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I was having trouble keeping pace with my schedule to cross over so instead of swapping daily I would do every other day- and a few times I even went back to an amount from a few days before but it helped and kept me from updosing. Sometimes I redistribute when I take the xanax during the day too. Maybe it will be a longer crossover and maybe I wont be able to get to 13.6 V, my doc seemed to think 12 one month and 10 the next was enough- but I guess I can get up to 10 and try to take off a little X there. That should show up pretty fast and be pretty quick to fix...At least I hope.

Yes, some days are better than others but there are so many questions early on especially. I was reading a lot of these threads but seemed to start thinking I was already getting protracted withdrawal symptoms ( heeeyargh) so I am trying to stick to reading only a very few threads now to stay positive as much as possible.... Thanks everyone, it really is a WEIRD and winding road

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Could whoever out there that is on a low dose (me 2.5 mgs and holding for a month) tell me if they ever feel calm? I tapered too quickly and have been holding for a month now and still have shakiness... I am wondering if that will ever go away on this drug. Do I continue to hold hoping it will stop or just start tapering again? I have only been on this drug since December and on 7.5 mgs.

Maybe I am waiting for something that won't happen.


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I tapered from 10mg to 2.8mg over the past 2 months and I am calm.

Taking a nice calming vacation last week helped :)


Not sure what to recommend. I hope you feel better soon.




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Could whoever out there that is on a low dose (me 2.5 mgs and holding for a month) tell me if they ever feel calm? I tapered too quickly and have been holding for a month now and still have shakiness... I am wondering if that will ever go away on this drug. Do I continue to hold hoping it will stop or just start tapering again? I have only been on this drug since December and on 7.5 mgs.

Maybe I am waiting for something that won't happen.


Keeka, I'm no where near 2.5mg, but ended up in a similar situation at 15mg.  I was tapered too quickly and too erratically by different doctors after reinstatement. I had severe anxiety, shaking/tremors, etc. It wasn't fun or pretty.


I've been holding at 15mg for about 4 months. It has helped, I'm more stable, not great but better. I'm preparing to start a daily liquid titration.


FWIW, I would continue to hold, and give your body more time to even out.


I hope you feel better soon, Left  :smitten:

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First off, it's not unusual at all for you to feel what you're feeling.  I went a bit too quickly and got hung up at around 8mg--and my taper was nowhere near as rapid as was yours.  I'd try to keep waiting it out. I'm also hesitant to tell anyone if/when it is a good idea to updose a bit as I've never done it. Perhaps one of our senior members could give their input?


BTW, you'll have your life back. Don't worry. Most of us have wondered the same thing. Time is the coin of the realm in this world.


All the Best,


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Could whoever out there that is on a low dose (me 2.5 mgs and holding for a month) tell me if they ever feel calm? I tapered too quickly and have been holding for a month now and still have shakiness... I am wondering if that will ever go away on this drug. Do I continue to hold hoping it will stop or just start tapering again? I have only been on this drug since December and on 7.5 mgs.

Maybe I am waiting for something that won't happen.





I almost never feel calm, close to calm after my hold is ending but never calm. I think it was Dr. Pearl who said any hold longer than 60 days is useless. At least I think it was 60 days, close to that any way.

I once held that long and I did feel bette for it.


I would say hold a bit longer but if by 60 days you are not better then proceed.


This is of course just my opinion.





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Keeka, after trying to follow Ashton to the letter for my c/o (and getting slammed), I learned to try to listen very carefully to my body/brain; sometimes a tiny whisper turns into a great shout, if you're distracted. I've held-not to any particular schedule-quite a few times, and it's helped me. Good luck!


Left Behind, aside from not experiencing a c/t (tank goodness, yikes), I'm in a bit of a similar situation to you; with any [good!] luck, we'll both continue to negotiate our way off this stuff ::).


Edzo, keep rockin' your taper  :thumbsup:, and contributing your thoughts. You've really come on board and accomplished a lot, so good on you (and I hope your liver is okey dokey).


