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solace, when you say "vertigo" is it true vertigo with nystagmus of the eyes and the room spinning?  I have had several episodes of vertigo (BPPV)  but now I suffer from daily dizziness,


I hope that the diazepam helps both of us. When I was on it before I did not have these issues


Moo CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!  so jealous


I am wondering if I am in tolerance or interdose w/d from Loraz


Just feel like $#@%  all day long with no windows at all (when I was on the diazepam I got windows almost every night


I even find that after taking a dose of the Loraz I will feel worse...woozy, head pressure all sorts of bizzare sx

what was it like for you before you c/o?

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Moodle - Thank you for the comfort regarding the ovarian cyst. My gut feeling is that it will be OK, but it is frustrating that my anxiety is so high in general that I haven't even been able to make my follow up appointment. I guess there's no big rush though. Gotta wait 6-8 weeks for that ultrasound anyway. Regarding the math of the c/o... I actually INCREASED my lorazepam from .75 mg daily to 1 mg daily to get the withdrawals under control, and slowly added diazepam over a period of one week to the level I'm at now, which is actually 10 mg daily, divided into four 2.5 mg doses. I don't know if that was smart or not, but I'm feeling human again, so it seems OK. And since I am only going to taper the lorazepam and not the diazepam, I figure I'll just cut 1/4 of a pill per month as I was doing previously, but not until I have been stable for a month or so. This is all assuming that my doc approves everything. I sent him a long letter via fax (through his wonderful nurse who will hopefully smooth things over for me, she is a gem). I tried the diazepam in desperation after the vertigo attack, and it made me feel so much better that I just went with it. I only have enough left for a week now though, so I've got to get my doc on board for a new prescription. Do you think 10 mg daily will be enough to cover the wd symptoms from the lorazepam when the time comes? My original loraz dose was actually 1.5 mg per day, and I'm wondering if I should ultimately match that dose.


Lainey - Yes, that kind of vertigo. The worst part is that I have been fully traumatized by the attacks and I live in fear of them. When my anxiety was under control with lorazepam, I was able to get out and live though. No daily dizziness at all on lorazepam and none since getting on the diazepam either. No attacks while I was medicated. Only before and then in withdrawals. That's why I'm holding onto hope that staying on diazepam for life will be the answer for me. Are you communicating with your doctor about the dizziness and vertigo? I am with mine, but I don't want any of those stupid tests. I don't need them to spin me around or squirt air or water in my ear to tell me that I have it. That just sounds like torture and a trigger for more attacks.

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Moodle - Thank you for the comfort regarding the ovarian cyst. My gut feeling is that it will be OK, but it is frustrating that my anxiety is so high in general that I haven't even been able to make my follow up appointment. I guess there's no big rush though. Gotta wait 6-8 weeks for that ultrasound anyway. Regarding the math of the c/o... I actually INCREASED my lorazepam from .75 mg daily to 1 mg daily to get the withdrawals under control, and slowly added diazepam over a period of one week to the level I'm at now, which is actually 10 mg daily, divided into four 2.5 mg doses. I don't know if that was smart or not, but I'm feeling human again, so it seems OK. And since I am only going to taper the lorazepam and not the diazepam, I figure I'll just cut 1/4 of a pill per month as I was doing previously, but not until I have been stable for a month or so. This is all assuming that my doc approves everything. I sent him a long letter via fax (through his wonderful nurse who will hopefully smooth things over for me, she is a gem). I tried the diazepam in desperation after the vertigo attack, and it made me feel so much better that I just went with it. I only have enough left for a week now though, so I've got to get my doc on board for a new prescription. Do you think 10 mg daily will be enough to cover the wd symptoms from the lorazepam when the time comes? My original loraz dose was actually 1.5 mg per day, and I'm wondering if I should ultimately match that dose.


