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Valium itself isn't exactly a happy drug and when I switched over, I was very flat feeling. And depressed.

Everything seems numbed down, like you can't reach any happy feeling, even when the xs are not too prominent in a some moments,

I'm guessing this is the Valium and not the Ativan withdrawal.

It's very common.


It gets better with time , the flat and depressed feeling, and during windows, I'd be okay, too.


Keep on trucking.  :thumbsup:


As short of an experience as I have had with it, I can say that I agree with all of that. I am having some Ativan wd symptoms that are familiar from before, ear pain being the most prominent and bothersome, but the depression and flat feeling does feel different than the way I felt when I was just WDing from the Ativan. Honestly, I wish I had never started taking quite this much Valium, but I guess it is probably necessary to get off the Ativan. It just feels like so much in my system right now. I don't feel like myself and I don't like that. I did have a good day today though. I got out and ran errands, shopped, and worked. Still just feel weird, but hey, I guess it could be a lot worse! Yesterday was scary, but look, it passed. It's over. Everything's temporary. It helps to remember that. Thank you for your kind words!

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Valium itself isn't exactly a happy drug and when I switched over, I was very flat feeling. And depressed.

Everything seems numbed down, like you can't reach any happy feeling, even when the xs are not too prominent in a some moments,

I'm guessing this is the Valium and not the Ativan withdrawal.

It's very common.


It gets better with time , the flat and depressed feeling, and during windows, I'd be okay, too.


Keep on trucking.  :thumbsup:


As short of an experience as I have had with it, I can say that I agree with all of that. I am having some Ativan wd symptoms that are familiar from before, ear pain being the most prominent and bothersome, but the depression and flat feeling does feel different than the way I felt when I was just WDing from the Ativan. Honestly, I wish I had never started taking quite this much Valium, but I guess it is probably necessary to get off the Ativan. It just feels like so much in my system right now. I don't feel like myself and I don't like that. I did have a good day today though. I got out and ran errands, shopped, and worked. Still just feel weird, but hey, I guess it could be a lot worse! Yesterday was scary, but look, it passed. It's over. Everything's temporary. It helps to remember that. Thank you for your kind words!


Yes, it does pass. And some days are better than others, for sure.

If I remember correctly , you didn't exactly cross over but just added Valium to your Ativan dose, right ? Instead of substituting ?


My depression felt a lot different on Valium, too. But it did go away on lower doses and I hope the same for you.

On days where it hits, all the positivity leaves as if it's never been there . But eventually it just became less dark and these days I rarely have any benzo depression.


I had lots of ear pain too. This was brought on by grinding and clenching of the teeth, at night.

This stuff is also muscle relaxant so it makes sense that we tense up when we take away an amount,right ?

I had my dentist make me a mouth guard for the night and it has helped a lot. All those muscles and nerves there are connected and brought on deep,pain in the ear and below my lower jaw area, radiating into my ears.

Maybe check in to that if you can.


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Hi everyone, just thought I would get back with everyone. I have to fess up and say that I was very sick after I started my liq taper. For one it was


my fault, because for the life of me kept getting confused. Diaz-Pam went out of her way to help me. Well for thirteen days I was very sick. I came to


the conclusion that this was probably the after effects of my last cut in Aug that took a while  to hit me, and this was the worse hit, since I started


my cut and hold. Well anyway, I knew I was going to have to cut again, and just thinking of cutting these soft powdery pills again, made me sort of


upset. So I decided that I had to try again, and what has made it better this time, I feel sure of what I am doing, after all this is so very elementry , but


I was really making it hard, I have been using a 100cc syringe and a 10cc and 1cc, and these have made my liq taper easier. Since my cuts are very small


I now have 93 more days to get to 1mg of Valium, but that is OK, I do not want to go fast, and so far going slow has worked for me. So I guess I have


to say to anyone on the fence about lig tapering, don't fret, it is a better way to cut when you get down like I am, and from what I have read higher doses


also. I am doing the water titration with 1ml of vodka, I am not afraid of the vodka, but my pill dissolves very quickly and I am just more comfortable


and being sort of scatter brained at times, it is working now. So Diaz-Pam and all others here thanks for all the care and support we get here.  :hug::mybuddy: 

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So glad that everything is starting to work out for you begood.


I totally understand people getting anxious over the whole titration thing, because for most of us it's a completely foreign concept, but all it takes is a little bit of bravery and "jumping in the deep end". Once you've done it a couple of times it becomes second nature, although it's sad that something like titrating a drug has to become second nature for us, but it is what it is for the time being, and before you know it you'll be done.

