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Edzo, I'm also sorry to hear you had such a rough day with your new method :(. But you've come a long way, and are persevering (grrrr!), so I know you'll get through this latest lil' speed bump. Hugs and positive vibes galore coming your way :thumbsup:!


p.s. when I was working for a vet friend in her clinic one summer, I had to draw med for a cow? by sticking a syringe in an upside down bottle with a rubber top, and did I make an incredible mess of it; upside down usually defies logic, in my world!!??

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Hi All,


The last 36 hours have been among the most horrific of my life.  Constant INTENSE anxiety. Thoughts of life not worth living (because it wouldn't be in that state).  Crying or wanting to cry for hours on end. Sheer mental agony. IBS. Chest tightness.  Finally, tonight, I am well enough to eat and type.  The only thing I can think of is that when I switched my .xx dosage to a true Pharma liquid valium, I finally received a TRUE dose.  I think that there are huge variations in how the valium is dispersed throughout the milk.  Additionally, I would always rinse out the glass and rub my finger along it to get every last drop.  For all I know, I was getting much less or much more of my .xx than I thought.  Regardless, I am going to stick with my liquid at my current dose and see if things improve over the next few days. Hopefully they will.


I honestly just wanted to be knocked out by ANYTHING the past 36 hours because I hurt so, so badly.


Here's to better days ahead!


All the Best,


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Oh Ed, I'm so sorry to hear that you are feeling worse than you did the other day! It doesn't seem to make much sense. Praying you get some rest and that those terrible sxs subside ASAP.


Left xxx

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Thank you, Left.  I'm actually a little embarrassed because I meant to post this in my blog rather than here for general consumption. Benzo brain and all.  I just took my evening dose and, thanks to some Youtube videos, I think I have this upside down syringe pull figured out. I was definitely shorting myself some dosage the past couple of nights.  I'll update tomorrow. Peaceful evenings/mornings to you all.




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Ed, I understand, that benzo brain can really bite you in the behind!  I'm very happy you were able to identify the problem and fix it.  Hopefully tomorrow will definitely be a better day for you.


Left xxx

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  Ed, glad you got it figured out and I'm sure today will be better for you.  Hang in there, we are all here for you.
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Thanks for reaching out with your positive posts.  I truly appreciate it.  Today, thus far, I am back up to about 30% with only some shaking/anxiety. Feels like my body might be coming back to a tolerable condition.  I'm starting to feel more certain that the dosage was the issue. People may disagree with me when I say that there is too much margin of error when you're talking about 1mg of active ingredient in 100ml of milk, but I believe it to be true.


That said, the milk titration served me well to get me down to 5mg of Diazepam and I am grateful for that. Also, I know it has worked for some people all the way down to 0; I'm just not one of them. One mg per ml of fluid just seems like a much more accurate and effective method of doing the microtaper once you get to lower levels. Just my 2 cents.

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Really happy I can come on this site for input and help too if I can.  Talked to pharmacist he agrees CI should change doses from 3 per day to splitting into 2 doses.  Hope this goes over.  Taking 7mg x 2.  Hope this works out. 


Gee Ed you help us all so much.  Take care everyone.  Going to update signature.  One other thing I donot like anyone saying you have it easy it's Valium...  Wrong.

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Really happy I can come on this site for input and help too if I can.  Talked to pharmacist he agrees CI should change doses from 3 per day to splitting into 2 doses.  Hope this goes over.  Taking 7mg x 2.  Hope this works out. 


Gee Ed you help us all so much.  Take care everyone.  Going to update signature.  One other thing I donot like anyone saying you have it easy it's Valium...  Wrong.


You're right about the Valium taper not being easy! I kicked a 20 year heavy booze habit like it was a rag doll compared to this stuff.


Incidentally, what does CI mean? Also, why is it better to dose only 2X vs 3X? Just curious.

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Also, why is it better to dose only 2X vs 3X? Just curious.



It isn't that 2X is "better"m but 2X is sufficient.  There is no problem is you choose 3X, but it's very unlikely it will provide any benefit over 2X.

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OP's usage of the word "should" implied that 2X is preferable to 3X. I wondered if there was another benefit beyond simplicity.
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OP's usage of the word "should" implied that 2X is preferable to 3X. I wondered if there was another benefit beyond simplicity.