Lainey - Yes, that kind of vertigo. The worst part is that I have been fully traumatized by the attacks and I live in fear of them. When my anxiety was under control with lorazepam, I was able to get out and live though. No daily dizziness at all on lorazepam and none since getting on the diazepam either. No attacks while I was medicated. Only before and then in withdrawals. That's why I'm holding onto hope that staying on diazepam for life will be the answer for me. Are you communicating with your doctor about the dizziness and vertigo? I am with mine, but I don't want any of those stupid tests. I don't need them to spin me around or squirt air or water in my ear to tell me that I have it. That just sounds like torture and a trigger for more attacks.



Hiya Solace,


In looking over your posts, I wanted to add my $.02, as a possible alternative.


I recently finished my taper but, over course of my taper, my psychiatrist kept mentioning that I could stop at around 5mg/day and maintain that dose, as a "maintenance dose."


If you do ultimately decide to stay on V for life, it may be to your advantage to consider, after you stabilize, gradually reducing to a lower dose than 10 -- ie 5 -- as it may be easier to maintain over the long haul.


I hesitated making this post, because this is a really personal decision, but wanted to throw this out there as somethng to consider, as one more alternative, which you may have already thought about.


Whatever you ultimately decide, we are here for you.













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It took a lot of work to get all that info to fit in a signature! Lol :crazy: But I needed the busy work tonight anyway. Trying to keep busy doing laundry and other physical stuff so I'll be able to sleep better tonight. I have been sleeping so much since my surgery, once bedtime actually rolls around, I'm wide awake. I need to return to work at the beginning of December so I've got to get back to some normalcy... today is the best I have felt so far. Very tired but no panic and no weird feelings, really. Just everything is a little weird because I went from normalcy (working, shopping, etc.) to surgery, sleeping 18 hours a day, and doing nothing because I was so fearful of everything. And then the vertigo attack last week really threw me for a loop. I wonder, is there anyone else here who has decided that a benzo is necessary for their lifelong treatment of a condition? From all my research, it seems that the only real danger is in getting iff of them, or in the cognitive effects, but again, quality of life and the ability to actually leave the house are taking precedence over that for me. I appreciate all your thoughts and help so much. I should know by the beginning of the week if my doc will be on board with my plan, but since he was willing to give me lorazepam for life, I don't see why he'd hesitate with diazepam. I'm a little concerned that he'll recommend something else (like klonopin) and I don't want to go there. This is working so far, it feels good, and I have so many bad reactions to medicines. I feel safe with this one and I know it's relatively easiest to get off of when/if necessary. Forgot to mention that I am on Lopressor/metoprolol for my blood pressure, which is a beta blocker, and I'm grateful for its effect on my anxiety as well.
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Yes, I have considered that and will certainly be open to it when the time comes. My idea right now is that the 1.5 mg of lorazepam had my vertigo completely controlled, and the equivalent of that would be 15 mg of diazepam, right? So just on an emotional level, that feels "safe" to me. Also, my anxiety is SO bad without meds. Generalized anxiety, social anxiety, fear of everything. PTSD (undiagnosed but I may go to counseling soon) is at the root of it all. I'm a lifelong meditator and medical marijuana has helped me to reprocess a lot of those traumatic memories in the past year. Mindfulness has been a help. I have a hard time working hard and I have a hard time relaxing... basically I have a hard time existing. I constantly worry and scan my body for any twinge of pain or discomfort that may indicate a vertigo attack is on its way. I am trying to teach myself that everybody has pains and twinges all day and it doesn't mean anything. I regret confusing dependence with addiction and fearfully getting off the lorazepam when I should have talked to my doc and switched to diazepam. I clearly need meds. My father died at age 60 of a heart attack and I believe he drove himself there because of the same untreated issues. I don't want to end up like him. I don't care what age I die but I want to die HAPPY. What is life for if not to be enjoyed?

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Moo, question...where are you in your taper? I see there is nothing in your sig... I remember we started at about the same time but I foolishly gave up this past March and now I am at square one again


I was going to do a slow c/o this time but then I read your old post and see I am dosing the exact same times you were....


I want to c/o to the least amount that will give me relief..


any suggestions?



