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Nikitis, I agree with whoever said go home and start a slow taper. 5-10% every 2 weeks or so (why don't you consult the Ashton schedules??) a month is very conservative. You can always speed up. But, no disrespect intended, but I notice that you seem to have  hard time sticking to a "regular" dosing schedule. Really, forget your doc. Many of my buddies concluded exactly that when we were tapering. All you need your prescriber for is . . . to prescribe. YOU are in charge of your taper. You know all the conventional wisdom on here -- go slow, and put up with the shi**y s/x. If they get too bad, go slower. But for heaven's sake, Nik, get on a reasonable regimen and stick with it. Your poor brain probably doesn't know WTF is going on. Most of all, do yourself a huge favor and go home. 23mgs a day is a big dose, but you can put yourself on a reasonable schedule and if you STICK TO IT, you can have a successful taper, imo.


Best to you,



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I'm not sure what to think any longer....I've seen people who are in acute hell while tapering go and detox off and feel better not far after.  I've seen people taper extremely slowly with a long, long recovery afterwards.  In general, I think it's way better to taper slowly if you can.  Either way, you are going to have to find the resolve to get through this and know you are going to suffer, as hard as hell as it is.  You seem to keep yoyo-ing your dose, taking rescue doses, etc.  You are going to have to make a decision and a plan and stick with it.  I'm sorry you got into this mess, as the rest of us did.  Not easy but you can do it!

Thank you yes I will make the decision to go home today.


I have been voluntarily admitted to the hospital, and the doctors first wanted to do a rapid taper decreasing my dose with 4 mg every week, but then I objected and said I wanna do 2 mg per 2 weeks, and the doctor agreed. But he did want to try to decrease my dose in the evening with 1 mg and see how I would feel this Monday. I think in his head he still has the option open for doing the rapid taper.


Hi Nikitis. I'd go back home and taper very very slowly, 10% a month. If you don't have any health issues other than benzo problems I'd really go back home. Such a fast taper which is almost a cold turkey the way you're putting it will probably only make things much worse in my humble opinion due to all I have seen in this forum and my own very traumatic experience.

Yeah I'm thinking of going home..


She’s on 23mg of Valium a day? Unless her signature hasn’t been updated lately.


And I’m sorry no disrespect jimmy but listening to drs got most of us in this mess to begin with.


The drs need to listen to her.


Don’t let them taper u any faster than you are willing to go nikitis.


They just want u out of there so they can move someone else in. Bums in beds = $


I'm a male lol, but yeah I'm currently on 23 mg of valium, the doctor dropped the evening dose with 1 mg 2 days ago. So I'm on uneven doses, is that bad?

I have been voluntarily admitted to the hospital, and the doctors first wanted to do a rapid taper decreasing my dose with 4 mg every week, but then I objected and said I wanna do 2 mg per 2 weeks, and the doctor agreed. But he did want to try to decrease my dose in the evening with 1 mg and see how I would feel this Monday. I think in his head he still has the option open for doing the rapid taper.

If you are in hospital(a safe place to be), come off quickly, listen to the doctor. You have not been on a high dosage long, I wouldn't prolong it.


I have been on valium since around February 2020 and on ativan since October 2019..


Sorry nikitis! No I’m not saying ur dose is bad I’m just saying it’s a high dose to just come off that fast but like mom of 7 said sometimes people do well with coming off fast. I just want u to be in control of ur taper not a dr. U need to be comfortable with how u come off. Drs aren’t going thru what ur going thru so it’s easy for them to make these calls isn’t it. I wish u all the best no matter how u decide xx

Yes you are right.


Nikitis, I agree with whoever said go home and start a slow taper. 5-10% every 2 weeks or so (why don't you consult the Ashton schedules??) a month is very conservative. You can always speed up. But, no disrespect intended, but I notice that you seem to have  hard time sticking to a "regular" dosing schedule. Really, forget your doc. Many of my buddies concluded exactly that when we were tapering. All you need your prescriber for is . . . to prescribe. YOU are in charge of your taper. You know all the conventional wisdom on here -- go slow, and put up with the shi**y s/x. If they get too bad, go slower. But for heaven's sake, Nik, get on a reasonable regimen and stick with it. Your poor brain probably doesn't know WTF is going on. Most of all, do yourself a huge favor and go home. 23mgs a day is a big dose, but you can put yourself on a reasonable schedule and if you STICK TO IT, you can have a successful taper, imo.


Best to you,



Thank you for the advice. I want to leave the hospital.

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Hi Benzobuddies,


I'm at the end of my taper and struggling.  Lots of crying, panic, poor sleep, etc....

