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Steve -


10 mg of diazepam sounds like a relatively common dose from all the reading that I've done, and honestly my hope is for a 15-20 mg prescription just so I will build up a little emergency stash in the event that something happens to my doctor (he is in his mid 80s) or in case I am unable to make a monthly appointment for some reason (like the vertigo attacks in this case).


I haven't taken more than 2.5 mg of diazepam at one time, and the one time that I took an extra 1.25 mg a couple of hours later (when I still had the shakes and needed it), it felt like too much. I'm not sure that I could ever even handle a 5 mg pill at one time. If at all possible, I would like to stay at 10 mg and would only go higher if absolutely necessary.




Hi Solace,


Not too sure what to say.  It is true that 10mg is a common dose, but it is also true that tolerance develops over time.


It is possible for some/many to take a benzo on an as-needed occasional basis, but for some it may not be feasible to do that. I know people who have done just that for many years with no issue. If you can use it in that fashion and really stick to it, than perhaps no problem.


I got a PM earlier today from another BB on another issue but, having  seen my earlier post, stated that her psychiatrist also  told her that she could do a maintenance dose of 5mg.


I do not understand that exactly, but I and others have been told that so perhaps worth looking into.


I clearly clearly clearly times a million understand the desire to keep using something that helps so much and seems benign. Except over months or years it isn’t – at least afaik at the dose you propose; if taken regularly; again, AFAIK.


I wish I had received a post like this at your age and listened and found another way.


So maybe mull all what I and others say (and keep posting  and posting and posting, receiving as many and varying thoughts from different angles as there may be) and take the decision you feel best for you, realizing that you can change your mind at any time.




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It’s been 25 days since my last Valium dose and my withdrawal symptoms tapered off to virtually nothing within a week. Then, during the last several days, many of them have returned in varying degrees: flushing, tingling, and tension in the face and upper torso; headaches; high blood pressure; sweats; chills; tinnitus; insomnia; upset stomach; acid reflux; ache where neck joins back. During this same period, I have decreased my Lyrica daily dosage from 275 to 250 mg. Are the withdrawal symptoms more likely due to Valium or Lyrica? If from Valium, when can I expect them to stop? Thanks to all who helped me define and implement a successful Valium ramp!
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ATU, fwiw I felt quite crummy after my flu shot also. I never have before, in all my years of getting one. Odd.




Me too, I get one every year but never had any reaction. Perhaps at lower levels and when just off there is a predisposition to amplified effects,.....or maybe it's just me looking for something to blame for feeling so lousy lately!  :laugh:


Hope you are well!









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It’s been 25 days since my last Valium dose and my withdrawal symptoms tapered off to virtually nothing within a week. Then, during the last several days, many of them have returned in varying degrees: flushing, tingling, and tension in the face and upper torso; headaches; high blood pressure; sweats; chills; tinnitus; insomnia; upset stomach; acid reflux; ache where neck joins back. During this same period, I have decreased my Lyrica daily dosage from 275 to 250 mg. Are the withdrawal symptoms more likely due to Valium or Lyrica? If from Valium, when can I expect them to stop? Thanks to all who helped me define and implement a successful Valium ramp!




I don't have any experience with Lyrica, but when w/ding from Valium there can be a period where the V, which has a long half life, that has been stored in the body is still "releasing" and "covering" or blunting the sxs, then when that is all used up the w/d sxs can suddenly hit hard for awhile.


From your signature, it looks like you were not on V very long so it may be that you do not have much V stored in your body and your sxs from the final jump caught up with you relatively quickly. I also would think if you can hold on, they will lesson and eventually pass.


While I have no experience with Lyrica, I have read many others who have experienced w/d sxs from it, so it could also be a matter of you cutting your Lyrica that caused the sxs...or, it could be a combination of being recently off the V and at the same time cutting the Lyrica. Maybe you could consider holding on making any more cuts to the Lyrica until your sxs improve? That doesn't mean you still might not experience more waves of sxs. One thing about Benzo w/d sxs is that they are rarely linear and seem to hit many people in "waves", but eventually the waves become fewer and farther between as your system heals.


