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Thanks Builder... I admire the way you did your taper. I was unfortunately one of the ones that got poor advice from the beginning and needed to do what I could to get off. I bet your way was a lot easier.  Never will I want to do this again, but I bet your way is the best way.  Too bad the doctors don't know about it and set us up for success with less pain.

I also am wayyyyy to impatient... Hopefully I won't be in a big surprise and be sick for a long time. I just felt that the longer I stayed on the drug with tapering very slowly and taking holds, it would make it worse for me.


Quitting drinking 28 years ago in detox was a week of pain only... Nothing like this at all.  I wish I would have known about these drugs.


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Thanks Builder... I admire the way you did your taper. I was unfortunately one of the ones that got poor advice from the beginning and needed to do what I could to get off. I bet your way was a lot easier.  Never will I want to do this again, but I bet your way is the best way.  Too bad the doctors don't know about it and set us up for success with less pain.

I also am wayyyyy to impatient... Hopefully I won't be in a big surprise and be sick for a long time. I just felt that the longer I stayed on the drug with tapering very slowly and taking holds, it would make it worse for me.


Quitting drinking 28 years ago in detox was a week of pain only... Nothing like this at all.  I wish I would have known about these drugs.



Yup!  Coming off of booze was much easier!

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Hi Builder, SG and all!  1'm now on 1.5mg and my symptoms are getting hard, i have headache , tinnitus and feels like my brain is shaking 24/7 and my balance is affected also pain in my face and neck and head only half side and sinusitis, sore throat. finish antibiotic been to Doctor, EENT, Dentist already. I think they are all s/x related, i'm functioning anyway and bearable but very annoying and sometimes inpatient.

Im doing DMT 2.5 daily, any suggestion if my cutting is ok, i dont know how in percentage, but I'm dropping .5 every 3 weeeks. is this too fast or should I hold, i try to hold for a week and i think it wont work for me.  any advice is appreciated.

Regards, mcm

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Hi Builder, SG and all!  1'm now on 1.5mg and my symptoms are getting hard, i have headache , tinnitus and feels like my brain is shaking 24/7 and my balance is affected also pain in my face and neck and head only half side and sinusitis, sore throat. finish antibiotic been to Doctor, EENT, Dentist already. I think they are all s/x related, i'm functioning anyway and bearable but very annoying and sometimes inpatient.

Im doing DMT 2.5 daily, any suggestion if my cutting is ok, i dont know how in percentage, but I'm dropping .5 every 3 weeeks. is this too fast or should I hold, i try to hold for a week and i think it wont work for me.  any advice is appreciated.

Regards, mcm

  Are you talking about mg or ml.  And what is the strength of your liquid, mgs per ml.  By themselves, the numbers 2.5 and.5 are meaningless.
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Hi Builder, SG and all!  1'm now on 1.5mg and my symptoms are getting hard, i have headache , tinnitus and feels like my brain is shaking 24/7 and my balance is affected also pain in my face and neck and head only half side and sinusitis, sore throat. finish antibiotic been to Doctor, EENT, Dentist already. I think they are all s/x related, i'm functioning anyway and bearable but very annoying and sometimes inpatient.

Im doing DMT 2.5 daily, any suggestion if my cutting is ok, i dont know how in percentage, but I'm dropping .5 every 3 weeeks. is this too fast or should I hold, i try to hold for a week and i think it wont work for me.  any advice is appreciated.

Regards, mcm

  Are you talking about mg or ml.  And what is the strength of your liquid, mgs per ml.  By themselves, the numbers 2.5 and.5 are meaningless.


Hi! I mean MY current dose now is 1.5mg V, and Im doing MIcro Daily cut 2.5 ml/day using LIquid Diazepam. i make the solution to 100 ml.  Every 3 weeks I cut down .5mgV.  is this too fast.



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Hi Builder, SG and all!  1'm now on 1.5mg and my symptoms are getting hard, i have headache , tinnitus and feels like my brain is shaking 24/7 and my balance is affected also pain in my face and neck and head only half side and sinusitis, sore throat. finish antibiotic been to Doctor, EENT, Dentist already. I think they are all s/x related, i'm functioning anyway and bearable but very annoying and sometimes inpatient.

