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So I believe that my theory about the milk taper not being accurate at lower levels is correct. My anxiety is abating after a few days at the "real" dosage using the compound. Whew...that was tough I'll tell you. 


On a separate note, for some reason I've developed predictable nausea each of the past three days. It hits about 2 to 2:30 pm and continues until about 6pm. Then it lets up.  TMI here, so skip over if you're squeamish, but just after my daily bowel movement (normal bm consistency BTW) is when the nausea onsets.  Anyone else experience this?


The one thing I've noticed is that I tend to eat whole wheat bread with natural peanut paste for lunch most days.  Today, I cut out the peanut paste and stuck to only the bread, yet still got nauseous.  I wonder if I've suddenly become gluten intolerant? Tomorrow, I'll spread that peanut butter on a banana and see what happens. Process of elimination, I guess.  I'll post my results in case it can help anyone down the road.




Hi Ed,

Many including my mom end up with nausea from the valium.

It is the one sx that I prayed she wouldn't get.

It didn't start until she got down below 2mg and stayed with her until just recently it let up.

Zofran was a life saver for the nausea and it would go away shortly after the zofran.

It doesn't matter what she eats and it comes on instantly, without warning.

I am sorry you are getting this sx and hope it doesn't last too long for you.


Thank you, Mr. It isn't too, too bad. I basically just have to lay on the couch for a couple hours to recover. I work from home and can deal with this. Many deal with much worse. I'm sorry that your Mom had such a difficult time. I pray I don't.


Hope Mom is feeling well these days.




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So I believe that my theory about the milk taper not being accurate at lower levels is correct. My anxiety is abating after a few days at the "real" dosage using the compound. Whew...that was tough I'll tell you. 


On a separate note, for some reason I've developed predictable nausea each of the past three days. It hits about 2 to 2:30 pm and continues until about 6pm. Then it lets up.  TMI here, so skip over if you're squeamish, but just after my daily bowel movement (normal bm consistency BTW) is when the nausea onsets.  Anyone else experience this?


The one thing I've noticed is that I tend to eat whole wheat bread with natural peanut paste for lunch most days.  Today, I cut out the peanut paste and stuck to only the bread, yet still got nauseous.  I wonder if I've suddenly become gluten intolerant? Tomorrow, I'll spread that peanut butter on a banana and see what happens. Process of elimination, I guess.  I'll post my results in case it can help anyone down the road.




Hi Ed,

Many including my mom end up with nausea from the valium.

It is the one sx that I prayed she wouldn't get.

It didn't start until she got down below 2mg and stayed with her until just recently it let up.

Zofran was a life saver for the nausea and it would go away shortly after the zofran.

It doesn't matter what she eats and it comes on instantly, without warning.

I am sorry you are getting this sx and hope it doesn't last too long for you.


Thank you, Mr. It isn't too, too bad. I basically just have to lay on the couch for a couple hours to recover. I work from home and can deal with this. Many deal with much worse. I'm sorry that your Mom had such a difficult time. I pray I don't.


Hope Mom is feeling well these days.




Hopefully, a good hold can stop it.

My problem was that I was tapering her too fast on several occaisions.

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I'm scared because I've done cold turkey unsuccessfully and I am proud to say i am down to 14 mg per day.  Im thinking got to cut pills into 4 what do you think?  I'm wondering  if the dr. Needs help himself?
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I am at 3.96 Valium

Been doing 2ml per day reduction ( 1mg over 66 days)

Is this reasonable?

I screwed up a cold Turkey and fast taper so kindled

Does anyone who kindled have an easy ride off?

Doing ok other than bladder infection, major anxiety issues

I would take depression and physical sxs and anything over anxiety and Akathesia

It's unbearable

But I feel the longer I am on this the worse my body and immune system feels

So I was planning to quit work in December for around 6 mos ( praying that's enough bc I need to work and I need money) so 8 more mos to go down from 3.96. Is this reasonable? Doctor wanted me done in March but I am worried about going thru a winter in withdrawal and would rather be at home not getting flue etc

I don't think it's smart to get a flu shot while in withdrawal bc I have had issues before


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Dear Ed,

Sorry to hear about the nausea, I know what you are going through though because I get it off and on everyday. It's really a horrible feeling. Yesterday I had some cream of wheat for breakfast and boy was I sick most of the day. I didn't have it this morning and so far so good with the nausea. I'm going to see a Gastrologist today. I am hoping I can get something for the nausea because I have been taking Pepto Bismol and that makes me constipated, than I have to deal with that. It just never ends.


