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Hi Shamo, I noticed your signature you are on 1mg already, you nearly there, hope your s/x will subside, I'm on 1.8mg now and I feel all s/x getting hard, I think the lower dose we have is the hardest part. 


regards to all of us!!



Thanks mcm. As I said I was able to do larger chunks at the start and was recovering well. For example my first cut was from 10mg down to 7.5mg. After Feeling shit for two weeks then I was back to 100% basically. Felt good as gold like I hadn't tapered anything. Same story when I went from 7.5 down to 5. It was until I cut from 2.5 down to 1 that I ended up in shambles and paranoid. So went back up to 3. Have been chipping away since then. But yes finding it a lot more difficult now. Especially when getting bad thought's stuck in your mind constantly. I can handle physical symptoms but the mental ones are the worst.

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An interesting thing I found was that when I was cutting and holding I'd be feeling really shit after a cut but then I would feel quite good after I stabilised. Like a return to 'normal'. When daily tapering it was easier and not as severe, but after reaching a spot I wanted to hold at, and waited to feel better, I didn't notice any marked improvement and wasn't sure if I'd stabilised. But, that could have been because it was a large amount from 2 down to 1. But, on the other hand I cut and held from 3 down to 2 (still quite large) and felt very rough but then noticed the big improvement and stabilisation after 3 weeks. 
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I am micro tapering and I think I accidentally took an extra 1mg of V today.  I was wondering how should I handle this with my taper.  Should I hold or continue my daily taper.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Most people in your situation would just carry on as if it didn't happen. A one off accidental up dose shouldn't affect the levels or ruin your taper at all. I've had times where I've felt really shit and taken an 'escape' dose and been fine when carrying on as normal. I just make sure I don't do it often.
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Basha, I don't think you will notice it and it won't affect your taper. When I was at 2 mgs I accidentally took an extra 1 mg for two doses in a row (long story . . . I was brain dead and made a mistake mixing up my liquid). As soon as I realized it, I tossed the liquid and made up another batch, but the inadvertent updosing didn't bother me at all. I think you will be fine.



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Thanks for the support Chessplayer. Yes, I was aware of the higher cuts at higher doses but since even 1 mg/2 wks laid me out last time, I'm fine to play with .5 mg/month. Between my back injuries, inability to find good work for years at home, and now the benzo madness, I've learned extreme patience and caution.


Someone posted about feeling sick at midday. I sometimes feel worse around that time, like it builds. However I do wake with the morning yuchhs, whether anxiety or depression frequently, movement shakes that off some. But I too sleep from about 2 to 10 AM (work evenings as well, thank Source). Have noticed that around 3:30 PM I start to feel better and better. OMG I wish businesses and stores were open from 9 PM. Into the evening, better although tired from work usually. By the time I get home I feel like there is hope in the world. But mornings into early afternoons are generally depressive hell. Nausea is sometimes part of that. Hope that helps a bit. Aloha, Char

PS I dose 1x/day around 9 PM after work. Also I'm religious about eating regularly, even if I have to force down a little good-quality yogurt.

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I am micro tapering and I think I accidentally took an extra 1mg of V today.  I was wondering how should I handle this with my taper.  Should I hold or continue my daily taper.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


That's okay. I think we all did something like that by accident at one point.

It won't affect your taper. IMO, just consider it a one-off and continue as usual...

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Someone posted about feeling sick at midday. I sometimes feel worse around that time, like it builds. However I do wake with the morning yuchhs, whether anxiety or depression frequently, movement shakes that off some. But I too sleep from about 2 to 10 AM (work evenings as well, thank Source). Have noticed that around 3:30 PM I start to feel better and better. OMG I wish businesses and stores were open from 9 PM. Into the evening, better although tired from work usually. By the time I get home I feel like there is hope in the world. But mornings into early afternoons are generally depressive hell. Nausea is sometimes part of that. Hope that helps a bit. Aloha, Char

PS I dose 1x/day around 9 PM after work. Also I'm religious about eating regularly, even if I have to force down a little good-quality yogurt.


Thanks, HealingMe.  Yes, my sickness begins a little later in the day after reasonable to good mornings.  I too begin to feel better as evening approaches for whatever odd reason. I wish I could make sense of it though.  You'd think my 11am dose of 2mg would be enough to ward off the afternoon sickness considering the fact that my 7pm dose of 1mg turns the trick for my evenings.

