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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

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Unfortunately, there are things that will scare you on almost every forum on BB (or even every where in internet land!)  It seems most folks


Most folks that do a sensible taper step off of benzos with no lingering effects.  Post withdrawal sxs are not very common.


Actually, I felt fine once I got below 3mg, and had absolutely zero sxs after I jumped.

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Odd question considering I am of the understanding that Valium has a long half life.  I usually take a dose about 10-11am (2mg), a dose at 5-6pm (1mg), and a final dose about 11pm (1.7mg). I decided  that I would rather only take 2 doses per day; Yesterday I took 2mg at 11am and 2.7mg about 11pm.  Today, beginning about 1pm, I began to feel really crazy. Anxiety, tons of little twitches in both calves, headache, and some GI grumbling. 


Considering Valium's long half life, is it possible for my body's reaction to be attributed to the reduction in doses while maintaining the same dosage?  I'm trying like crazy not to cave and take my dose until 11pm in order to train my body to get used to 2 doses per day rather than 3.  Anyone have any input on this?




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Odd question considering I am of the understanding that Valium has a long half life.  I usually take a dose about 10-11am (2mg), a dose at 5-6pm (1mg), and a final dose about 11pm (1.7mg). I decided  that I would rather only take 2 doses per day; Yesterday I took 2mg at 11am and 2mg about 11pm.  Today, beginning about 1pm, I began to feel really crazy. Anxiety, tons of little twitches in both calves, headache, and some GI grumbling. 


Considering Valium's long half life, is it possible for my body's reaction to be attributed to the reduction in doses while maintaining the same dosage?  I'm trying like crazy not to cave and take my dose until 11pm in order to train my body to get used to 2 doses per day rather than 3.  Anyone have any input on this?





In the first scenario you were taking a total of 4.7 mg per day, and in

The second scenario 4 mg per day. Did you make

an error in your post or did you really

Make a 0.7 mg cut

Since you said it was the same

Dose. Just clarifying.

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I ran across the same thing. I dose at 8,4,11ish. I thought I could cut that middle dose out. I had a 3 day good streak. That screwed me up after attempting to go to just twice a day for 2 days. Had a couple days that weren't pleasant and switched back to 3 a day. After I chisel my middle dose to 2.5 I'm going to work on bringing the other doses down. Not sure if it's a mental thing but I personally like the 3 a day for me at the moment. If I were to do it all over again I never would have dropped from 20mg(25 on bad days) to 15mg to start.


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I ran across the same thing. I dose at 8,4,11ish. I thought I could cut that middle dose out. I had a 3 day good streak. That screwed me up after attempting to go to just twice a day for 2 days. Had a couple days that weren't pleasant and switched back to 3 a day. After I chisel my middle dose to 2.5 I'm going to work on bringing the other doses down. Not sure if it's a mental thing but I personally like the 3 a day for me at the moment. If I were to do it all over again I never would have dropped from 20mg(25 on bad days) to 15mg to start.


Thank you for your feedback. I'm going to give this another day or two to see if I can adjust. If not, I'll go back to 3x.

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Odd question considering I am of the understanding that Valium has a long half life.  I usually take a dose about 10-11am (2mg), a dose at 5-6pm (1mg), and a final dose about 11pm (1.7mg). I decided  that I would rather only take 2 doses per day; Yesterday I took 2mg at 11am and 2.7mg about 11pm.  Today, beginning about 1pm, I began to feel really crazy. Anxiety, tons of little twitches in both calves, headache, and some GI grumbling. 


Considering Valium's long half life, is it possible for my body's reaction to be attributed to the reduction in doses while maintaining the same dosage?  I'm trying like crazy not to cave and take my dose until 11pm in order to train my body to get used to 2 doses per day rather than 3.  Anyone have any input on this?





No, it's not really possible.  I (and others) have even forgotten ("skipped") a full day's dose, and simoly double it up the next day, with no effects. 


The lag time for a dose change is typically 5-7 days.  Some might even feel it in 3 days, but definitely not 24 hours!

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Odd question considering I am of the understanding that Valium has a long half life.  I usually take a dose about 10-11am (2mg), a dose at 5-6pm (1mg), and a final dose about 11pm (1.7mg). I decided  that I would rather only take 2 doses per day; Yesterday I took 2mg at 11am and 2.7mg about 11pm.  Today, beginning about 1pm, I began to feel really crazy. Anxiety, tons of little twitches in both calves, headache, and some GI grumbling. 


