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Well, after going down about 10 mg over 6-7 mos. after doing a slow c/o to valium, I've spent the past coupla weeks 'hibernating' while I incorporated liquid valium-without lowering my dose. I'm just about to reboot my slooow taper, and have a flexible strategy in place.


My question tonight is regarding headaches; not really migraine quality, but fairly intrusive and persistent. Like most of us, I've experienced a thrilling  ::) ICK number of sxs, but nausea and headaches seem to be a couple I didn't have during an earlier Ativan straight titration taper.


Nausea has not been a problem lately-fingers crossed-but I've had a headache for about the past 4-5 days. If I take 2 extra strength liquid Advil, they help for a while, as does one Tylenol with caffeine (which I hate, since I don't drink coffee and get a tad revved :crazy: up). I have some real migraine meds, but each pill is about $20, and must hoard like gold!


So, just wondering what other folks have tried/used, and with what degree of success? I really don't want to take too much Advil or Tylenol for too long, so I'm interested in hearing about ANY kind of strategy, from cold packs to heat/massage/acupuncture or anything else that may have given relief :thumbsup:.


Thanks a bunch to feedback re: WHATever may have worked for you!! It it's cheap and simple, bonus :).

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My slowww crossover - 8 weeks - from 1.5 mgs K (split into 3 doses per day) is complete! I'm now on my 2nd day of 30 mgs V. Goodbye Klonopin!


Q: I was definitely experiencing tolerance withdrawal on K, with so many symptoms, and never *really* found much stability even after updosing following a very long hold in agony at 1.25 mg K. I'm still struggling - so far - on the V, and wondering if anyone out there has been in my shoes and found a workable way through it?


Note: I simply had to get off the K. I felt one step away from the psych ward ("Here, take some more drugs! You're suffering needlessly!" ... no, thank you) at any given moment.


I guess I was expecting some sort of miraculous "aaaahhhh, now this is workable!" once I started crossing over to V  :) I realize that I'm only on my 2nd day with absolutely no K, so I'm trying to stay optimistic. I'm also wondering if <gulp> 30 mgs V was too low as 1.5 mgs K was still so horrendous. My plan is to hold steady at 30 mgs V for a few weeks, pray for more stability, and then cautiously taper.


Thanks all!

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O'size27, I made the c/o some time ago from Ativan to just under 30 mg valium. I've tapered almost half way down slooowly, and have found the valium has had a generally depressive effect on me; feel more down, and much more inertia.


But now that I've switched, I feel it's something I just have to get through, bleah though it is. As long as the really awful sxs don't arise [much!!], then I figure it's the price I have to pay. The long half life does make it 'smoother'....


However, the long half life means it can bite you on the butt at times when you think you're 'safe' tapering; called a dirty drug sometimes for this not so fun aspect. And valium does have that rep as not being a happy drug, as aforementioned.


Guess nothing is perfect-there's always a trade off, so here's hoping we can taper off the stuff, and look forward to feeling better. Some people feel much better as they taper; so far, that's not me, alas. But ya never know  :thumbsup:!

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Thanks for the reply, Bablatrice! How long did you hold after your c/o was finished before you started tapering?


Warm regards,


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Thanks Bablatrice for your response, I might try that nasal spray as EENT prescribed for me.  Hope your headache will subside soon, I'm dealing with that too but I think it's normal while we're on tapering, so many symptoms to deal everyday but I know they're all temporary.  Goodluck to all, have a nice day!! Mcm
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Thank you chessplayer. (Sorry I'm several pages late in replying.) Still having temple pain primarily in the morning upon waking, but not the actual icepick headaches, thankfully. I'm on metoprolol and medical marijuana, both of which should be keeping my migraines in check, so I am baffled by this. It does feel like a tension headache, and I also suspect both spring allergies and Ativan WD symptoms as being to blame, but I'm afraid that I may be ignoring something more serious. Just not sure.


My doc had said that I can just come in when I need more meds, and stupid me, I was thinking, "Well, that's still gonna be every four weeks because I'll always need that Valium refill." But if I stick with the current 5 mg pills 2x daily all the way down on a liquid taper and don't throw away what's left, I can go longer and longer between appointments, and he'll know that I'm cutting down based on that. Basically it'll look like a PRN prescription instead of a BID. I *think* I got those abbreviations right. Lol


I'll need major help with understanding how to add the leftover amount to the next day's dose, however. I'm sure it'll become crystal clear to me once I'm doing it, but right now it just sounds like very confusing math. I do have the spreadsheet that I haven't looked at yet. Thinking about beginning to cut tomorrow, so we'll see if I can figure it out that quick. If not, next week.

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I'll need major help with understanding how to add the leftover amount to the next day's dose, however. I'm sure it'll become crystal clear to me once I'm doing it, but right now it just sounds like very confusing math. I do have the spreadsheet that I haven't looked at yet. Thinking about beginning to cut tomorrow, so we'll see if I can figure it out that quick. If not, next week.

  I have no idea exactly how you plan to do your liquid taper, but there really is no problem here4.


