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I meant to also add that I have had to change Doctors three times in the last year. My first Dr. Passed on  :'(, then the new one I was assigned to decided to move away. Now I have a husband and wife tag team.


I was so scared any one of them would cut me off but I just went in told them my history and my plan, what I am doing and all of them said they will continue to support me.


Keep the faith!  :thumbsup:





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Ditto that. We are all angry. Wish I could turn back the clock and never take a benzo. And I fear the lower doses so much. I'm at 10.5 Valium and .16 Ativan. My stomach is so bad I have to force myself to eat. Fear starving to death as time goes on. Depressed as hell today. At least my son is grown and my husband is supportive. I try to be thankful, but when in the midst of depression, pain, panic, fear, etc., it's hard to form a positive thought.


Hang in there.




Thanks Miranda, I am feeling a bit better today.  It is amazing what 4 hours sleep will do :yippee:

Do you have full on benzo belly or are you just experiencing a lack of appetite?  If it gets really painful, I do castor oil packs on my belly.  I hope you are well today

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Oh Yogi, you are breaking my heart, I am so sorry that you are having such a bad time, and I know it is not just today, your struggles have been for


a long time. Mothers and their sons, and daughters, they have a way of giving so much, and that nine yr old, is loving you no matter what, and he is


your strength, and I know you hate to have him see you in despair, but that little boy is stronger than you think, he will bounce back from this as you


will too, he is a fine young man, right now, for he is protecting his momma, please know that I am not there, but I and  many here are silently holding


you in our arms and will stay with you, in our thoughts and you will always have a safe place in my Heart.

Thank you F, you are a dear lady, looking out for everyone here while suffering your own battle---a truly Noble soul. 

Big hug to you sweetheart :hug:

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One doctor told me that beer is the solution, but I'm not  a drinker.


Germans drink beer every day


We'll see.




Well, hell I am German-Italian, I just might try that Tex :thumbsup:

My only fear is getting fat :thumbsup:

I tried a little red wine yesterday(with an exquisite Rigatoni con salsicce--yum) and it felt a little too acidic but I did sleep yesterday for the first time in days.  After laying in bed dozing up and down for 3 hours, I got up and did the Moo-Etown juice and a bagel with almond butter and managed to fall asleep for 4-5 hours--woo hoo.  I wish I could cook for all of you, it is how I distract myself from the horror of this taper.

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I have been quiet lately because I tend to do that when in a wave myself. I am in the midst of living through my art cut. This time around it hit me on day 6 but got really bad day 8 today. For the last 24-48 hours I have been suffering terrible muscle pain and tightness in my shoulders and back, this is a common sx I get hit with every cut but this time it was accompanied by horrible tooth pain. Last night I was constantly awoken with this pain. I took Aleve but alas it did little. Now early evening Saturday the tooth pain is starting to pass and quickly, I am thankful for that. I still have many muscle pains and some GI stuff but mostly managable.

I don't expect to be back to baseline until 11th or 12th, that is if this follows previous bouts of sx after cuts and there is no way of knowing.

As Tex has said, just try to remain positive, accept it and let time pass.


Have a great weekend everyone.


Peace & Healing to all!





ATU, do you like baths?  I do some nice salts in a bath and it helps with the body pain. 

I hope you are better today buddy

hugs :smitten:


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I just wanted to come by real,quick and say ....keep the faith .

You'll all get there. We all do.

I never thought the day would come Either.

It does get better, everyone. Don't give up. Don't believ it's not going to end.


I'm not on much but wanted to say I read the last row pages on here and wanted to spread some positivity and hope. There's much. Believe it.



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I have been quiet lately because I tend to do that when in a wave myself. I am in the midst of living through my art cut. This time around it hit me on day 6 but got really bad day 8 today. For the last 24-48 hours I have been suffering terrible muscle pain and tightness in my shoulders and back, this is a common sx I get hit with every cut but this time it was accompanied by horrible tooth pain. Last night I was constantly awoken with this pain. I took Aleve but alas it did little. Now early evening Saturday the tooth pain is starting to pass and quickly, I am thankful for that. I still have many muscle pains and some GI stuff but mostly managable.