Hope we all (the above folks and all BB peeps) have bearable sxs, and 'let the recovery come to us' as one on the mods has as her tagline. I've learned the hard way not to chase the taper too much; this ain't a race, as another saying goes. Better slow and steady than crash and burn, for sure!

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Hi SG, DP and everyone here in BB


I need any opinion in your own experience, Im currently on 2.3mg diazepam MT daily. .3 in the morning using LIquid diazepam oral solution and 2mg tablet in the evening. Now i nearly drop all my morning dose to 0.  In your own opinion how can I taper the 2mg left that i use to take in the evening.

can i just go all in one dose and using all liquid diazepam oral solution or split it in 2 doses liquid in the morning and 1mg tablet in the evening.  Im not sure about the changes if it reacts to my system or take all in the evening using partial liquid oral solution and tablet at the same time.


Im so scared for the transition and changes. Please help!! any opinion is highly appreciated.


thanks, MCM


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Hi SG, DP and everyone here in BB


I need any opinion in your own experience, Im currently on 2.3mg diazepam MT daily. .3 in the morning using LIquid diazepam oral solution and 2mg tablet in the evening. Now i nearly drop all my morning dose to 0.  In your own opinion how can I taper the 2mg left that i use to take in the evening.

can i just go all in one dose and using all liquid diazepam oral solution or split it in 2 doses liquid in the morning and 1mg tablet in the evening. Im not sure about the changes if it reacts to my system or take all in the evening using partial liquid oral solution and tablet at the same time.


Im so scared for the transition and changes. Please help!! any opinion is highly appreciated.


thanks, MCM



I always took 2 doses, and always a much biger portion in the PM.  But when I got down to 3mg, I switched to a single dose, all in the PM.  I had no problem with that schedule.


You can easily do either 1 or 2 doses, but at your current dose, once a day should be just fine.

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I think one dose a day should be fine. I think it doesn't matter how you split it between liquid and pills; the total amount of Valium is what matters. At fractional doses (I am now at 2.8mg/day) what I do is dissolve my pills and measure out the liquid because I think that is more accurate than cutting pills.



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I've wondered about this, Chessplayer. So you just plop a full 2mg pill in your solution of choice and remove what you have to in order to get the fraction--basically discarding 1/2 of the scored pill (1mg) + a fractional amount?


I'm having a bit of a rough go of it today, so I'm not sure if I'm coming across properly.  If you are at 2.8mg. Do you eat a 2mg pill and also pop a 2mg pill in your solution and discard 1.2 mg of the solution?




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I don't discard anything. My "recipe" is as follows:


- I dissolve a 10mg pill in a few ml of vodka

- I dilute that with water to obtain 500ml of liquid. So the concentration of Valium in the liquid is 10mg/500ml

- I store the liquid in a pitcher in the refrigerator.

- When it is time for my dose, I pour out the appropriate amount into a measuring cup. For example, to take 2.8mg, I measure out 140ml.

- I drink my dose ("cheers!").

- I put the pitcher with the unused liquid back in the refrigerator.



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I've wondered about this, Chessplayer. So you just plop a full 2mg pill in your solution of choice and remove what you have to in order to get the fraction--basically discarding 1/2 of the scored pill (1mg) + a fractional amount?


I'm having a bit of a rough go of it today, so I'm not sure if I'm coming across properly.  If you are at 2.8mg. Do you eat a 2mg pill and also pop a 2mg pill in your solution and discard 1.2 mg of the solution?




  Please note that using liquid does NOT mean you have to "remove" or "discard" anything!


In this example, you can 1) take a 2mg tablet, and then 2)simply draw out .8mg from the solution and take that.


Now you have 1.2mg of liquid remaining for tomorrow.  So tomorrow you take another 2mg tablet, and whatever amount of liquid you choose for day 2.


Just FYI, I always prepared 10-14 days supply of liquid.  I took the bulk of my daily dose from tablets, and used the liquid for the "cut" portion of my dose.

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I don't discard anything. My "recipe" is as follows:


- I dissolve a 10mg pill in a few ml of vodka

- I dilute that with water to obtain 500ml of liquid. So the concentration of Valium in the liquid is 10mg/500ml

- I store the liquid in a pitcher in the refrigerator.

