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question  has anyone checked out "Point of Return" website?  Hubby wants me to join/pay membership


From what ive read here over the last two years or so....who ever got involved with them paid a lot of money for supplements and didn't do better than they were before.

I also think time is just going to have to do its thing, for us to be better.


If you do decide to join, hope it helps any.



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question  has anyone checked out "Point of Return" website?  Hubby wants me to join/pay membership


From what ive read here over the last two years or so....who ever got involved with them paid a lot of money for supplements and didn't do better than they were before.

I also think time is just going to have to do its thing, for us to be better.


If you do decide to join, hope it helps any.


I have to agree with Moo,


While some of us do ok with supliments many and just as many or more do worse.

I think Vitamins & Supliments is also an individual thing.

I did look at the web site and that of other similar sites but decided against it.

Everything I've read from those that have gone before us say, or atleast the majority say, adding these things in withdrawal doesn't really help. Personally I find it intriguing, the whole question of what helps and what's doesn't. In the end if it helps it may be the placebo effect if it hurts it may rev up sxs.


Having said that I do take daily Turmeric and Magnesium when muscles are sore. Other than I try to keep it simple.


I would go as far as to say invest in yourself yes but sites that offer ideas and processes that help us think in new ways, taking control of our thought process. We are what we think and we can think ourselves well. Mindfulness, Meditation on and in ways as to heal ourselves.


This of course is just my opinion. In the end we each have to find our own path! 👍


Peace & Healing to all





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Yep Lainey it is a crock of you know what - there are lots of posts about it if you go to the search part.  It is nothing you don't already know believe me. 
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Checking in here.  Good days and bad days.  Waves don't seem to last as long lately.  One day I feel decent, the next a bit challenging.


It is what it is.  I hope all is well.  Mainly dealing with dizzies.

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Lainey you may want to ask NYC Wave Rider what she does using TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) along with acupuncture.  I know it is helping her and she is tapering Klonopin after long term use.  From NYC I know she said there are inexpensive clinics that do this.  I just wish you were feeling better.
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...and the last one.

gulp...can't wait :stretcher:



And THEN there are the people who felt pretty good once they reached 1 mgr.

I believe Builder was doing fine at the end of his taper and jumped at 0.5 mgr.

( correct me if I'm wrong).

There are others, too.


Don't expect the worst. You may do just fine on lower doses.

One great thing is that your head will clear up so much and it all feels different. For me it did. And for some of my buddies too.


You'll do fine. In any case, you'll be off then soon. :thumbsup:


I think Diaz-Pam hit the nail on the head.

We are all so different. Not sure why but some of us need more time between cuts to upregulate GABA  receptors or grow new ones. Could be our individual chemistry or the size of our grey matter who knows.

Then there are many of us who have been tapering a long time and need to learn new skills to cope with what is just everyday anxiety. Perhaps we forgot how to cope along the taper trail.


I can say for my own experience that the anxiety I felt when I went on benzos was much less than that being suffered during withdrawal. I know when I'm through this, my ability to cope with anxiety will be superhuman because of how this process has changed me.

I hope one day Doctors will learn how difficult this process is and offer better drugs or no drugs at all to help people get along.


Peace & light to everyone!






ATU, I feel suddenly hopeful reading this, thank you.


Because my biggest fear these last few months has been that I feel a thousand times less able to cope with any emotions that feel anything like anxiety, depression, etc... as if a feather could knock me down in the emotional and mental department, and that I'll possibly always be this way now with severe depression and crippling anxiety, and thinking that benzos have permanently destroyed my ability to feel calm or brave or safe.


That's such a terrifying thought, one that has even had me doubting my desire to live at times, but from reading your post I cling to the idea that I may be wrong. I hope to God that I'm wrong, and that I come out the other side stronger, not permanently terrified of life. This black hole seems so real at the time. And triggered off by the smallest things. I like what you've written though, I'll try to focus on that.


Thank you :)

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question  has anyone checked out "Point of Return" website?  Hubby wants me to join/pay membership


Yes, I found Point of Return several months before I found Benzo Buddies. And while their message of getting free from medication and describing how life long medication could cause harm was a very very important revelation for me, and their purpose and beliefs are really accurate in my opinion and experience, their PRICES are not worth it, and their PRODUCTS are just supplements that can be found anywhere in health stores and may not be the right supplements for every individual.


Their concept of getting off medication and using vitamins and a change in health habits and keeping a journal is very helpful, and I'm grateful that they introduced me to the idea of being able to live without medication... but I think this can be achieved with supplements that are more suited to each person.


They sent me some very overpriced omega fish oil capsules, cherry tablets for sleep, muscle healing protein powder, milk protein capsules for sleep and a wristband with a quote to encourage me plus a journal to keep track of my progress. All very encouraging, but not nearly as effective (for me personally anyway) as the combination of supplements that I found on my own through trial and error which works best for me: ginger, vitamin B, magnesium, and the support of benzo buddies, plus learning my own calming techniques and changing what I ate for evening meals.


