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Valium/Diazepam Support Group


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Thanks, Ed. Anybody else want to chime in about switching to liquid before actually tapering? I'm feeling lazy about that idea :crazy: and would rather just do it when I do it. What did the rest of you do?
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First time posting on the Valium support board. I wanted to know if there was a time when the Valium just doesn't work anymore? Almost where you don't feel it? I am down to 14 mg. I handled a 3 day vacation very well to my surprise. I thought I might have to updose but I didn't. I have finally gained some weight back. I'm dosing at 8,4,11 now. I'm planing on cutting most of the middle dose out. Even after no meds for all day....I dose and don't get that satisfaction. Only bad ear ringing now. I've ate better and slept better and going for another cut next week sometime if I continue to feel better.


That's the classic description of tolerance...your med becomes less effective, or completely ineffective.  It's the body's natural response to the constant exposure to a substance.


It's an almost universal characteristic of benzos, and one of the major reasons benzos are considered inappropriate for long term therapy.

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It sounds like I'm basically taking my Valium now to avoid withdrawal because it has become so ineffective. Once I get down to 10mg, I'm going to look into that liquid taper. I'm not going to rush it though. When I first started in March I told myself I could be done by the end of summer.... wrong answer. If I'm lucky this could be new year resolution at earliest I see now.
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Having hard time dealing g with life.  Coping.  I am the older of  2 children. My mother has multiple medical problems.  She is dying and it so hard.  Think if not tapering I might be stronger.
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Having hard time dealing g with life.  Coping.  I am the older of  2 children. My mother has multiple medical problems.  She is dying and it so hard.  Think if not tapering I might be stronger.


I'm sorry you're having such a rough go of it. Life can be difficult at times even for people without our issue(s). It seems especially unfair in our predicament. I just wanted to say that I am really proud of you for how far you've come along. I mean, JUST LOOK AT YOUR SIGNATURE.  You've made incredible progress, and if you keep on trending in this direction, you'll be recovered before you know it.  Just hang on. You can do this!


I believe in you!



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Surviving benzo, so sorry for that hardship you've been through, I can relate for that coz I have similar story about my mum, and I'm still on taper and last year my dad past away and didn't know I'm on my early withdrawal symptoms just figured it out after reading Ashton manual.  Hang in there and we need to be strong. Regards, mcm
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Hi, has anyone taken antibiotics while on V??? I've got a bad case of rosacea, and have to take antibiotics to get rid of it. And I'm afraid I might have a reaction if I take it??


Hopefully someone has an answer.



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I did fine just don't take a quinoline type. I also held while I was on the antibiotic and for a few days after I was done. I also made sure to have yogurt with active cultures so I kept my 'good bacteria'.  I don't think it is a good idea to taper when we have other things going on. 
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I just took macrodantin

I am in severe bladder pain due to UTI

I don't think it's resolved and have other bladder oissed

Two days later I felt acute w intense anxiety

I was doing well before these last 3-4 wks of bladder pain UTI /yeast then antibiotics

It screwed my whole taper :(

But I kept tapering daily micro taper bc this poison is making me so sick I can't fake it anymore

Stay away from cipro and levaquin

If u are generally healthy antibiotics won't be bad

I have underlying issues and they have always been hard

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I think I have a UTI,but won't go to the doc until I find out what antibiotics are ok and not ok to take.  Would somebody please answer that for me?  Thank you.  Cross
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I am tapering Valium pills and liquid  I am taking 6 6 8 and going down one and a half mg per month using liquid.  Would it be ok to go down a mg in 10 days and then a mg in 20 days every other time, using the liquid?  NOW, HERE COMES WHAT MIGHT BE A DUMB QUESTION, BUT WHEN YOU ARE DOING PILLS AND LIQUID. Sorry, just noticed the caps, I hit key by accident.  So, doing pills and liquid do you still follow the 10% a month suggestion?  I was doing cut and hold before I started doing it this way.  I am getting confused and my doctor isn't very helpful.  Really counting on support from BB, so please help me.  Cross
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I am tapering Valium pills and liquid  I am taking 6 6 8 and going down one and a half mg per month using liquid.  Would it be ok to go down a mg in 10 days and then a mg in 20 days every other time, using the liquid?  NOW, HERE COMES WHAT MIGHT BE A DUMB QUESTION, BUT WHEN YOU ARE DOING PILLS AND LIQUID. Sorry, just noticed the caps, I hit key by accident.  So, doing pills and liquid do you still follow the 10% a month suggestion?  I was doing cut and hold before I started doing it this way.  I am getting confused and my doctor isn't very helpful.  Really counting on support from BB, so please help me.  Cross


Taper based on your total dose.  It doesn't matter what form(s) you are taking it by.

