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Good Morning all, Happy Thanksgiving, and I am hopeful, that your day will be better for you, and just do the best that you can, and know that we are in good company, and If you can


find something to be Grateful for today, corny I know, but sometimes we just have to push ourselves to see beyond our suffering, and leave it alone for a moment and just be. I am Grateful,


for finding this forum and all the good BB here that hold us up with arms that we can not always see, and who send us cyper Hugs, when we are so down and out. Bless you all.  :thumbsup::smitten:

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Thanks guys.  I face planted this week.  I haven't felt this bad for a very long time.  Maybe my baseline will go up after this.  :)


i stick to the success story section to deter my hopelessness.




Every time I land in a wave, it feels like the first time all over again and it feels worse than I remember,..but that's just the nature of these waves, they trick us and try to get us fearful do they ( the sxs) can live even longer and harder. When we face them and accept them no matter how awful they feel, when we see them for what they are, sensations created by our own healing brain, then they are short lived and return less.


Your going to be fine. Just look back at how far you have come and all the healing you have accomplished already.


Great days are just around the corner for you!  :)





I am counting on that ATU.  This is the worst wave for me too Arcade.  I just had a big wave so I thought I had at least 3 weeks before this one hit.  Cancelled my trip (again) for a seminar down in Arizona today.  I am spinning today from 2 nights no sleep again, after not sleeping for 4 days last week.  So thx for the reassurances ATU, I am so tired of this and started believing the story line in my head that I will not be able to handle this for much longer.

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Thanks guys.  I face planted this week.  I haven't felt this bad for a very long time.  Maybe my baseline will go up after this.  :)


i stick to the success story section to deter my hopelessness.




Every time I land in a wave, it feels like the first time all over again and it feels worse than I remember,..but that's just the nature of these waves, they trick us and try to get us fearful do they ( the sxs) can live even longer and harder. When we face them and accept them no matter how awful they feel, when we see them for what they are, sensations created by our own healing brain, then they are short lived and return less.


Your going to be fine. Just look back at how far you have come and all the healing you have accomplished already.


Great days are just around the corner for you!  :)





I am counting on that ATU.  This is the worst wave for me too Arcade.  I just had a big wave so I thought I had at least 3 weeks before this one hit.  Cancelled my trip (again) for a seminar down in Arizona today.  I am spinning today from 2 nights no sleep again, after not sleeping for 4 days last week.  So thx for the reassurances ATU, I am so tired of this and started believing the story line in my head that I will not be able to handle this for much longer.




That is what happened to me when I tried the micro taper twice. Both times I got hit at unexpected times and the unpredictability of it sent me back to cut and hold but at smaller amounts. I still get hit after a cut but I can more or less predict when it will happen and how long it will take to pass. I can manage my life around that.


I know so many here tout the MT but for me it just wasn't working.


I'm sure you will be better soon,..my motto is when in pain then hold until it passes.


Best of luck, your well down there now so don't give up hope. I read somewhere that often right after your worst hit, often comes your total relief.







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Are you holding until it passes?  It looks like you just reduced from 1.8 to 1.75 in the middle of your wave.


I held for for 5 days then started daily micro-titrating.  Yes, I should have halted completely, however, as we all know, sometimes one is not thinking clearly through this process--I have a tendency to become self sabotaging. I knew I would not be able to make my trip(2nd cancellation due to wave), and it upset me intensely. Anyway, I think I need to read success stories, and get it into my head that it is ok to extend this process.  I used Benzo's for a short period of time, and my stubbornness clouds my thinking.

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Because I didn't really understand the ramifications, I have withdrawn from Benzos several times. I CT'd off V after taking it daily for nearly a decade and it was an absolute nightmare with a "wave" that lasted a year. Many years later I did an Ashton crossover from A to V and then the standard Ashton cut and hold after a much shorter time of taking Benzos daily and it was fairly smooth with short, but tolerable waves -- I was finished in a matter of months with no residual sxs.


My most recent, (and my last!) withdrawal started out as another Ashton cross over from A to V followed by Ashton cut and hold taper, after 5 years of ever increasing Benzo doses, and it started off sort of rocky, but became intolerable due to serious health issues when I got down to about 8 mgs so I went to the Micro Taper method and have found that while it has been much more tolerable, despite the micro taper cuts, they do catch up with me and that I STILL have to hold frequently.