Just wondering if I should hold a long time now or just push through.  My taper has not been perfect and my family begged me to follow my physicians plan.  It was aggressive as usual but she has now let me manage it as needed and gave me enough to slow down.  I'm very close to .5mg of Valium (on liquid) and plan to taper to zero.  Also after .5 mg, how fast can I taper to zero since it is not really doing much.  Thanks for any advice!!

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So I’ve been having a really hard time even with liquid micro tapering my V for the last 3 months. Even very small cuts are awe full. Basically in 2 months I’ve only been able to cut 0.1mg. I’m currently at 5.1mg and I take it once before bed. When I stabilize after several days I cut a tiny bit again. I’ve had to go back up tiny bits a few times cause I think I cut too quickly or too much. Any advice? At this rate it’s gonna take me a few years to get off this last 5 mg and the WDs are bad. Some ppl have mentioned splitting my dose, but I’m not sure that would be wise at this point since I’m so sensitive to even tiny dose changes, I get physical anxiety, insomnia, Nausea and dizziness. I need to work full time and also have small kids to take care of so I need to be functional.

Any suggestions? Thank you!

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So I’ve been having a really hard time even with liquid micro tapering my V for the last 3 months. Even very small cuts are awe full. Basically in 2 months I’ve only been able to cut 0.1mg. I’m currently at 5.1mg and I take it once before bed. When I stabilize after several days I cut a tiny bit again. I’ve had to go back up tiny bits a few times cause I think I cut too quickly or too much. Any advice? At this rate it’s gonna take me a few years to get off this last 5 mg and the WDs are bad. Some ppl have mentioned splitting my dose, but I’m not sure that would be wise at this point since I’m so sensitive to even tiny dose changes, I get physical anxiety, insomnia, Nausea and dizziness. I need to work full time and also have small kids to take care of so I need to be functional.

Any suggestions? Thank you!

I think the Ashton Manual states that you have to wait 2 to 4 weeks after each cut before making another cut.

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Hello Cho,


Perhaps the liquid Diazepam doesn't agree with you. Did you start having more issues after switching to liquid D?

Just a thought. You wouldn't be the first one to have more wd problems with the liquid form.


Best of luck!

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Hi cleolove.


I’m right with u. I’m on 1.12ml liquid v. Same ... sleep is just so minimal that it makes everything hard. But I’m going to keep cutting anyway. I held for 8 weeks at 1.38ml and it made no difference at all. In fact I got worse. Sometimes from what others have said some people don’t stabilize once they get to very low doses. I’d push thru if I was you. U are so close now. The only way is thru.


U can do this x

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Hello Cho,


Perhaps the liquid Diazepam doesn't agree with you. Did you start having more issues after switching to liquid D?

Just a thought. You wouldn't be the first one to have more wd problems with the liquid form.


Best of luck!


I’ve been doing liquid micro taper with water since the beginning. Started micro tapering around 5.2 mg cause I just couldn’t cope with the WD from larger cuts.

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Thanks Shayna78


It’s really hard to know what to do but I guess I can hold awhile and see if it helps. 

I’ve been feeling a little better today so I’m hopeful. I agree ...the only way out is thru. 

Sending you and others support and wishes for wellness. 

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That’s good, if that feels like the right thing for u, that is the right thing. Holding is progress. U are so close x I’m cheering for u! Stay strong x
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Hi Cleo,

I'm not sure what the best course of action is in your case and I know you are having withdrawals but not sure if they are acute or not....things can and sometimes do get worse even when we think that they can't possibly.  Thus, I will only go with what I personally would do if I were in your position, if I were in "acute" withdrawals at .5mg....I would push through to get off that amount in 1-2 months at the most.  You are getting close to the end.  This dose is extremely small.  For many, healing doesn't come until after off the drug.  Just realize that with all things benzos, it's so unpredictable.  I hope you feel better soon.



Sorry you are struggling.  If you want to attempt multiple doses, you can try and do it gradually, moving small amounts little by little.  You may be having interdose withdrawals, hard to say.  I'm not sure I have any other advice except to perhaps try a different method of tapering.  Would a pharm brand work better for you or as someone else said, dry cutting.  I understand trying to care for a family during all of this and can empathize.  Hang in there!

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I am assuming most people who are tapering Valium crossed over from another benzo.  Can you share what your crossover was like?  I’m taking 1.5mg Ativan and my doc is advising now that I go ahead and crossover to Valium because I’m having serious sleeping issues.  I only get like 2 hours sleep a night for the last two months and am really struggling.  In his experience, most crossovers are pretty painful with symptoms.  Will you please share what your crossover was like?
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I am assuming most people who are tapering Valium crossed over from another benzo.  Can you share what your crossover was like?  I’m taking 1.5mg Ativan and my doc is advising now that I go ahead and crossover to Valium because I’m having serious sleeping issues.  I only get like 2 hours sleep a night for the last two months and am really struggling.  In his experience, most crossovers are pretty painful with symptoms.  Will you please share what your crossover was like?


