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I am on 2mg Ativan ( given for insomnia), taken as one dose at night. Been taking it for 3 years. I have just started to get some tolerance withdrawal symptoms for 3 weeks.... weakness anxiety.


I have now stated to split my dose. ....and am trying to find a way to stabilize before I begin my Ashton slow, slow taper. My Dr is supportive, and has given me a prescription at a compounding pharmacy for a measured liguid  Ativan taper.


Here is my question....should I try to taper off Ativan?? Or am I better off switching to Valium, and then doing a taper


A scared but hopeful newbie



If you can go down to 1 mg Ativan then cross over to 10 mg valium, then  do slow taper.


my 2 cents.




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I am on 2mg Ativan ( given for insomnia), taken as one dose at night. Been taking it for 3 years. I have just started to get some tolerance withdrawal symptoms for 3 weeks.... weakness anxiety.


I have now stated to split my dose. ....and am trying to find a way to stabilize before I begin my Ashton slow, slow taper. My Dr is supportive, and has given me a prescription at a compounding pharmacy for a measured liguid  Ativan taper.


Here is my question....should I try to taper off Ativan?? Or am I better off switching to Valium, and then doing a taper


A scared but hopeful newbie

Hi Tango and welcome.

That is a really difficult question to answer.

Ativan is so fast acting that holds don't help and the only way down is straight.

Switching to valium can make the taper much easier because it has a much longer half life and builds up in the system.

This allows holds to build up and lower sx's when they get out of hand.

However, there is no guarranty that the valium will cover all the ativan sx's and valium can cause new sx's as you go down.

2mg ativan = 20mg valium.

Some might taper the ativan down to a lower dose valium equvelant and then, cross over to valium and taper.

Some have directly tapered off ativan successfully.

Maybe others can provide more info.

Hi Tango, welcome to BB!  This is an excellent thread.  I joined in dec '14 and was just crossing over from 2.5 mg Ativan to 25 mg of Valium.  I too was taking Ativan once a day for sleep and found that it was ok to take 3 doses a day for a while.  I followed schedule 8 http://www.benzo.org.uk/manual/bzsched.htm#s8, and found it was much better for me, my only problem was impatience and always cutting in 7 days instead of sometimes taking a little longer.  The people on this thread can help you with liquid titration when you start getting into the lower numbers.  I started the vodka titration at 3.0mg.  Good Luck, you are well supported here in BenzoBuddyLand  :highfive:

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Hi everybody,

My Update:

the last few weeks I was doing pretty well, feeling almost normal and some days 100% normal,  with little waves,  but yesterday  I went to sleep at 2 am after watching TV, at 5 am I got a call from my job,  woke up and worked remotely  fixing some systems,  then went to work at 10 am, I just slept  3 hours,  then the hell broke up,  I started getting  anxiety and panic attacks, intrusive thoughts,  at noon I was fine,

then today at 9 am again,  I got the worst sx in months,  I got all the sx possible,  anxiety, BP, chest pain, dizziness, teeth pain, nausea, vomits,  the sleep deprivation is totally bad for the CNS.

I kept my regular Valium dose 0.90 mg.


Any ideas how to stop this madness?


I felt that I wont have these symptoms again, but they are here, I feel that I brought them myself.








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Sorry Tex. Maybe you will feel better after you get in some full nights sleep? I ALWAYS feel horrible the next day when my sleep is bad. Hope a good nights sleep provides you with relief.
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Sorry Tex. Maybe you will feel better after you get in some full nights sleep? I ALWAYS feel horrible the next day when my sleep is bad. Hope a good nights sleep provides you with relief.


Thanks Elizabeth,

yes, I'm going to bed early today, try to be tired to get a deep sleep.


I want a relief from this horrid sx.






:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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Hi everybody,

My Update:

the last few weeks I was doing pretty well, feeling almost normal and some days 100% normal,  with little waves,  but yesterday  I went to sleep at 2 am after watching TV, at 5 am I got a call from my job,  woke up and worked remotely  fixing some systems,  then went to work at 10 am, I just slept  3 hours,  then the hell broke up,  I started getting  anxiety and panic attacks, intrusive thoughts,  at noon I was fine,

then today at 9 am again,  I got the worst sx in months,  I got all the sx possible,  anxiety, BP, chest pain, dizziness, teeth pain, nausea, vomits,  the sleep deprivation is totally bad for the CNS.