I don't expect to be back to baseline until 11th or 12th, that is if this follows previous bouts of sx after cuts and there is no way of knowing.

As Tex has said, just try to remain positive, accept it and let time pass.


Have a great weekend everyone.


Peace & Healing to all!





ATU, do you like baths?  I do some nice salts in a bath and it helps with the body pain. 

I hope you are better today buddy

hugs :smitten:





I prefer baths to showers, always have. I do use Epsom salts baths regularly as well.

Right now my back is just killing me, spasms and pain ever since I helped my son move some furniture to his new place a few days ago. I should have known better.


To be totally honest the Italian cooking sounds mighty good!  ;)





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Maybe it's something I had while I tried diazepam, so I copy this question from the KK thread:


If you were on Klonopin:

Has anyone ever had akathisia (which can take many forms, the most obvious/traditional is the inability not to move, but motor issues in general and mental restlessness can be a form of akathisia) and got any type of treatment for that, or did you go back to Klonopin ?

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ATU - I rely on my heating pad to relax my muscles at night and in the day when I am tense. I couldn't manage without it!



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ATU - I rely on my heating pad to relax my muscles at night and in the day when I am tense. I couldn't manage without it!






Your right of course, I also stay close to my heating pad when my back/ shoulder muscles are sore. I'm laying on it this very moment! I also have a couple of those bean bad type things that you can throw in the micro wave to heat up, they are great for when your traveling or just not near an outlet.


Sometimes when the pain is so bad I will use Ice packs and heating pad alternating back and forth.

The pain I have right now is I'm sure from tensing my shoulders in my sleep.


I'm sure it will pass.


Thanks for the great advise!  :thumbsup:





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ATU - I also do some exercises every day to stretch my back, shoulder and arms muscles. I hate exercise and only do about 15 minutes per day. I got the exercises off the Internet and from a physical therapist I used to see after my back surgery, before I got so kicked by benzo withdrawal that I can't drive. A back rub from my husband helps too.


Good luck,


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Yogi, I think Tex's Doctor may be on to something, I want a glass of wine really bad, but took a few sips and put it down, but I can drink a can of


beer, and I enjoy it, really thought my beer days were over, I bet you make a mean Pasta Sauce. Also would like to try some ginger root tea from


Amazon, since you know a lot about this, can you suggest a good brand. I read that not only will it help with digestive issues, but is also good for the


dizzies'''''''. Thanks  :mybuddy:

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Yogi, I think Tex's Doctor may be on to something, I want a glass of wine really bad, but took a few sips and put it down, but I can drink a can of


beer, and I enjoy it, really thought my beer days were over, I bet you make a mean Pasta Sauce. Also would like to try some ginger root tea from


Amazon, since you know a lot about this, can you suggest a good brand. I read that not only will it help with digestive issues, but is also good for the


dizzies'''''''. Thanks  :mybuddy:

I love 3 brands: Traditional Medicinal, Yogi Tea ;D, and Organic India.  They all make a ginger tea which is nice in a pinch when you dont have ginger in the house, but I would always recommend fresh ginger first.  I am an aromatherapist so I go to the essential oils for healing.  Essential oil of ginger and or peppermint on the belly is really nice.  You need to be careful with essential oils and you can PM me for some simple do's and dont's with EE.  Everybody knows and usually loves Lavender for calming however there are many other oils one can use for various reasons.  When you are feeling intense cog fog or dizziness, peppermint, basil, or rosemary oil can clear your head up fast. Maybe I should start an aromatherapy blog--this way it would keep me off of my ranting and raving about this taper.  I am making Turkey stock today to keep myself distracted and actually feel a little better with some sleep.  Thank you all for engaging, it is inspiring to feel the caring and sharing with this extraordinary group of souls. :smitten:

ok off to get some beer :laugh:

