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Anyone use Versed (short-acting benzo) for medical procedure? Really concerned


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Hi all,  I am one month away from being benzo free.  I am way overdue for a colonoscopy and have been putting it off because they use Versed (short acting benzo) as a seditive.  I have no other alternatives, i.e., I'm not brave enough (especially considering benzo w/d symptoms) to do it wide awake.  The other thing they use is Propofol (not a benzo) but it has to be given by a trained anesthesiaologist and my doctor just "won't go there" for this procedure.  I was wondering if anyone had to use Versed duing a medical procedure during or after taper and what happened.  I'm really scared of this but more scared of colon cancer as I had 3 precancerous polops removed 3 years ago and want to keep things in check.  Any imput on this would be greatly appreciated.




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Hi Layla,


This has been a concern for a few members, Nurse Tanya just had shoulder surgery and they used Versed. You might want to take a look at her blog found here....http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=10565.0  Also, please do a forum search by clicking on the word "forum" at the top of the page and then typing Versed in the search box.


Dr. Ashton also addressed using a benzo for surgery, stating the following....



What happens if someone who is in the course of benzodiazepine withdrawal or has successfully withdrawn needs a surgical operation? Benzodiazepines are of value as premedication before major operations and for sedation and amnesia during minor surgical procedures. Yet many ex-users are terrified that if they are given a benzodiazepine for these purposes they will become dependent all over again. They can be reassured: a single dose of a benzodiazepine given for an operation does not bring back the addiction, although the stress of an operation may re-awaken the anxiety symptoms experienced during benzodiazepine withdrawal. Symptoms reported under these circumstances have usually been the result of fear. Many personally observed patients have had repeated doses of midazolam (Versed, Hypnovel), a short-acting benzodiazepine, for dental procedures (dental phobia is common in withdrawal), and other benzodiazepines including diazepam for major and minor surgery and have recovered without complications.


Also, people who have gone back on benzodiazepines, having failed at the first attempt at withdrawal, can be just as successful at tapering as first-timers.

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Thanks for your response Theresa!  It eased my mind reading that thing in your post from Pro. Ashton.  I did try to click on 'Forum User Manual" in the upper right of the screen and then typed Versed  in "Search" but no results came up.  I'm just not going to stress over this and I'm sure I'll be ok.  I was also wondering if I should have the procedure done while I'm still tapering or wait until I'm done.  I'm only on .15 mg of Xanax now and this amount is divided into 4 daily doses.  I guess it doesn't matter much ?  I will check out Nurse Tanya's Blog.  Thanks again.



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Thanks for your response Theresa!  It eased my mind reading that thing in your post from Pro. Ashton.  I did try to click on 'Forum User Manual" in the upper right of the screen and then typed Versed  in "Search" but no results came up.  I'm just not going to stress over this and I'm sure I'll be ok.  I was also wondering if I should have the procedure done while I'm still tapering or wait until I'm done.  I'm only on .15 mg of Xanax now and this amount is divided into 4 daily doses.  I guess it doesn't matter much ?  I will check out Nurse Tanya's Blog.  Thanks again.




Click the word "forum" under BenzoBuddies.org at the top, then type Versed in the search box.

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Hi Layla,


Back in June, I needed a tooth extracted.  I was pretty nervous about it, as I knew they would be using some Versed for me to be totally out.  But my tooth hurt so bad, I had to do something.  Before the oral surgery, I explained to the oral surgeon my benzo situation, and asked if she could plase use as little as possible.  She promised to use "just a skosh" of it...hehehe.  5 mg was what she used, I think.  And then a goodly dose of an opioid (Fentanyl I think it was). 


So I was not quite 5 months off Klon by then, but still having LOTS of symptoms.  I didn't have any problems from the Versed at all.  And I haven't taken any benzos, not even a skosh, since I got off Klon.  Except that dose of Versed.   