I jumped about 6 weeks ago, Lainey.


I just know that Crossing over to a lesser amount to save time tapering, is not going to save time at all. :-\

I couldn't tolerate the Ativan a day longer and did a quicker cross over. It took me around 17 days if I'm correct. It's been over a year and a half and my memory isn't always the best yet when it comes to recalling the start of my taper. It's kinda blurry, but I just read some things back on the Cross over thread. Wow...


I'd say don't rush it. That's the most important one for me, I think, next to crossing over to the right amount of Valium. Which to me is 1 mgr Ativan is 10 mgr of Valium.

If I'm honest, I don't think I recall anyone did great when crossing over to a lesser amount and in the end, it's not saving you time but will call for holds, dose corrections, etc.

I don't have any more evidence for that than anecdotal evidence from our buddies here.

Since Valium will need some time to cover your Ativan wd symptoms  as well, it would probably be helpful not to push it. A few weeks extra  isn't long if it'll make it more tolerable .


That's my two cents, Lain.

Cross over at a speed that's tolerable , adjust if necessary and then stick with it.


My best... :smitten:


I agree with Mooski here Lainey


You've learned the hard way there are no shortcuts. As DP quoted Lewis Carroll 'The hurrier I go, the behinder I get'.

I know you really want the A to be equivalent to less V. It would make the backward step less hard to deal with but you have to think about the best way out from here. And really, that is getting it done the right way this time.

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I agree too. Crossing over to a lesser amount than you really need is a bit like bargaining with the devil. It's never going to end well. Cross over to the amount you need to feel stable and then start a daily taper - that's my opinion anyway..lol...
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Yes, I have considered that and will certainly be open to it when the time comes. My idea right now is that the 1.5 mg of lorazepam had my vertigo completely controlled, and the equivalent of that would be 15 mg of diazepam, right? So just on an emotional level, that feels "safe" to me. Also, my anxiety is SO bad without meds. Generalized anxiety, social anxiety, fear of everything. PTSD (undiagnosed but I may go to counseling soon) is at the root of it all. I'm a lifelong meditator and medical marijuana has helped me to reprocess a lot of those traumatic memories in the past year. Mindfulness has been a help. I have a hard time working hard and I have a hard time relaxing... basically I have a hard time existing. I constantly worry and scan my body for any twinge of pain or discomfort that may indicate a vertigo attack is on its way. I am trying to teach myself that everybody has pains and twinges all day and it doesn't mean anything. I regret confusing dependence with addiction and fearfully getting off the lorazepam when I should have talked to my doc and switched to diazepam. I clearly need meds. My father died at age 60 of a heart attack and I believe he drove himself there because of the same untreated issues. I don't want to end up like him. I don't care what age I die but I want to die HAPPY. What is life for if not to be enjoyed?


Hi Again.


Yes, 1.5 lorazepam is = to 15 mg diazepam




IMHO 10 - 20 mg valium is not really sustainable for a lifetime. You may want to check around, but that is my opinion. Perhaps smaller doses of a benzo are; as I mentioned, my psychiatrist stated that 5mg is.


I certainly understand EXACTLY how you feel (I have been there quite recently actually), and I certainly would not do anything until you at least stabilize. But you may want to consider balancing your future life with your present life, and seek out other ways to deal with your medical issues.


Not now and maybe not for a while but, as you say, when the time comes.


Again,we are here for you and will be.