Hopefully someone with more knowledge will chime in here...


Hope you are soon feeling better,



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Thanks for your feedback. Two years ago, after having been on Lyrica for a year, I reduced my dosage from 300 mg/day to 100 mg/day in 50 mg/day jumps every four days. Even with that fast ramp, I had no withdrawal symptoms. But I was soon forced to ramp back up to 300 mg/day, and after having been on Lyrica now for two additional years, I might not be able to ramp down as quickly now as I did two years ago. So I do think I will hold off on further Lyrica cuts until withdrawal symptoms subside.


Two major waves of symptoms have come and gone since my last post. Both every bit as unpleasant as any I experienced during my ramp.

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Thanks for your feedback. Two years ago, after having been on Lyrica for a year, I reduced my dosage from 300 mg/day to 100 mg/day in 50 mg/day jumps every four days. Even with that fast ramp, I had no withdrawal symptoms. But I was soon forced to ramp back up to 300 mg/day, and after having been on Lyrica now for two additional years, I might not be able to ramp down as quickly now as I did two years ago. So I do think I will hold off on further Lyrica cuts until withdrawal symptoms subside.


Two major waves of symptoms have come and gone since my last post. Both every bit as unpleasant as any I experienced during my ramp.


Hi there SFF!


I finished my taper around the same time as you, on October 21.


At this point symptoms come and go. One day seems fine; next day not as much. Seems to be no getting around it (for most people at least). For me, better than when tapering the last bits.


Your body is healing, and that's the good thing.


Just give it time.


For high BP and anything else that may be harmful in and of itself, I certainly hope that you're seeking a doctor and having it taken care of.


Congrats on your freedom!!! :)






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here is my plan I will hold each of these for one week. 5 days into first c/o in evening


6:00                      11:00                        4:00                            10:00


.25A                        .25A                          .25A                              .5A  = 1.25mg A


.25A                        .25A                          .25A                              .25A/ 1.5V 

.125A/ .5V              .25A                          .25A                              .25A/1.5V


                                                      combine 11:00 & 4:00

.125A/.5V                                              .25A/ 1.5V                      .25A/1.5V

.125A/.5V                                              .25A/ 1.5V                          2.5V

2.5V                                                      .25A/ 1.5V                          2.5V

2.5V                                                          2.5V                                2.5V  = 7.5mg V



so any thoughts? suggestions?  revisions?



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here is my plan I will hold each of these for one week. 5 days into first c/o in evening


6:00                      11:00                        4:00                            10:00


.25A                        .25A                          .25A                              .5A  = 1.25mg A


.25A                        .25A                          .25A                              .25A/ 1.5V 

.125A/ .5V              .25A                          .25A                              .25A/1.5V


                                                      combine 11:00 & 4:00

.125A/.5V                                              .25A/ 1.5V                      .25A/1.5V

.125A/.5V                                              .25A/ 1.5V                          2.5V

2.5V                                                      .25A/ 1.5V                          2.5V

2.5V                                                          2.5V                                2.5V  = 7.5mg V



so any thoughts? suggestions?  revisions?




you know most of us have said you aren't going to an equivalent V. Didn't this happen with the K too? You wanted to take a lesser amount of V? I mean you can do it but I'd be surprised if it makes getting off any quicker.

If it were me I'd go to at least 10mg V with your current A dose.

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here is my plan I will hold each of these for one week. 5 days into first c/o in evening


6:00                      11:00                        4:00                            10:00


.25A                        .25A                          .25A                              .5A  = 1.25mg A


.25A                        .25A                          .25A                              .25A/ 1.5V 

.125A/ .5V              .25A                          .25A                              .25A/1.5V


                                                      combine 11:00 & 4:00

.125A/.5V                                              .25A/ 1.5V                      .25A/1.5V

.125A/.5V                                              .25A/ 1.5V                          2.5V

2.5V                                                      .25A/ 1.5V                          2.5V

2.5V                                                          2.5V                                2.5V  = 7.5mg V



so any thoughts? suggestions?  revisions?




you know most of us have said you aren't going to an equivalent V. Didn't this happen with the K too? You wanted to take a lesser amount of V? I mean you can do it but I'd be surprised if it makes getting off any quicker.

