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Hmmm thats interesting. I'm so irritated right now, I've never had heart palps until this SSRI came into play. I updosed to try and get relief from them but it hasn't worked.
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Hmmm thats interesting. I'm so irritated right now, I've never had heart palps until this SSRI came into play. I updosed to try and get relief from them but it hasn't worked.

ADs are pretty activating. I wouldn't touch one during a benzo taper. Maybe getting off the A D would help.

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Yeah I stopped a week ago. Thought they would ease up in a few days but they are still going strong. Hating this.

Depending on how long you were on, it will take time for seratonin to return to normal. I'd hold the Valium taper until you feel the sxs from the quitting the AD pass. JMO.

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Yeah that's what I'm thinking. I was only on the AD for 2 weeks which is why I'm worried. I thought it would have eased by now. Hopefully I can slip back down to my previous dose of 1.5mg without my body noticing. Then I'll just wait there until these palpitations pass hopefully.
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I too am off the K! Adios!!! My taper off k was slow but once I got down to .25 of k (after taking 1mg 1x/day for sleep for 15 plus years) my s/x were so bad I had to begin cross over. Cut and hold was no longer working. I felt better pretty quickly but mostly b/c dr put mr back to 10 mg valium which is approx .5 k ( the last cut at which i was okay). And at that point he also had me jump off the k. I was expecting hell but the valium eased symptoms and crossover was not too bad. I don't feel amazing but I am glad the k is out and that the valium keeps things calmed down enough that I can get through. I am planning--also, to hold here a while and begin taper when I am ready. Good luck to you!

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Sorry you are not doing well.  I, too, eat to make "better".  Now I still am on benzos and need to lose weight :tickedoff:


I am going to work on both ... good luck to you,  Phoebe


Thanks Phoebe, for your support. Body is healing from the trip over the pet gate. At first I stopped stepping over, then said f*ck it, I've been doing it for years, I just have to pay attention. Losing the ice cream weight. Better motivation this week. Hope you're doing well, your taper seems to be a fast one by my standards but excellent for you! We'll all be able to exercise properly once we get past these symptoms. Ha ha seeing the "pain management" specialist for the 2nd time tomorrow. Was hoping to get some pt or other physical therapeutic help. Never heard back from their office. Well I have to see him monthly to get the Norcos which I only take until after the taper and I can get off them as well. What a racket. At least the weather is nice. Aloha, Charlotte

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Wishing everyone a better day.  Got a question.  Okay I've been holding at 17.5 mg.  5/5/7.5.  Been at that since April 16/16.  Now it was rough as I did not have 2mg tabs only 10s and 5s.  So I could cut 2.50 off. 


Symptoms you would expect.  Not nice.  Got to day 9, 10 seemed to level off. Now it's over a month and I'm having fright and panic literally can't make it the last half our f9r dose.


Maybe I'm impatient. The panic attacks had disappeared.  I'm wondering if this will pass.  Then again picked up the cold or flu almost a week ago.  Maybe that's throwing things off.


Hate to sound like a bleeding heart getting fed up with this.  Yes I see progress.  Very slowly.  It's been 10 months tapering and I see many people it's longer.

The doc just pats me on the back and questions do i want off. Completely.  He has no ideà. 

DONT think I should updose right now maybe I'm just down today.

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Surviving -

When I was at your level I went to liquid microtaper, liquid diazepam from a pharmacy. Cutting about .05 per night. Now I'm cutting .025 per night and am at 7.4 mg. It's been rough all the way. I've been crossing over from Ativan and cutting diazepam (Valium) since FEb. 2015. What's helped me is getting my genetics tested, finding out I have bad MTHFR genes, and taking hydroxy-B12, methylfolate and low-dose lithium. When my sx get bad I increase the lithium. This is what my psychologist recommends and it works. Without the lithium I think I would be in total hell, instead of just partial hell. Here's my story:


MTHFR Gene Message for Buddies


I had my genetics tested by 23andme.com. It cost $100. They send you a response in code, so you need to use another site to interpret it or, in my case, a doctor or psychologist who can interpret it.