The thing that works better for me with the MT is that when the cuts catch up with me and I start to feel sxs, they do not seem to be nearly so severe as when I was doing the standard Ashton cut and hold. With the MT, I feel the sxs coming on, I hold right away and the sxs seem to be less severe and go away faster. So, I guess what I'm really doing is a "Micro Taper Cut and Hold" protocol! And, it is going sooooo slowly...









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moutainyogi, You are what we call "Human", we don't always walk a straight line, and sometimes we stumble, and then we get right back up to Proceed. And as we all know, there is


no other lair, like a benzo lie, they wait for us, but my dear, you are going to be alright. You have the Fight in you and sometimes, we just have to  leave the road for a minute.  :hug: Hang in there.  :thumbsup:

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Thanks Buddies,

the benzo beast likes to be the database for my trauma and pain, and wields out these stories after twisting them to a point, stabbing me mercilessly.  Yes, I should be down in AZ right now, and was unable to leave---failure, fear, heart thumping anxiety.  But I am better now, because I have assigned myself to reading the success story threads.  I read Fliprain's story this morning, and have become quite convinced that I and all of you will arrive safely to the other side of this raging river.  I am weaving a long long rope for anyone who needs help once I get to the other side.


I will not give up..................

Thanks Flip :smitten:

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And in the land of benzo's, our" Warrior", is gaining strength, and no doubt, Yogi, you will Succeed,  :boxer::thumbsup:  When we Buddies band together we are so strong and will continue



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That is so true! We have strength in our numbers and together with our shared spiritual strength we will make it to the other side.


Way yo go mountainyogi.  :thumbsup:


Hugs to all



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Difficult day. I went to the doc and the first thing he said is that I need to see a psychiatrist to find out why I need to be on benzos. I was already planning to do so, but to hear those words from a professional is obviously incredibly difficult. It made me feel... well, broken. And that's hardly news, but it just hit me hard.


He wanted to prescribe me 2 mg of valium daily to replace the 1 mg of ativan daily, and he wanted me to go cold turkey on the ativan. He said all the withdrawal symptoms are psychological. I respect my doctor and I appreciate all the help he has given me, but that is certified BS.


After showing him the Ashton Method equivalency, he reluctantly prescribed the 10 mg daily valium that I have been taking as well as the 1 mg daily ativan. He wanted me to cut 1/2 a pill of the ativan -- I told him that's too fast and that I don't want to feel the wd symptoms. I told him that my plan was to cut 1/4 a pill per month. He again said it's all psychological but reluctantly agreed and said "we'll see what happens."


He does not believe that I have central vertigo but that it is BPPV (I actually believe I may have both, but head movements do not bother me at all), and he does not believe valium will help with that, despite the fact that ativan has kept me vertigo-free for three years. He says there are other meds for that, but he seems to forget that we have already tried them and they made me worse (antivert, meclizine, dramamine, etc.). He is 84 and quite forgetful.


He prescribed enough for a month. I fear that he will cut me off next month. I'm planning to ask family if they have any extras as a backup, in case I have to hurriedly find another supportive doctor next month. Ideally, I'll see a psychiatrist or counselor who at least backs up my situation with long-term GAD, be able to tell him about that, and I can just stay with him. But I don't know if he understands me as well as I need him to.

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Difficult day. I went to the doc and the first thing he said is that I need to see a psychiatrist to find out why I need to be on benzos. I was already planning to do so, but to hear those words from a professional is obviously incredibly difficult. It made me feel... well, broken. And that's hardly news, but it just hit me hard.


He wanted to prescribe me 2 mg of valium daily to replace the 1 mg of ativan daily, and he wanted me to go cold turkey on the ativan. He said all the withdrawal symptoms are psychological. I respect my doctor and I appreciate all the help he has given me, but that is certified BS.


After showing him the Ashton Method equivalency, he reluctantly prescribed the 10 mg daily valium that I have been taking as well as the 1 mg daily ativan. He wanted me to cut 1/2 a pill of the ativan -- I told him that's too fast and that I don't want to feel the wd symptoms. I told him that my plan was to cut 1/4 a pill per month. He again said it's all psychological but reluctantly agreed and said "we'll see what happens."


He does not believe that I have central vertigo but that it is BPPV (I actually believe I may have both, but head movements do not bother me at all), and he does not believe valium will help with that, despite the fact that ativan has kept me vertigo-free for three years. He says there are other meds for that, but he seems to forget that we have already tried them and they made me worse (antivert, meclizine, dramamine, etc.). He is 84 and quite forgetful.