I think the only benefit to 2X is simplicity.  I like having a mid day dose to help with anxiety during the middle of the day, but I'm currently weaning the middle dose down because I feel like my morning and night doses are more important (but probably not totally out just yet).

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I honestly don't feel any differently after a dose than I did before a dose. Anxiety isn't really reduced after I dose. I'm not sure if this means I'm in tolerance withdrawal or what. You'd think a dose would help a bit, wouldn't you?
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Same here. Was switched to Valium in Detox after being on Klonopin for years. This is like taking nothing. Anxiety is through the roof on 20 mg a day. Hate this Benzo
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I honestly don't feel any differently after a dose than I did before a dose. Anxiety isn't really reduced after I dose. I'm not sure if this means I'm in tolerance withdrawal or what. You'd think a dose would help a bit, wouldn't you?


I think it just means you're in withdrawal. When I'm at the most symptomatic times during my cut, I don't really feel my doses either.

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I just want to say, in case you're reading this as a guest MountainYogi, that I miss our chats and although I'm sad to see it seems you're no longer on this site I'm hopeful that it means you have finished your taper successfully and are feeling better. If that's the case, I am incredibly proud of you and want to thank you again for being such a rock for me in the early days of my taper. It meant a lot to me. Thank you. Big hugs for you from New Zealand xxx
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I just want to say, in case you're reading this as a guest MountainYogi, that I miss our chats and although I'm sad to see it seems you're no longer on this site I'm hopeful that it means you have finished your taper successfully and are feeling better. If that's the case, I am incredibly proud of you and want to thank you again for being such a rock for me in the early days of my taper. It meant a lot to me. Thank you. Big hugs for you from New Zealand xxx


there is a thread kind of dedicated to MountainYogi here



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So I believe that my theory about the milk taper not being accurate at lower levels is correct. My anxiety is abating after a few days at the "real" dosage using the compound. Whew...that was tough I'll tell you. 


On a separate note, for some reason I've developed predictable nausea each of the past three days. It hits about 2 to 2:30 pm and continues until about 6pm. Then it lets up.  TMI here, so skip over if you're squeamish, but just after my daily bowel movement (normal bm consistency BTW) is when the nausea onsets.  Anyone else experience this?


The one thing I've noticed is that I tend to eat whole wheat bread with natural peanut paste for lunch most days.  Today, I cut out the peanut paste and stuck to only the bread, yet still got nauseous.  I wonder if I've suddenly become gluten intolerant? Tomorrow, I'll spread that peanut butter on a banana and see what happens. Process of elimination, I guess.  I'll post my results in case it can help anyone down the road.




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Ed, I'm very glad to hear you are feeling much better and that the almond oil compound is working well for you. I start my PG/Valium solution tomorrow...bottoms up!


That's weird about the nausea. Although, I've felt nauseous/feverish before and after a um BM. But, I definitely have GI issues.


Could it correlate to the change to the almond oil compound?  Did you just start eating the whole wheat bread? If not, maybe those two days of hell threw your system off, or maybe your body needs a little time to adjust to the almond oil compound?  Our bodies can be so persnickety during WD.


Left xxx

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Ed, I'm very glad to hear you are feeling much better and that the almond oil compound is working well for you. I start my PG/Valium solution tomorrow...bottoms up!


That's weird about the nausea. Although, I've felt nauseous/feverish before and after a um BM. But, I definitely have GI issues.


Could it correlate to the change to the almond oil compound?  Did you just start eating the whole wheat bread? If not, maybe those two days of hell threw your system off, or maybe your body needs a little time to adjust to the almond oil compound?  Our bodies can be so persnickety during WD.


Left xxx


Thank you Left! I wish you great results on your switchover to liquid.  I'm not sure if it's the almond compound, but I don't think so. I take only the .82mg portion of my dose at 11pm-12am.  I suspect I'd have the nausea issues shortly thereafter rather than 14-15 hours later.  Oh, and I do have a history of GI issues due to a dummy doc prescribing and a dummy patient taking a 30 day course of Cipro. My system has never been the same since then. That's what actually got me on the Ativan in the first place--a whole different story for a different place/time.  But you might be right about the past few days knocking me out of whack. Actually, let's hope that is the cause.  ;D




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Ed, I'm very glad to hear you are feeling much better and that the almond oil compound is working well for you. I start my PG/Valium solution tomorrow...bottoms up!