I have 2 bad MTHFR genes (C677T +/- and A1298C +/-) and have to take low doses of meds to counteract them. The genes can cause depression, difficulty processing medications, and much more. First, I cannot tolerate methyl B12; I have to take hydroxy-b12 instead. I order liquid, 2000 mcg (that's micrograms) from Methyl-Life, then mix it: 17 mg. of water to 500 mcg. hydroxy-b12. I keep this and the original bottle in the refrigerator. I take 1 ml. (30 mcg. of hydroxy-b12) per day. It helps my brain process folate. Then I take 1,600 mcg. of L-methylfolate from a health food store per day. I had to start low (200 mcg.) and work my way up. These dosages are much lower than most recommendations, but I am very sensitive to meds. These meds help my depression and mental clarity, though I still have some depression and brain fog.  All other supplements rev up my symptoms.


I also have bad OMT, VDT, VDR, MTFF, BHMT and CBS genes.


Methyl-B12 revved up my symptoms. Too much hydroxy-B12 does also, so I have to keep it low. I may try to increase the methylfolate, but it makes my nausea really bad for the first few weeks, so I'm trying to avoid doing that. My recovery is still going very slowly, but at least I don't have the panic attacks, myoclonic jerks and severe depression that I had before treating my genetic problems. Try going to dramyneuzil.com/methylfolate-makes-me-crazy.


Small doses of lithium also help with my anxiety. I only take .85 ml. liquid lithium citrate per day now, divided into three doses. I started slow and gradually increased it. A doctor has to prescribe the lithium. For info, go to dramyyasko.com/resources/webisodes/lithium-connection-webisode/ or google Nancy Mullan, MD re: lithium.


This is what works for me.  Good luck,



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Stuck in a cycle of insomnia, headaches, sweaty, oversensitive to smell and noise, numb face, intense anxiety. But I got down to 3.5mg valium almost a week ago and am holding for a few days. Will start micro taper again today I think.


Amazing how you can have so many deep thoughts ...or stupid thoughts sometimes, at 3am. I'm sure many of you have had sleep issues and a tingly face at some point right, this is normal?


I'm trying to keep my sense of humour when possible. While awake and anxious earlier this morning I tried to calm down by distracting my nerves with some photography and tried to take a cool photo of the moon by leaning out my window a little and dropped my camera but luckily less than a metre, it landed on grass and was a small cheap camera. Sorry for the swearing you may have heard, sleeping neighbours!  :tickedoff:

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Stuck in a cycle of insomnia, headaches, sweaty, oversensitive to smell and noise, numb face, intense anxiety. But I got down to 3.5mg valium almost a week ago and am holding for a few days. Will start micro taper again today I think.


Amazing how you can have so many deep thoughts ...or stupid thoughts sometimes, at 3am. I'm sure many of you have had sleep issues and a tingly face at some point right, this is normal?


I'm trying to keep my sense of humour when possible. While awake and anxious earlier this morning I tried to calm down by distracting my nerves with some photography and tried to take a cool photo of the moon by leaning out my window a little and dropped my camera but luckily less than a metre, it landed on grass and was a small cheap camera. Sorry for the swearing you may have heard, sleeping neighbours!  :tickedoff:




All your sxs for seem to be normal in withdrawal and you are dropping pretty fast IMO even doing it a micro taper fashion.

You could probably ease some of this by reducing your cuts or stretching them out over a longer period and of course the longer you hold the better you will feel generally speaking.

The micro taper didn't work for me unfortunately but I know it works for many here.


Peace & Healing to you  :thumbsup:



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Wishing everyone a better day.  Got a question.  Okay I've been holding at 17.5 mg.  5/5/7.5.  Been at that since April 16/16.  Now it was rough as I did not have 2mg tabs only 10s and 5s.  So I could cut 2.50 off. 