If it were me I'd go to at least 10mg V with your current A dose.


I agree with Smiff.


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so you all think I need to just simply c/o to 10mgs and not wait until I am c/o to see if I need more?


I will say even with just the wee bit of c/o I have done I had more anxiety yesterday afternoon?  might be coincidence or whatever

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Hello Everybody,


I just want to share this article that I found online: 




It says that Skydiver and adrenaline junkies got nausea because of the adrenaline rush,  they love it, but sometimes they vomit. 


lately I'm having adrenaline rush then I got nausea and acid reflux. 


I didn't have this sx since I started with Ativan.  seems that the mother of all my sx is the adrenaline rush, 

I'm looking to control that,  the simple bad idea  is causing me those rush. 


any ideas and how to stop the rush ?


and after the rush, how long it stays in your body?  and how I can neutralize ? 


Moo has a juice.


please advise




I love BB !!!

:smitten: :smitten: :smitten:


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Hello Everybody,


I just want to share this article that I found online: 




It says that Skydiver and adrenaline junkies got nausea because of the adrenaline rush,  they love it, but sometimes they vomit. 


lately I'm having adrenaline rush then I got nausea and acid reflux. 


I didn't have this sx since I started with Ativan.  seems that the mother of all my sx is the adrenaline rush, 

I'm looking to control that,  the simple bad idea  is causing me those rush. 


any ideas and how to stop the rush ?


and after the rush, how long it stays in your body?  and how I can neutralize ? 


Moo has a juice.


please advise




I love BB !!!

:smitten: :smitten: :smitten:



Moo- Juice.


It's not my invention, though.

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Another thing you could try is probiotics.


Read this.


How can you tell whether your health is already starting to suffer from a lack of healthy bacteria in your digestive system?  The following symptoms are all signs that unhealthy bacteria have taken over too much real estate in your gut, and that you probably need to add some healthy probiotics to your diet:


Gas and bloating Constipation or diarrhea Fatigue

Nausea Headaches Sugar cravings, and cravings for refined carb foods


Hope you feel better soon buddy!





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SG57 quote "If you don't use a scale I guess it could be done.  Kind of crude and I don't like not taking advantage of the scale, but if you have .5mg A pills and 2mg V pills and you split them into quarters you could do this...


  6am          noon              6pm          10pm

.25A          .375A            .25A          .375A

.25A          .375A            .125A        .25/2.5V

.125A        .25A/2.5V      .125A        .25A/2.5V

.125A        .25A/2.5V                        .125A/5V

                .125A/5V                        .125A/5V

                    6V                                  6.5V"


Ok my doses are going to be the heaviest 6;00am and bedtime  and I am now on 1mg lorazepam

How can I make this work for me???? and I will go to 10mgV  but not 12.5mg unless absolutely have to


I know I know...I am being a pain in the ARSE...forgive me but since I have DRAIN BAMAGE I can not think straight at all


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been doing the Moo-Etown(i think) Juice for a few days now and I must tell you that I am down to one sweaty throw the covers off bout, once a night, so I am thinking THIS IS PROGESS.  On a couple of those nights, instead of ignoring hunger, I got up and ate a  bagel toasted with nut butter and honey and that helped too.  We need to feed ourselves nourishment!!!


This benzo head is attempting a festive Holiday meal tomorrow for family------scary :laugh:

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Hi all,


I got frustrated and deleted my signature.  I am in a wave and you all know how frustrated we can get when it's bad.  I'll type it back shortly.  I was in a two week window and feeling good and exercising on the elliptical.  That was a big improvement for me as I was exercise intolerant for a long time.


I am holding at .98 until this passes.  My cut rate is .01mg per day.  I have no warning signs on when the cuts catch up with me.  I looked at my daily log spreadsheet and the pattern seems to be when I hit the .1mg reduction I get hit. I will probably now try a .01mg reduction every other day which equates to .005mg a day.