If it would ease your mind to get the colonoscopy over with, if I were you, I'd just go ahead with it.  Since the polyp situation can be pretty significant, especially emotionally.  And it's only one dose of Versed.  You could always ask them to give you a bit less.  They often go a little overboard with it, IMO, just to "make sure".  We sometimes don't realize how we have the ability to actually negotiate about these things, like which meds and how much are given.  Strange but true. 


Theresa....thanks for that Ashton info.  I've never read the part about "dental paranoia".  Now I know what has been wrong with me and my teeth the past few months....PARANOIA!!!!!  Pure and simple.  :laugh:  You're a font of information, as usual.  Thanks!



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Thanks Adelia, I think I'm just going to go ahead and schedule the procedure.  I was going back and forth as to whether I should wait until after my taper or not.  Since I'm overdue now, I figure I just better get it over with and hope for the best.  I believe there's just no way to predict the reaction since we're all so different.  I'm going to try my best not to stress over it because that alone could cause w/d's to increase....I'm FINALLY learning this after tapering for about 14 months now...duh.




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Hi Lyd,


I had two surgeries last year during withdrawals, you gotta do what you gotta do.  It would be nice if we could put life no hold, but it's not always possible.  I'm glad you're going to do this!  :thumbsup:



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Sounds like a good plan, Lyd.  Don't let the "phobias" get you!!!


Which reminds me...of my own phobias...hehehe-- a question for you Pam and Theresa and others, if you see this.  I could probably post this someplace else if you don't....


Next Monday I'm having my little skin cancer surgery.  I've already had the predecessor "procedure" that is similar, and the opening shot in the nose is a killer!  Right into the sore.  Really really painful.  I had my pre-op phone call with the nurse and expressed my concerns about the pain.  Also, it may be a series of same shots to the tip of my nose, EVERY HOUR for up to five hours.  :tickedoff:  Good Lord.  I really started freakin a little when I heard that.  It's not llike I get to be asleep or anything either.  I have to just hang around for an hour inbetween each torture session with the needle.  And then you have to listen to the sounds of slicing flesh, or smell burning flesh.....and realize it's my own nose they're doing that to. 


So the nurse said...many people take a valium or ativan for the surgery.  And I said...OMG NO, I COULDNT" DO THAT!!!  And felt totally paranoid.  I really did. 


But now that Lyd has so nicely brought up this topic (thanks Lyd!), I'm beginning to wonder if it would be a horrible thing to take a small dose.  I guess the main problem is --- I don't have doses of benzos of any kind in my "medicine drawer" -- threw them all out -- so that might resolve the issue right there. 


Geez, I'm not sure I could even force myself to take a benzo right now.  There's some true phobias ingrained deeply into my psyche now, I'm afraid.  But really, how bad would it be, 7 months off.....is what I"m considering (against my will). 



p.s.  should've posted this on my blog I guess...oh well.  My benzo phobia has clouded my judgment... :laugh:



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Sounds like a good plan, Lyd.  Don't let the "phobias" get you!!!


Which reminds me...of my own phobias...hehehe-- a question for you Pam and Theresa and others, if you see this.  I could probably post this someplace else if you don't....


Next Monday I'm having my little skin cancer surgery.  I've already had the predecessor "procedure" that is similar, and the opening shot in the nose is a killer!  Right into the sore.  Really really painful.  I had my pre-op phone call with the nurse and expressed my concerns about the pain.  Also, it may be a series of same shots to the tip of my nose, EVERY HOUR for up to five hours.  :tickedoff:  Good Lord.  I really started freakin a little when I heard that.  It's not llike I get to be asleep or anything either.  I have to just hang around for an hour inbetween each torture session with the needle.  And then you have to listen to the sounds of slicing flesh, or smell burning flesh.....and realize it's my own nose they're doing that to. 



I would tend to think that taking a benzo prior to surgery is no different than receiving it through an IV for surgery, IMO. The fear of the benzo for me might be more than the fear of the surgery though. I'm not sure what I would do.  :crazy:

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Sounds like a good plan, Lyd.  Don't let the "phobias" get you!!!