Symptoms you would expect.  Not nice.  Got to day 9, 10 seemed to level off. Now it's over a month and I'm having fright and panic literally can't make it the last half our f9r dose.


Maybe I'm impatient. The panic attacks had disappeared.  I'm wondering if this will pass.  Then again picked up the cold or flu almost a week ago.  Maybe that's throwing things off.


Hate to sound like a bleeding heart getting fed up with this.  Yes I see progress.  Very slowly.  It's been 10 months tapering and I see many people it's longer.

The doc just pats me on the back and questions do i want off. Completely.  He has no ideà. 

DONT think I should updose right now maybe I'm just down today.


I just came off a 12 day hold. Some days were good. Some days were bad.  Around day 9 I had a nice window. After that, things began to deteriorate and I'd say I was stable at about 65%.  For me, 65% wasn't worth the hold. I began reducing by .03mg per day a few days ago. Chills are back again. Such a shame as I hoped that the hold would at least buy me a week or so before the sx ramped up again. Oh well. Such is life. Many in this world face much more than I am today.


In a nutshell, holds work for some and they don't work for others. I've even read here that an individual's relief from holds vary from hold to hold. 


Best of Luck,


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Hey edzo, congrats again on all the progress you've already made. It's a drag :tickedoff: that the hold wasn't the reward you deserved, but with any luck your continued taper won't be all bleah! Hey, and maybe you can send me some chills, and you can have some of my icky sweats-just for variety?? Keep on plugging :thumbsup:!
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Hey edzo, congrats again on all the progress you've already made. It's a drag :tickedoff: that the hold wasn't the reward you deserved, but with any luck your continued taper won't be all bleah! Hey, and maybe you can send me some chills, and you can have some of my icky sweats-just for variety?? Keep on plugging :thumbsup:!


Thank you Bablatrice!  I always appreciate your kind words. Yes, I'm not going to complain about how things went. Dog doo happens, right? Just have to get back in the saddle. Not only that, it was nice to even feel 65% at a stable rate for a period.  I just wasn't happy knowing that was as good as it was going to get. More holds will follow for me if past patterns hold true. I'm sure I'll be begging for a 65% baseline in the months to come. Lol! What are you going to do but laugh, cry, hang on, and, with a bit of luck and Faith....celebrate!


I'm sorry I didn't respond to your private message a couple of days ago, but we've really been on the run and I haven't had a chance to catch up on life let alone nice messages from my BB's.  I hope you are well and I'm glad to see you on this forum. Some day we will be able to laugh about how we were from the same graduating class!


On Monday, I have an appointment with a brilliant cardiologist that is the widow of my friend who passed away last summer.  She basically decided she'd had it with America's methods of health care--cut it out/drug 'em up.  She's now started a systemic/holistic/anti aging practice. When I shot her a brief email describing my problem, she replied with the buzzwords I frequently hear on this site about GABA, MTHFR Gene, seratonin, etc.  I have a lot of faith in her.  My singular hope is that she can figure out a method to alleviate some of my sx.  She is expensive at $250/hr cash only (discount for me  :laugh:), but I will be happy to pass on any info I gain here to the group.


Take care and be well,




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Stuck in a cycle of insomnia, headaches, sweaty, oversensitive to smell and noise, numb face, intense anxiety. But I got down to 3.5mg valium almost a week ago and am holding for a few days. Will start micro taper again today I think.


Amazing how you can have so many deep thoughts ...or stupid thoughts sometimes, at 3am. I'm sure many of you have had sleep issues and a tingly face at some point right, this is normal?


I'm trying to keep my sense of humour when possible. While awake and anxious earlier this morning I tried to calm down by distracting my nerves with some photography and tried to take a cool photo of the moon by leaning out my window a little and dropped my camera but luckily less than a metre, it landed on grass and was a small cheap camera. Sorry for the swearing you may have heard, sleeping neighbours!  :tickedoff:


You were there for me a few weeks ago so here I am for you. Sorry you've been going through it. F the neighbors. They have no idea what we go through. Every one of us are heroes and unsung as we drag ourselves through life, putting on a brave face and all the rest. Hope you feel better soon. Hey if you get a chance read my posts on here, I've been making some progress.