I kept my regular Valium dose 0.90 mg.


Any ideas how to stop this madness?


I felt that I wont have these symptoms again, but they are here, I feel that I brought them myself.






sorry to hear it Tex, I am of no help in the cheering up committee because I am in a fire blaze of a wave myself right now...pretty much 6 days no sleep.  I hope it gets better.  2.5 to 2 was a big drop(almost 20 %), and 1.9 to 1 was massive, maybe you need to hold and allow your brain to heal.  The change of weather I am sure is not helping.

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Hi everybody,

My Update:

the last few weeks I was doing pretty well, feeling almost normal and some days 100% normal,  with little waves,  but yesterday  I went to sleep at 2 am after watching TV, at 5 am I got a call from my job,  woke up and worked remotely  fixing some systems,  then went to work at 10 am, I just slept  3 hours,  then the hell broke up,  I started getting  anxiety and panic attacks, intrusive thoughts,  at noon I was fine,

then today at 9 am again,  I got the worst sx in months,  I got all the sx possible,  anxiety, BP, chest pain, dizziness, teeth pain, nausea, vomits,  the sleep deprivation is totally bad for the CNS.

I kept my regular Valium dose 0.90 mg.


Any ideas how to stop this madness?


I felt that I wont have these symptoms again, but they are here, I feel that I brought them myself.






As much as we want to know WHY it happened now... Wondering if we did too much, if we ate something wrong, etc... Sometimes it's just plain old withdrawal.

It's of no use to blame yourself . If you could have done anything about it, you would have done it by now, Texie.

You've been here plenty of times before . Just be kind to yourself and try to kind of take comfort int he knowledge that it'll pass again as it does. You were doing poorly a few weeks ago too. And then it all went away.

I'm hoping it'll happen soon. Try not to panic.. It comes as it comes and we have little to no control when it does.

You'll be ok, alright ?


Many hugs,

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moutainyogi, I wish I knew of something that would help you to get sleep, I think that is one of the hardest things to handle. Since you have decided to hold for a while, that may help, could you be going too fast with your taper?
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Hi everybody,

My Update:

the last few weeks I was doing pretty well, feeling almost normal and some days 100% normal,  with little waves,  but yesterday  I went to sleep at 2 am after watching TV, at 5 am I got a call from my job,  woke up and worked remotely  fixing some systems,  then went to work at 10 am, I just slept  3 hours,  then the hell broke up,  I started getting  anxiety and panic attacks, intrusive thoughts,  at noon I was fine,

then today at 9 am again,  I got the worst sx in months,  I got all the sx possible,  anxiety, BP, chest pain, dizziness, teeth pain, nausea, vomits,  the sleep deprivation is totally bad for the CNS.

I kept my regular Valium dose 0.90 mg.


Any ideas how to stop this madness?


I felt that I wont have these symptoms again, but they are here, I feel that I brought them myself.






sorry to hear it Tex, I am of no help in the cheering up committee because I am in a fire blaze of a wave myself right now...pretty much 6 days no sleep.  I hope it gets better.  2.5 to 2 was a big drop(almost 20 %), and 1.9 to 1 was massive, maybe you need to hold and allow your brain to heal.  The change of weather I am sure is not helping.


Thanks Yogi for your  kind words, yes the weather change is affecting me, now is cold in Texas, I'm use to the hot weather,  cold is not my friend.  I'm sorry that you are in a bad wave,  like Moo said It will pass, always does. 

Hope you get well soon. 






:smitten: :smitten:

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I'm sorry to hear this. I am the same if sleep eludes me too much my sxs are exaggerated. Try not to fear the sxs too much and gradually calm yourself through acceptance.

Eventually the sleep will improve and so will your overall condition.


Are you taking anything to help with sleep?