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Yogi, I think Tex's Doctor may be on to something, I want a glass of wine really bad, but took a few sips and put it down, but I can drink a can of


beer, and I enjoy it, really thought my beer days were over, I bet you make a mean Pasta Sauce. Also would like to try some ginger root tea from


Amazon, since you know a lot about this, can you suggest a good brand. I read that not only will it help with digestive issues, but is also good for the


dizzies'''''''. Thanks  :mybuddy:

I love 3 brands: Traditional Medicinal, Yogi Tea ;D, and Organic India.  They all make a ginger tea which is nice in a pinch when you dont have ginger in the house, but I would always recommend fresh ginger first.  I am an aromatherapist so I go to the essential oils for healing.  Essential oil of ginger and or peppermint on the belly is really nice.  You need to be careful with essential oils and you can PM me for some simple do's and dont's with EE.  Everybody knows and usually loves Lavender for calming however there are many other oils one can use for various reasons.  When you are feeling intense cog fog or dizziness, peppermint, basil, or rosemary oil can clear your head up fast. Maybe I should start an aromatherapy blog--this way it would keep me off of my ranting and raving about this taper.  I am making Turkey stock today to keep myself distracted and actually feel a little better with some sleep.  Thank you all for engaging, it is inspiring to feel the caring and sharing with this extraordinary group of souls. :smitten:

ok off to get some beer :laugh:


I drink Rooibos Chai from Umi.

It's organic tea and had lots of beneficial spices in it, such as ginger, cloves, cardamom.

It helps with digestive issueS. And since its Rooibos its not a caffeinated tea.



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Hi everyone,

I'm here seeking support for my boyfriend and myself a bit. Trying to understand his ups and downs in personality. He just successfully switched over to Valium from klonopin (completely different person on this one) and seems to be handling valium better. He went from wanting to start a life together to not wanting to do anything but watch TV at his apt. This all happened after his doc upped his K a whole mg last November. This September he started to taper K and then got over to V 2 weeks ago. Almost that entire year he wasn't living. In fact, I would constantly tell my therapist that he died but left his body on earth. His personality is shining through again, but trying hard to keep it together in this relationship. Hes no longer depressed (thanks to Nardil), but his lack of motivation and drive to do anything is gone! I guess we both need reassurance that this is the game, and that he will come out better for it. Thanks BB!

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Well, I missed my 4:30 dose today because I was napping, so I might just let that be the first that I skip. I'm really nervous but I know it's time.


All Tied Up (and anyone else who has thoughts on this) - Regarding small enough cuts, do you think 1/4 of a 0.5 mg Ativan tablet is small enough? That's about as small as I can go without doing water titration or something similarly complicated. I was cutting that much every month for six months prior to all hell breaking loose (without the help of Valium), and I was OK all the way down to the halfway mark, so I assume it will be OK at least up to a point.


Lainey - My schedule looks crazy because I cut my valium in half and I cut my ativan in quarters. I had to do the quarters thing to keep a more stable level of ativan in my system when I was originally cutting. I'm sure I could stop that now, but I figure if it ain't broke, don't fix it. It probably seems a little obsessive too, but my phone reminds me on time, so I don't really have to think about it too much.


Also, I didn't add all the valium at once, but over the span of a week, which I know is still quick. Just wanted to end the WD symptoms. May have been stupid, but it did work. ???


Here's my schedule:


Ativan (lorazepam), 1/4 of 0.5 mg tablet:

8:00 am

10:00 am

12:30 pm

2:30 pm

4:30 pm

6:30 pm

8 pm

10 pm

(Total = 1 mg per day)


Valium (diazepam), 1/2 of 5 mg tablet:

5:00 am

11:00 am

5:00 pm

11:00 pm

(Total = 10 mg per day)


I welcome any and all input and thoughts on doing this cut! Thank you for your support and I'm sending love to everyone who is struggling.