He prescribed enough for a month. I fear that he will cut me off next month. I'm planning to ask family if they have any extras as a backup, in case I have to hurriedly find another supportive doctor next month. Ideally, I'll see a psychiatrist or counselor who at least backs up my situation with long-term GAD, be able to tell him about that, and I can just stay with him. But I don't know if he understands me as well as I need him to.


I'm glad your doctor has prescribed the 10 mgr.

However, you need to secure that he will keep prescribing it during your taper.

IMO, it's not smart at all to take the Valium AND the Ativan, because that is 20 mgr Valium equivalent added together so you gave doubled up on your benzos!

Agreed on BS about the withdrawals being psychological.


I do think it can be helpful to some people to see a therapist , even if it's just to cope with the taper and to talk and vent. It sure helped me well.

It's very important we develop tools to deal with anxiety, other than drugs. In fact, I didn't have any before my taper and now I got a box full.

We learn, tats for sure.


Sorry you're hit so hard.


You might want to start thinking soon of a cross over from the Ativan to Valium then? And start substituting part of your Ativan dose for the right Valium equivalent.

It was the best thing I could have done for myself to cross over to Valium from Ativan.


Once you're a bit more stable feeling you can resume/ start tapering.


My two cents,,,


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Moodle, I think if I could start cutting 1/4 of an ativan tablet right now, my doc would be pretty happy with that news at my next appointment in 4 weeks. Concerns - that I'll feel wd symptoms (do you think the V will cover them completely?) and that it's too soon since I've only been stable for maybe a week. Thoughts?
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solace, "8 doses" a day?  how and what times are you doing this?


also "central vertigo"?  never heard of it. I too have BPPv...but this is not that right now that I am experiancing either


Your poor Dr needs to retire to the farm...best be looking for new Dr now b4 its to late


believe me I just cut .25mg a week ago off my 1.25mg Ativan and I am in the worst hell ever with the dizziness etc



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Moodle, I think if I could start cutting 1/4 of an ativan tablet right now, my doc would be pretty happy with that news at my next appointment in 4 weeks. Concerns - that I'll feel wd symptoms (do you think the V will cover them completely?) and that it's too soon since I've only been stable for maybe a week. Thoughts?


I think all of us feel/ have felt withdrawal symptoms during our tapers. That's kind of the nature of this. You never k ow what you're going to get.

When I cut Ativan , I'd feel it same day or next and you'll know. With Valium I didn't feel a cut till at least 5 days later, due to the long acting properties.


I'm not sure if you're getting that you've just added 1 mgr Ativan to your dose by taking 10 mgr Valium on top...

So, in short, you're taking 2 mgr Ativan now, so to speak. Half Ativan , half Valium . And what goes up must come down. And your taper will be even longer.mthe idea is to substitute with Valium, not add it. So yeah,,,if you're taking that much extra, you probably will be covered but it won't serve you in the long run because you'll still have to taper Valium after you're done with Ativan . And that's the same kinda beast.

I assume you're going to just dry cut 0.125 mgr then? So, not need to do that today or even this coming week if you need to have cut it by four weeks from now?

You could just wait a week and then cut the 0.125 if you don't feel ready right now.


You never know what you're going to get and it might not be that bad at all, right ?


We just got to do it, uncomfortable or not. If you're ready, that is.



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solace, "8 doses" a day?  how and what times are you doing this?


also "central vertigo"?  never heard of it. I too have BPPv...but this is not that right now that I am experiancing either


Your poor Dr needs to retire to the farm...best be looking for new Dr now b4 its to late


believe me I just cut .25mg a week ago off my 1.25mg Ativan and I am in the worst hell ever with the dizziness etc


I agree on the doctor part: I'd be looking for a new doctor soon, to make sure I didn't have one who thinks you can just stop this and that its all psychological.

Might take a while before you find one but it'll be worth it to have your doctor on your side.

You're going to need the scripts coming so you can taper wisely.



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Difficult day. I went to the doc and the first thing he said is that I need to see a psychiatrist to find out why I need to be on benzos. I was already planning to do so, but to hear those words from a professional is obviously incredibly difficult. It made me feel... well, broken. And that's hardly news, but it just hit me hard.


He wanted to prescribe me 2 mg of valium daily to replace the 1 mg of ativan daily, and he wanted me to go cold turkey on the ativan. He said all the withdrawal symptoms are psychological. I respect my doctor and I appreciate all the help he has given me, but that is certified BS.