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Moodle - Thank you for the comfort regarding the ovarian cyst. My gut feeling is that it will be OK, but it is frustrating that my anxiety is so high in general that I haven't even been able to make my follow up appointment. I guess there's no big rush though. Gotta wait 6-8 weeks for that ultrasound anyway. Regarding the math of the c/o... I actually INCREASED my lorazepam from .75 mg daily to 1 mg daily to get the withdrawals under control, and slowly added diazepam over a period of one week to the level I'm at now, which is actually 10 mg daily, divided into four 2.5 mg doses. I don't know if that was smart or not, but I'm feeling human again, so it seems OK. And since I am only going to taper the lorazepam and not the diazepam, I figure I'll just cut 1/4 of a pill per month as I was doing previously, but not until I have been stable for a month or so. This is all assuming that my doc approves everything. I sent him a long letter via fax (through his wonderful nurse who will hopefully smooth things over for me, she is a gem). I tried the diazepam in desperation after the vertigo attack, and it made me feel so much better that I just went with it. I only have enough left for a week now though, so I've got to get my doc on board for a new prescription. Do you think 10 mg daily will be enough to cover the wd symptoms from the lorazepam when the time comes? My original loraz dose was actually 1.5 mg per day, and I'm wondering if I should ultimately match that dose.


Lainey - Yes, that kind of vertigo. The worst part is that I have been fully traumatized by the attacks and I live in fear of them. When my anxiety was under control with lorazepam, I was able to get out and live though. No daily dizziness at all on lorazepam and none since getting on the diazepam either. No attacks while I was medicated. Only before and then in withdrawals. That's why I'm holding onto hope that staying on diazepam for life will be the answer for me. Are you communicating with your doctor about the dizziness and vertigo? I am with mine, but I don't want any of those stupid tests. I don't need them to spin me around or squirt air or water in my ear to tell me that I have it. That just sounds like torture and a trigger for more attacks.


What's needed is a stable dose to start a taper. So, adding stuff isn't helpful. At all.

It's such a challenge.

I'm not surprised you feel better after you added Valium. But the thing is, we HAVE to develop different ways, a toolbox of techniques and tricks, to cope with things such as anxiety.

If you have tapered down to 1 mgr... Then you'll need to replace by 10 mgr of Valium, IMO.

And do a gradual crossover.


And I think 1/4 of a tablet is WAY too much. I assume you're talking about the Ativan ?


Also, I don't think adding Valium and not having a script for it after this was a golden move.  :-\

So, make sure you get your doc on board ASAP.


I think if you've been on 1 mgr and after adding th Valium now, you might be okay with 10 mgr, there isn't a necessity to use more than you need to make this tolerable. If you go with a thought out plan and go from there, stick to it, and adjust bits here and there to find your way, you can do it.


Also, if okay... May I ask you hit the Return key a few times in your posts ?

It can be a bit of a challenge for people with fuzzy heads to read a big chunk of text.  :sick:


I hope you'll be able to get your script so you can do a proper cross over . Valium is way more long acting than Ativan and that in itself can take care of some of your symptoms.


I wishing you all my best. Hang in there. You can do it :smitten:


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Steve -


10 mg of diazepam sounds like a relatively common dose from all the reading that I've done, and honestly my hope is for a 15-20 mg prescription just so I will build up a little emergency stash in the event that something happens to my doctor (he is in his mid 80s) or in case I am unable to make a monthly appointment for some reason (like the vertigo attacks in this case).


I haven't taken more than 2.5 mg of diazepam at one time, and the one time that I took an extra 1.25 mg a couple of hours later (when I still had the shakes and needed it), it felt like too much. I'm not sure that I could ever even handle a 5 mg pill at one time. If at all possible, I would like to stay at 10 mg and would only go higher if absolutely necessary.


Moodle -


I do indeed have a full toolbox of meditation, mindfulness, etc., that helps tremendously with the anxiety. I was doing amazingly well until those withdrawals and derealization kicked in. That scared me more than the vertigo, and that says a lot, because I am full-on traumatized by that.


I am presently at 1 mg of ativan and 10 mg of valium and I feel quite stable. My hope is that I'm good where I am and that I can just start tapering the ativan in a month or two when everything has calmed down in my brain. It sounds like you agree with that idea. Do you think I'll feel the WDs? I want so badly to cover all the WDs. I don't know how to work and deal with deadlines when I'm shaking and sweating and feeling like I'll lose my mind.