Yesterday I met with the "pain mgmt" specialist (sat for 1 1/2 hours and saw him for maybe 10 min) but anyway I turned him onto a book "Death Grip" by Matt Stamet from 2012. Excellent read. A bit of a jock but Stamet really exposes the whole rotten system through his own story of benzo recovery. I think the doc will read the book, and since he hasn't even heard of Ashton this may be a breakthrough. His group does not Rx benzos (Yay) but they still need to deal with the walking wounded who will be coming through their doors. I'm busy planting seeds for future healing and compassion, my compassion and love for you all, Charlotte

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Stuck in a cycle of insomnia, headaches, sweaty, oversensitive to smell and noise, numb face, intense anxiety. But I got down to 3.5mg valium almost a week ago and am holding for a few days. Will start micro taper again today I think.


Amazing how you can have so many deep thoughts ...or stupid thoughts sometimes, at 3am. I'm sure many of you have had sleep issues and a tingly face at some point right, this is normal?


I'm trying to keep my sense of humour when possible. While awake and anxious earlier this morning I tried to calm down by distracting my nerves with some photography and tried to take a cool photo of the moon by leaning out my window a little and dropped my camera but luckily less than a metre, it landed on grass and was a small cheap camera. Sorry for the swearing you may have heard, sleeping neighbours!  :tickedoff:


You were there for me a few weeks ago so here I am for you. Sorry you've been going through it. F the neighbors. They have no idea what we go through. Every one of us are heroes and unsung as we drag ourselves through life, putting on a brave face and all the rest. Hope you feel better soon. Hey if you get a chance read my posts on here, I've been making some progress.


Yesterday I met with the "pain mgmt" specialist (sat for 1 1/2 hours and saw him for maybe 10 min) but anyway I turned him onto a book "Death Grip" by Matt Stamet from 2012. Excellent read. A bit of a jock but Stamet really exposes the whole rotten system through his own story of benzo recovery. I think the doc will read the book, and since he hasn't even heard of Ashton this may be a breakthrough. His group does not Rx benzos (Yay) but they still need to deal with the walking wounded who will be coming through their doors. I'm busy planting seeds for future healing and compassion, my compassion and love for you all, Charlotte


You're doing amazingly well Charlotte, that's awesome to hear! And thank you for the encouragement. I'm really glad your doctor took that book, and I'm glad things have gotten better.


All Tied Up, yes you're right I need to slow down a bit both in daily life and with the micro taper. Have had family visiting which has been stressful and overwhelming even though I love them. As for the taper, I always planned to try to go at my normal speed until 3.5mg and then slow down between 3.5mg and 2mg and then slower again under 2mg. I've been playing it by ear. But thankfully over all the side effects are so much better than they were at the end of last year. I feel like I have a large percentage of my life back even though I still have a long way to go. Hugely thanks to the people here :)

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Hi Ed...hope being busy was a good distraction; sometimes stuff is sooo hard, but other times 'busy' seems to help! As a horse person ::), I can relate entirely to your 'getting back in the saddle' re: tapering analogy, harhar. Your app't tomorrow sounds quite promising, and I'll be thinking of you! It's tough to spend significant $ out of pocket, but fingers crossed that the investment will be worth it.


Anything that helps at all and/or increases our understanding of benzo stuff is priceless, so sometimes biting the bullet even for an unknown outcome is an important step; perhaps no miraculous 'benzo epiphany' but every little positive piece of info is one more arrow in your quiver (dunno where that! analogy came for, 'cuz I'm no archer ???)!


It's generous of you to offer to share any helpful news you may pick up. Best of luck :thumbsup:!