Im doing DMT 2.5 daily, any suggestion if my cutting is ok, i dont know how in percentage, but I'm dropping .5 every 3 weeeks. is this too fast or should I hold, i try to hold for a week and i think it wont work for me.  any advice is appreciated.

Regards, mcm

  Are you talking about mg or ml.  And what is the strength of your liquid, mgs per ml.  By themselves, the numbers 2.5 and.5 are meaningless.


Hi! I mean MY current dose now is 1.5mg V, and Im doing MIcro Daily cut 2.5 ml/day using LIquid Diazepam. i make the solution to 100 ml.  Every 3 weeks I cut down .5mgV.  is this too fast.




Well, if your having significant sxs, your bod is probably telling you you need to slow down.  AT your current dose, 1.5mg V, I was cutting .01mg/day.

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I cut to 1.08 mgs 8 days ago and there may be a possibility that I get a job starting May 9th. I am in no shape to work so my pharmasicst suggested I updose to 2.16.

I just took an additional 1.08 to see how I feel if it helps.

I need to work or I will lose everything and of course this taper doesn't help with the withdrawals.

What is the safest dose to go up to in order for me to calm down and get the job.

I thought I would wait and see if this 1.08 helps and if it does, then I just may go up to the 2.16 which is really half a 5 mg pill.... 2.25 mgs


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Head Exploding 


«  on: April 27, 2016, 08:52:47 pm »



Anyone out there have a pressure in the top of their head, that feels like it is going to explode??? I just went to the neuro. and he wants me to go for an MRT, even though he doesn't think it is a brain problem. He is leaning more to WD sx. Also, it usually starts out with pain on both side of my neck going up to my face and into my head. I said pain but it is more like a numbness/pain. Hard to describe !!


Appreciate any input!!


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  Does sound more like muscle spasms probably caused by w/d.  Good your Doc is ruling out all other things.  Try heat on back of neck or maybe ice bag on head.  Hope you feel better.
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Freeme, curious as how long it takes for you to feel a cut in your Valium this question is also for anyone one else as I am very curious as the valium cuts do take longer to feel then the klonopin cuts but not sure and trying to get a pattern on my cut times if this makes any sense ? Thanks ~CD
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  Can Do,  I feel something around the third day and then get hit at 8 or 9 days out.  My last two cuts slammed me and I have been holding for 2 months now.  I am very sedentary, just had surgery so probably takes longer for the V to get through my system.  I crossed to 20 mg. V and had not too many issues cutting to 15 mg.  Then I think it caught up with me.  I also had a dye MRI, nuclear IV stress test and surgery in Jan. and in Feb. I did the small two cuts of just .675 mg. each, so down to 13.75 V now and holding.  The burning tongue started for me while crossing from ativan to v so I wonder now if I should have just tapered off the A but was having such problems with i/d w/d etc. I felt better after crossing.  The UT burning started back thhe end of Aug. about 2 weeks after the dye MRI.  Now the feet burning started after this surgery and the cuts. I am so hoping to stabilize and realize I'm in it for the long haul now and also have 2 other meds to taper.  Didn't mean to write a book here but just wanted to lay out some of the issues I have noticed with the valium.  Now my Neuro wants me to go up on valium to help with burning but I hate to do that.  PM doc gave me long acting gabapentin, called Horizant 600mg.  I won't take this but might consider a low dose of gaba if I get to where I absolutely can't take it anymore.  I admire you so much, you have powered through your K taper and can get out and do things.  I wish I were more mobile but pain is my constant companion.  Doc wants to give me stronger pain meds but I refuse them as I want off all this crap.  Just feel so trapped and all this is prescribed by drs., I know they mean well but they don't have a clue.  This site is invaluable to me and people like you who help day after day are a true blessing for people like me.  Hope you figure it out but you are strong so I would just take it really slow and see how these cuts affect you and go from there.  I am going to try the liquid MT when I start back up and see if I do better on that.  Good luck
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  Can Do,  I feel something around the third day and then get hit at 8 or 9 days out.  My last two cuts slammed me and I have been holding for 2 months now.  I am very sedentary, just had surgery so probably takes longer for the V to get through my system.  I crossed to 20 mg. V and had not too many issues cutting to 15 mg.  Then I think it caught up with me.  I also had a dye MRI, nuclear IV stress test and surgery in Jan. and in Feb. I did the small two cuts of just .675 mg. each, so down to 13.75 V now and holding.  The burning tongue started for me while crossing from ativan to v so I wonder now if I should have just tapered off the A but was having such problems with i/d w/d etc. I felt better after crossing.  The UT burning started back thhe end of Aug. about 2 weeks after the dye MRI.  Now the feet burning started after this surgery and the cuts. I am so hoping to stabilize and realize I'm in it for the long haul now and also have 2 other meds to taper.  Didn't mean to write a book here but just wanted to lay out some of the issues I have noticed with the valium.  Now my Neuro wants me to go up on valium to help with burning but I hate to do that.  PM doc gave me long acting gabapentin, called Horizant 600mg.  I won't take this but might consider a low dose of gaba if I get to where I absolutely can't take it anymore.  I admire you so much, you have powered through your K taper and can get out and do things.  I wish I were more mobile but pain is my constant companion.  Doc wants to give me stronger pain meds but I refuse them as I want off all this crap.  Just feel so trapped and all this is prescribed by drs., I know they mean well but they don't have a clue.  This site is invaluable to me and people like you who help day after day are a true blessing for people like me.  Hope you figure it out but you are strong so I would just take it really slow and see how these cuts affect you and go from there.  I am going to try the liquid MT when I start back up and see if I do better on that.  Good luck