Praying your nausea is better today.





Thank you for your well wishes. I'll tell you what, I'll take nausea all day, every day over debilitating anxiety.  But I do appreciate where you're coming from.  I almost have to wonder if the gluten in Cream of Wheat is what is setting you off. As you know, gluten can be an inflammatory agent for many people. And, I'd imagine, can do so on and off for people like us on taper/in withdrawal/post-withdrawal.  Today, I'm avoiding all gluten and I'll report back on my results.  I hope you remain nausea free today.  :)





As promised, I'm checking back in.  I avoided gluten today, yet still had my 3pm issues. Only one thing left to remove from my morning diet to rule out this is food related. I take a plant based protein powder (very clean) smoothie with ground flax seed, almond milk, organic carrots, bananas, and organic baby spinach. I'll hold off from ingesting this tomorrow and report back. If this isn't the issue, I'm simply down to the drug being the culprit. C'est la vie!


Hope everyone's well!




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I am at 3.96 Valium

Been doing 2ml per day reduction ( 1mg over 66 days)

Is this reasonable?

I screwed up a cold Turkey and fast taper so kindled

Does anyone who kindled have an easy ride off?

Doing ok other than bladder infection, major anxiety issues

I would take depression and physical sxs and anything over anxiety and Akathesia

It's unbearable

But I feel the longer I am on this the worse my body and immune system feels

So I was planning to quit work in December for around 6 mos ( praying that's enough bc I need to work and I need money) so 8 more mos to go down from 3.96. Is this reasonable? Doctor wanted me done in March but I am worried about going thru a winter in withdrawal and would rather be at home not getting flue etc

I don't think it's smart to get a flu shot while in withdrawal bc I have had issues before



I've always been taught on this site that 10% is the max you should shoot for in a month. At your rate, you might be a little bit aggressive with your taper rate.  Once you knock off 1mg, you'll have to slow the rate even more to fall within the 10% framework. I've learned 2 things thus far on this journey: 1) It's not a race--just heal.  2) Listen to your body--it will tell you how fast/slow to taper.


BTW, I'm also a bit wary of germs right now and never used to be.  I'd have to assume our immune systems are somewhat compromised right now.


Hopefully others will chime in soon.


All the best,


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I'm scared because I've done cold turkey unsuccessfully and I am proud to say i am down to 14 mg per day.  Im thinking got to cut pills into 4 what do you think?  I'm wondering  if the dr. Needs help himself?


What do you mean by "got to cut pills into 4"? How many milligrams are your pills?  Are you still dosing 2X per day.  Not sure what you mean by "I'm wondering if the Dr. needs help himself."  I, and others, will be happy to help out with just a bit of clarification.


All the best,


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Thank you Ed

I think I would be doing well if it were not for a bladder infection and antibitics

I am in terrible pain. But I will keep you words in mind - once I get to 3mg probably go down to 1.5 ml per day until the end. Idk I just feel so sick on these drugs and was soooo sick when I tried to get off of them quickly too I don't know which way to turn

When I told people that my doc suggested a 500 day taper everyone looked at me like I was insane. Everybody. But everyone doesn't understand benzos.

It seems like a year would be sufficient. I can hold 1-then do .8, .7 etc as I come down I just feel I already kindled so I wonder if I am in for he'll either way

No way to know

I just feel so bad at the moment and my immune and nervous system is so so whacked it's unreal :(

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Quoting myself from another thread because I don't see a reason to type this twice. An update on my stabbing temple pains:


Update: It turned out that I was severely vitamin D deficient which can cause all sorts of aches and pains. Even my teeth and knees were hurting. Doc has me on 50,000 IU weekly for eight weeks and then a regular supplement. Headaches disappeared within 24 hours of my first dose. Abdominal pain has diminished to nearly nothing also.


I'm two weekly doses in now. It'll take time to know with certainty that this isn't a coincidence, but I went from sharp stabs to nothing. :o I think that's the worst part of WD is that you don't know what's a real symptom of something and what's just WD. In this case, it seems to have been very real. I'm still dealing with some other health issues so I'm not completely comfortable at the moment, but relieved? You betcha. :thumbsup:


Doc wants me to hold on my current V dose until everything is resolved. Not sure if that'll be at my next appointment in three weeks or when I'm fully done with this vitamin D treatment. Also dealing with another health issue so I have to see how that goes. So holding for now.