This current wave was bad because I got hit with depression and the feeling of hopelessness with physical symptoms.  I was never like this pre benzo so it goes to show how powerful this withdrawal can be.


I'll repeat, on the positive side of this is. My cogntive issues are gone ,I am sharp as a tack and I am below 1mg.  My exercise tolerance is coming back.  My fight right now is a battle with the taper rate.

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Hi all,


I got frustrated and deleted my signature.  I am in a wave and you all know how frustrated we can get when it's bad.  I'll type it back shortly.  I was in a two week window and feeling good and exercising on the elliptical.  That was a big improvement for me as I was exercise intolerant for a long time.


I am holding at .98 until this passes.  My cut rate is .01mg per day.  I have no warning signs on when the cuts catch up with me.  I looked at my daily log spreadsheet and the pattern seems to be when I hit the .1mg reduction I get hit. I will probably now try a .01mg reduction every other day which equates to .005mg a day.


This current wave was bad because I got hit with depression and the feeling of hopelessness with physical symptoms.  I was never like this pre benzo so it goes to show how powerful this withdrawal can be.


I'll repeat, on the positive side of this is. My cogntive issues are gone ,I am sharp as a tack and I am below 1mg.  My exercise tolerance is coming back.  My fight right now is a battle with the taper rate.




Hang in there and dont best yourself up over little things. Your doing great. Just hold here for as long as it takes to get back to baseline.

On the exercise issue, I also found that as the dose gets lower, exercising I believe can help move the remaining drug out of your system faster. Do when your only taking less than a mg. that means exercise might not be the best course of action for some.


Take it slow. Ready and hold until you feel better.







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Hi all,


I got frustrated and deleted my signature.  I am in a wave and you all know how frustrated we can get when it's bad.  I'll type it back shortly.  I was in a two week window and feeling good and exercising on the elliptical.  That was a big improvement for me as I was exercise intolerant for a long time.


I am holding at .98 until this passes.  My cut rate is .01mg per day.  I have no warning signs on when the cuts catch up with me.  I looked at my daily log spreadsheet and the pattern seems to be when I hit the .1mg reduction I get hit. I will probably now try a .01mg reduction every other day which equates to .005mg a day.


This current wave was bad because I got hit with depression and the feeling of hopelessness with physical symptoms.  I was never like this pre benzo so it goes to show how powerful this withdrawal can be.


I'll repeat, on the positive side of this is. My cogntive issues are gone ,I am sharp as a tack and I am below 1mg.  My exercise tolerance is coming back.  My fight right now is a battle with the taper rate.


I hear ya Arcade.

These lower doses can be soooo defeating with windows you don't think will close but do.

Once my mom got below 1mg, I had to really slow the cut rate down.

I am cutting now at .001mg per day from .03mg valium.

There is always at least one really bad sx that keeps us down.

Can't wait for this nightmare to be over.

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Thanks guys.  I face planted this week.  I haven't felt this bad for a very long time.  Maybe my baseline will go up after this.  :)


i stick to the success story section to deter my hopelessness.

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Thanks guys.  I face planted this week.  I haven't felt this bad for a very long time.  Maybe my baseline will go up after this.  :)


i stick to the success story section to deter my hopelessness.




Every time I land in a wave, it feels like the first time all over again and it feels worse than I remember,..but that's just the nature of these waves, they trick us and try to get us fearful do they ( the sxs) can live even longer and harder. When we face them and accept them no matter how awful they feel, when we see them for what they are, sensations created by our own healing brain, then they are short lived and return less.


Your going to be fine. Just look back at how far you have come and all the healing you have accomplished already.


Great days are just around the corner for you!  :)





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Thanks guys.  I face planted this week.  I haven't felt this bad for a very long time.  Maybe my baseline will go up after this.  :)


i stick to the success story section to deter my hopelessness.




Every time I land in a wave, it feels like the first time all over again and it feels worse than I remember,..but that's just the nature of these waves, they trick us and try to get us fearful do they ( the sxs) can live even longer and harder. When we face them and accept them no matter how awful they feel, when we see them for what they are, sensations created by our own healing brain, then they are short lived and return less.