Free, thanks I think or should say I know I am still feeling the effects of dropping 4 mgs of k over 16 months even with the 45mgs v I am on. I am down to 40 mgs v first cut of 2.5 v wacked me and just cut another 2 mgs Sunday felt a bit wired Tues. but yesterday was not to bad but my Tenititus is worse and as you I just want off the poison but so worn out I been tapering for 19 months now and it has got me pretty beat up but it could be a lot worse . I hope this hold your doing helps ! And yes I understand the physical pain I have some bad pain at times and being not able to get out and about or just dealing with the pain makes this so much harder and never mind the mental pain from this benzo taper!And yes I myself do not like the way valium works , if had to do over I would have just tapered off the k straight errr! God is good keep the faith !!!! ~CD
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Freeme, curious as how long it takes for you to feel a cut in your Valium this question is also for anyone one else as I am very curious as the valium cuts do take longer to feel then the klonopin cuts but not sure and trying to get a pattern on my cut times if this makes any sense ? Thanks ~CD


I start to feel my cuts around day 2-3, symptoms really hit me by day 4-5, feel a little bit better, then get smacked again on day 9-10, then start improving from there.  That's my general pattern.  I keep a symptom log to keep track of the patterns.

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Hope, thanks going to try my best to get a pattern down would be great if the cut symptoms are linear but I am not holding my breath ! Hope your doing ok!
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Hope, thanks going to try my best to get a pattern down would be great if the cut symptoms are linear but I am not holding my breath ! Hope your doing ok!


Well it's a general pattern.  I've had some cuts better than others (and some not good at all).  I'm still a work in progress  :D

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Hi All,


Doing a daily microtaper.  Finally found a liquid Diazepam that my GI can handle (after striking out with a PG compound) that was compounded by a pharmacy using almond oil. 


So I'm at 4.82mg of Diazepam and last night I took 4mg in dry pills and .82 in liquid. EXCEPT .....  I completely ignored the big bubble in my 1ml syringe. I'm sure this led to a pretty decent sized reduction.  Also, it was tough for me to REALLY know if I drew up .82ml because my liquid is clear and the stupid syringe (the type you insert through the adapter cap on the bottle) is an annoying shade of opaque orange. 


Long story short, I've had a terrible day today...weeping, diarrhea, despair...  (my system handled the LV just fine last night, so I don't thing that's the issue).  Could a shortage of only, say, .15ml (due to the bubble/inexperience with this type of syringe) from a 4.82ml dosage smack me in the face so quickly overnight (about 14 hours later, actually)?


