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greetings bb's, a question from a desperate and sleep deprived taperer:

has anyone gone for weeks with only 2 hours sleep a night?  I have been sick for 3 weeks with this sinus thing and I am sure it is impossible to get rid of if I can't get any sleep. I do recall some bits of dreaming so I must be getting some REM, but I am certain there is no cycling through the four stages of sleep because I am up almost every hour of the night.  It feels like cortisol surges because I am sweating all night long.  I may go insane soon..............


Yes, that's very familiar and I am sorry you're going through this.

Those nightly surges and no sleep wear you out and at times I felt I couldn't go on like that.

What I did was listen to guided meditation stuff on YouTube. Headphones on and just trying to follow it. Some days that calmed me down enough to pass an hour here and there.


Have you ever tried unisom for sleep? It's an antihistamine, over the counter, non habit forming.

Some people alternate with Benadryl so that it doesn't stop working.

I've used it throughout my whole taper and allowed me to sleep a bit more.


Sorry you're suffering. Hang on tight, it IS going to pass. I wish I could tell you when....



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Hi Yogi, sorry you are still without sleep, builder has the name for those Unisom tabs, one is better than the other. Also Benzogirl has a thread on


Insomnia, and Shadow1 has an interesting idea to maybe help with sleep. I am thinking of you sweetie.  :)

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Hi Yogi, sorry you are still without sleep, builder has the name for those Unisom tabs, one is better than the other. Also Benzogirl has a thread on


Insomnia, and Shadow1 has an interesting idea to maybe help with sleep. I am thinking of you sweetie.  :)


There are called Unisom. It's just the name of the product. Like you have Aleve and Advil. Both  being ibuprofen.

The active ingredient of unisom is Doxylamine.

Walgreens also has a knock off. Same stuff.


You want the tabs. They come in 25 mgr pills. Half is more than enough for me,

You don't want the gel caps. They can't be cut and have a different ingredient.





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Hi all, this is my first post on the Valium Support Group. :)


My pdoc prescribed 30 ml of Roxane's diazepam oral solution 5ml/5mg (combined with pills) so I can have more control over my cuts. If I tolerate the solution he'll prescribe the 500 ml bottle. I want to start microtapering.


I've read on BB that the diazepam oral solution should be stored in a dark glass container -- not plastic. The pharmacy dispensed the solution in a dark plastic bottle, is that OK?  Please forgive my paranoia over this teensy tiny detail. My brain is being held hostage by the diazepam. :tickedoff:


It would be easier for me if I could store the diluted solution in a dark plastic container since I am constantly dropping stuff.


Thanks for your input & advice.

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The only plastic that has been shown to be reactive to benzos is PVC, a plastic commonly used for IV bags and hoses. 


The Roxane 5:5 Oral Solution comes from the manufacturer in 500ml plastic (HDPE) container, and has up to a 3 year mfgr's shelf life in that container.  Unless your pharmacy gave it to you in a PVC container (extremely unlikely), your fine.  Pgarmacies usually know the appropriate packaging for the meds they provide.


Yes, it should be protected from light, and stored at room temp, NOT refrigerated.

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Hi Yogi, sorry you are still without sleep, builder has the name for those Unisom tabs, one is better than the other. Also Benzogirl has a thread on


Insomnia, and Shadow1 has an interesting idea to maybe help with sleep. I am thinking of you sweetie.  :)


There are called Unisom. It's just the name of the product. Like you have Aleve and Advil. Both  being ibuprofen.

The active ingredient of unisom is Doxylamine.

Walgreens also has a knock off. Same stuff.


You want the tabs. They come in 25 mgr pills. Half is more than enough for me,

You don't want the gel caps. They can't be cut and have a different ingredient.




Just to add to this conversation,..in Canada Unisom contains the same ingredient as Benedryl. In fact in studying the shelves recently, I see no product containing Doxylamine in Canada. Luckily for us Canadians, we can still buy it on E-bay.

Personally I find the Tylenol PM or generic of same to work well for my sleep.


Hope you are all well! :thumbsup:





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ATU about this:


In fact in studying the shelves recently, I see no product containing Doxylamine in Canada. Luckily for us Canadians, we can still buy it on E-bay.


You can also buy it from Amazon. It might be easier.





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Just to add to this conversation,..in Canada Unisom contains the same ingredient as Benedryl. In fact in studying the shelves recently, I see no product containing Doxylamine in Canada. Luckily for us Canadians, we can still buy it on E-bay.