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Hi Valium taperers-

It's been a long time since I was active on this thread but I wanted to stop by and share some encouragement. I had a relatively straightforward taper (this last time, experience helps I guess), but the first four months after the jump were really tough. I'm almost six months off now and wanted you all to know that healing is happening! All those thoughts you have about will it ever end, what if it isn't withdrawal... It will end and it is withdrawal!! Keep going, it is worth it.


I mostly hang out here these days, feel free to come chat!



Good luck and take care,


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Hi Valium taperers-

It's been a long time since I was active on this thread but I wanted to stop by and share some encouragement. I had a relatively straightforward taper (this last time, experience helps I guess), but the first four months after the jump were really tough. I'm almost six months off now and wanted you all to know that healing is happening! All those thoughts you have about will it ever end, what if it isn't withdrawal... It will end and it is withdrawal!! Keep going, it is worth it.


I mostly hang out here these days, feel free to come chat!



Good luck and take care,


Thanks for coming back and letting us know how it went, JKS.

The first 3 months off were the hardest for my mom even worse than the taper, but things settle down now.

I can forsee things getting much better in the coming months.

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Thanks for the support!!!  I'll be checking in here more often.  Thanks Ed  for the shares.  Helps sooo much. !  The day was rough.  Got by with the help here.  Going to relax now and look toward a nice sleep tonight.  Too all the same.  If not talk later lol!!
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I too am off the K! Adios!!! My taper off k was slow but once I got down to .25 of k (after taking 1mg 1x/day for sleep for 15 plus years) my s/x were so bad I had to begin cross over. Cut and hold was no longer working. I felt better pretty quickly but mostly b/c dr put mr back to 10 mg valium which is approx .5 k ( the last cut at which i was okay). And at that point he also had me jump off the k. I was expecting hell but the valium eased symptoms and crossover was not too bad. I don't feel amazing but I am glad the k is out and that the valium keeps things calmed down enough that I can get through. I am planning--also, to hold here a while and begin taper when I am ready. Good luck to you!


Bluepill, I'm in exactly the same place as you, except A to V instead of K to V. I also had to switch because cut and hold became too much, with derealization and depersonalization. I've held on just V for three months but now I'm having awful WD symptoms (three-week headache, stabbing abdominal pain, stabbing temple pain). Doc appt Wednesday but I'm not sure if I'm telling him WD symptoms or symptoms of something more serious. I've also gone through a lot of loss and scary times in my family lately, so I'm just super on edge and stressed. Maybe working too much too. Anyway, just wanted you to know that I'm in the exact same boat, exact same V dosage. Maybe we can help keep each other sane on the way down.



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I have been tapering faster than has been suggested and my withdrawal symptoms are bearable. I even did a two month hold at 2.5 mgs. I am down to .6 mgs within 3 weeks. I am weak, have a bit of a headache and bit shaky.

I was told by the pharmasicst who I trust that I will be ok when I jump and I would have experienced worse side effects by now if I were to get them.

Is there something that I should watch for when I am done and jump? I know I won't feel 100% for at least a month... But I am scared to jump and I really want to.

I have read so many horror stories that it is freaking me out now to jump.

Thanks k

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I have been tapering faster than has been suggested and my withdrawal symptoms are bearable. I even did a two month hold at 2.5 mgs. I am down to .6 mgs within 3 weeks. I am weak, have a bit of a headache and bit shaky.

I was told by the pharmasicst who I trust that I will be ok when I jump and I would have experienced worse side effects by now if I were to get them.

Is there something that I should watch for when I am done and jump? I know I won't feel 100% for at least a month... But I am scared to jump and I really want to.

I have read so many horror stories that it is freaking me out now to jump.

Thanks k

  FWIW, I agree with your pharmacist.


And I jumped at .5.  It was a walk in the park!

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Thanks Builder... Did your sxs get better and better quickly?

  Actually, I had no sxs from 3mg on down.  That's why I felt confident jumping at .5mg.
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