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If you list your current medication and dosage, I'm sure someone here could help you out with this. Have you thought about creating a signature?




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Thanks guys

I just don't want to create a bigger dependency than I ever had, but I am where I am and I get myself stirred up thinking about the what ifs, what treatment options or work disability or who will take care of my kids etc etc I don't think that helps w/d

Just went on a long hike. Grateful I don't have acute Akathesia now.

My most dreaded dreaded unbearable symptom of w/d

So far so good

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According to this site I am on the equivalent of 1.4 mg Valium




This one says 1.5 mg Valium:




Another calculator I used to use said 2.8 mg Valium


Now I am confused.

  But Oscar, you're not on Valium, so what difference does it make?


I like to go by on what others are experiencing in withdrawal from the Valium... probably doesn't make much sense I know.  :-[

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Hi All,


I have a bit of a curious mind, so please forgive me for questioning something I've read on BB a number of times.


I keep seeing it posted that Ashton recommends no more than a 10% reduction in a fortnight.  I've read her manual and her update from 2011(?) and I don't see this mentioned. Could someone cut and paste or point to the exact section in her manual where she puts this forth?


Thank you,


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Hi All,


I have a bit of a curious mind, so please forgive me for questioning something I've read on BB a number of times.


I keep seeing it posted that Ashton recommends no more than a 10% reduction in a fortnight.  I've read her manual and her update from 2011(?) and I don't see this mentioned. Could someone cut and paste or point to the exact section in her manual where she puts this forth?


Thank you,



For what i know, this isnt an Ashton manual thing.

When i saw the  cut rate in the manual, I knew i could never do it.

I think it is more a guide than an absolute for most people.


From what I know, the 10% is a recommendation feom here, based on experiences..

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Hi All,


I have a bit of a curious mind, so please forgive me for questioning something I've read on BB a number of times.


I keep seeing it posted that Ashton recommends no more than a 10% reduction in a fortnight.  I've read her manual and her update from 2011(?) and I don't see this mentioned. Could someone cut and paste or point to the exact section in her manual where she puts this forth?


Thank you,



For what i know, this isnt an Ashton manual thing.

When i saw the  cut rate in the manual, I knew i could never do it.

I think it is more a guide than an absolute for most people.


From what I know, the 10% is a recommendation feom here, based on experiences..


10% in a fortnight and I might as well check myself into hospital.


There is no way I could do it.



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Dear Jackson,


I think if you are (were) feeling fine at a certain pace, maybe that's the pace for you. I completely understand that YOU want off as early as possible (as do I), but this is more about what our BODY wants.  There really is no choice but to listen to our bodies.  From all I've read, and it's been quite a bit, the GABAs need to heal. If you take your time during a steady, slow taper, you can actually heal a bit as you taper. If you rush, those same GABAs need to heal, but you run the risk of greater sx after withdrawal.  So, basically, reduce at a speed your body can handle and not the speed you want to taper.


Just my thoughts,



Hi Jackson,


Edzo nailed it.


I was in a wave yesterday and it only lasted 1 day.  I feel decent today.  It hit Saturday night at 10pm BAM!!.  A few hours earlier I was socializing with friends at a restaurant and feeling OK.  I held yesterday and today.  I will see how tomorrow goes and decide from there.

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Yes I felt good then I worked myself up over something and have chest burning

I know my mind really plays a part in this when the nervous system is so sensitive

Just so hard going on living a busy life with two toddlers in the midst of this

I want to go to a desert island and taper on my own for 6 mos lol

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Dear Jackson,


I think if you are (were) feeling fine at a certain pace, maybe that's the pace for you. I completely understand that YOU want off as early as possible (as do I), but this is more about what our BODY wants.  There really is no choice but to listen to our bodies.  From all I've read, and it's been quite a bit, the GABAs need to heal. If you take your time during a steady, slow taper, you can actually heal a bit as you taper. If you rush, those same GABAs need to heal, but you run the risk of greater sx after withdrawal.  So, basically, reduce at a speed your body can handle and not the speed you want to taper.


Just my thoughts,



Hi Jackson,


Edzo nailed it.


I was in a wave yesterday and it only lasted 1 day.  I feel decent today.  It hit Saturday night at 10pm BAM!!.  A few hours earlier I was socializing with friends at a restaurant and feeling OK.  I held yesterday and today.  I will see how tomorrow goes and decide from there.