I agree that adding the valium without my doctor's permission was a bad move. It was late at night and I felt like I was on the verge of a seizure and I desperately needed relief from the vertigo, and I did (and do) believe that he will understand, though I'm sure he'll reprimand me thoroughly, as well he should. Cutting the ativan without telling him was a mistake as well. I only did that because I was afraid he would want me to quit cold turkey. I have now come clean on everything and he is a wonderful doctor, so I hope that he will help me through this. I'll know more on Monday.


Thank you again, everyone.

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Btw Moodle - 1/4 of a 0.5 mg ativan tablet is too much to cut monthly? How would I go about doing less? The tablets are so small and difficult to cut into quarters as it is.
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Steve -


10 mg of diazepam sounds like a relatively common dose from all the reading that I've done, and honestly my hope is for a 15-20 mg prescription just so I will build up a little emergency stash in the event that something happens to my doctor (he is in his mid 80s) or in case I am unable to make a monthly appointment for some reason (like the vertigo attacks in this case).


I haven't taken more than 2.5 mg of diazepam at one time, and the one time that I took an extra 1.25 mg a couple of hours later (when I still had the shakes and needed it), it felt like too much. I'm not sure that I could ever even handle a 5 mg pill at one time. If at all possible, I would like to stay at 10 mg and would only go higher if absolutely necessary.


Moodle -


I do indeed have a full toolbox of meditation, mindfulness, etc., that helps tremendously with the anxiety. I was doing amazingly well until those withdrawals and derealization kicked in. That scared me more than the vertigo, and that says a lot, because I am full-on traumatized by that.


I am presently at 1 mg of ativan and 10 mg of valium and I feel quite stable. My hope is that I'm good where I am and that I can just start tapering the ativan in a month or two when everything has calmed down in my brain. It sounds like you agree with that idea. Do you think I'll feel the WDs? I want so badly to cover all the WDs. I don't know how to work and deal with deadlines when I'm shaking and sweating and feeling like I'll lose my mind.


I agree that adding the valium without my doctor's permission was a bad move. It was late at night and I felt like I was on the verge of a seizure and I desperately needed relief from the vertigo, and I did (and do) believe that he will understand, though I'm sure he'll reprimand me thoroughly, as well he should. Cutting the ativan without telling him was a mistake as well. I only did that because I was afraid he would want me to quit cold turkey. I have now come clean on everything and he is a wonderful doctor, so I hope that he will help me through this. I'll know more on Monday.


Thank you again, everyone.


Oh I do understand... And I also some days didn't tell my doctor I had reduced just to make sure I could build up a bit of a supply, just to make sure I wouldn't be in trouble if she decided she wanted me to go faster.


I know...vertigo is horrible. It's been with me during my entire taper and still not gone. I guess that's my symprom that comes on first and foremost. For others it's headaches or nausea. Or whatever else we can possibly think of.


I do not think anyone will have an entirely symptom free taper, no. But you can possibly keep it all at bay by crossing over according a well through out plan and cut accordingly, too.

There is no such thing for ME to push through. You need to listen to what your body is telling you and adjust when needed, but that's my two cents.

I'm not saying to hold every time you feel an itch. Or to up dose when you have ringing ears. Those would be symptoms you can function with ( again, I understand for some people these ca can be intolerable, I'm just saying as an example ).


You will have okay days and shitty days. It's just the way this stuff works. Waves and windows is what this is called.

Some days I'd be pretty okay and others I'd be in bed. And symptoms could leave, for others to pop up.


I think the wise thing to do is to accept it will be an unusual and uncomfortable time. That this is the way it'll be for a while.


Etown used to always say , taper so you feel 20/80, which would be ideal, pretty much.

Feeling 80 percent of the time okay- ish and the other 20... Not so much .

The nature of benzo withdrawal is that you can just never tell, and the only thing that's sure is that nothing a really sure. The sooner you'll be able to accept that, the easier it'll be on you. Because the worrying over everything is going to make it way more icky. This isn't something you can just decide in a day. I couldn't. It takes time. But you'll learn...


To answer your second post, too: I was thinking in 1 mgr tablet. So, a quarter of that would be way too much,

If you can tolerate 0.125 mgr, then go for it.