Hang in there! 👍



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Hi everybody,

My Update:

the last few weeks I was doing pretty well, feeling almost normal and some days 100% normal,  with little waves,  but yesterday  I went to sleep at 2 am after watching TV, at 5 am I got a call from my job,  woke up and worked remotely  fixing some systems,  then went to work at 10 am, I just slept  3 hours,  then the hell broke up,  I started getting  anxiety and panic attacks, intrusive thoughts,  at noon I was fine,

then today at 9 am again,  I got the worst sx in months,  I got all the sx possible,  anxiety, BP, chest pain, dizziness, teeth pain, nausea, vomits,  the sleep deprivation is totally bad for the CNS.

I kept my regular Valium dose 0.90 mg.


Any ideas how to stop this madness?


I felt that I wont have these symptoms again, but they are here, I feel that I brought them myself.






As much as we want to know WHY it happened now... Wondering if we did too much, if we ate something wrong, etc... Sometimes it's just plain old withdrawal.

It's of no use to blame yourself . If you could have done anything about it, you would have done it by now, Texie.

You've been here plenty of times before . Just be kind to yourself and try to kind of take comfort int he knowledge that it'll pass again as it does. You were doing poorly a few weeks ago too. And then it all went away.

I'm hoping it'll happen soon. Try not to panic.. It comes as it comes and we have little to no control when it does.

You'll be ok, alright ?


Many hugs,


Dear Moo,

Thanks for stop by and help me, you are an angel in this BB forum, your words means so much to me, Yes, I always tried to ask why it happened,  I ate something wrong?, in this case I think is the sleep deprivation.    yesterday I went to bed at 11 pm and woke up at 3:30 am,  which is not good,  I will try to rest and be kind with myself.

few weeks ago I got an episode after that I was OK, now again,  the nausea still now. 

hope this day will be better. 


Moo, take care of yourself, I know that we all are going trough difficult times, but It will pass!!!  OK?


Thank you so  much for  you help!


many hugs



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I'm sorry to hear this. I am the same if sleep eludes me too much my sxs are exaggerated. Try not to fear the sxs too much and gradually calm yourself through acceptance.

Eventually the sleep will improve and so will your overall condition.


Are you taking anything to help with sleep?


Hang in there! 👍





No, I'm not taking anything to sleep,  I was sleeping enough, maybe 6 to 7 hours, suddenly the last 2 days only 3 o 3:30 hours,  which is not good,  hope It will get better. 

Acceptance is the key word, that is true.

Thanks my friend for your  words.




:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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I do usually take some natural herbs to help with sleep.

Like one called "Calms Forte" it is available in most health food shops. If my sleep is really bad I may take half a Unisom or a Bendryl.


I hope you get some sleep tonight.


Take care my friend.


:thumbsup: :thumbsup:



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moutainyogi, I wish I knew of something that would help you to get sleep, I think that is one of the hardest things to handle. Since you have decided to hold for a while, that may help, could you be going too fast with your taper?


like Moo and Tex said, it too will pass. Yes I was going a bit fast. My husband made a chart for me and did the recommended times I should stay at 2.1, 2.0, 1.9, ....4 to 5 days for each, and I would hold 3 days so I have reconsidered and slowed down.  This will be a great practice for this yogi to hold at 1.80 for another week(at my niece's request so we can actually get this bird cooked for Thanksgiving).  I tried Moo's orange juice formula(maybe it takes a few days to kick in??). I am also trying as Mosart does, eating a piece of toast with almond butter.  I am desperate ::).  One of the herbologists at the natural pharmacy told me about PS (Phosphatidylserine), anyone hear of this?  It is supposed to help with cortisol surges.

I actually had a better sleep yesterday.  Better meaning I only woke up once at 330 and was able to get back to sleep(a good night for me), instead of being up every hour with crazy thoughts and severe agitation.  I still and have always had the heart palpitations in the morning. I do some deep slow breathing and meditate on the fact  that I am in control, not this drug, and I can usually get it to stop.  Thank you for your concern BeGood

Moodle, I hope you are taking care of yourself in this difficult time; the outpouring of love and support for you on your blog is touching and inspiring.

Tex, you and I will tough out these last couple of mg, I know it!!!!

ATU, the calmes forte is an excellent product, I usually take it every night before bed. I hope you are well.

What has happened to our recent jumpers OKatz and Smiffy?  I have seen Katz chime in here and there, but where has the Aussie gone?  I hope she is well.

cheers Buddies :smitten:

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Mountain yogi,


I too suffer poor or no sleep..