I'm sorry to hear that you got blasted.  I'm sure you've thought about this, but could something you ate have possibly triggered the wave?



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Thanks to those who responded to my question regarding 10% cuts. I was going to say, her table even offers a 16.7% cut going from 6 to 5mg of Diaz in 1-2 weeks. That definitely didn't sound sensible to my situation.  I'll check out the link that was offered to me.


BTW, I'll take the advice of those who are actually going through something pretty much every time over those who are only OBSERVING what those people are going through. Thanks for all the input.




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Thanks to those who responded to my question regarding 10% cuts. I was going to say, her table even offers a 16.7% cut going from 6 to 5mg of Diaz in 1-2 weeks. That definitely didn't sound sensible to my situation.  I'll check out the link that was offered to me.


BTW, I'll take the advice of those who are actually going through something pretty much every time over those who are only OBSERVING what those people are going through. Thanks for all the input.




Exactly. Same here.


I was not able to cut Ashton style. At all.

And i am glad I landed on this thead when I did.

The shared experience has been a life saver.

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Dear Jackson,


I think if you are (were) feeling fine at a certain pace, maybe that's the pace for you. I completely understand that YOU want off as early as possible (as do I), but this is more about what our BODY wants.  There really is no choice but to listen to our bodies.  From all I've read, and it's been quite a bit, the GABAs need to heal. If you take your time during a steady, slow taper, you can actually heal a bit as you taper. If you rush, those same GABAs need to heal, but you run the risk of greater sx after withdrawal.  So, basically, reduce at a speed your body can handle and not the speed you want to taper.


Just my thoughts,



Hi Jackson,


Edzo nailed it.


I was in a wave yesterday and it only lasted 1 day.  I feel decent today.  It hit Saturday night at 10pm BAM!!.  A few hours earlier I was socializing with friends at a restaurant and feeling OK.  I held yesterday and today.  I will see how tomorrow goes and decide from there.



I'm sorry to hear that you got blasted.  I'm sure you've thought about this, but could something you ate have possibly triggered the wave?




I thought about that but I'll never know for sure.

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I'm trying to get organized for a Valium pill to combo of pill/liquid for a daily/MT (just getting over a miserable cold/sinus infection, ugh, so hope to begin in a week or so-ish). Some of you may have seen my appeal on here a week or so ago asking if liquid v was available in Canada; I'd been told it wasn't by a pharmacist, but in fact it is ::). So got that sorted.


Haven't seen my doc yet, but he'll likely?! be okay with giving me an LV scrip. Assuming he does, and I have the choice of using milk, vodka, or LV I thought I'd take a poll re: what people with experience have preferred. I know we're all sooo different I'll just have to be my own guinea pig-oink 8)-as usual, but still curious to know what may work for more people, anyway.


I'm sure builder and SG57 in particular are tired of reassuring newbie MT folks that "it's not complicated!" etc., but I've heard enough people say the LV really bugged their stomach to want to find out more. Does it really happen that much? If folks do have a stomach challenge causing them to switch to milk/vodka, is there any common explanation?


I.E. do most members take LV on an empty stomach, or with food? I'd like to try LV since it's slightly? more simple than mixing a pill in liquid myself, but would really not like to have to switch after having a problem ???. If anyone has any comments, that would be great and most appreciated! I'd really like to be a member of the daily/MT club with as little fuss/sxs as possible ::)!!


p.s. sorry  ::)re: multiple post of this-just trying to get as much feedback as possible!

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I'm trying to get organized for a Valium pill to combo of pill/liquid for a daily/MT (just getting over a miserable cold/sinus infection, ugh, so hope to begin in a week or so-ish). Some of you may have seen my appeal on here a week or so ago asking if liquid v was available in Canada; I'd been told it wasn't by a pharmacist, but in fact it is ::). So got that sorted.


Haven't seen my doc yet, but he'll likely?! be okay with giving me an LV scrip. Assuming he does, and I have the choice of using milk, vodka, or LV I thought I'd take a poll re: what people with experience have preferred. I know we're all sooo different I'll just have to be my own guinea pig-oink 8)-as usual, but still curious to know what may work for more people, anyway.


I'm sure builder and SG57 in particular are tired of reassuring newbie MT folks that "it's not complicated!" etc., but I've heard enough people say the LV really bugged their stomach to want to find out more. Does it really happen that much? If folks do have a stomach challenge causing them to switch to milk/vodka, is there any common explanation?


