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About this blog

Some of you may remember my previous blog, Waiting For The Sun To Shine Again. That blog detailed my benzo withdrawal journey at first, and for the past year or more, simply my life after it. This blog will be more about my relationship to recovery, creativity, and making something worthwhile of what remains after benzo's. I hope you enjoy.

Entries in this blog

The Many Failures Of The Man With No Name

Hey guys, it's been a long time. And it's been a strange time. Most of this year has been a struggle, but it got particularly bad in August when I tried to introduce Citalopram into my regime to combat my anxiety, particularly my health anxiety. And what do you know, it made things worse. The first two weeks when I started on a super low dose was fine, but as soon as I upped it, it was terrible. And it felt a hell of a lot like benzo withdrawal. And it started getting better as soon as I stopped


[Hu...] in The Struggle

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