While Point of Return have a fantastic message, and lead me to make an important change, I'd suggest you save your money for supplements or treatments that you know work best for you instead.



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...and the last one.

gulp...can't wait :stretcher:



And THEN there are the people who felt pretty good once they reached 1 mgr.

I believe Builder was doing fine at the end of his taper and jumped at 0.5 mgr.

( correct me if I'm wrong).

There are others, too.


Don't expect the worst. You may do just fine on lower doses.

One great thing is that your head will clear up so much and it all feels different. For me it did. And for some of my buddies too.


You'll do fine. In any case, you'll be off then soon. :thumbsup:


I think Diaz-Pam hit the nail on the head.

We are all so different. Not sure why but some of us need more time between cuts to upregulate GABA  receptors or grow new ones. Could be our individual chemistry or the size of our grey matter who knows.

Then there are many of us who have been tapering a long time and need to learn new skills to cope with what is just everyday anxiety. Perhaps we forgot how to cope along the taper trail.


I can say for my own experience that the anxiety I felt when I went on benzos was much less than that being suffered during withdrawal. I know when I'm through this, my ability to cope with anxiety will be superhuman because of how this process has changed me.

I hope one day Doctors will learn how difficult this process is and offer better drugs or no drugs at all to help people get along.


Peace & light to everyone!






ATU, I feel suddenly hopeful reading this, thank you.


Because my biggest fear these last few months has been that I feel a thousand times less able to cope with any emotions that feel anything like anxiety, depression, etc... as if a feather could knock me down in the emotional and mental department, and that I'll possibly always be this way now with severe depression and crippling anxiety, and thinking that benzos have permanently destroyed my ability to feel calm or brave or safe.


That's such a terrifying thought, one that has even had me doubting my desire to live at times, but from reading your post I cling to the idea that I may be wrong. I hope to God that I'm wrong, and that I come out the other side stronger, not permanently terrified of life. This black hole seems so real at the time. And triggered off by the smallest things. I like what you've written though, I'll try to focus on that.


Thank you :)


Hey Just,

It's NOT real. It's chemically induced fear and something very common during withdrawal.

Yes, it feels real. And when that blackness hits it feels like we never will feel like we used to again.

You'll come out so much stronger, having done this.


I used to get emotional over anything and everything. The slightest smile of a stranger could make me cry or when someone would drop their keys at home it would set me off in a rage , because it started me so bad. Those aren't this typical for me , off benzo.


I'm wondering ...have you read " What's happening in your brain" by Parker? It explains why this is happening to us. And it's been a big comfort to many of us on here. Know it's not YOU. It's your physical Brian trying to get it right.

Here is the link to the post.




Wishing you better days ahead.

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ATU, You nailed it on the head yes we need to find new ways to deal with everyday Anxiety, Stress etc as we need to realize these benzo`s have down regulated our way of coping. I think some may get lucky come off the taper and be just fine but from alot i have read dealing with stressors is going to be hard so we need to learn new coping skills ! Thanks ~ CD
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ATU, You nailed it on the head yes we need to find new ways to deal with everyday Anxiety, Stress etc as we need to realize these benzo`s have down regulated our way of coping. I think some may get lucky come off the taper and be just fine but from alot i have read dealing with stressors is going to be hard so we need to learn new coping skills ! Thanks ~ CD


Can do,


That is correct we need to deal with every day life in a way that doesn't involve constant introspection and self harming thoughts.


We won't find this in a a pill or even in someone's words. We can only do it by practicing healthy thinking and acting on those thoughts.

Don't misunderstand, we need to read books on healthy thinking and such but if we do not practice it, and by practicing it I mean spotting ourselves thinking wrong thoughts and stopping those negative thoughts and replace them with proper positive ones, then we act on those positive thoughts and change the way we do things, go to places we used to avoid, speak to people we would have otherwise avoided. Etc.

Without actually changing our actions we will never change our habits. We created these negative thoughts and habits over our life, it will take time to retrain our brains and habits so why not start while in taper. Then when we come to the end the transition should be lighter for us.


It takes a lot of practice to catch those automatic negative thoughts and change with rational positive thoughts, so practice, practice, practice.

We will be renewed and reborn!


:)  :smitten:



Peace & Healing to all



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ATU, You nailed it on the head yes we need to find new ways to deal with everyday Anxiety, Stress etc as we need to realize these benzo`s have down regulated our way of coping. I think some may get lucky come off the taper and be just fine but from alot i have read dealing with stressors is going to be hard so we need to learn new coping skills ! Thanks ~ CD


Can do,


That is correct we need to deal with every day life in a way that doesn't involve constant introspection and self harming thoughts.