Personally I find the Tylenol PM or generic of same to work well for my sleep.


Hope you are all well! :thumbsup:






That's actually what I used.  Using the liquid allows you to easily  take even lower doses (which worked fine for me).


If you do find a source for the US spec Unisom, its the SleepTabs that are doxy.  The other Unisom products are diphemhydramine.

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take antihistamine and maybe go to doctor for antibiotics.

I didn't want to go and end up at hospital on antibiotics antihistamine for sleeping and getting

better and we thought I wasn't going to live because I slept in cold outside because I am kind of

homeless. Good luck

And yes I didn't sleep for months before benzos and still live.

I don't understand how but it sure felt like I was dying and brain didn't function well until

I got some sleep on pills

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The only plastic that has been shown to be reactive to benzos is PVC, a plastic commonly used for IV bags and hoses. 


The Roxane 5:5 Oral Solution comes from the manufacturer in 500ml plastic (HDPE) container, and has up to a 3 year mfgr's shelf life in that container.  Unless your pharmacy gave it to you in a PVC container (extremely unlikely), your fine.  Pgarmacies usually know the appropriate packaging for the meds they provide.


Yes, it should be protected from light, and stored at room temp, NOT refrigerated.


Awesome! Thanks Builder for the clarification.

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A few times this week I've almost written a post online here but then have just ....felt quite overwhelmed to be honest. Such a mixed bag of emotions when I read this forum or attempt to write something on it. I want to write so many uplifting things to the people on here who are struggling but I feel kind of like I'm stuck too, and that I have very little to help anyone.


I will say though, Sadie - your partner is very very blessed to have someone as supportive as you, and thank you for being there for him through this really tough time. You're an incredibly selfless loving person. Hugs to you.


Just to check in with you all though. Things are a bit dark at the moment, mostly because of family stuff so I've been kind of quiet. Overwhelmed by how completely empty and scary life feels (usually at night for some reason... am I suddenly some kind of benzo Jekkyl and Hyde? One minute feeling okay, the next minute life feels terrifying and meaningless and unbearable?)


...and then I get guilty for feeling that way because from what I read on here 7mg is still the easy stage. So, I have a tonne of admiration for those who are coping with really dark tough side effects, and a tonne of gratitude for the simple fact that we're all on our way OUT of the tunnel, even if it's long, rather than walking further into the tunnel like countless others in medical clinics worldwide. And a tonne of fear about being in this hell for much much longer.


A simple fight with my dad the other night led me to having a nasty panic attack and spiralling down into full physical and emotional blackness. And the idea of having family coming to the house for Christmas in two weeks is already scaring me. My first Christmas in benzo withdrawl.


Most of the visiting family members don't understand, don't get what's going on at all, and don't have a clue because most side effects are hard to actually see. And I get claustrophobic around a room full of people. Can't eat proper meals at night and get cranky easily. Not a good combination for Christmas :)


Anyway, I'm just really needing to be venting out my fear because it's safe to do that here. Thank you for listening. During the day things are actually good. It's nights that are rubbish. Jekkyl turns into Hyde. Thank you for being here BB's

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Well, I did in fact do that 1/4 cut of a 0.5 mg ativan pill beginning this past Sunday, and here we are on Thursday and I'm feeling fine. I even went out Christmas shopping and for a (very low caffeine) chai, so my anxiety is doing quite well. My question is, should I keep reducing weekly? Bi-weekly? I had been doing monthly when I didn't have the valium helping me along, but now that seems unnecessarily long. Bi-weekly is sounding do-able to me. Just wanting some outside input from those who have been there. Thank you in advance for your advice and input!  :smitten:
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hi solace....I would hold for at least 7-10 days before you make any more cuts...realistically 14 days is advised...but listen to your body and brain and adjust to how you feel


remember that it can be good one cut and then the next one could bite you...there seems to never be a real theme to this.


I am c/o to v every 7 days...so my brain can have time to let the V build up and cover the loss of the A eventually



good luck....hope this is the way for you


I was especially dizzy/off balanced most of the day today....which of course brings on more anxiety....UGH

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good evening BB's, just checking in.  I was reading some stories on the insomniac thread the other day that the flu can really intensify withdrawal especially insomnia.  I have been a little sick for the last week or so, but 2 days ago it knocked me off my feet in bed coughing up my lungs, so I think this long unprecedented wave is explained by this flu.  Thank you everyone who responded about my plight and when I can get to the store I will find the unisom with the doxy(i hope).