Hey Lunkhead, I don't think the crossover is that bad as long as you cross to the right amount and go slowly.  Don't cross all at once.  Each time you cross some over, take a few days to a week, see how you do, if you are okay, cross over some more.  Now I do agree it can be very sedating.  Another reason to take your time.  You are looking for sleep, not to be drugged all day.  There is a section in the Asht Manual that covers this.  Hopefully, knowing to cross a dose or less at a time and to go slow will keep it from being a rough crossover.  Good luck!!  Mary  :)

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I just converted from 1mg of Xanax to 10mg of Valium and feel fine.  I had one morning of a bit of anxiety and then it was gone.


I take 2mg of Valium at 8am, noon and 4pm and then 4mg at 9pm before bed.  What’s the best way to taper from here?  What has worked for a smooth landing off Valium?


Looking to hear some success stories and advice.

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I am assuming most people who are tapering Valium crossed over from another benzo.  Can you share what your crossover was like?  I’m taking 1.5mg Ativan and my doc is advising now that I go ahead and crossover to Valium because I’m having serious sleeping issues.  I only get like 2 hours sleep a night for the last two months and am really struggling.  In his experience, most crossovers are pretty painful with symptoms.  Will you please share what your crossover was like?



My crossover was from Kloniopin to Valium, and it went so well I sped it up (I do not recommend doing this, though). In my case, I felt better on the Valium than Klonopin, so much better I ignored Ashton's schedule and went by how I felt. I think I'm the rare exception, so don't go by my experience. Many people feel depressed on Valium, I felt liberated, the Klonopin had made me barely functional, Valium allowed my executive functioning skills to return, Klonopin took them away. 


Valium takes time to build up in the body, that means waiting for it to kick in. It can be hard for some to wait out that period, which is why Ashton uses a slow method where you gradually introduce Valium while removing the other benzo. My crossover was definitely not the norm, I've never regretted it. Your crossover should be like your taper, with you in control, listening to your body. Ashton's schedules are guides, you can slow things down if you feel it's too much for you to handle.


My body said "What are you waiting for? Get rid of that other dose of Klonopin and get on that Valium". So I did, earlier than Ashton recommends. Most of my Valium dose was at night, and I was on 5 mg Ambien at night. I was able to wean offf the Ambien within a week, I slept so well from Valium due to it's sedating effects. Valium can be very sedating, some found it too sedating, and couldn't adjust. The sedation does ease within a couple weeks.


I have no experience crossing from Ativan to Valium, so I can't comment on if that is harder or easier. My experience is unique to me, and isn't the norm. 

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I'm still in the hospital and the doctor wants to decrease the dose with another mg in 2 days giving me 1 more day to think about it. Doing it per 2 weeks is too slow, making it questionable whether or not I should remain in the hospital for tapering as I could do it at home.


I had severe physical anxiety this afternoon and now I still feel uncomfortable, I didn't take a walk today and yesterday I had very few to no physical anxiety and I took a morning walk. So my doctor said take a morning walk tomorrow to feel confident that you don't have physical anxiety and are stable and then we will discuss whether to drop the 1 mg.


Should I just go home?


He said he knew the Ashton Manual and that the Ashton Manual said that in a hospital setting where you are watched you can drop 25% of the benzo dose in either a week or 6 weeks I'm not sure what he ment. Is this true?

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Mary5588, it says in your profile that it was rough when you switched to Valium.  What was rough about it?


I went too fast and it was way too sedating for me.  I could hardly hold my head up.  That's how I learned to go slow and to be careful with the amount you are crossing over.    ;)

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Running book, were you taking the Xanax 3 times a day?  Did you follow the Ashton method for crossing?  How long did your cross over take?  I’m dosing Ativan 4 times a day and my doc’s crossover schedule is 8 weeks.
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Running book, were you taking the Xanax 3 times a day?  Did you follow the Ashton method for crossing?  How long did your cross over take?  I’m dosing Ativan 4 times a day and my doc’s crossover schedule is 8 weeks.


LH, what amount of Valium r u crossing too?  Do you plan to stay on 4 doses? 

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The plan is 15mg Valium.  I dose Ativan 4 times a day, and the doc’s crossover schedule is 4 to 4.  I would like to dose the Valium 2 or 3 times a day but don’t know how to get there since I am dosing Ativan 4 times a day.


Right now, my mornings are horrible on Ativan. It takes almost till lunchtime for me to mellow out.  Will Valium even the day out better for me?

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