After showing him the Ashton Method equivalency, he reluctantly prescribed the 10 mg daily valium that I have been taking as well as the 1 mg daily ativan. He wanted me to cut 1/2 a pill of the ativan -- I told him that's too fast and that I don't want to feel the wd symptoms. I told him that my plan was to cut 1/4 a pill per month. He again said it's all psychological but reluctantly agreed and said "we'll see what happens."


He does not believe that I have central vertigo but that it is BPPV (I actually believe I may have both, but head movements do not bother me at all), and he does not believe valium will help with that, despite the fact that ativan has kept me vertigo-free for three years. He says there are other meds for that, but he seems to forget that we have already tried them and they made me worse (antivert, meclizine, dramamine, etc.). He is 84 and quite forgetful.


He prescribed enough for a month. I fear that he will cut me off next month. I'm planning to ask family if they have any extras as a backup, in case I have to hurriedly find another supportive doctor next month. Ideally, I'll see a psychiatrist or counselor who at least backs up my situation with long-term GAD, be able to tell him about that, and I can just stay with him. But I don't know if he understands me as well as I need him to.


Hi Solace,

I don't' know where do you live, but  my doctor only gave 2 weeks Ativan ,  then I had to go to see a Psychiatrist, They are the only ones can prescribe a long term Benzo  treatment,  I just saw my P. Doc  and he just asked me what Ineed:  I told him 2 mg Valium a day and 10 mg Prozac twice a day,  even though I just use one mg Valium a day and 10 mg Prozac a day, I keep my backup pills,  I don't want to be short of pills,  I had trouble before with Ativan. 


hope you are feeling better today







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Thanks guys.  I face planted this week.  I haven't felt this bad for a very long time.  Maybe my baseline will go up after this.  :)


i stick to the success story section to deter my hopelessness.




Every time I land in a wave, it feels like the first time all over again and it feels worse than I remember,..but that's just the nature of these waves, they trick us and try to get us fearful do they ( the sxs) can live even longer and harder. When we face them and accept them no matter how awful they feel, when we see them for what they are, sensations created by our own healing brain, then they are short lived and return less.


Your going to be fine. Just look back at how far you have come and all the healing you have accomplished already.


Great days are just around the corner for you!  :)





I am counting on that ATU.  This is the worst wave for me too Arcade.  I just had a big wave so I thought I had at least 3 weeks before this one hit.  Cancelled my trip (again) for a seminar down in Arizona today.  I am spinning today from 2 nights no sleep again, after not sleeping for 4 days last week.  So thx for the reassurances ATU, I am so tired of this and started believing the story line in my head that I will not be able to handle this for much longer.



I'm sorry you are in this huge wave, but It will pass, you have the assurance of all BB friends,  every time we got a wave we think is the worst, but then the window will come, It always does,  now I'm in a great window after one week of the worst wave in  8 months,  try to sleep or rest,  I'm getting decent sleeping now, I  went to sleep at 11 pm and wake up at 3:30 but I keep sleeping, dark room is a must.    be tired before bed helps too.  walk or read.


hope this help you.




:smitten: :smitten:

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I'm sorry for not replying to everything right now but I certainly will next time around. I have been feeling depressed, which isn't normal for me. Some of it is perfectly called for, I mean it has been a terrible month. But I think I am also oversedating myself with these benzos. Do you think I could cut 1/4 of a tablet of ativan beginning tonight and not feel it? Again, the diazepam is my attempt at covering all wd symptoms and I am trying to stay on a maintenance dose of that in the end, so this is not a full taper down to nothing, just the ativan. Is there any chance that the diazepam will completely cover the wd symptoms all the way down, as my doctor believes? I don't want to cause myself further suffering right now because I am fragile as it is.
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my opinion but do not cut both!!!!


the sedation will go away after being on the diazepam for some time. Reg Peart says that the sedation is a sign that you are on the correct dose.


as far as covering the w/d from Ativan,,,depends on how long you have been on it. V alium builds up in your system...in the beginning it really does not cover it that well because although it has a much longer half life it also is half as weak


slow and steady or quicker...they both work out at some point...I pray

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I have been on 10 mg of valium for a couple of weeks now, I think  (should say in my signature). Am I cutting too soon? I just don't want to feel the derealization. That was the worst and I will do anything to avoid that symptom.


My surgery was an emergency appendectomy and I was only there three days, but like I said, they did give me extra benzos to keep me comfortable. Then when I came home, I tried to go back down. Had to go back up, then the vertigo, then the valium. It has been almost a month since the hospital now.

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