Your going to be fine. Just look back at how far you have come and all the healing you have accomplished already.


Great days are just around the corner for you!  :)






Thanks ATU!  I really appreciate your uplifting words.  You're right I came all the way down from 8mg to .98mg on a manageable taper.  I can't let this one wave get me down too much.  I agree this wave feels like the wave I got when I first started tapering too fast.


Thanks again ATU!

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Thanks guys.  I face planted this week.  I haven't felt this bad for a very long time.  Maybe my baseline will go up after this.  :)


i stick to the success story section to deter my hopelessness.




Every time I land in a wave, it feels like the first time all over again and it feels worse than I remember,..but that's just the nature of these waves, they trick us and try to get us fearful do they ( the sxs) can live even longer and harder. When we face them and accept them no matter how awful they feel, when we see them for what they are, sensations created by our own healing brain, then they are short lived and return less.


Your going to be fine. Just look back at how far you have come and all the healing you have accomplished already.


Great days are just around the corner for you!  :)






Thanks ATU!  I really appreciate your uplifting words.  You're right I came all the way down from 8mg to .98mg on a manageable taper.  I can't let this one wave get me down too much.  I agree this wave feels like the wave I got when I first started tapering too fast.


Thanks again ATU!


At the end of my taper, somewhere, I also had waves that hit way harder than during most of my taper. They didn't stay and hold on as long.

They felt severe and I felt depressed, too.


Today, things are kinda very sorta challenging in the family atmosphere but withdrawal wise and symptoms wise, I'm feeling pretty okay .


It's going to pass, Arcade. It does indeed feel like this is the worst wave so far, when it hits. And we get frustrated and feel hopeless some days again. But it is going to be better. Lots!


Hang on tight. You're almost there .

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Hi all,


I got frustrated and deleted my signature.  I am in a wave and you all know how frustrated we can get when it's bad.  I'll type it back shortly.  I was in a two week window and feeling good and exercising on the elliptical.  That was a big improvement for me as I was exercise intolerant for a long time.


I am holding at .98 until this passes.  My cut rate is .01mg per day.  I have no warning signs on when the cuts catch up with me.  I looked at my daily log spreadsheet and the pattern seems to be when I hit the .1mg reduction I get hit. I will probably now try a .01mg reduction every other day which equates to .005mg a day.


This current wave was bad because I got hit with depression and the feeling of hopelessness with physical symptoms.  I was never like this pre benzo so it goes to show how powerful this withdrawal can be.


I'll repeat, on the positive side of this is. My cogntive issues are gone ,I am sharp as a tack and I am below 1mg.  My exercise tolerance is coming back.  My fight right now is a battle with the taper rate.


Hi Arcade,

We are in the same step, I'm at 0.90 but went back to 1.0 mg for few days,  same as you, I was having a 3 weeks window, also doing exercise, then I messed It up, I got 4 days of late sleep, more exercise, then  I got the worst wave in 8 months, but I managed no to be depress, 

but the good thing is that now I got the big answer,  I was always asking me what is wrong why this thing happened,  WHY? 

I realize that in my case It start this way: 

1. stress and fear

2. fear trigger adrenaline rush

3. the adrenaline rush provoke anxiety 

4. both cause stomach and gut problems, nausea, diarrea, loss of appetite, gas, etc.

5. stomach problems cause dizziness, chest pain, nervous, empty stomach, etc.

6. then came the worst: loss of nutrients, salt, sugar, sodium,  potassium.

7. the panic came now from :  hypoglycemia ( low sugar, the ER visit )

8.  then CAME ATIVAN.    to save the situation.

9. It helps for few days.

9. the whole cycle start again, only worst

10 then Ativan withdraw involve  the heart and  blood pressure.

11 then the big one enter:  sleep deprivation

12 hundreds of  doctors visits,

13 little peace after doctors dont find anything wrong.