- When it is time for my dose, I pour out the appropriate amount into a measuring cup. For example, to take 2.8mg, I measure out 140ml.

- I drink my dose ("cheers!").

- I put the pitcher with the unused liquid back in the refrigerator.




Absolutely!  Just because you are using liquid does NOT mean you need to remove and/or discard anything.  You just use the supply of liquid to make your daily dose, just like you would a supply of tablets.

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I guess I just get paranoid that the Diaz sinks to the bottom or isn't evenly distributed throughout the liquid. I use whole milk. For example, I'm now at 5.4mg. I consume 5mg worth of tablets and the plop 1 mg into the milk. After 45 min, I use a small spoon to "chop" the bottom of the glass (even though I can't see what I'm chopping) and then shake the heck out of the milk/diaz mixture. After that, I syringe out .6 down the drain and drink the remaining .4.


I guess I just don't trust that the medicine is evenly distributed throughout the solution. It seems that the medicine would sink to the bottom and make that the more concentrated portion of the mixture. Thoughts?

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I'm not a chemist. But I know if it's a solution then the medicine will be evenly dissolved and you don't need to shake it. If it's a suspension then it would settle to the bottom and you would need to shake it. Valium dissolves in alcohol, i.e. forms a solution. However it does not dissolve in water. With my method, I first form a alcohol/Valium solution, but then dilute with water. I'm not sure if the Valium stays dissolved after the water dilution or if it filtrates out due to the fact that the liquid is mostly water. Perhaps someone out there who is a chemist can tell us. Just to be on the safe side, I shake up the liquid before measuring out my dose. I'd suggest doing the same if you are using milk.



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I'm not a chemist. But I know if it's a solution then the medicine will be evenly dissolved and you don't need to shake it. If it's a suspension then it would settle to the bottom and you would need to shake it. Valium dissolves in alcohol, i.e. forms a solution. However it does not dissolve in water. With my method, I first form a alcohol/Valium solution, but then dilute with water. I'm not sure if the Valium stays dissolved after the water dilution or if it filtrates out due to the fact that the liquid is mostly water. Perhaps someone out there who is a chemist can tell us. Just to be on the safe side, I shake up the liquid before measuring out my dose. I'd suggest doing the same if you are using milk.




I'm not a chemist either.  I'm an engineer.  My understanding is the same as yours, CP.  The V dissolves in the alcohol and is able to stay dissolved in water since the solubility of V in water is ~.03mg/ml, not quite zero...in other words, 67ml would be just enough water to keep a 2mg V pill dissolved.  Any less and some of the V would come back out.  It is a good idea to use a lot of water IMO.  I agree that shaking is also a good hedge, just in case.

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I guess I just get paranoid that the Diaz sinks to the bottom or isn't evenly distributed throughout the liquid. I use whole milk. For example, I'm now at 5.4mg. I consume 5mg worth of tablets and the plop 1 mg into the milk. After 45 mind, I use a small spoon to "chop" the bottom of the glass (even though I can't see what I'm chopping) and then shake the heck out of the milk/diaz mixture. After that, I syringe out .6 down the drain and drink the remaining .4.


I guess I just don't trust that the medicine is evenly distributed throughout the solution. It seems that the medicine would sink to the bottom and make that the more concentrated portion of the mixture. Thoughts?

  The diazepam doesn't sink to the bottom, the inactive non-soluble fillers, binders, and other excipent ingredients sink to the bottom.


Your tablet only contains a tiny percentage of diazepam, the rest is inactive, non-med components, some of which will not be soluble.  The diazepam itself IS soluble, and will go into solution, uniformly distributed in the liquid.