Solace, I am happy to hear of your success, you sound good!!

JustDo, my kiwi buddy on the other side of the world, I am rooting for you.  Holidays are difficult and we can be easily provoked.  Maybe work out a strategy ahead of time when dealing with difficult personalities.  Holiday guests might be the time where the beer or glass of wine comes in handy ;)

Please don't get spooked by the 2mg and under phenomena that happens with some people; it is the final healing I believe.  Below 2 mg, we are under the therapeutic dose and taking back our brains.  Try keeping a journal of your progress.  I am so much better than I was last year at this time.  I joined BB on December 26 last year, sick, heart palpatations, desperate, just crossing over to Valium, knowing nothing, acting crazy.......

This year I am exercising, mountain biking, belly dancing, hiking with my boy, working through things a little more clearly.  I know you will get there too. 


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Yogi, glad you feel a little better, the flu can be the pits, especially with benzo's also sapping your reserve, 


just always glad when we hear from you, Belly Dancing, I can see that, you have managed to  have a


life, your light at the end of the Tunnel is Glowing for you, closer than you think, soon my friend, soon. :)

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I'm about to be done tapering 6mg lorazepam which I started in April . I was originally going to crossover to diazepam and got to 10 mg and decided I didn't want to take the long so just tapered the lorazepam but kept taking the diazepam because of its  half life. That and I was only on it for sleep so managed to do the 6mg taper dosing once a day. My question is Ashton contends you can cut diazepam at 1 mg every 1-2 weeks. My lorazepam taper was fast and has gone fairly well. I'm going to try and do the 10 diazepam in 2-3 months. I see where many here have taken a year or two to do 10mg. So are there people who have done it successfully using Ashton method? In the beginning I kept hearing how diazepam was so much easier to taper than lorazepam so I feel 1mg a week should be doable with possibly going to .5mg per week the last 5 if encounter any problems. Thoughts?
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Yogi, glad you feel a little better, the flu can be the pits, especially with benzo's also sapping your reserve, 


just always glad when we hear from you, Belly Dancing, I can see that, you have managed to  have a


life, your light at the end of the Tunnel is Glowing for you, closer than you think, soon my friend, soon. :)


Thanks Lovie, still in bed, but my energy is slowly coming back.  I just lay in bed all day and watch 911 conspiracy videos ::)

The best part of having the flu is shirking my household duties, especially cooking :)

--my son is tired of pizza and burritos(served up by the local Whole Foods) with his Dad, so back to work tomorrow. I probably should hold until I stabilize(difficult task for Type A taperer).

I hope you are well BeGood!


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Hi Magster,

I'm about to be done tapering 6mg lorazepam which I started in April . I was originally going to crossover to diazepam and got to 10 mg and decided I didn't want to take the long so just tapered the lorazepam but kept taking the diazepam because of its  half life. That and I was only on it for sleep so managed to do the 6mg taper dosing once a day. My question is Ashton contends you can cut diazepam at 1 mg every 1-2 weeks. My lorazepam taper was fast and has gone fairly well. I'm going to try and do the 10 diazepam in 2-3 months. I see where many here have taken a year or two to do 10mg. So are there people who have done it successfully using Ashton method? In the beginning I kept hearing how diazepam was so much easier to taper than lorazepam so I feel 1mg a week should be doable with possibly going to .5mg per week the last 5 if encounter any problems. Thoughts?


I think the problem arises when you get to 9 mg and every mg you drop after that is more than 10%.  I thought I would fly through it also but when I got to 3 the game seemed to changed dramatically. This is where I started to liquid titrate.  Now mind you I am coming off an opiate taper before my benzo use, so there is a possibility that the PAWS associated with opiate tapering and withdrawal might be playing into my unique experience, however, when I read other peoples stories on this forum, my symptoms seem to follow right along with others experience.  In the 10's and 20's, I had low energy, tooth pain, burning toes, irritability etc.  Now once I got below 10 different sxs popped up like numb lower lip, major major cortisol surges, insomnia,  joint pain, but I can work out now and actually cook meals again.  So it is really a mixed bag and each person is different.  I have been in a great hurry to end this process so I totally get the need to finish, but I have realized after reading many case studies here on BB, that the haste definitely makes waste-that is wasted time being severely sick from tapering too quickly.  I am at 1.60 and probably have another 4 months to go.  I'll never forget asking a buddy here last year in march or april if I could plan to be done by June and she kindly said ---"umm NO"

As you can see from my signature, I tried to speed it up and got really sick in the process hence the "black hole"

For what it is worth, I hope this helps.  There are so many people more knowledgeable here than I so just throwing in my 3 cents worth.

be well ;)

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I appreciate your reply and I too am aware of the cut and hold over 10% being a problem. I've liquid titrated the last 2mg of my lorazepam and if any symptoms begin I will switch the diazepam taper to it. Thanks for your concern and good luck to you.
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To chiming in...