14 start taper

15 cross over  to Valium

16 be under 1 mg


be careful  the cycle can start again.


now I know how to stop this madness.


I have hope finally.








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Hi all,


I got frustrated and deleted my signature.  I am in a wave and you all know how frustrated we can get when it's bad.  I'll type it back shortly.  I was in a two week window and feeling good and exercising on the elliptical.  That was a big improvement for me as I was exercise intolerant for a long time.


I am holding at .98 until this passes.  My cut rate is .01mg per day.  I have no warning signs on when the cuts catch up with me.  I looked at my daily log spreadsheet and the pattern seems to be when I hit the .1mg reduction I get hit. I will probably now try a .01mg reduction every other day which equates to .005mg a day.


This current wave was bad because I got hit with depression and the feeling of hopelessness with physical symptoms.  I was never like this pre benzo so it goes to show how powerful this withdrawal can be.


I'll repeat, on the positive side of this is. My cogntive issues are gone ,I am sharp as a tack and I am below 1mg.  My exercise tolerance is coming back.  My fight right now is a battle with the taper rate.


Hi Arcade,

We are in the same step, I'm at 0.90 but went back to 1.0 mg for few days,  same as you, I was having a 3 weeks window, also doing exercise, then I messed It up, I got 4 days of late sleep, more exercise, then  I got the worst wave in 8 months, but I managed no to be depress, 

but the good thing is that now I got the big answer,  I was always asking me what is wrong why this thing happened,  WHY? 

I realize that in my case It start this way: 

1. stress and fear

2. fear trigger adrenaline rush

3. the adrenaline rush provoke anxiety 

4. both cause stomach and gut problems, nausea, diarrea, loss of appetite, gas, etc.

5. stomach problems cause dizziness, chest pain, nervous, empty stomach, etc.

6. then came the worst: loss of nutrients, salt, sugar, sodium,  potassium.

7. the panic came now from :  hypoglycemia ( low sugar, the ER visit )

8.  then CAME ATIVAN.    to save the situation.

9. It helps for few days.

9. the whole cycle start again, only worst

10 then Ativan withdraw involve  the heart and  blood pressure.

11 then the big one enter:  sleep deprivation

12 hundreds of  doctors visits,

13 little peace after doctors dont find anything wrong.

14 start taper

15 cross over  to Valium

16 be under 1 mg


be careful  the cycle can start again.


now I know how to stop this madness.


I have hope finally.









Thanks man.  We'll just cope, accept and ride it out.  This one is bad.  We just have to hold until it passes.  I'll hold at .98mg until I feel good to cut.  Not much else we can do. 


Sounds like you're in the same boat as me.

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Thanks guys.  I face planted this week.  I haven't felt this bad for a very long time.  Maybe my baseline will go up after this.  :)


i stick to the success story section to deter my hopelessness.




Every time I land in a wave, it feels like the first time all over again and it feels worse than I remember,..but that's just the nature of these waves, they trick us and try to get us fearful do they ( the sxs) can live even longer and harder. When we face them and accept them no matter how awful they feel, when we see them for what they are, sensations created by our own healing brain, then they are short lived and return less.


Your going to be fine. Just look back at how far you have come and all the healing you have accomplished already.


Great days are just around the corner for you!  :)






Thanks ATU!  I really appreciate your uplifting words.  You're right I came all the way down from 8mg to .98mg on a manageable taper.  I can't let this one wave get me down too much.  I agree this wave feels like the wave I got when I first started tapering too fast.


Thanks again ATU!


At the end of my taper, somewhere, I also had waves that hit way harder than during most of my taper. They didn't stay and hold on as long.

They felt severe and I felt depressed, too.


Today, things are kinda very sorta challenging in the family atmosphere but withdrawal wise and symptoms wise, I'm feeling pretty okay .


It's going to pass, Arcade. It does indeed feel like this is the worst wave so far, when it hits. And we get frustrated and feel hopeless some days again. But it is going to be better. Lots!


Hang on tight. You're almost there .


Thanks Moodle.  This one is a doozie for sure.  Hanging on tight.  :)


Thanks for the encouragement.

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