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Well I finally made it below 2mg , which feels like a small victory :) But I've been such a hypochondriac lately , always worried about my heart , or having some disease.  I was wondering how others symptoms have changed once they were below 2mg. 
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solace, nothing seems obsessive to me when it comes to these drugs and r=trying to maintain some stability


I am still trying to figure out where I am going with my doses


there are a lot of people that have to dose 6xs a day or more


I change my mind on how I am going to do this on a daily basis...UGH

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Hi everyone,

I'm here seeking support for my boyfriend and myself a bit. Trying to understand his ups and downs in personality. He just successfully switched over to Valium from klonopin (completely different person on this one) and seems to be handling valium better. He went from wanting to start a life together to not wanting to do anything but watch TV at his apt. This all happened after his doc upped his K a whole mg last November. This September he started to taper K and then got over to V 2 weeks ago. Almost that entire year he wasn't living. In fact, I would constantly tell my therapist that he died but left his body on earth. His personality is shining through again, but trying hard to keep it together in this relationship. Hes no longer depressed (thanks to Nardil), but his lack of motivation and drive to do anything is gone! I guess we both need reassurance that this is the game, and that he will come out better for it. Thanks BB!


Hi Sadie,


I looked at this and your prior 2 posts.


Of course none of us have a crystal ball, and we are all subject to change in our lives.


But I can tell you this: benzos are powerful. And use of or withdrawal from can cause major major changes. I tapered off of 40 years use, over about 2 years. Big impact. Keeping motivated very hard. AND, there are others that spend long periods almost not being able to get out of bed, or more.


I think it highly likely that things will normalize once this is over. Believe me when I say that your boyfriend can use all the support he can get. Too many people don't get that, and things end up being miserable for all involved. From what I have seen here, those who do get good support from their doctors and family -- and I am lucky to be in that group -- relationships endure and do fine.


Hope this helps...you both will be fine!













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Hi everyone,

I'm here seeking support for my boyfriend and myself a bit. Trying to understand his ups and downs in personality. He just successfully switched over to Valium from klonopin (completely different person on this one) and seems to be handling Valium better. He went from wanting to start a life together to not wanting to do anything but watch TV at his apt. This all happened after his doc upped his K a whole mg last November. This September he started to taper K and then got over to V 2 weeks ago. Almost that entire year he wasn't living. In fact, I would constantly tell my therapist that he died but left his body on earth. His personality is shining through again, but trying hard to keep it together in this relationship. Hes no longer depressed (thanks to Nardil), but his lack of motivation and drive to do anything is gone! I guess we both need reassurance that this is the game, and that he will come out better for it. Thanks BB!


Hi Sadie,


I looked at this and your prior 2 posts.


Of course none of us have a crystal ball, and we are all subject to change in our lives.


But I can tell you this: benzos are powerful. And use of or withdrawal from can cause major major changes. I tapered off of 40 years use, over about 2 years. Big impact. Keeping motivated very hard. AND, there are others that spend long periods almost not being able to get out of bed, or more.


I think it highly likely that things will normalize once this is over. Believe me when I say that your boyfriend can use all the support he can get. Too many people don't get that, and things end up being miserable for all involved. From what I have seen here, those who do get good support from their doctors and family -- and I am lucky to be in that group -- relationships endure and do fine.


Hope this helps...you both will be fine!





Thank you for your reply, Steve!  :)

I'm beyond supportive and am hanging in there. I don't blame him for this in the least and he gets a lot of support from his doctor and I, but that's about it. I can see the lack of motivation might stem from the actual withdrawal AND how groggy Valium makes him. 40 years is a long time, hes been on different ones for about 20 years, but on klonopin daily for the last 7 years. He's just now seeing what K does to him mentally.  It's a slow healing process but I'm not going anywhere.