I.E. do most members take LV on an empty stomach, or with food? I'd like to try LV since it's slightly? more simple than mixing a pill in liquid myself, but would really not like to have to switch after having a problem ???. If anyone has any comments, that would be great and most appreciated! I'd really like to be a member of the daily/MT club with as little fuss/sxs as possible ::)!!


p.s. sorry  ::)re: multiple post of this-just trying to get as much feedback as possible!


I could not tolerate the liquid pharma grade valium . It was too harsh on mu tummy and i suspect that is nothing else but whatever fillers are in there. Could be gluten. Or flavoring. I dont think I will get to the bottom of it.

But I guess the sickies or burning sensation is what makes people switch to milk or vodka.

And plenty of people use it with no problems at all.


I think eating lots before taking your meds would affect with absorption rate?

So, if you are consistent, when you take your dose, there should be no problem.



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Thanks so much for your input on my little 'LV poll,' Moodle :thumbsup:. The more info the better, I always figure!


Yes, or it will make you scream, not knowing what to do, so much to chose from  :laugh:

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I had a terrible reaction to LV too

I won't go into details but terrible spasms in the stomach and below area.. Bizarre

I knew the minute I put it in my mouth my body wouldn't respond well

I am hyper sensitive

Now doing a milk taper and almond milk taper

I kind of alternate between the two depending on my stomach

It's working great and I finally have the hang of it

Burning right now but last week wasn't

So Windows and waves even as I am tapering

Weird. Good luck

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I had a terrible reaction to LV too

I won't go into details but terrible spasms in the stomach and below area.. Bizarre

I knew the minute I put it in my mouth my body wouldn't respond well

I am hyper sensitive

Now doing a milk taper and almond milk taper

I kind of alternate between the two depending on my stomach

It's working great and I finally have the hang of it

Burning right now but last week wasn't

So Windows and waves even as I am tapering

Weird. Good luck




Did you have a bad stomach prior to the benzos?


Just curious,


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Yes I did have a bad stomach

I have had something called interstitial cystitis for 25 years that started with parasites giardia and e.hystolitica.

Two years ago after cipro my stomach was an absolute mess ( mind you I would take that any day to what I am dealing with now) and I was diagnosed with SIBO

Just did another breath test and still positive.

I am pretty thin ( very thin) and eat a lot ( healthy mainly paleo style)

When I was in c/t and fast taper I couldn't stop going to the bathroom. My magnesium levels dropped dangerously low.

My psychiatrist said my excess glutamate is due to my stomach but have no clue how to fix it while on benzo

I think many ppl have SIBO

My stomach has always bothered me and not been normal so I am just used to it

If that was my worst symptom I would be ecstatic. It's the Akathesia I am worried about ;(

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Yes I did have a bad stomach

I have had something called interstitial cystitis for 25 years that started with parasites giardia and e.hystolitica.

Two years ago after cipro my stomach was an absolute mess ( mind you I would take that any day to what I am dealing with now) and I was diagnosed with SIBO

Just did another breath test and still positive.

I am pretty thin ( very thin) and eat a lot ( healthy mainly paleo style)

When I was in c/t and fast taper I couldn't stop going to the bathroom. My magnesium levels dropped dangerously low.

My psychiatrist said my excess glutamate is due to my stomach but have no clue how to fix it while on benzo

I think many ppl have SIBO

My stomach has always bothered me and not been normal so I am just used to it

If that was my worst symptom I would be ecstatic. It's the Akathesia I am worried about ;(


Understood. My stomach was always solid as a rock (at least in its capabilities. ha!). Then a 30 day dose of Cipro wrecked me. I was having really heavy anxiety due to the Cipro effects and so I took Ativan to combat my worries. Big mistake, as I now know, to mix the two.  After the Cipro course ended and what originally ailed me was cured, I was left with a lot of nausea and a VERY limited number of things my stomach could handle. As a result, I became more worried and took more Ativan. In hindsight, I should have just gone right to a GI, but was anxious about what he may have found out. Stupid, I know.


So flash forward to 4 months later. I finally went to see a GI and at the time 95% of my gastro symptoms were alleviated. It was kind of like a reverse Catch 22. Because my belly felt better and the GI saw no need to do anything invasive, my anxiety decreased and I tapered relatively quickly off of Ativan. Maybe going from an average of .75g per day to zilch in about a month. Life went back to normal. All was well.