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I think I have a UTI,but won't go to the doc until I find out what antibiotics are ok and not ok to take.  Would somebody please answer that for me?  Thank you.  Cross

  You should be OK with anything except fluoroquinolones (cipro, levaquim etc)  Unfortunately, quinolones are often prescribed for UTIs, so be sure to make your doc aware that you do not want any quinolones.
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Thanks, Builder, for answering both my questions.  It looks like that also answered my question about going down 1 mg every 10 days and 1 every 20 days.  Since I am at 20 mg, I should just stay at one and a half, which would be less than 10% I think?  If my husband gets confused also as I go down lower, I might have to ask you about the lowering amounts.  Thanks for being you and thanks for being patient.  Cross
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Quite possibly I have asked this before, but my memory is hell.


Anyone here who did a direct switch (not crossover) to diazepam at a high (like 40 mg...) dose ?

I just can't mix the two.

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Is there anyone on here who understands much about DNA test results in regards to benzos? I just got mine back and it has me marked with 2 red ( both parents ) on CYP2C19, which of course is valium which of course is what I am almost fully crossed over to. I understand that it doesnt mean you cant take it, just that it may cause it to metabolize too slowly or too quickly, is that correct? I don't feel like Im doing much worse than the average person on here so far, but is there something I should watch or watch for? I know most people never even have this done so they wouldnt even know. Any advice, or is there a more appropriate place to post this? Thanks!
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Is there anyone on here who understands much about DNA test results in regards to benzos? I just got mine back and it has me marked with 2 red ( both parents ) on CYP2C19, which of course is valium which of course is what I am almost fully crossed over to. I understand that it doesnt mean you cant take it, just that it may cause it to metabolize too slowly or too quickly, is that correct? I don't feel like Im doing much worse than the average person on here so far, but is there something I should watch or watch for? I know most people never even have this done so they wouldnt even know. Any advice, or is there a more appropriate place to post this? Thanks!


V metabolism is a little complicated.  2C19 is only one of five (I think) enzymes that clear V and it's active metabolites.  I'm not sure how big its role is.  If it is minor then the fast 2C19 clearance may not impact you much.


Right.  Fast clearance shortens the half life.  V is so long that it might still be plenty long.  I think it will be fine.  I'd like to find a breakout for V which shows which enzymes clear what parts of the V system and how much so we could know which are major and minor.  It would be useful.

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I don't usually post here, but I have studied genetics a lot (too much) due to the very unique way I metabolize meds. Two variants doesn't mean that the liver enzyme is definitely affected and it doesn't say how. I wouldn't worry about it. Genetic testing just proved what my body already told me. I would go by how you feel. The main liver enzymes are 2C19 and 3A4, but genetics like most things is not an extract science. Also as SG said it isn't that simple. I don't want to babble on about liver enzymes. If you want you can get your genetic info interpreted. You will be fine. I would just go by how you feel. Also Xanax and klonopin also use 3A4. I hope this was of some help.


XO Maya

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Thanks for the info. I seem to be doing as well as most people right now so if I have to keep taking it a few times a day thats not a big deal at all. Im just grateful it seems to be working well so far. I am going to get the other info looked at since I have such bizarre cholesterol, homocysteine etc that wont respond to anything- and a few somewhat clogged arteries at 50. So finding out about the V may just be an interesting fact. Thanks again yall!
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Exactly, just dose how you need to. I assume you just have your raw genetic data based on what you said. If you are interested in getting in interpreted I can let you know how. I find genetics to be interesting. I am weird. My sister doesn't like to know stuff becasue it can give her health anxiety. There are variants that make me slightly more likely to get something, but still very unlikely. Also I will say the average doctor doesn't understand genetics. I am glad you are doing well. C/O to V was very helpful for me. I needed the longer half life.
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I did the 23 and me then the livewello, but even with that its very vague. Reading their info I could be a fast or a poor metabolizer I guess, but I can tell its fast without it being interpereted. But I am looking forward to finding out more about what all this means- its fascinating.
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I did both and more. Livewello should interpret CY2C19 for you. It said I was a rapid metabolizer of it and named medications it would affect. It doesn't interpret all the P40, which is what is needed. I also spoke to someone about interpreting the medication part. It just confirmed what I already knew. Further testing will be more expensive. Also genetics is not an exact science and they are still learning a lot. There are also different opinions on how the liver enzymes affect each other. If you want to talk more about it, you can PM me. I have been dealing with some stomach issues, but will get back to you as soon as I can. I find it interesting, but I also think that many misinterpret and misunderstand. Also whatever type of metabolizer you are you will be fine. I find it interesting, but I didn't get any answers from it, just confirmation. I also did it so my pdoc would let me cross from K to V. I am glad you Dr let you c/o. Wishing you all the best!



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I just read the post withdrawal thread and it scared me.

How do you feel? Most of the people on the site were on different drugs not Valium.

If I am going to still be sick, should I just quit after .5 mgs or go down to .25 mgs for awhile? I don't see how that will help if I am still going to feel this way.

I don't feel too bad... Mainly lightheaded with depression.

Thanks k

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