We won't find this in a a pill or even in someone's words. We cann only do it by practicing healthy thinking and acting on those thoughts.

Don't misunderstand, we need to read books on healthy thinking and such but if we do not practice it, and by practicing it I mean spotting ourselves thinking wrong thoughts and stopping those negative thoughts and replace them with proper positive ones, then we act on those positive thoughts and change the way we do things, go to places we used to avoid, speak to people we would have otherwise avoided. Etc.

Without actually changing our actions we will never change our habits. We created these negative thoughts and habits over our life, it will take time to retrain our brains and habits do why not start in taper. Then when we come to the end the transition should be lighter for us.


It takes a lot of practice yo catch those automatic negative thoughts and change with rational positive thoughts do practice, practice, practice.

We will be renewed and reborn!


:)  :smitten:



Peace & Healing to all




:smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Before my short term benzo mess I took for sleep I worked a high stress IT job and handled it just fine.  I can tell you the crippling chemical anxiety from withdrawal is so much worse compared to regular stress and anxiety.  When I am healed, everyday stress and anxiety will be a breeze. 


We learn so many coping skills on how to deal with this chemical anxiety I think all of us will be fine.

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Rough day. I woke up depressed and let it get the best of me. I think this is the ativan WD, just based on how it feels, but it seems crazy that I could feel such a small reduction when I'm on so much valium now. Maybe it's just me. I had such a great day yesterday, went out and fed ducks at the park and went Christmas shopping, and sometimes I have a hard time coming down from fun times to normal days. I'm stressed about the holidays and upcoming doctors appts... i think it is all just getting to me. Trying to meditate and take a little nap now. Definitely not going to cut weekly as I previously mentioned. Bi-weekly, maybe, but my original monthly plan is not looking so bad now.
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Before my short term benzo mess I took for sleep I worked a high stress IT job and handled it just fine.  I can tell you the crippling chemical anxiety from withdrawal is so much worse compared to regular stress and anxiety.  When I am healed, everyday stress and anxiety will be a breeze. 


We learn so many coping skills on how to deal with this chemical anxiety I think all of us will be fine.





You said a mouthful there my friend, we will be better and stronger.  :thumbsup:


Well said.



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Rough day. I woke up depressed and let it get the best of me. I think this is the ativan WD, just based on how it feels, but it seems crazy that I could feel such a small reduction when I'm on so much valium now. Maybe it's just me. I had such a great day yesterday, went out and fed ducks at the park and went Christmas shopping, and sometimes I have a hard time coming down from fun times to normal days. I'm stressed about the holidays and upcoming doctors appts... i think it is all just getting to me. Trying to meditate and take a little nap now. Definitely not going to cut weekly as I previously mentioned. Bi-weekly, maybe, but my original monthly plan is not looking so bad now.


Valium itself isn't exactly a happy drug and when I switched over, I was very flat feeling. And depressed.

Everything seems numbed down, like you can't reach any happy feeling, even when the xs are not too prominent in a some moments,

I'm guessing this is the Valium and not the Ativan withdrawal.

It's very common.


It gets better with time , the flat and depressed feeling, and during windows, I'd be okay, too.


Keep on trucking.  :thumbsup:

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I am currently on 120 mg V and 60mg Z (Sonsta).  Any suggestions of switching to K or Librium this would mean going  Cold turkey off the V and Z.
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I am currently on 120 mg V and 60mg Z (Sonsta).  Any suggestions of switching to K or Librium this would mean going  Cold turkey off the V and Z.

IMHO, klonopin should never be used and banned.

Since you are on a very high dose valium, why do you want to switch to something else?


Made a typo about klonopin and fixed it, sorry!

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I am currently on 120 mg V and 60mg Z (Sonsta).  Any suggestions of switching to K or Librium this would mean going  Cold turkey off the V and Z.

IMHO, klonopin should never be banned.

Since you are on a very high dose valium, why do you want to switch to something else?


I don't get it....?

( see bold)


Trudy, did you find a solution, or answers ?


Hoping you'll find something. Thinking of you  :smitten:

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I am currently on 120 mg V and 60mg Z (Sonsta).  Any suggestions of switching to K or Librium this would mean going  Cold turkey off the V and Z.

IMHO, klonopin should never be used and banned.

Since you are on a very high dose valium, why do you want to switch to something else?


I don't get it....?

( see bold)


Trudy, did you find a solution, or answers ?


Hoping you'll find something. Thinking of you  :smitten:

I appologize for the typo.

I guess I should re-read what I write much closer, sorry everyone.

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I just need help .  I can't find a doctor for pharmacy that will work with me .  I need to get into see somebody this week .  IPhone working on this for months .  It's awful .
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