There are other options if your first cut of 0.125 turns out to be too much. It's a matter of trial and error to find out what speed is best for you.

There isn't a one size fits all, since we all metabolize this crap differently and our bodies are different, our circumstances, etc.

You could purchase a Gemini scale on Amazon for about 25 dollars and go by your pill weight to reduce smaller than 0.125.


Or you can titrate your pills and do a daily liquid taper, which allows you to make super small cuts,


Whichever way you'll end up tapering, people here have done it all and can help you figure it out. Don't worry about any of that.


The best thing you can do is accept it'll be not as usual , that you'll have discomfort to some degree and that stress is the devil during tapering. Also, eat well ( whole foods,etc) get some exercise, even if you just walk your drive way, and breathe, distract, and the time will pass.


I wish you good luck with everything. You can totally do this.

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Hiya Solace,


In looking over your posts, I wanted to add my $.02, as a possible alternative.


I recently finished my taper but, over course of my taper, my psychiatrist kept mentioning that I could stop at around 5mg/day and maintain that dose, as a "maintenance dose."


If you do ultimately decide to stay on V for life, it may be to your advantage to consider, after you stabilize, gradually reducing to a lower dose than 10 -- ie 5 -- as it may be easier to maintain over the long haul.


I hesitated making this post, because this is a really personal decision, but wanted to throw this out there as somethng to consider, as one more alternative, which you may have already thought about.


Whatever you ultimately decide, we are here for you.




I'm also going to go out on a limb here and say that while I think the ultimate goal is to get OFF the Benzos, I am aware of several situations where people have gotten down to lower doses, or gotten down to only one med (rather than being poly drugged) and then just stayed there.


I am fortunate in that due to my complex health issues I have a specialist consulting pharmacist who works with me and he has said that he has had patients who, for various reasons, couldn't, or didn't, taper down to zero and get off...and he has had patients who tapered to a certain point then held, sometimes for years, before finally tapering off completely. While the scary evidence suggests that patients on Benzos face increased cognitive, physical and quality of life risks, the evidence also suggests that patients who get down to lower doses still DO show improvement in cognitive, physical and quality of life parameters than those who remain on higher doses.


For some the issue becomes tolerance w/d, or interdose w/d, especially with Benzos with short half lives, so in those cases there may be no choice but to get off completely and wait to heal. For the vast majority of people getting OFF is best, but it does also seem that SOME patients do okay while taking smaller doses, either for life or for long "holding" periods, especially when it comes to health issues and quality of life issues.


Having been up and down on various doses of various Benzos for over 40 years, and now being on my FOURTH -- and what I'm determined will be my last -- w/d, I've had many docs suggest I stay on for life due to my health issues, my age and my history of Benzo use. I finally found a "team" willing to work with me and, after crossing over from Ativan to Valium, I then switched from the Ashton Cut and Hold to a micro-taper, which has helped tremendously, but this is all going soooooo much more s-l-o-w-l-y than I had planned and sometimes I just feel so frustrated about it all. However, really, when I stop and think about where I am now -- down to 4.75mgs V from the equivalent of 30mg just a about a year ago -- and how much better I am feeling overall, it seems well worth the effort!


I am still working toward being OFF completely, but due to my health and my age I am also focusing on doing it in a manner that still affords me the best quality of life I can have WHILE doing the taper. If I was 30 again and in relatively good health, I would be pushing harder and faster, but I really think when it comes to all this the best thing you can do is gather good info, get a support team in place if you can, start on the taper journey and pay attention to what your body is telling you...we all have different paths, paces and baggage, but we are all on the same journey.


Best wishes!



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You are right.

Slow helps everything repair at a rate the body can handle, but wanting to get off too soon can be detrimental.

Some will have such severe tolerance sx's that they will believe that it is all due to the benzo poison and jump from too high a dose.

This usually causes protracted wd.

I agree with what Bart did and see the benefits with my mom's taper.