Today, I went to another pharmacy and scored free, clear, 1ml syringes.


Appreciate any feedback.




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Hi All,


Doing a daily microtaper.  Finally found a liquid Diazepam that my GI can handle (after striking out with a PG compound) that was compounded by a pharmacy using almond oil. 


So I'm at 4.82mg of Diazepam and last night I took 4mg in dry pills and .82 in liquid. EXCEPT .....  I completely ignored the big bubble in my 1ml syringe. I'm sure this led to a pretty decent sized reduction.  Also, it was tough for me to REALLY know if I drew up .82ml because my liquid is clear and the stupid syringe (the type you insert through the adapter cap on the bottle) is an annoying shade of opaque orange. 


Long story short, I've had a terrible day today...weeping, diarrhea, despair...  (my system handled the LV just fine last night, so I don't thing that's the issue).  Could a shortage of only, say, .15ml (due to the bubble/inexperience with this type of syringe) from a 4.82ml dosage smack me in the face so quickly overnight (about 14 hours later, actually)?


Today, I went to another pharmacy and scored free, clear, 1ml syringes.


Appreciate any feedback.







I have never used store bought liquid V. I make my own but I very much doubt that small a discrepancy would cause a reaction and especially not that early.

Perhaps your apprehension at starting a new liquid or the bubble you obviously saw set off some anxiety over it. That would be my guess.


I can attest that our mind set during this process is rediculusly huge. We have to be and stay mentally strong.


I'm sure you will be fine.


Peace & Healng!  :thumbsup:



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Hi All,


Doing a daily microtaper.  Finally found a liquid Diazepam that my GI can handle (after striking out with a PG compound) that was compounded by a pharmacy using almond oil. 


So I'm at 4.82mg of Diazepam and last night I took 4mg in dry pills and .82 in liquid. EXCEPT .....  I completely ignored the big bubble in my 1ml syringe. I'm sure this led to a pretty decent sized reduction.  Also, it was tough for me to REALLY know if I drew up .82ml because my liquid is clear and the stupid syringe (the type you insert through the adapter cap on the bottle) is an annoying shade of opaque orange. 


Long story short, I've had a terrible day today...weeping, diarrhea, despair...  (my system handled the LV just fine last night, so I don't thing that's the issue).  Could a shortage of only, say, .15ml (due to the bubble/inexperience with this type of syringe) from a 4.82ml dosage smack me in the face so quickly overnight (about 14 hours later, actually)?


Today, I went to another pharmacy and scored free, clear, 1ml syringes.


Appreciate any feedback.





When you begin to fill a syringe, there is an airspace between the bottom of the plunger, and the tip of the tip of the syringe.  And when you begin to pull back the plunger, that space is the first to be filled.  The"bubble" in the barrel of the syringe is the airspacethat was present when you began to fill the syringe, and the liquid below the plunger and in the tip is exactly the same volume as the "bubble".


It is a very basic law of physics that any volume you create by retracting the plunger will be immediately and exactly filled with the liquid.


As long as the tip is submerged in the liquid, the amount of liquid drawn up will be exactly the same volume you opened up the plunger.

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Hi All,


Doing a daily microtaper.  Finally found a liquid Diazepam that my GI can handle (after striking out with a PG compound) that was compounded by a pharmacy using almond oil. 


So I'm at 4.82mg of Diazepam and last night I took 4mg in dry pills and .82 in liquid. EXCEPT .....  I completely ignored the big bubble in my 1ml syringe. I'm sure this led to a pretty decent sized reduction.  Also, it was tough for me to REALLY know if I drew up .82ml because my liquid is clear and the stupid syringe (the type you insert through the adapter cap on the bottle) is an annoying shade of opaque orange. 


Long story short, I've had a terrible day today...weeping, diarrhea, despair...  (my system handled the LV just fine last night, so I don't thing that's the issue).  Could a shortage of only, say, .15ml (due to the bubble/inexperience with this type of syringe) from a 4.82ml dosage smack me in the face so quickly overnight (about 14 hours later, actually)?