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Someone posted about feeling sick at midday. I sometimes feel worse around that time, like it builds. However I do wake with the morning yuchhs, whether anxiety or depression frequently, movement shakes that off some. But I too sleep from about 2 to 10 AM (work evenings as well, thank Source). Have noticed that around 3:30 PM I start to feel better and better. OMG I wish businesses and stores were open from 9 PM. Into the evening, better although tired from work usually. By the time I get home I feel like there is hope in the world. But mornings into early afternoons are generally depressive hell. Nausea is sometimes part of that. Hope that helps a bit. Aloha, Char

PS I dose 1x/day around 9 PM after work. Also I'm religious about eating regularly, even if I have to force down a little good-quality yogurt.


Thanks, HealingMe.  Yes, my sickness begins a little later in the day after reasonable to good mornings.  I too begin to feel better as evening approaches for whatever odd reason. I wish I could make sense of it though.  You'd think my 11am dose of 2mg would be enough to ward off the afternoon sickness considering the fact that my 7pm dose of 1mg turns the trick for my evenings.


Throughout my taper, I've felt super bad in the morning. Then a little less weird in the afternoon ( usually with a rev up after lunch ) and then much much improved by evening.

So much so, that I didn't want to go to bed . Not only because I was dreading another one of those mornings but also because I felt decent at night.


At the end of my taper this changed a bit but this was pretty much how it was for me, let alone extraordinaire days of waves and windows.


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As far as when people feel worse, I think it depends on what time they took their original benzo.

My mom's mornings were always better while tapering the valium because she used to take the ativan late afternoon.

Even when I dosed the valium 2 or 3 times per day, her nights were always worse.

However, once off and in the acute phase, the whole day was bad.

It took about 11 weeks for a good improvement to happen.


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Someone posted about feeling sick at midday. I sometimes feel worse around that time, like it builds. However I do wake with the morning yuchhs, whether anxiety or depression frequently, movement shakes that off some. But I too sleep from about 2 to 10 AM (work evenings as well, thank Source). Have noticed that around 3:30 PM I start to feel better and better. OMG I wish businesses and stores were open from 9 PM. Into the evening, better although tired from work usually. By the time I get home I feel like there is hope in the world. But mornings into early afternoons are generally depressive hell. Nausea is sometimes part of that. Hope that helps a bit. Aloha, Char

PS I dose 1x/day around 9 PM after work. Also I'm religious about eating regularly, even if I have to force down a little good-quality yogurt.


Thanks, HealingMe.  Yes, my sickness begins a little later in the day after reasonable to good mornings.  I too begin to feel better as evening approaches for whatever odd reason. I wish I could make sense of it though.  You'd think my 11am dose of 2mg would be enough to ward off the afternoon sickness considering the fact that my 7pm dose of 1mg turns the trick for my evenings.


Hey edzo8,

I just have to say, although I'm sorry you're sick at midday or early afternoon, be grateful not to wake almost every morning feeling dread, fear, depression achy, or any of those things. Imagine having to pray for support from the angels sometimes just to cope. I would LOVE to have a normal morning.


I would look to diet. Keep your blood sugar even, don't know what time you eat, etc. Make sure you have something in your tummy before you feel bad. Or are you eating something which throws you off? I use Immodium when the nausea gets bad, yes it's an opiate-related drug but so what, when you're so sick you need something. There are other anti-nausea drugs which others have mentioned and used.


Yes, like Moodle I stay up very late just because I feel so much better. (Well I work at night too). At night and in the very early mornings, I have so many ideas and feeling motivated....then it's another morning and I'm back not feeling so good.


Anyone wanta give me an "atta girl" for my post about the doc and upcoming taper? This is pathetic to beg but I thought someone might notice... :'( C

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  Healing, I will give you a big Atta girl!!!  That you got the nurse to go along with your slow taper and are educating them is such a biggie, sorry no one acknowledged it.  Hope it goes well for you. I am suffering and sick and holding at the moment but wanted to say I care.  Good for you and hang in there.
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I feel horrible in the mornings too and hate to go to bed because it know what is ahead.