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Head Exploding 


«  on: April 27, 2016, 08:52:47 pm »



Anyone out there have a pressure in the top of their head, that feels like it is going to explode??? I just went to the neuro. and he wants me to go for an MRT, even though he doesn't think it is a brain problem. He is leaning more to WD sx. Also, it usually starts out with pain on both side of my neck going up to my face and into my head. I said pain but it is more like a numbness/pain. Hard to describe !!


Appreciate any input!!


Forgive me if this has been resolved already, I'm just getting caught up. I actually had something similar before I ever got on any benzos. Docs were convinced that it was migraines but I HAVE migraines and I knew these were different. Never got a real diagnosis but I believe it was basically forward head posture syndrome or a splenius capitis problem from always looking down at work or at a book or at my phone. I had to totally retrain my posture with physical therapy exercises on my own. Pain is gone now and only acts up if I neglect my posture. Just sharing that in case you happen to be a victim of that bad 21st century habit too. We all do it but some of us pay for it more dearly than others. Hope yours is just benzo related and that it passes.

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Is it standard advice to switch to liquid without tapering for a month before beginning a microtaper? I noticed that someone mentioned that a couple of pages back. I definitely don't want to shock my system by jumping straight from dry to liquid plus taper if that's a difficult thing to do. I assumed dry or liquid would be the same.
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hey guys, please remind me if I can take advil with V?? are there any complications/interactions between these 2 meds.
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  I take it from time to time.  I think its fine doesnt interact but you can do an online med check to be sure.
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Hi Solace,


I'm not sure what the standard is, but I'm slowly crossing over from all pills to liquid form before I make any REAL reductions. For instance, I had been doing 4mg in pills and .82mg in liquid for about a week or so.  Yesterday, I switched over to a 2mg pill and took the rest of my dosage in liquid form. I actually cut .02 just for the sake of simplicity using the syringe. So I now take 2.8mg liquid and a 2mg pill. I'll probably hold for a few days just to make sure the liquid isn't less potent than the pills (to avoid an accidental reduction in "effective" dosage).


Best of luck,


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I am 1.08 mgs and feel pretty good the last couple of days.  Hopefully this is going to last but all I see are bad reports.

Any positive news out there?

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I am 1.08 mgs and feel pretty good the last couple of days.  Hopefully this is going to last but all I see are bad reports.

Any positive news out there?


Great job Keeka!  You are almost there. Just take your good old time and try not to get overly impatient about getting off. You will heal for sure!


All the Best,


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You will heal at the rate your body wants to heal. If you rush it apparently it will let you know, so keep listening and the patience you show will pay off in the end. Good luck!
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Made the cut from 1.4 back to 1.1...not doing too badly. I think that speed is good for me using the cut and hold. Daily taper made things worse for me. I can see myself being off this junk in 6 to 8 weeks.
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First time posting on the Valium support board. I wanted to know if there was a time when the Valium just doesn't work anymore? Almost where you don't feel it? I am down to 14 mg. I handled a 3 day vacation very well to my surprise. I thought I might have to updose but I didn't. I have finally gained some weight back. I'm dosing at 8,4,11 now. I'm planing on cutting most of the middle dose out. Even after no meds for all day....I dose and don't get that satisfaction. Only bad ear ringing now. I've ate better and slept better and going for another cut next week sometime if I continue to feel better.
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I haven't had relief from doses since about 7 or 8mg.  Feeling good is about 65% when I don't cut for a while. You can guess where it is when I do cut.  Just prayer and acceptance at this point. Gotta just go with it. Wish it was different, but we all have our crosses to bear.


I hope you have a good experience with your next cut.



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Thanks Ed,

I'm just dry tapering. When I think everything is going pretty good Valium sneaks up on you. I can handle the physical stuff but I'm not good with the mental stuff. I keep a wet wash rag, bottled water by the night stand by the bed. I am hoping the next taper will go good too. I wish you the best too. It sure is difficult.

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Sure is Pitchman. Sure is.  I'm the same way. The mental part is the part that gets me as well. Well, that and shivering like crazy on 75 degree days isn't too great either. One member, Moodle, suggested I buy an electric blanket. I did and use it quite often.  We'll get through all this craziness though. I have faith.


And yes, the cuts add up. You think you're doing quite well and them wham-o! Lol!


Keep on posting!


All the best,


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I still wish that we could 'split my icky sweats and your cold chills down the middle,' and end up with one person with a normal thermostat, Ed!!  ::) ::)
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I still wish that we could 'split my icky sweats and your cold chills down the middle,' and end up with one person with a normal thermostat, Ed!!  ::) ::)


Agreed!  Hopefully we'll both level out over time and have a good laugh about this all down the road. I'll have a blanket burning party!  :laugh:

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