Even when in severe intolerance, slowing the taper long enuf can eventually allow stabilization with long acting benzo's.

The body's receptors will re-adapt at differing rates of tapering, but Dr Ashton found that >10% is too fast.

I don't know if it is possible to stabilize going slower with short acting benzos.

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Ever since getting my Flu shot late last week, I have felt worse each day. As if I am coming down with something.


I know this makes no scientific sense at all but I have been feeling totally drained and week.


Anyone else have a similar reaction to a glut shot or could this just be taper sxs?





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Ever since getting my Flu shot late last week, I have felt worse each day. As if I am coming down with something.


I know this makes no scientific sense at all but I have been feeling totally drained and week.


Anyone else have a similar reaction to a glut shot or could this just be taper sxs?





The best possible prevention to the flu is keeping vitamin D levels within the optimum range of 60-80 ng/mL.


Flu shots lower the immune system and psych meds lower D levels.

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ATU I had some muscle aches from the flu shot for a couple of days but not much more than that.  I took Tylenol and  hot baths and it helped.  If you think you are having s/x from the flu shot or ramped up s/x from the taper the result is the same - just slow down and perhaps hold a couple of days more until you feel a little better.  By the way I also take Vit D as a supplement but a very low dose so perhaps that is why I did okay with the flu shot. Who knows - but I certainly didn't want to get the flu so for me it was worth it to get the shot. 
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ATU I had some muscle aches from the flu shot for a couple of days but not much more than that.  I took Tylenol and  hot baths and it helped.  If you think you are having s/x from the flu shot or ramped up s/x from the taper the result is the same - just slow down and perhaps hold a couple of days more until you feel a little better.  By the way I also take Vit D as a supplement but a very low dose so perhaps that is why I did okay with the flu shot. Who knows - but I certainly didn't want to get the flu so for me it was worth it to get the shot.




Thanks for replying. Holding is what I'm doing right now and always do when things get lousy.

The first few days after the shot all I had was a bit of soreness at the injection site.

The more I think of it the more I am convinced that this is just normal taper sxs.

I'll ride it out until it's better.


Maybe il try the Vit. D,..it can't hurt especially now that the snow is here and sun is so low and rarely shows its face!  :)


Take care.





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ATU I had some muscle aches from the flu shot for a couple of days but not much more than that.  I took Tylenol and  hot baths and it helped.  If you think you are having s/x from the flu shot or ramped up s/x from the taper the result is the same - just slow down and perhaps hold a couple of days more until you feel a little better.  By the way I also take Vit D as a supplement but a very low dose so perhaps that is why I did okay with the flu shot. Who knows - but I certainly didn't want to get the flu so for me it was worth it to get the shot. 

Hi Kgirl,

Keeping your vitamin D levels up if getting a flu shot can prevent the most common side effects and a cold compress on the injection site can lower the reaction and prevent swelling.


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Ever since getting my Flu shot late last week, I have felt worse each day. As if I am coming down with something.


I know this makes no scientific sense at all but I have been feeling totally drained and week.


Anyone else have a similar reaction to a glut shot or could this just be taper sxs?






Yup, I felt crappy after my shot, too,

Took a Few days, then back to normal.

Hang in there my friend. :smitten:


Flying back home. Wish me luck. It's pretty much near impossible to sit on a plane for 11+ hours right now but I'll do it anyway. Got to, right?



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Ever since getting my Flu shot late last week, I have felt worse each day. As if I am coming down with something.


I know this makes no scientific sense at all but I have been feeling totally drained and week.


Anyone else have a similar reaction to a glut shot or could this just be taper sxs?






Yup, I felt crappy after my shot, too,

Took a Few days, then back to normal.

Hang in there my friend. :smitten:


Flying back home. Wish me luck. It's pretty much near impossible to sit on a plane for 11+ hours right now but I'll do it anyway. Got to, right?






Thanks for sharing your experience with me, I thought I was just being hypocodritical!


Safe trip home, you will be fine. Prayers for your family there. :angel:





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