Which reminds me...of my own phobias...hehehe-- a question for you Pam and Theresa and others, if you see this.  I could probably post this someplace else if you don't....


Next Monday I'm having my little skin cancer surgery.  I've already had the predecessor "procedure" that is similar, and the opening shot in the nose is a killer!  Right into the sore.  Really really painful.  I had my pre-op phone call with the nurse and expressed my concerns about the pain.  Also, it may be a series of same shots to the tip of my nose, EVERY HOUR for up to five hours.  :tickedoff:  Good Lord.  I really started freakin a little when I heard that.  It's not llike I get to be asleep or anything either.  I have to just hang around for an hour inbetween each torture session with the needle.  And then you have to listen to the sounds of slicing flesh, or smell burning flesh.....and realize it's my own nose they're doing that to. 


So the nurse said...many people take a valium or ativan for the surgery.  And I said...OMG NO, I COULDNT" DO THAT!!!  And felt totally paranoid.  I really did. 


But now that Lyd has so nicely brought up this topic (thanks Lyd!), I'm beginning to wonder if it would be a horrible thing to take a small dose.  I guess the main problem is --- I don't have doses of benzos of any kind in my "medicine drawer" -- threw them all out -- so that might resolve the issue right there. 


Geez, I'm not sure I could even force myself to take a benzo right now.  There's some true phobias ingrained deeply into my psyche now, I'm afraid.   But really, how bad would it be, 7 months off.....is what I"m considering (against my will). 



p.s.  should've posted this on my blog I guess...oh well.  My benzo phobia has clouded my judgment... :laugh:





One of the tests last year to find my thyroid cancer was a PET scan.  You get pumped full of radioactive material then have to lay very still for quite some time.  Then you get to go into the machine to get scanned.  I asked my Dr for 1 pill, the pharmacy filled it for me.  I was 1 year past my CT, still experiencing withdrawal symptoms and paranoid that I wouldn't be able to lay there without screaming.  I took the pill, I had the test and I was fine.  Life happens, and it would be better I believe to help yourself through this because the stress will be much worse for you than taking a one pill.


So sorry Lyd....hope you don't mind!


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Thanks you guys.  I'm mulling it over.  If I feel too worried about what symptoms I might get from 1 pill, then I won't.  But I also had wondered how silly it would be to ask my dr. for "one pill".  Maybe pretty smart -- thanks Pam!



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Hi you all!  I don't mind you posting on this thread at all.  In fact I like it and it helps me out as well.  Adelia, I'm so sorry you have to go through this and I'll be praying for you BIG TIME.  I don't know how to advise you about taking a benzo for the procedures.  I know for myself I just can't lay there fully alert for mine so that's why I'm going to just bit the bullet and take the Versed.  I'll let you all know what happens.




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hey, I wouldn't be awake during a colonoscopy NOT NO WAY, NOT NO HOW!!!  Good call Lyd.  :thumbsup:  Although some people apparently opt not to have any meds during it.  They probably used to be bull riders or something...hehehe.  Able to take the pain. 


I think I've decided to just take a norco or something for my nose surgery.  It's more the pain I'm worried about anyway, not the anxiety.  So that should take the edge off.  EEEEEHAWWWWW.



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Hey Adelia....You are soooo funny.  I really had a good laugh about the bull rider comment.  Thanks, I needed to laugh today.  Yep, I would take the pain med too...  anything to take the edge off.  I have taken many different opiates in the past for pain (Dilaudid, Percoset, Vicodin, Dermerol...you name it) and I wouldn't hesitate again if I had to for pain.  I'm a baby.  I've had 5 surgeries on my left eye plus a bunch of other problems that caused me severe pain in the past.  I've also cold turkeyed from opiates several times....for me it was a walk in the park compared to benzo withdrawal. 


I'm going to take up bull riding when I'm through with my taper....ha.




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