My best streak during th taper was between 8 and 3 mgr.

I've started at 15 mgr , cutting 0.05 a day ( liquid daily taper ) with a hold every fourth day.

I've tapered like that till I reached 1 mgr or so.

Yes, the cuts got relatively much bigger and I did do some day holds here and there .


This was the time where I had least symptoms. They were there but not as prominent as during the first 5 mgr and the last one.



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I'm about to be done tapering 6mg lorazepam which I started in April . I was originally going to crossover to diazepam and got to 10 mg and decided I didn't want to take the long so just tapered the lorazepam but kept taking the diazepam because of its  half life. That and I was only on it for sleep so managed to do the 6mg taper dosing once a day. My question is Ashton contends you can cut diazepam at 1 mg every 1-2 weeks. My lorazepam taper was fast and has gone fairly well. I'm going to try and do the 10 diazepam in 2-3 months. I see where many here have taken a year or two to do 10mg. So are there people who have done it successfully using Ashton method? In the beginning I kept hearing how diazepam was so much easier to taper than lorazepam so I feel 1mg a week should be doable with possibly going to .5mg per week the last 5 if encounter any problems. Thoughts?


I'm sure there are many people who can taper according to the Ashton Method. I just haven't seen many of them on BB, because they're the sort of people who don't need BB. They probably don't have the same sensitivity to benzos that most of the people on BB seem to have. You may well be one of those people and you may sail through an Ashton taper. I honestly hope for your sake this is the case.


What I see a lot of on BB are those who are able to do a cut and hold (or Ashton) taper, but have to still do it according to their own body's timetable instead of the regimented Ashton schedule. The one constant thing I keep reading on BB are people saying "Ashton is too fast for me". A lot come here, fully intending to stick completely to the Ashton Method, but soon find it's too fast and need to modify it. There are even more who can't even do that and have to switch to a daily taper, especially when they get below 10mg.


I personally think 10mg in 2-3 months is VERY ambitious, especially when you get down on to the really low doses, but I will never say someone can't do it, because that person may not be that sensitive to benzos. The bottom line is that there will never be a consensus on what is the best way to taper, because there is no "best way". The only "best way" is what is best for the individual.

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...and the last one.

gulp...can't wait :stretcher:



And THEN there are the people who felt pretty good once they reached 1 mgr.

I believe Builder was doing fine at the end of his taper and jumped at 0.5 mgr.

( correct me if I'm wrong).

There are others, too.


Don't expect the worst. You may do just fine on lower doses.

One great thing is that your head will clear up so much and it all feels different. For me it did. And for some of my buddies too.


You'll do fine. In any case, you'll be off then soon. :thumbsup:

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...and the last one.

gulp...can't wait :stretcher:



And THEN there are the people who felt pretty good once they reached 1 mgr.

I believe Builder was doing fine at the end of his taper and jumped at 0.5 mgr.

( correct me if I'm wrong).

There are others, too.


Don't expect the worst. You may do just fine on lower doses.

One great thing is that your head will clear up so much and it all feels different. For me it did. And for some of my buddies too.


You'll do fine. In any case, you'll be off then soon. :thumbsup:


I think Diaz-Pam hit the nail on the head.

We are all so different. Not sure why but some of us need more time between cuts to upregulate GABA  receptors or grow new ones. Could be our individual chemistry or the size of our grey matter who knows.

Then there are many of us who have been tapering a long time and need to learn new skills to cope with what is just everyday anxiety. Perhaps we forgot how to cope along the taper trail.


I can say for my own experience that the anxiety I felt when I went on benzos was much less than that being suffered during withdrawal. I know when I'm through this, my ability to cope with anxiety will be superhuman because of how this process has changed me.

I hope one day Doctors will learn how difficult this process is and offer better drugs or no drugs at all to help people get along.


Peace & light to everyone!





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