Considering Valium's long half life, is it possible for my body's reaction to be attributed to the reduction in doses while maintaining the same dosage?  I'm trying like crazy not to cave and take my dose until 11pm in order to train my body to get used to 2 doses per day rather than 3.  Anyone have any input on this?





No, it's not really possible.  I (and others) have even forgotten ("skipped") a full day's dose, and simoly double it up the next day, with no effects. 


The lag time for a dose change is typically 5-7 days.  Some might even feel it in 3 days, but definitely not 24 hours!


Tell that to my twitching calves!  :laugh:  Not sure what's up with me then.  Of course, I haven't been able to fully stabilize since I got below 8mg no matter how long I hold. Some of us are just like that.


Been VERY difficult the past 3.3mg. 


Edit:  My system can feel it the very next day if I reduce .03mg. This is after a 12 day hold. The only thing I know for certain is that we aren't all alike. Even if you (and others) share similar occurrences, many won't.  I read that you had a symptom free taper from 3mg on down. Based on what I've read here on BB's, I'd have to call that rather unique for around these parts.

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Odd question considering I am of the understanding that Valium has a long half life.  I usually take a dose about 10-11am (2mg), a dose at 5-6pm (1mg), and a final dose about 11pm (1.7mg). I decided  that I would rather only take 2 doses per day; Yesterday I took 2mg at 11am and 2.7mg about 11pm.  Today, beginning about 1pm, I began to feel really crazy. Anxiety, tons of little twitches in both calves, headache, and some GI grumbling. 


Considering Valium's long half life, is it possible for my body's reaction to be attributed to the reduction in doses while maintaining the same dosage?  I'm trying like crazy not to cave and take my dose until 11pm in order to train my body to get used to 2 doses per day rather than 3.  Anyone have any input on this?





No, it's not really possible.  I (and others) have even forgotten ("skipped") a full day's dose, and simoly double it up the next day, with no effects. 


The lag time for a dose change is typically 5-7 days.  Some might even feel it in 3 days, but definitely not 24 hours!


Tell that to my twitching calves!  :laugh:  Not sure what's up with me then.  Of course, I haven't been able to fully stabilize since I got below 8mg no matter how long I hold. Some of us are just like that.


Been VERY difficult the past 3.3mg.


If you read Reg Peart's work it says you can have interdose withdrawals with V. Not common, but it happens. I also feel better with 3x daily dosing and have been too chicken to completely wean out that midday dose. I think anytime you make a change your body will notice, especially if you are sensitive. I will tell you that my first cut ever of Valium was catastrophic. I was stable on 15 mg, cut 1 mg from my midday dose and started having insomnia that very night, severe nausea the next morning, and I will tell you it was not psychological. And on a good cut I can begin to feel symptoms coming on slowly by day 2 and definitely by day 3. Everybody's different, and some of us are more sensitive than others.

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Odd question considering I am of the understanding that Valium has a long half life.  I usually take a dose about 10-11am (2mg), a dose at 5-6pm (1mg), and a final dose about 11pm (1.7mg). I decided  that I would rather only take 2 doses per day; Yesterday I took 2mg at 11am and 2.7mg about 11pm.  Today, beginning about 1pm, I began to feel really crazy. Anxiety, tons of little twitches in both calves, headache, and some GI grumbling. 


Considering Valium's long half life, is it possible for my body's reaction to be attributed to the reduction in doses while maintaining the same dosage?  I'm trying like crazy not to cave and take my dose until 11pm in order to train my body to get used to 2 doses per day rather than 3.  Anyone have any input on this?





No, it's not really possible.  I (and others) have even forgotten ("skipped") a full day's dose, and simoly double it up the next day, with no effects. 


The lag time for a dose change is typically 5-7 days.  Some might even feel it in 3 days, but definitely not 24 hours!

It is possible. Not for many, but it happens. I feel cuts that quickly.

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Hope and Maya,


Thanks for the reassurance. Maya, how small of a reduction can you feel and how long does it take you to feel it?


Not slighting you at all Builder. In fact, I really appreciate the help you've given to me and many others. 