I go through the motions as quickly as possible and then sit down to read the forum to try and settle down.

I also keep saying:

This too shall pass


When I have sat down I say:

The worst is feeling over


I am close to being done with the Valium.... Around 1.5 mgs.... I am so sick of being sick...

I would think that the symptoms would get easier with the lesser dose... But no such luck.

I guess withdrawal is withdrawal no matter what dose....

All above is for me only.... Hopefully others have it easier.



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I feel horrible in the mornings too and hate to go to bed because it know what is ahead.

I go through the motions as quickly as possible and then sit down to read the forum to try and settle down.

I also keep saying:

This too shall pass


When I have sat down I say:

The worst is feeling over


I am close to being done with the Valium.... Around 1.5 mgs.... I am so sick of being sick...

I would think that the symptoms would get easier with the lesser dose... But no such luck.

I guess withdrawal is withdrawal no matter what dose....

All above is for me only.... Hopefully others have it easier.




Keeka: I could have written this and we are on the same dose of V so I don't even have to change that part.  My husband says I should just be a vampire -I do fine most nights - mornings are horrible. 

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Someone posted about feeling sick at midday. I sometimes feel worse around that time, like it builds. However I do wake with the morning yuchhs, whether anxiety or depression frequently, movement shakes that off some. But I too sleep from about 2 to 10 AM (work evenings as well, thank Source). Have noticed that around 3:30 PM I start to feel better and better. OMG I wish businesses and stores were open from 9 PM. Into the evening, better although tired from work usually. By the time I get home I feel like there is hope in the world. But mornings into early afternoons are generally depressive hell. Nausea is sometimes part of that. Hope that helps a bit. Aloha, Char

PS I dose 1x/day around 9 PM after work. Also I'm religious about eating regularly, even if I have to force down a little good-quality yogurt.


Thanks, HealingMe.  Yes, my sickness begins a little later in the day after reasonable to good mornings.  I too begin to feel better as evening approaches for whatever odd reason. I wish I could make sense of it though.  You'd think my 11am dose of 2mg would be enough to ward off the afternoon sickness considering the fact that my 7pm dose of 1mg turns the trick for my evenings.


Hey edzo8,

I just have to say, although I'm sorry you're sick at midday or early afternoon, be grateful not to wake almost every morning feeling dread, fear, depression achy, or any of those things. Imagine having to pray for support from the angels sometimes just to cope. I would LOVE to have a normal morning.


I would look to diet. Keep your blood sugar even, don't know what time you eat, etc. Make sure you have something in your tummy before you feel bad. Or are you eating something which throws you off? I use Immodium when the nausea gets bad, yes it's an opiate-related drug but so what, when you're so sick you need something. There are other anti-nausea drugs which others have mentioned and used.


Yes, like Moodle I stay up very late just because I feel so much better. (Well I work at night too). At night and in the very early mornings, I have so many ideas and feeling motivated....then it's another morning and I'm back not feeling so good.


Anyone wanta give me an "atta girl" for my post about the doc and upcoming taper? This is pathetic to beg but I thought someone might notice... :'( C


Healing, I'll definitely give an atta girl as well! It is great that you were able to convince the nurse to allow you to micro-taper. This will make your trip not easy, but at least easiER. And we'll take those little things, won't we? ;-)


I try to eat well these days.  I was eating ice cream for a while, but knocked that off.  The only true sugar I eat now is contained in fruit. I must admit, however, that I do get crazy carb cravings to which I succumb. I need to slow that down and increase the protein.  For whatever reason, protein (either in the form of veggie protein or grilled chicken) seems to make me feel better.


Again, congrats on your new method of taper.  Great job of educating the professionals!





P.S. Even though I feel well emotionally and anxiety wise in the mornings, I still experience muscle and joint pains.  I just didn't mention them because, compared to everything else, they are a mere flea on my bottom. ;-)

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Does anyone think that being on an AD and sleeping pill is making my withdrawal to Valium feel worse?

I just thought of that and someone earlier on suggested that.  I am hoping that once I get off the Valium, I will start feeling less dizzy and weak.