Today, I went to another pharmacy and scored free, clear, 1ml syringes.


Appreciate any feedback.





When you begin to fill a syringe, there is an airspace between the bottom of the plunger, and the tip of the tip of the syringe.  And when you begin to pull back the plunger, that space is the first to be filled.  The"bubble" in the barrel of the syringe is the airspacethat was present when you began to fill the syringe, and the liquid below the plunger and in the tip is exactly the same volume as the "bubble".


It is a very basic law of physics that any volume you create by retracting the plunger will be immediately and exactly filled with the liquid.


As long as the tip is submerged in the liquid, the amount of liquid drawn up will be exactly the same volume you opened up the plunger.


Yes, I follow that. This is the first time I've tried to pull from a bottle upside down with the adapter cap (the one with a hole in it in which you insert the syringe). It was a bit awkward the first time (no laughs ;-)) and I'm not sure if I didn't have the stopper pushed all the way in or if I had the bottle completely vertical as I withdrew the plunger.  I'll be extra careful this time and see what happens.  Still have racing anxiety hours and hours later. Not sure why this is happening after a pretty long hold and only a .18mg reduction over 6 days. Ugh.

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Yes, I follow that. This is the first time I've tried to pull from a bottle upside down with the adapter cap (the one with a hole in it in which you insert the syringe). It was a bit awkward the first time (no laughs ;-)) and I'm not sure if I didn't have the stopper pushed all the way in or if I had the bottle completely vertical as I withdrew the plunger.  I'll be extra careful this time and see what happens.  Still have racing anxiety hours and hours later. Not sure why this is happening after a pretty long hold and only a .18mg reduction over 6 days. Ugh.

Yes, Im sure that's awkward (so I won't laugh :) )  But why are you doing that?  If you just put you liquid in an open top cpntainer, then sticke the tip of the syringe in, and pull the plunger back, the amount pulled up will be exactly how far you pulled the plunger. 


Just curious!

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Yes, I follow that. This is the first time I've tried to pull from a bottle upside down with the adapter cap (the one with a hole in it in which you insert the syringe). It was a bit awkward the first time (no laughs ;-)) and I'm not sure if I didn't have the stopper pushed all the way in or if I had the bottle completely vertical as I withdrew the plunger.  I'll be extra careful this time and see what happens.  Still have racing anxiety hours and hours later. Not sure why this is happening after a pretty long hold and only a .18mg reduction over 6 days. Ugh.

Yes, Im sure that's awkward (so I won't laugh :) )  But why are you doing that?  If you just put you liquid in an open top cpntainer, then sticke the tip of the syringe in, and pull the plunger back, the amount pulled up will be exactly how far you pulled the plunger. 


Just curious!


The pharmacist described it as a less messy method because only the tip (again, no laughing. ok laugh. ;-) ) goes into the top of the adapter cap. This way there is no need to wash the syringe and no wasted product that clings to the outside of the syringe. This stuff was a bit pricey at $75 for 150ml = 150mg, but I agree, it's worth the extra bit of cost for me to do this in a familiar, comfortable format.

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For what it's worth...I went onto a tailspin over a ridiculously small cut myself once.  Did you spend some time doing both dry and liquid before tapering? When I started my water titration I didn't know I should have held for a month before starting to taper (to allow my body to adjust from dry to liquid)...dove right in...that was the cut that about sent me over the edge.
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For what it's worth...I went onto a tailspin over a ridiculously small cut myself once.  Did you spend some time doing both dry and liquid before tapering? When I started my water titration I didn't know I should have held for a month before starting to taper (to allow my body to adjust from dry to liquid)...dove right in...that was the cut that about sent me over the edge.


Actually, I had been doing a combo dry pill/milk titration for some time before just switching over to the dry pills and compound for the .82.  This wasn't supposed to be any type of cut, but I think I may have messed up my draw of the liquid compound.  I've also heard of people actually updosing for a spell when switching over to liquid. I'll see how this shakes (no pun intended) out over the next few days. I'll hold at 4.82 until somewhat stabilized.

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