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I was not slightling builder either.  He is right that is not usually the case. He has much more experience with Valium than me. I am just saying what I know to be true for myself. I don't like to post becasue the way I metabolize is very rare, but I do want to validate others who feel affects quickly. Also people can mistake a wave for feeling a cut. It's confusing. I also have other factors like very long term use etc. I feel my cuts within 24 hours. I hold two days to be sure. I started a smaller cut and hold pattern that SG helped me with. It made me not feel cuts. I am having issues with my stomach that really hold me back. If you want to know more please feel free to PM me.


I don't mean to disturb this thread. I hope all are doing well!

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PM sent!  ;D 


BTW, that's the whole purpose of these threads. It's good to have different viewpoints so that those who come after us can have all this information available to them. I'm sure Builder didn't take it the wrong way.




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Odd question considering I am of the understanding that Valium has a long half life.  I usually take a dose about 10-11am (2mg), a dose at 5-6pm (1mg), and a final dose about 11pm (1.7mg). I decided  that I would rather only take 2 doses per day; Yesterday I took 2mg at 11am and 2.7mg about 11pm.  Today, beginning about 1pm, I began to feel really crazy. Anxiety, tons of little twitches in both calves, headache, and some GI grumbling. 


Considering Valium's long half life, is it possible for my body's reaction to be attributed to the reduction in doses while maintaining the same dosage?  I'm trying like crazy not to cave and take my dose until 11pm in order to train my body to get used to 2 doses per day rather than 3.  Anyone have any input on this?





No, it's not really possible.  I (and others) have even forgotten ("skipped") a full day's dose, and simoly double it up the next day, with no effects. 


The lag time for a dose change is typically 5-7 days.  Some might even feel it in 3 days, but definitely not 24 hours!


Tell that to my twitching calves!  :laugh:  Not sure what's up with me then.  Of course, I haven't been able to fully stabilize since I got below 8mg no matter how long I hold. Some of us are just like that.


Been VERY difficult the past 3.3mg.


If you read Reg Peart's work it says you can have interdose withdrawals with V. Not common, but it happens. I also feel better with 3x daily dosing and have been too chicken to completely wean out that midday dose. I think anytime you make a change your body will notice, especially if you are sensitive. I will tell you that my first cut ever of Valium was catastrophic. I was stable on 15 mg, cut 1 mg from my midday dose and started having insomnia that very night, severe nausea the next morning, and I will tell you it was not psychological. And on a good cut I can begin to feel symptoms coming on slowly by day 2 and definitely by day 3. Everybody's different, and some of us are more sensitive than others.


Hi Hope,


I took some time and read through Dr Peart's articles. From one such article:


"In dealing with problematic tapers, there is often a problem with interdose withdrawal in some people, even when using Valium but especially in the faster-acting benzos like Xanax and Ativan.  Dr. Peart suggests people change to 3 doses per day by splitting their one dose into thirds.  Doing this and leaving these 3 doses in place as long as possible will often stop the interdose w/d symptoms"


So...looks like I may be "some" people.  Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction.


All the Best,


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  I also feel my cut on the second day and then get slammed on the 8th day or so.  I am also now going to try to split back to three times a day and see if I do better.  I take 6.75 in am and 7 mg. at bedtime.  I''m going to do it 5, 3.75, 5 and see if I feel better.  I have now been doing a hold to see if I could stabilize but not making much progress.  Maybe this will help.  If not I'll go back to twice a day.  Really wanted to get to once a day but that isn't possible right now. Good luck everyone. 
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Good luck Free!  I can sympathize with hold only working to some degree. It's frustrating to say the least. I will admit though that I do feel a bit better during a hold, but after I plateau, I begin to start feeling crappy again. That's how I know it's time to start cutting slowly again.


You can do this!




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Ed, Maya, Hope,

I rarely post anymore given my unique experience with tapering V.

1.  Like Maya, I am a rapid V metabolizer and I feel cuts withing an 8 hour period, sooner with cuts that are too large.

2.  I must dose  at least 3 times a day. Even on V I feel interdose withdrawal.

3.  Long holds do not work for me. Like you Ed, I plateau and then experience an increase in symptoms.


So thankful for the shared experiences that are outside the "typical" taper experience. If their is a "typical".