Dissolve your 2 5mg pills and dilute however you want.  For your first dose, just pull out what you want to take.  Do the same for your second dose.  When you make another batch the next day, just add it to whatever you have left.  Again,, from the total available, just draw out whatever you want for each dose.  It doesn't matter how much you have available, it only matter how much you take.


After a few days you will probably realize its easier to make up enough liquid to last 7-10 days, instead of a new batch each day.  Again, you just draw out whatever you need for your dose.


Think of it as if it were a liquid cough/cold remedy.  If you had an 8 oz bottle, and wanted to take 1 tbsp twice a day, then that's what you would do...just take a tbsp from the bottle, and leave the rest of the bottle for the next dose.



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There's no confusing math in the liquid taper method I am using.


Let's say you have 5mg pills. If you dissolve one in 500ml of liquid you have a solution with a concentration of 1mg per 100ml. For efficiency, make 4 batches of that and store the resulting 2 liters of solution in a water pitcher in your refrigerator.


OK, so each day you need to measure out your dose. Let's say for example you want to take 3mg today. That's 300ml of liquid. Just measure that out by pouring into a measuring cup, and drink it. The unused liquid remains in the water pitcher for use the next day. When the water pitcher gets low on liquid, make a few more batches and add to it.


This is pretty simple, and avoids wasting any Valium.



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Well, after going down about 10 mg over 6-7 mos. after doing a slow c/o to valium, I've spent the past coupla weeks 'hibernating' while I incorporated liquid valium-without lowering my dose. I'm just about to reboot my slooow taper, and have a flexible strategy in place.


My question tonight is regarding headaches; not really migraine quality, but fairly intrusive and persistent. Like most of us, I've experienced a thrilling  ::) ICK number of sxs, but nausea and headaches seem to be a couple I didn't have during an earlier Ativan straight titration taper.


Nausea has not been a problem lately-fingers crossed-but I've had a headache for about the past 4-5 days. If I take 2 extra strength liquid Advil, they help for a while, as does one Tylenol with caffeine (which I hate, since I don't drink coffee and get a tad revved :crazy: up). I have some real migraine meds, but each pill is about $20, and must hoard like gold!


So, just wondering what other folks have tried/used, and with what degree of success? I really don't want to take too much Advil or Tylenol for too long, so I'm interested in hearing about ANY kind of strategy, from cold packs to heat/massage/acupuncture or anything else that may have given relief :thumbsup:.


Thanks a bunch to feedback re: WHATever may have worked for you!! It it's cheap and simple, bonus :).


I'm sorry that I don't have any headache advice, but I just want to congratulate you on your crossover to liquid. I'm happy to hear that you have had some degree of success with it. Looking forward to reading about your progress.




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Oh my goodness, you are both angels for posting that so simply for me! :smitten: For whatever reason, I thought I had to keep track of how much was left in the container and add that number of ml or mg to the next day's batch. I also had no idea that I could make up a week's worth at a time. This sounds so simple.


I just plugged my info into the spreadsheet (I can't remember who that belongs to at this point but huuuuuge gratitude goes out to them) and it has my ending date as this Christmas. That seems crazy fast but it's amazing to think it's possible. I'm definitely going to listen to my body, of course, and hold whenever appropriate.


I might actually start tomorrow! I just want to make sure that I have all the calculations correct before I do.


P.S. About those headaches, I live in a basement at the present time and it is always freezing at this time of year because of the spring thaw. When the ground warms up, the basement gets colder. And there is no heat duct in my bedroom. So I think perhaps I've been getting far too cold when I sleep and that's why I'm waking up with these headaches. Gonna try sleeping upstairs tonight to see if it makes a difference.


Thanks for the support everyone! So much love and support back to all of you!

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Mcm, good luck with the Nasonex if you go ahead  :thumbsup:, and O'27 I did the c/o so incredibly slowly that I don't recall (can't find my calendar right now) holding for that long before my taper-maybe a week or 2 at the most, I think. Hope that helps?! Ask me anything, and I'll try to reply, since we have some very parallel experiences, bleah ::)!


Edzo, thanks so much :) for the LV transition good wishes and encouragement; that means a lot! Hope to have more at least good-ish news as things progress. I hope you're doing alright! Are you having your well earned hold now? Sending you happy vibes  8), and look forward to seeing you around :thumbsup:.

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Oh my goodness, you are both angels for posting that so simply for me! :smitten: For whatever reason, I thought I had to keep track of how much was left in the container and add that number of ml or mg to the next day's batch. I also had no idea that I could make up a week's worth at a time. This sounds so simple.





Yup! It really is! :thumbsup:

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I never had headaches before but it seems each time I change anything- and since Im crossing over its pretty much every day- I get sick headaches. It seems its not just a part of withdrawal for some folks but also just a part of the process of CHANGE.  Brains dont seem to like change, they seem to like consistency. I hope yours get better.
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I never had headaches before but it seems each time I change anything- and since Im crossing over its pretty much every day- I get sick headaches. It seems its not just a part of withdrawal for some folks but also just a part of the process of CHANGE.  Brains dont seem to like change, they seem to like consistency. I hope yours get better.