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Hi everyone,

I'm here seeking support for my boyfriend and myself a bit. Trying to understand his ups and downs in personality. He just successfully switched over to Valium from klonopin (completely different person on this one) and seems to be handling Valium better. He went from wanting to start a life together to not wanting to do anything but watch TV at his apt. This all happened after his doc upped his K a whole mg last November. This September he started to taper K and then got over to V 2 weeks ago. Almost that entire year he wasn't living. In fact, I would constantly tell my therapist that he died but left his body on earth. His personality is shining through again, but trying hard to keep it together in this relationship. Hes no longer depressed (thanks to Nardil), but his lack of motivation and drive to do anything is gone! I guess we both need reassurance that this is the game, and that he will come out better for it. Thanks BB!


Hi Sadie,


I looked at this and your prior 2 posts.


Of course none of us have a crystal ball, and we are all subject to change in our lives.


But I can tell you this: benzos are powerful. And use of or withdrawal from can cause major major changes. I tapered off of 40 years use, over about 2 years. Big impact. Keeping motivated very hard. AND, there are others that spend long periods almost not being able to get out of bed, or more.


I think it highly likely that things will normalize once this is over. Believe me when I say that your boyfriend can use all the support he can get. Too many people don't get that, and things end up being miserable for all involved. From what I have seen here, those who do get good support from their doctors and family -- and I am lucky to be in that group -- relationships endure and do fine.


Hope this helps...you both will be fine!





Thank you for your reply, Steve!  :)

I'm beyond supportive and am hanging in there. I don't blame him for this in the least and he gets a lot of support from his doctor and I, but that's about it. I can see the lack of motivation might stem from the actual withdrawal AND how groggy Valium makes him. 40 years is a long time, hes been on different ones for about 20 years, but on klonopin daily for the last 7 years. He's just now seeing what K does to him mentally.  It's a slow healing process but I'm not going anywhere.


Hi Sadie,

I wanted to pass on maybe one of the most shared links on BB, called what is happening in your brain by Parker http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=66397.0

  After reading this, I was able to calm down because she actually explains what is happening structurally in your brain.  It's all about the brain trying to re-create homeostasis by up-regulation and down- regualtion of neurotransmitters.  Also check out the Ashton manual symptoms list.  I have had at least 80% of them and was only on benzos for 6 months before I started to taper them.  Mine is perhaps a little more intense and compounded by PAWS related to opiates before regular benzo use, my point being that we are all different and will cycle through a complex of symptoms based on duration of use, and the addition of other meds being taken.  Courage and vigilance is what it takes to get through this.  So many times I have wanted to give up....everything including my life.......and I have to remind myself to sit back and observe and be curious about that internal dialogue with no attachment to it whatsoever.  I remind myself that this dialogue has nothing to do with me.  Hopefully you can help your boyfriend see that when he gets into waves. Good Luck to you.

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I was curious how long does it take to get stable on Valium?

I am in real mess after CT at hospital. Have pneumonia and trying to get stable on Valium

since Klonopin doesnt work for me anymore.

Thanks :-[

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I'm not the best one to answer this because I was heavily into WD on ativan when I started taking Valium, and I added it on top of the ativan instead of replacing it. I slowly increased the dose from 2.5 mg per day to 10 mg per day over the short span of a week. Probably not recommended! But it did stabilize me. I'm now cutting 1/4 of a 0.5 mg ativan per day. I'm on the third day of that (I think) and not feeling any WD yet. Again, your mileage may vary and I doubt anyone would recommend the method that I used and am using. And klonipin to Valium seems like a different feeling altogether, from what I've read. Sending you peace and calm. You'll find the way that's best for you and there are so many helpful people here.

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greetings bb's, a question from a desperate and sleep deprived taperer:

has anyone gone for weeks with only 2 hours sleep a night?  I have been sick for 3 weeks with this sinus thing and I am sure it is impossible to get rid of if I can't get any sleep. I do recall some bits of dreaming so I must be getting some REM, but I am certain there is no cycling through the four stages of sleep because I am up almost every hour of the night.  It feels like cortisol surges because I am sweating all night long.  I may go insane soon..............

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wish I had something to tell you MG, but I too feel like I am awake more than asleep... I wake hot and throw covers off then wake cold and pull them back on


I dream some too but next thing I know I am aware that I am awake yet again!!!



so frustrating

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