It will be a big day for me tomorrow to overcome this fear.  Couple this fear with the sensitive post-benzo CNS....it's no wonder I'm freaking out.  I'm hoping this perspective helps to relieve some of the fear!


I had no idea!  We are learning a lot in this process aren't we.  Can't wait to hear back on how it goes tomorrow.  :smitten:

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That's the spirit HH.....Expecto Patronum............lol.  kick that Grimm off a cliff for us on your hike.

Have the best day you can....I'll pray for sunshine and some light and laughs for you.  You are very strong and brave.

:smitten:  Let's all have a good night.  We are in this together.  Thank God for all of you.


LOL!!  Good one Woot!

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Hi Buddies,


Whew...this has been the Week of the Wave! UGH. I got a very uncomfortable infection in my eye, which led me to have to use eye drops with an antibiotic and a steroid.  I have been fighting off a head cold.  I have to wear my glasses, rather than my contacts, and they are old and give me a headache. I'm on my period.  AND I have a huge field trip on Monday that I am really worried about.  The perfect storm to set up a HUGE wave. 


Last night my husband and I were out to dinner with friends and, after my anxiety kept rising, I all of a sudden felt like I was going to throw up.  Such a wave of nausea.  We left right away and I barely made it home before I did throw up.  My fear and anxiety was crazy high.  I had head pressure, major health anxiety, shaking, the works. I haven't felt like that for such a long time!  I have only felt anxiety to the point of actually throwing up once before, and I wasn't sure if I actually had a touch of a stomach bug along with the anxiety.  I have been nauseous before, often used to gag in the morning, especially while brushing my teeth, but not throwing up like I did.  Thankfully I slept good last night, but I woke up full of anxiety and fear.  It's calmed down significantly, but I can feel it lurking around the edges.


My field trip is an all-day one to Crater Lake National Park.  I have a lot of fear about this one because a year and 1/2 ago, while on my last field trip up there, I was sick with bronchitis, felt like I couldn't breathe, and had a panic attack.  I was in the last bit of my tapering process and my anxiety was really bad at the time.  I couldn't handle going back last year, so I cancelled the trip.  I was hoping that I would be more comfortable with going up there, but I can feel the anxiety about it rising already.  I'm really worried I will have a panic attack up there. This will be a big hurdle for me to get over in my healing process. 


I'm still nauseous, and not 100% sure that I don't have a bug along with this wave.


My husband thinks that I was hit with such a tough wave because of my eye infection and head cold.  Could be.  I'm sure it has made everything more intense.  I have read often about sickness causing waves, but while I was sick at times last year, I was so wavy that it was impossible to tell if it ever made them worse. 


I got through my day and spent several hours at my daughter's volleyball tournament, keeping the scorebook as usual.  I am really tired now and will probably be going to bed early.  Hopefully to wake up with more healing from this eye infection and cold! 


I am exchanging my seahorse on this merry-go-round for the sleigh that is anchored and doesn't go up and down.  I am ready to go back to consistency....no more ups and downs for me.  ;)   



The steroid  w/ an antibiotic.  What kind of antibiotic?  And I think steroids are a problem, too.  MoreChocolate just posted, after writing her success story at 7 months, and being consistently fine since then, at 16 months  had a tough wave after being treated in the hospital for pancreatitis. They gave her toradol. and another woman had a wave three years out from supplements from a chiropractor.  I really do think it's the infection or the medication, or both.  And MChoc felt better after a few days.


You're rattled.  Don't be.  Calm down  Remember the three legged stool, the glue that's not yet cured.  You're only 14 months.  In benzo wd that's early.  I think you will be fine.  :smitten:


The antibiotic is Tobramycin and the corticosteroid is Dexamethasone.  Do you think that eye drops could cause a reaction?


HH, I think it's the corticosteroid, I've heard a few times people had strong reactions to it.


Even though you've been standing strong from early on, you're still only 14 months out.  That brain is not completely healed, that glue is not set.  So you have sx, health fears, and the anxiety of the trip.  If you don't go, can your class go with other teachers, is there a whole group going that they can tag along with?  Because if you feel this bad, you might want to take that day if it's at all possible.


If you're freaking out this bad about health, I know you're tough, so your heart has to be hammering like crazy.  To be this intense, with no other trigger, it has to be the meds.  Unless you're about to go blind without them, maybe discontinue?


Im hoping you feel better by the time you read this so you can finish your medication and go on your trip tomorrow.  But if not, maybe some damage control, to feel more in control of the situation, so you can feel better?

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This wave has gotten worse today and I feel like I am in acute.  :'(  I just had a panic attack and I haven't had a true one for MONTHS!  What the heck is going on? 

My husband, who earlier was saying how much better I have been doing, actually mentioned if I need some medicinal help.  :( This scares me SO MUCH!! 

I don't know how I am going to get through tomorrow's field trip.  I could really, really use your prayers and encouragement.  :'(




Corticosteroids can flare up benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms during recovery. This seems to be only when steroids are taken orally. Creams and inhaled steroids seem to be okay. There is a binding site on the GABA receptor for steroids. If you click on this link you can see in a picture of the GABA receptor system the main binding/recognition sites on the GABA receptor. The GABA receptor complex includes the benzodiazepine site, barbitone site, GABA binding site and the steroid binding site. There is some cross tolerance between steroids and benzodiazepine acting drugs. It is important to note however that corticosteroids are sometimes prescribed for serious medical conditions and sometimes in life threatening situations. If taking corticosteroids is necessary due to serious health conditions and you experience a "set back" or a flare up or return of withdrawal effects try not to despair, no permanent harm is done just ride out the bad patch.

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Wow...a LOT going on here. Every time I stay off the forum for a day I get completely lost in the posts.  I read them all and then I can not remember who wrote what post...

....HH....I am so sorry you are in such misery over the field trip with the panic attached to it. I had a panic. at the PT office 3 weeks ago and have not returned yet...I totally get it. I think which ever way you go is going to be fine. I love Peace 's take on it.. we have to care about and for ourselves and accept that we are not perfect human beings...and it is so important to model this to kids...and it sounds like you have a very good back up plan. ...In the long run HH,  either option ..wheather you go or don't go is perfectly acceptable. If you don't go its ok,  you will go next year when panics and anxiety will be long ago distant fuzzy memories. If you do go you will experience that sense of" I did this! "...and gain some more confidence...

.....I will be thinking of you tomorrow HH....wishing you peace...coop

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Sky..I just read your post a few pages back about the weird fear of doing normal every day things.  I had this too...like random dread and anxiety would just attach itself to thoughts about anything. I would wake up in the morning thinking " I need to run a load of laundry ".  or, "my friend is stopping by with lunch today "  and just be flooded with dread and repetive tho king about how long it would be until I needed yo put laundry in or when my friend would be coming. It would be hours away but I would have sinking crushing dread..  over unimportant things a nd things that I was looking forward to. It was never about the actual event.  the dread somehow came with the thought not the image or vision ...so weird I can not articulate it...way different than anticipatory dread. It was more like intrusive thoughts somehow...It hardly ever happens to me any more. It is a spooky s/x but it goes away. ..Feel better Sky...you are healing every day...coop
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