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Thanks Builder for the immediate reply, now I have idea base in your experience.  In a week I will see how it goes when I reach 2 mg. also my doctor wants me to taper my last 2mg for 2 months, is that possible in your opinion. Now I'm dealing with buzzing ear/head it cause me uncomfy and less sleep. No shaking anyway it's purely in my head is my symptoms. Headache everyday but manageable only the tinnitus bothering me much.  Thanks again, mcm
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I'm not a chemist. But I know if it's a solution then the medicine will be evenly dissolved and you don't need to shake it. If it's a suspension then it would settle to the bottom and you would need to shake it. Valium dissolves in alcohol, i.e. forms a solution. However it does not dissolve in water. With my method, I first form a alcohol/Valium solution, but then dilute with water. I'm not sure if the Valium stays dissolved after the water dilution or if it filtrates out due to the fact that the liquid is mostly water. Perhaps someone out there who is a chemist can tell us. Just to be on the safe side, I shake up the liquid before measuring out my dose. I'd suggest doing the same if you are using milk.



  Yes, it remains in solution, and does NOT titrate out.
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I guess I just get paranoid that the Diaz sinks to the bottom or isn't evenly distributed throughout the liquid. I use whole milk. For example, I'm now at 5.4mg. I consume 5mg worth of tablets and the plop 1 mg into the milk. After 45 mind, I use a small spoon to "chop" the bottom of the glass (even though I can't see what I'm chopping) and then shake the heck out of the milk/diaz mixture. After that, I syringe out .6 down the drain and drink the remaining .4.


I guess I just don't trust that the medicine is evenly distributed throughout the solution. It seems that the medicine would sink to the bottom and make that the more concentrated portion of the mixture. Thoughts?

  The diazepam doesn't sink to the bottom, the inactive non-soluble fillers, binders, and other excipent ingredients sink to the bottom.


Your tablet only contains a tiny percentage of diazepam, the rest is inactive, non-med components, some of which will not be soluble.  The diazepam itself IS soluble, and will go into solution, uniformly distributed in the liquid.


I assume after a good shaking it is uniformly distributed. The medicine contained in the pill obviously begins at the bottom of my 200ml shot glass filled with whole milk. It's not like the medicine somehow levitates on it's own to magically, uniformly distribute itself, is it? There has to be some degree of mixing going on to prod along the uniformity. Or am I missing something? 

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I guess I just get paranoid that the Diaz sinks to the bottom or isn't evenly distributed throughout the liquid. I use whole milk. For example, I'm now at 5.4mg. I consume 5mg worth of tablets and the plop 1 mg into the milk. After 45 mind, I use a small spoon to "chop" the bottom of the glass (even though I can't see what I'm chopping) and then shake the heck out of the milk/diaz mixture. After that, I syringe out .6 down the drain and drink the remaining .4.


I guess I just don't trust that the medicine is evenly distributed throughout the solution. It seems that the medicine would sink to the bottom and make that the more concentrated portion of the mixture. Thoughts?

  The diazepam doesn't sink to the bottom, the inactive non-soluble fillers, binders, and other excipent ingredients sink to the bottom.


Your tablet only contains a tiny percentage of diazepam, the rest is inactive, non-med components, some of which will not be soluble.  The diazepam itself IS soluble, and will go into solution, uniformly distributed in the liquid.


I assume after a good shaking it is uniformly distributed. The medicine contained in the pill obviously begins at the bottom of my 200ml shot glass filled with whole milk. It's not like the medicine somehow levitates on it's own to magically, uniformly distribute itself, is it? There has to be some degree of mixing going on to prod along the uniformity. Or am I missing something?

Some physical agitation (shaking, stirring, swishing,  etc.) is adviseable, maybe necessary.  But the non-med insolubles will still seperate out.
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Last question (for now) for whoever wants to field it:


Is 100ml of milk enough to dissolve a 2mg pill of Diaz or do I have to use 200ml of milk?


Even though my pills are scored, they don't always break evenly and I'd like to just plop the whole thing in the glass.


Thanks in advance!



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Last question (for now) for whoever wants to field it:


Is 100ml of milk enough to dissolve a 2mg pill of Diaz or do I have to use 200ml of milk?


Even though my pills are scored, they don't always break evenly and I'd like to just plop the whole thing in the glass.


Thanks in advance!




100ml is more than enough for a 2mg V pill.  The reason to use 200ml would be to make tracking your dose easy - the ml numbers would always be the same as the mg numbers...just the decimal point would move.  But this is a lot of milk to use for something rather minor.

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