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Muscle wasting and muscle weakness


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My muscle weakness and pain hits my arms mainly. Sometimes it is little bit difficult even to take juice bottle out of fridge. My muscles also hurts even if I do something small with them. Weakness and pain are not my only symptoms but I also feel slight ataxia type of motoric issues when doing someting with my hands. I do jot know if this is caused by benzos or something else.


I started exercise about one month ago. Lifting weights has increased my arms strength and it is good. When I went to gym for the first time over a year I was happy to do it but aftr lifting weights my arms visibly shaked when tensed my arms muscles. Strange!

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I got a little calm, when I read this thread, and now know that these problems are normal. I am now in month 28, and have trouble so I can hardly move. Have been a lot of muscle weakness from day one, but have not had such a lot of pain. But the symptoms seem to be in the queue, releasing one, then the next will come. So, now it's time for the stage of muscle weakness and pain. Can hardly open the refrigerator door, or hold a glass. But it's only to fight in the misery. :)
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translator 100, do you get some windows?


I’m not at all sure what is up in my whole arrangement of events. I felt slightly better, but I get a sick sadness with all this too.


Such a mess in the head and heart, “how could it have happened? I’m alone, screw!” Seems to be the silently yet loudly screaming voice when I wake up for one second. It’s a rush of “oh no-oh no-oh no!...”


Because most days have been so hard after the tsunami return of PAWS at around 17mo.


And really what is between the lines is our special sadness and isolation, and feeling like because I stir the sh*t here, and who am I now that I’m coming into my body and who will read this and not want to respond because it is I.


Been trying to break away, I think I will for a while.

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Azalea: I have had very little windows. I usually get it every fifth month, and then for a few hours. It would be nice, to have some rest, and take care of the home. But now it's the withdrawal of every little moment, I would be so grateful for a small window! :)
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I wanted to comment on this because I feel like I had a bit of all the muscle issues.  The first 4 months or so working out was not really possible.  Not only are you very weak but afterwards you feel terrible for a day or so.  I did light exercise and short jogs.  I really started to push myself around 6 months, it did not have much of a benefit, but it also didnt make me feel miserable for days.  Around 7 months I started getting a lot of muscle tone again but was going to the gym 4 days a week.  It seemed to go away again  around the 9-12 month mark.  I am at 14 months this week and I would say my muscle tone  is about the same as before.  I have been pushing pretty hard though and actually started boxing.  I think the level that is pushed in training sessions has really helped things start regulating again. You get to the point you feel like you may puke or pass out. (I have heard hard exercise helps re balance both hormones and neurotransmitters)


**I did notice a lot of people that are saying its a lot harder to work out and keep muscle mass.  While I am sure a good portion of this is from withdrawal, I did notice a lot of them are in low to mid 30's.  I am 32 M and I think at this age it just gets harder to keep in shape, we are getting older.  I look at a lot of my friends NOT in withdrawal and they have the same issues. 

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Your reply is so reassuring, Hubert7.

Thank you so very much— it is actually the best thing for me that I saw this in just the timing I have.


Thank you Marigold1, Translator 100, Adjusta and the list of sincere appreciating continues and is growing larger and gaining even more significance in terms of my ability to carry any amount of courage at all. Let us keep on, to the finish.




Edit: I do not know how to edit this, it looks right but I don’t know... too tired.

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My latest symptom ( last month ) has been pain in my left forearm. Weakness. I believe wasting in my palm as well. Probably due to me not exercising that arm since the muscle ache stinks.


Just a new one on this weird ride. Real neuro issues come in with a bang. Stuff just stops working. So as long as we can still use the limb. Think we good.

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My latest symptom ( last month ) has been pain in my left forearm. Weakness. I believe wasting in my palm as well. Probably due to me not exercising that arm since the muscle ache stinks.


Just a new one on this weird ride. Real neuro issues come in with a bang. Stuff just stops working. So as long as we can still use the limb. Think we good.


Hi A-M-,  I have the same what you have but it is in my right arm. Weakness and muscle ache. Well, I have had fear because of maybe hiding neuro issue but agreed that they came in with bang as my neurologist said it as well.

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That’s what I’m understading more and more. If your able to sit back and ask yourself...is this something bad ? I think you have your answer. Anxiety causes a ton of our symptoms...but a real neurological failure...that makes you go running to the emergency.


My friends mother is a brain surgeon. Her rule is...if youre not bleeding from the ears...you’re doing fine.

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  • 5 years later...

I know this is a really old tread, but I would really like to know if anyone on this tread recovered from the muscle weakness and all in all just recovered.

I'm 18 months off and the muscle weakness and pain are so debilitating.


Hello how are you guys doing with this now im only 26 and just about 2 months off 10 years of 3mg K use my muscles burn a little bit but seems to be wasting away so fast I run my own cleaning business I’ve continued to work and walk in the evenings but I’m so scared I am going to become incapable of doing this unless still have a numbing sensation all over my body that has been there since end on my 2 month fast taper TIA

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