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Sorry I was away for few days. my heart goes out to those who are struggling.  I'm holding at 0.90 Valium,  I have some waves every day, adrenaline rush,  but I found a way to get rid of them quickly.


  Today is my first vacation day,  I was trying hard to be busy, I found out to be busy kept my mind out of trouble, I have a long list that things I'm doing:

zumba,  karaoke,

I'm learning German: Guten Morgen,  lol

cleaning my garage, putting some stuff in ebay.com

pray, work out, cooking, try supplements, games, volunteer, facebook, twiter

reading books, netflix

be shallow and try to dress better.

watching soap operas. (they are good to keep your mind on the next episode)

I'm running faster than before, the limit is 65, I'm doing 80 m/h ( no recommended )

maybe I will buy a Corvette( I have no money, but working on that, lol, I have a good credit though  )


he who has health have hope, He who has hope, has everything!






:smitten: :smitten: :)










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Yes, it does pass. And some days are better than others, for sure.

If I remember correctly , you didn't exactly cross over but just added Valium to your Ativan dose, right ? Instead of substituting ?


My depression felt a lot different on Valium, too. But it did go away on lower doses and I hope the same for you.

On days where it hits, all the positivity leaves as if it's never been there . But eventually it just became less dark and these days I rarely have any benzo depression.


I had lots of ear pain too. This was brought on by grinding and clenching of the teeth, at night.

This stuff is also muscle relaxant so it makes sense that we tense up when we take away an amount,right ?

I had my dentist make me a mouth guard for the night and it has helped a lot. All those muscles and nerves there are connected and brought on deep,pain in the ear and below my lower jaw area, radiating into my ears.

Maybe check in to that if you can.


Yes, sigh, I did just add and not crossover. That will either be my big mistake or a big help I guess, seems I'm the only fool to ever do it, so I'm a walking science experiment!


Regarding the ear pain, I either have Meniere's disease or some other kind of ear problem that has caused my vertigo (I guess I'll have a diagnosis next year some time when I switch doctors), so I think it has to do with that, but the Ativan and/or Valium help to control it. So getting off it = pain. It's a quick stabbing pain but then it's gone. At least it's quick.


I have gotten back to my full time work hours and that has helped tremendously. Keeping my mind busy all day and curtailing all the introspection... definitely key. Doctor's appt tomorrow for my ovarian cyst and I should be nervous but I'm not. Been reading Claire Weekes and it seems to be helping me "float" through all this. I definitely recommend her work.


Thank you for your kind words and advice. :smitten:

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Dry cut vs daily titration . I just tapered 6mg of A in a rather short time. The last mg I did in less than 3 months liquid daily doing .02 for 25 days and then .01 the last 50. It's way more than the 10% but I don't have anxiety and all those scary things just took it for sleep. I didn't even spread my doses out just at night. Was going to originally crossover to v but when I got to 10mg decided I didn't want to take the time to crossover. So now I have the 10v to do as I kept it during my A taper. Supposedly v is easier than A due to half life. So trying to decide best plan. A 7-10 day 1mg cut and hold as Ashton suggests or do it like my last mg of A which is equal to 10v so I would do liquid daily .02 for 25 days cutting down to 5mg then .01 for 50 days and done. Just less hassle to cut and hold but wondered if daily liquid would be that much smoother. I did cut and held the first 5mg of A and it went pretty smooth . Thoughts of which way to go appreciated. I've just daily tapered for last 90 days and don't know if switching back to cut and hold I would feel the cuts more. Thanks for any interest..
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I would choose daily tapering every time, because I just know how easy it is to do, and for me cut and hold was completely impossible to do. However, that's my opinion, and everyone is different. Some people can cut and hold quite well - I'm just not one of them.
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I would choose daily tapering every time, because I just know how easy it is to do, and for me cut and hold was completely impossible to do. However, that's my opinion, and everyone is different. Some people can cut and hold quite well - I'm just not one of them.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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Hello :)


I'm almost 3 months off and I have improved a great deal so I thought I'd drop by an approaching christmas ray of hope: it really does get better  :smitten:

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Thanks all for replying. I think I knew daily taper would be better and not take any longer was just looking at the easy way out of not having to liquify everyday having done that every night for tha last 100 days. So what's the theory of how long unused portion can be used and refrigerate or not. It was suggested not to fridge my lorazepam just wondering how many days diazepam can sit in med cabinet in closed glass jar? Tks again all.
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Hello :)


I'm almost 3 months off and I have improved a great deal so I thought I'd drop by an approaching christmas ray of hope: it really does get better  :smitten:


so happy to hear that Ms. Smiff ;)

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Hello :)


I'm almost 3 months off and I have improved a great deal so I thought I'd drop by an approaching christmas ray of hope: it really does get better  :smitten:

That is awesome news smiff!