150 mg of Zoloft, 1.5 mgs of Valium, 7.5 mgs of Zoplicone, some Tylenol


Thanks for your thoughts k

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The sleeping pill may be causing a problem. From the Ashton manual:


Most other hypnotics and sedatives act in a similar way to benzodiazepines, including barbiturates, chloral derivatives (Noctec), ethchlorvynol (Placidyl), zopiclone (Zimovane, Imovane), zolpidem (Ambien), zaleplon (Sonata) and, incidentally, alcohol. None of these drugs should be used as alternative sleeping pills or sleeping draughts during benzodiazepine withdrawal. All can cause a similar type of dependence and some are more toxic than benzodiazepines.


If sleep is really a problem, a small dose of a tricyclic antidepressant with sedative effects (see antidepressants, above) is a possible option. Alternatively, an antihistamine with sedative effects (e.g. diphenylhydramine [benadryl], promethazine [Phenergan]) may be used temporarily. Neither antidepressants nor antihistamines act by the same mechanisms as benzodiazepines.



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I found a low does of Remeron (mirtazipine) to be very helpful if I had sleep problems during my taper.  When needed, I would take about 3.75mg.  At low doses, 7.5mg or less, Remeron only acts like antihistamine, it will have no significant AD effect.
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Zopiclone is effectively a benzo. It's affecting the same GABA receptors. Don't think of it as a "sleeping pill". Think of it as a different benzo. The Ashton equivalency tables say 7.5mg Zopi is equivalent to 5mg Valium.


In some ways the Z drugs are worse than benzos. They have a short half life, so you can get severe interdose withdrawals. Tapering Valium while adding Zopiclone is a very bad idea - you're replacing a benzo addiction with a Z drug addiction, which is even worse. The Zopiclone needs to be tapered, and is harder to taper than Valium. If your doctor is telling you to do this, I suggest finding a more benzo-aware doctor.


For sleep, I find low dose Trazadone to be helpful. It's an antidepressant with sedating qualities. Unlike the Z drugs, Trazadone is fairly harmless.


I don't think SSRI's like Zoloft are useful for relieving benzo withdrawal symptoms.



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Remeron has helped w sleep

I am on it

Trazadone I personally had a bad reaction to but I think it's bc I was in cold turkey

Also my doc said it affects the mitochondria of cells which is something I have a problem w anyway due to autoimmune issues

So I wouldn't worry about it also not for a short period of time

I am going to try reducing my remeron tonight to 13.75 then 7.5 over the next several mos. my desire is to be medication free if I can so I can feel like myself again

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I don't have a medical reason for what you mentioned but I know I am microtapering Valium and at times when I am anxious I seem like I am on meth ( I have never done Meth but I imagine one would look and act like me)

One day I feel sedated another day I feel full of energy almost manic like and I am not nor have I ever been bipolar..

I read on recovery road that these bipolar like moods are very common in withdrawal and tolerance wothdrawal

Mostly once u have kindled ( which I have) it all just backfires

Hope you can start to taper soon looks like you have been drug free before which is great

Thank you

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Remeron has helped w sleep

I am on it

Trazadone I personally had a bad reaction to but I think it's bc I was in cold turkey

Also my doc said it affects the mitochondria of cells which is something I have a problem w anyway due to autoimmune issues

So I wouldn't worry about it also not for a short period of time

I am going to try reducing my remeron tonight to 13.75 then 7.5 over the next several mos. my desire is to be medication free if I can so I can feel like myself again

  I tapered of of 30mg Remeron in 2 weeks.
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Remeron has helped w sleep

I am on it

Trazadone I personally had a bad reaction to but I think it's bc I was in cold turkey

Also my doc said it affects the mitochondria of cells which is something I have a problem w anyway due to autoimmune issues

So I wouldn't worry about it also not for a short period of time

I am going to try reducing my remeron tonight to 13.75 then 7.5 over the next several mos. my desire is to be medication free if I can so I can feel like myself again

  I tapered of of 30mg Remeron in 2 weeks.

How long were you on?

I'm wary of psych meds.

When I came off trazodone I had these really horrible angry spells where it felt like steam was coming out of my ears and i wanted to smash the place up. Also a couple of friends noticed I was not myself during this time.

I did jump off at 25mg though, maybe a bit  high. Id been on it for 6 yrs starting at 450mg and very slowly comming down, a bit every few months.

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