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Last Words Of A Shooting Star



I wish I had something better to update you guys with. But I just don't. It's been a real struggle. Why did I ever touch an SSRI again? Everything was going... well, not great. But manageable. My anxiety was high, despite being on 45mg Mirtazapine, and I added Citalopram to it. Barely anything. And yet since, my life has gone off the rails. Badly. 

I stopped taking it, but I've been living in windows and waves, annoyingly. Maybe the waves aren't as destructive as they were in the first week or two. I thought I was out of the woods, had a good week or so with only little bits of anxiety, then it struck again big time. Went to ER. They gave me two temazepam. Bad choice.

Windows and waves since. Reading has been the only thing keeping me going really.

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I'm so, so sorry to hear this! Ugh, the last thing you needed. Looks like you were healed but your CNS was yet a bit fragile. Well, Thank God you can read! That's a gift.

Antidepressants. The gift that takes you away. I remember asking my Pdoc if there was anything I could take that would just make me feel better!!#@?!! She told me to get a cat. She really did. But I'm glad she didn't haul off and give me something else. 

So it was the citalopram that started it, and the temazepam made it worse? You'll get over the temazepam hopefully sooner rather than later. I'm banking on it for you. I'm banking on you getting through all of this, HS.

Are you working on anything? I know you're one of those crazily talented people I always wanted to be. I hope you can produce, if not now, then soon. Will shoot up a prayer for you. :hug: 

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