Not sure if this will help but popcornlady told me to try apple cidar vinegar for my mom's headaches and it seemed to help.

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I already use ACV in a lot of things- I take a lot of supplements! But thank you for the advice. I have tried everything I can find but it seems to just be part of the process for me. Im grateful its the worst thing I have considering Im having to cross unevenly due to my doc not giving me quite as much V as usually used to cover my X. But thank you!
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I already use ACV in a lot of things- I take a lot of supplements! But thank you for the advice. I have tried everything I can find but it seems to just be part of the process for me. Im grateful its the worst thing I have considering Im having to cross unevenly due to my doc not giving me quite as much V as usually used to cover my X. But thank you!

Hi Kitty,

I'm sorry nothing is helping.

Tylenol wasn't helping my mom's headaches, but hers would only last about 5 days in a row and go away.

I am also, sorry your dr won't give you the equivelant valium to xanax.

My mom also wasn't given the equivelant valium for her ativan but the taper still worked.

I just held her dose until she was stable.

Praying things get better for you.

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Thats really sweet thank you! Its ok though, after what I went through at first, if I can get through like this I will be very grateful. Thank you!
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Re: Can a person stop cuts on taper and hold there for too long


« Reply #32 on: April 19, 2016, 10:37:17 pm »


Guys - I am very confused when it comes to tolerance and holding?? If I've reached tolerance at 4mg V, then what is the sense in holding. My body isn't reacting to the meds, so what good is a hold going to do??? It would be better if I got off the benzos asap, and then started the healing process??? Unless I am totally misunderstanding the meaning of these terms, which is very possible???


I'm going thru hell on the hold I'm doing now, so I don't think it could be any worse if I was still doing a daily taper??? Just my opinion ??? Just looking for a way to get off this stuff

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Re: Can a person stop cuts on taper and hold there for too long


« Reply #32 on: April 19, 2016, 10:37:17 pm »


Guys - I am very confused when it comes to tolerance and holding?? If I've reached tolerance at 4mg V, then what is the sense in holding. My body isn't reacting to the meds, so what good is a hold going to do??? It would be better if I got off the benzos asap, and then started the healing process??? Unless I am totally misunderstanding the meaning of these terms, which is very possible???


I'm going thru hell on the hold I'm doing now, so I don't think it could be any worse if I was still doing a daily taper??? Just my opinion ??? Just looking for a way to get off this stuff


The reason for a taper is to allow healing so that severe damage or death does not occur.

Oscar held his dose for 6 months and has been doing very well ever since, so holding a long time does result in repair.

Once off the drug, healing happens too, but when getting off way too fast, protracted withdrawal becomes much more likely.

Many feel that they just don't heal unless they are completely off the drug and this is not the case unless the person has an adverse reaction and needs to be off the drug.

For example, just look at the many who have cold turkey'd and are 4 years out still suffering pretty bad.

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Thanks for the question and replies I'm thinking my body will let me know its OK to taper and thanks for reminding us truths about fast tapering for many people.  I know the Ashton manual says every 2 weeks.  No I wouldn't be OK with tapering this 2 weeks.  Not well lots going on.  Really need to still level out to a kind of comfort zone.  Thanks everyone!
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What are people's thoughts on how long being on a certain dose can effect the gaba receptors. For example I started an SSRI for 2 weeks and then stopped and have been in a bad wave ever since with strong heart palpitations and high anxiety. I updosed from 1.5mg V to 2mg V daily to see if that would help but it has not. I've taken that dose for the last 4 nights. I'm wondering if I could drop back down to 1.5 or whether it's been too long at the updose now. Thoughts?


Also, does anyone have an experience on SSRI waves? I'm really confused. The SSRI made me feel worse but I stuck it out for 2 weeks. Then halved an already small dose for 3 days and then stopped. It's been a week since I stopped and I'm feeling shocking still.

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What are people's thoughts on how long being on a certain dose can effect the gaba receptors. For example I started an SSRI for 2 weeks and then stopped and have been in a bad wave ever since with strong heart palpitations and high anxiety. I updosed from 1.5mg V to 2mg V daily to see if that would help but it has not. I've taken that dose for the last 4 nights. I'm wondering if I could drop back down to 1.5 or whether it's been too long at the updose now. Thoughts?


Also, does anyone have an experience on SSRI waves? I'm really confused. The SSRI made me feel worse but I stuck it out for 2 weeks. Then halved an already small dose for 3 days and then stopped. It's been a week since I stopped and I'm feeling shocking still.

I've updosed for 3 days and dropped back down without any problems.  :)

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How did you feel valley Um? I think I'm at about 4 days maybe 5...

Updosing did not agree with me. Dropping back down brought immediate relief. It always has a paradoxical effect on me. It's like I'm on speed whenever I updose and it induces insomnia. I've tried it twice with the same results.

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