3 months later, I had forgotten all about everything that had happened over the past 9 months or so and was back to eating my typical bad diet which was laden with sugar and caffeine. Looking back, I do believe I set myself off again. I was on a trans-atlantic cruise and the anxiety I felt after one particular day during which I'd consumed 2 or 3 Cappuccinos was unbearable. I'm pretty sure I had reawakened my CNS issues that I was having months earlier with Cipro and Ativan. But at that point, I had no idea. So of course I popped a couple of Ativan to make me feel better. 


We spent the next 5 months in Europe as I battled nausea and various other symptoms. It wasn't until September that I began to put two and two together. I had always thought it was my diet that triggered my stomach issues. But then, I began to notice that the side effects, which now included light headedness and all sorts of scary things such as depersonalization,  couldn't have been due to that strip of bacon.  And the side effects seemed to happen at the same time of day.  I realized a pattern. I'd have nausea and side effects on Day 1. So I'd pop a pill. Day 2 I felt better and didn't pop a pill. Day 3 I felt bad again and would have to pop another Ativan. 


Looking back, things should have been so much more obvious, but they weren't because I wasn't educated enough about benzos. Sure, I read the labels that warned of dependency, but thought that these warnings didn't apply to me. Now look where I am.  I made another appointment with a GI at the end of this month, but I'm not going to let him do anything invasive. I'm terrified of how twilight drugs or any other injected chemicals will react with my benzo taper. If he wants to check my breath...great. If he wants to do a scan...also great. I'd even consider letting him put the  tube down my throat while completely conscious. I wonder how bad of an experience that is?


So that's my bad tummy story. Sorry for rambling, but it feels good to let it out.


Thanks for listening,


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  I'm also getting ready to go to a part pill and liquid taper.  I have been advised of many ways and amounts to liquify the pill and must say I am still confused.  I take 6.25mg. in morning and 7.5 mg at night.  I was going to get rid of the morning dose first or at least get it down to 5 mg. and then work on the night dose.  SG advised to even out the doses by liquifiying one 5 mg. pill, since this is all I have. and going from there.  I'm so scared to try as I get hit hard and never really feel well just slightly less awful.  This last 1/8 pill cut didn't seem to affect me but its only been 6 days so I'm still waiting.  I also had a serious gut infection from clindamycin and developed CDiff.  The anxiety of that hospital stay and the aftermath was why they put me on Ativan in the hospital and told me to keep taking it, I needed it blah blah you know the rest.  I now look back and most of my gut issues and nausea was probably i/d w/d symptoms and not the CDiff. Too late to worry about that but now I had been on the ativan for 4 yrs. and had to switch over, couldn't taper from it.  I will figure it out.  I am going to use whole milk and go from there.  I would rather liquify 1/2 of the 5 mg. pill. Can someone advise me on this?  2.5 mg. to what ratio of whole milk and what to cut each day.  I want to go very conservative as I don't feel well now.  Sorry to keep asking this, you must all think I'm brain damaged and maybe I am but I am overwhelmed with worry about doing this switch.  Thanks and good luck to all of us fighting hard.
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Edzo I totally relate to your story

Mine is similar and like you I never thought "addiction" applied to me as I used it max 3 days a week etc etc but had a 20 year history with if on/off

Kindled probably for years

Scan won't hurt but you have to drink something called gastrofen ?

Honestly it sounds like unless you are bleeding etc etc I wouldn't do a colonoscopy.. Seems Like one month of cipro was the problem

My husband recently had to take it for a uti like problem ..he is strong as a horse and was feeling sick on it. Luckily no anxiety issues for him or he is so repressed and British I don't see it lol.

I have done every test under the sun

Sounds like u are doing what's best.. Going down slowly

Liquid titration has been easy

Check out DiazPam and her explanation

I cut 2 mg tab in half put it in a baby food jar, grind it, use Almond or whole milk 100ml per 1mg and go down 1ml per day..

I think I kindled so badly bc I was being stubborn and had no idea I was in cold turkey for over 3 weeks. I thought I developed ALS. Yup. Crazy.


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Thanks for the reply.  Did you have the tube placed down your throat into your stomach for a biopsy? I think it is called something like an upper endoscopy.  If so, is this bearable without any type of twilight drug?


Thanks again,


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