It is such a relief to hear some good news.

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Hello :)


I'm almost 3 months off and I have improved a great deal so I thought I'd drop by an approaching christmas ray of hope: it really does get better  :smitten:


Well done smiffster. So good to hear things are going so well.


Hope you have a lovely Christmas. It's been a bit warm down your way hasn't it? They're only predicting about 26 degrees for us on christmas day - thank goodness - because I'm going to be spending most of my day in the effing car....  :wacko:.

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Thanks all for replying. I think I knew daily taper would be better and not take any longer was just looking at the easy way out of not having to liquify everyday having done that every night for tha last 100 days. So what's the theory of how long unused portion can be used and refrigerate or not. It was suggested not to fridge my lorazepam just wondering how many days diazepam can sit in med cabinet in closed glass jar? Tks again all.


I don't know if there is any specific time frame, proven or otherwise, but my personal rule was to discard anything that had been made up for longer than 5 days.


Refrigeration usually isn't needed or recommended, unless of course you are using milk. Cool dark cupboard is all you need.

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I have a question....I am or should I say will be tomorrow on Valium for 3 doses and I still have .25mg Ativan to get rid of


I can not decide whether to just switch that to valium also or to cut from that little bit of Ativan then work at the valium?


I was at 1 mg of Ativan when I made my 1st c/o


so now I am at 2.5 mg V  3xs a day plus the .25mg A


I know Ashton says 1mg A= 10mg V


I was hoping to not c/o that much......but do not want to make myself any sicker


any thoughts?

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I have a question....I am or should I say will be tomorrow on Valium for 3 doses and I still have .25mg Ativan to get rid of


I can not decide whether to just switch that to valium also or to cut from that little bit of Ativan then work at the valium?


I was at 1 mg of Ativan when I made my 1st c/o


so now I am at 2.5 mg V  3xs a day plus the .25mg A


I know Ashton says 1mg A= 10mg V


I was hoping to not c/o that much......but do not want to make myself any sicker


any thoughts?

Hi Laney,

That is a difficult question to answer.

My mom had to switch directly due to being in the hospital and drs know nothing about benzo's, so she is still stuck with some of the residual ct issue brought on by the Ativan.

Had she done a gradual cross over would her sx's be less, I don't know.

Onelove directly switched with the same respiratory problem my mom had and hers resolved a few months after switching to valium, but she did have some other very severe sx's.

Hopefully, others will give their experiences to help you decide.

Good luck, this process sucks!

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  I did a crossover over 4 months from 2.5 mg. A to 20 mg. V. I did pretty well, had minimal s/x's but then at about 2 months into tapering the V down to 15 mg. I got hit very badly.  I wonder if I would have added in that extra 5 mg. would I have done better, will never know now but if I had it to do over I would definitely add the extra to be sure.  So if it were me I would use the extra V,its a small amount and might make a huge difference.  Just my opinion, the experts I;m sure will weigh in.  Good luck, whatever you decide.  I am now just feeling some better after holding for 4 months.  Will start my taper again after my spinal surgery,
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Hello :)


I'm almost 3 months off and I have improved a great deal so I thought I'd drop by an approaching christmas ray of hope: it really does get better  :smitten:


Well done smiffster. So good to hear things are going so well.


Hope you have a lovely Christmas. It's been a bit warm down your way hasn't it? They're only predicting about 26 degrees for us on christmas day - thank goodness - because I'm going to be spending most of my day in the effing car....  :wacko:.


It has been hot hot hot

Our summer is going to suck hard

We knew it would.. Big elniño year and all

Damn you and you 26 degrees!! Nah you enjoy it and enjoy your Christmas.. In a car

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I have a question....I am or should I say will be tomorrow on Valium for 3 doses and I still have .25mg Ativan to get rid of


I can not decide whether to just switch that to valium also or to cut from that little bit of Ativan then work at the valium?


I was at 1 mg of Ativan when I made my 1st c/o


so now I am at 2.5 mg V  3xs a day plus the .25mg A


I know Ashton says 1mg A= 10mg V


I was hoping to not c/o that much......but do not want to make myself any sicker


any thoughts?


You feeling better on valium lainey?

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hmmmm well in some ways yes but not good if that's what you mean...


been seeing neurologist because I have been really dizzy and off balanced for months now


had MRI...EEG (48hr)  all came cack normal


he thinks its due to Migraine associated vertigo


I was thinking that and the Ativan...so hoping the dizziness will let up once Ativan has left the building

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