That's weird about the nausea. Although, I've felt nauseous/feverish before and after a um BM. But, I definitely have GI issues.


Could it correlate to the change to the almond oil compound?  Did you just start eating the whole wheat bread? If not, maybe those two days of hell threw your system off, or maybe your body needs a little time to adjust to the almond oil compound?  Our bodies can be so persnickety during WD.


Left xxx

Thank you Left! I wish you great results on your switchover to liquid.  I'm not sure if it's the almond compound, but I don't think so. I take only the .82mg portion of my dose at 11pm-12am.  I suspect I'd have the nausea issues shortly thereafter rather than 14-15 hours later.  Oh, and I do have a history of GI issues due to a dummy doc prescribing and a dummy patient taking a 30 day course of Cipro. My system has never been the same since then. That's what actually got me on the Ativan in the first place--a whole different story for a different place/time.  But you might be right about the past few days knocking me out of whack. Actually, let's hope that is the cause.  ;D





Thanks for the well wishes on the liquid crossover :thumbsup:


Ohhhh, OK, I saw that you dosed 3xs a day and assumed you took the almond compound around that time. Yeah, I agree, it's probably not that.  Fingers and toes crossed that your tummy troubles are a passing symptom from the past few days and that everything settles down soon.


Left xxx

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Dear Ed,

Sorry to hear about the nausea, I know what you are going through though because I get it off and on everyday. It's really a horrible feeling. Yesterday I had some cream of wheat for breakfast and boy was I sick most of the day. I didn't have it this morning and so far so good with the nausea. I'm going to see a Gastrologist today. I am hoping I can get something for the nausea because I have been taking Pepto Bismol and that makes me constipated, than I have to deal with that. It just never ends.


Praying your nausea is better today.



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Dear Ed,

Sorry to hear about the nausea, I know what you are going through though because I get it off and on everyday. It's really a horrible feeling. Yesterday I had some cream of wheat for breakfast and boy was I sick most of the day. I didn't have it this morning and so far so good with the nausea. I'm going to see a Gastrologist today. I am hoping I can get something for the nausea because I have been taking Pepto Bismol and that makes me constipated, than I have to deal with that. It just never ends.


Praying your nausea is better today.





Thank you for your well wishes. I'll tell you what, I'll take nausea all day, every day over debilitating anxiety.  But I do appreciate where you're coming from.  I almost have to wonder if the gluten in Cream of Wheat is what is setting you off. As you know, gluten can be an inflammatory agent for many people. And, I'd imagine, can do so on and off for people like us on taper/in withdrawal/post-withdrawal.  Today, I'm avoiding all gluten and I'll report back on my results.  I hope you remain nausea free today.  :)




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So I believe that my theory about the milk taper not being accurate at lower levels is correct. My anxiety is abating after a few days at the "real" dosage using the compound. Whew...that was tough I'll tell you. 


On a separate note, for some reason I've developed predictable nausea each of the past three days. It hits about 2 to 2:30 pm and continues until about 6pm. Then it lets up.  TMI here, so skip over if you're squeamish, but just after my daily bowel movement (normal bm consistency BTW) is when the nausea onsets.  Anyone else experience this?


The one thing I've noticed is that I tend to eat whole wheat bread with natural peanut paste for lunch most days.  Today, I cut out the peanut paste and stuck to only the bread, yet still got nauseous.  I wonder if I've suddenly become gluten intolerant? Tomorrow, I'll spread that peanut butter on a banana and see what happens. Process of elimination, I guess.  I'll post my results in case it can help anyone down the road.




Hi Ed,

Many including my mom end up with nausea from the valium.

It is the one sx that I prayed she wouldn't get.

It didn't start until she got down below 2mg and stayed with her until just recently it let up.

Zofran was a life saver for the nausea and it would go away shortly after the zofran.

It doesn't matter what she eats and it comes on instantly, without warning.

I am sorry you are getting this sx and hope it doesn't last too long for you.

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