Be well everyone,


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Ed, Maya, Hope,

I rarely post anymore given my unique experience with tapering V.

1.  Like Maya, I am a rapid V metabolizer and I feel cuts withing an 8 hour period, sooner with cuts that are too large.

2.  I must dose  at least 3 times a day. Even on V I feel interdose withdrawal.

3.  Long holds do not work for me. Like you Ed, I plateau and then experience an increase in symptoms.


So thankful for the shared experiences that are outside the "typical" taper experience. If their is a "typical".


Be well everyone,





You and I are at about the same dosage and sounds like we have pretty similar circumstances. Hey buddy!  Sorry for what you're going through; I hope you have a good support system at home. Please feel free to PM me at any time.  :)




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Ed, Maya, Hope,

I rarely post anymore given my unique experience with tapering V.

1.  Like Maya, I am a rapid V metabolizer and I feel cuts withing an 8 hour period, sooner with cuts that are too large.

2.  I must dose  at least 3 times a day. Even on V I feel interdose withdrawal.

3.  Long holds do not work for me. Like you Ed, I plateau and then experience an increase in symptoms.


So thankful for the shared experiences that are outside the "typical" taper experience. If their is a "typical".


Be well everyone,





You and I are at about the same dosage and sounds like we have pretty similar circumstances. Hey buddy!  Sorry for what you're going through; I hope you have a good support system at home. Please feel free to PM me at any time.  :)





Yes, Buddy Ed, we are hoeing a similar path!

I follow your progress on your blog, daily.

Please PM anytime!


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For those of you doing a step down taper, no matter how small or large, what day (how many days after) do you feel the cut the most?  I guess I mean what day is your worst after a cut?  I do know we metabolize at different speeds, I am just trying to get a handle on beginning to understand how this taper process may affect me.  Thank you! RR
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  I usually feel it a little on the second day and then get slammed on 8th day but I am having a hard taper.  I was doing cut and hold but when I start back up I am going to do pills and liquid mt part of dose and taper that way.  Good luck.
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For those of you doing a step down taper, no matter how small or large, what day (how many days after) do you feel the cut the most?  I guess I mean what day is your worst after a cut?  I do know we metabolize at different speeds, I am just trying to get a handle on beginning to understand how this taper process may affect me.  Thank you! RR


I feel it mildly by day 2, more by day 3, definitely getting worse day 4-5, feel better for a bit them slammed anywhere from days 9-11 then gradually get better.  You will have to find your own individual pattern.  I keep a calendar and write down the symptoms every day to track my pattern.

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So what I am learning is that the Ashton taper method of cutting every 7-14 days (esp 7!) may not work for some of us. This is assuming that my benzo-brain understood the Aston Manual correctly on that subject.  I do love all of the helpful info there, though.  Thank you for all of you that replied, and any replies to come. I appreciate them all!! RR
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So what I am learning is that the Ashton taper method of cutting every 7-14 days (esp 7!) may not work for some of us. This is assuming that my benzo-brain understood the Aston Manual correctly on that subject.  I do love all of the helpful info there, though.  Thank you for all of you that replied, and any replies to come. I appreciate them all!! RR


I think most of the Ashton taperers hold at least 2 weeks.  Ashton's plan is a bit fast for some of us sensitive folks. For instance, I could not tolerate the recommended cut from 15 to 14 mg when I started my taper and needed to hold 24 days to recover.  I resumed with 0.5 mg cuts every two weeks and did well until I cut to 11.5 mg.  The cuts can start to stack up on you due to the long half life.  I had them stack up on me with the 2 week holds and switched to a 3 week hold pattern after the 11.5 mg debacle.  But everybody is different.  A lot of people on this thread are micro tapering.  If you are interested, there is an Ashton support thread, and a lot of the people on that thread are tapering Valium via the cut and hold method.  You just have to find the right pace for your body, which unfortunately involves trial and error.  Don't be like me.  If you are at 15 mg, try a 0.5 mg cut first to see how you tolerate it.  You can always increase the cut amount if things go well.

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Thanks Hope!  I appreciate the help, and I will check out the Ashton thread! I do not know where I belong here just yet. I was thinking about doing a larger cut, but am truly learning that I must be patient or my world will fall apart, which it still may do. Thank you so much!
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