I heard of moo's cortisol drink.. I have those items...do you drink it at night.?


Or  upon weakening at wee hours?


I'm desperate for sleep..

I use a cpap device for sleep apnea. But after 2 weeks, my insomnia the same...

I guess it helps o2 levels.  But I'm still fatigued and spacey every day from no or poor sleep..


Any thing you could share is appreciated.


Rose. Terry

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moutainyogi, I wish I knew of something that would help you to get sleep, I think that is one of the hardest things to handle. Since you have decided to hold for a while, that may help, could you be going too fast with your taper?


like Moo and Tex said, it too will pass. Yes I was going a bit fast. My husband made a chart for me and did the recommended times I should stay at 2.1, 2.0, 1.9, ....4 to 5 days for each, and I would hold 3 days so I have reconsidered and slowed down.  This will be a great practice for this yogi to hold at 1.80 for another week(at my niece's request so we can actually get this bird cooked for Thanksgiving).  I tried Moo's orange juice formula(maybe it takes a few days to kick in??). I am also trying as Mosart does, eating a piece of toast with almond butter.  I am desperate ::).  One of the herbologists at the natural pharmacy told me about PS (Phosphatidylserine), anyone hear of this?  It is supposed to help with cortisol surges.

I actually had a better sleep yesterday.  Better meaning I only woke up once at 330 and was able to get back to sleep(a good night for me), instead of being up every hour with crazy thoughts and severe agitation.  I still and have always had the heart palpitations in the morning. I do some deep slow breathing and meditate on the fact  that I am in control, not this drug, and I can usually get it to stop.  Thank you for your concern BeGood

Moodle, I hope you are taking care of yourself in this difficult time; the outpouring of love and support for you on your blog is touching and inspiring.

Tex, you and I will tough out these last couple of mg, I know it!!!!

ATU, the calmes forte is an excellent product, I usually take it every night before bed. I hope you are well.

What has happened to our recent jumpers OKatz and Smiffy?  I have seen Katz chime in here and there, but where has the Aussie gone?  I hope she is well.

cheers Buddies :smitten:



You are such a great inspiration, you are helping people even you are sometimes in bad waves,  YES!! We are the next jumpers, by I'm going very slow and holding, I don't want to have problems after my jump,  I wish we can be 100% healed after jumping, seems that is not the case for some jumpers, the battle doesn't finish there,  we need to heal our brain.  and have the less stress events as possible.    but how can we have a life without stress, every moment something bad happen, I'm just trying to follow ATU's word:  acceptance, for the good and for the bad things. 



hope the lower dose dont hit you hard.


many  hugs





ps.  Moo is an ANGEL!!!


:smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Mountain yogi,


I too suffer poor or no sleep..


I heard of moo's cortisol drink.. I have those items...do you drink it at night.?


Or  upon weakening at wee hours?


I'm desperate for sleep..

I use a cpap device for sleep apnea. But after 2 weeks, my insomnia the same...

I guess it helps o2 levels.  But I'm still fatigued and spacey every day from no or poor sleep..


Any thing you could share is appreciated.


Rose. Terry




The CPAP will help you a lot, It's great to prevent snoring,  and sleep apnea.  just choose the correct Mask.








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Hello friends,

Just checking in and saying thanks for the support.

Withdrawal wise, I'm kinda dizzy and tinnitus is at an all time hig but that's not too wired, considering the current circumstances.

When it comes to that, I just keep going., like we all do,


Hoping all of you are as well as can be right now.



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Mountain yogi,


I too suffer poor or no sleep..


I heard of moo's cortisol drink.. I have those items...do you drink it at night.?


Or  upon weakening at wee hours?


I'm desperate for sleep..

I use a cpap device for sleep apnea. But after 2 weeks, my insomnia the same...

I guess it helps o2 levels.  But I'm still fatigued and spacey every day from no or poor sleep..


Any thing you could share is appreciated.


Rose. Terry


Rosegal, I am almost embarrassed to post all of the things I do to sleep at night.  I take 1000 mg of Tryptophan and a formula called Kavinace p.m. It has pharma-GABA and melatonin in a proprietary formula. I take a brew of about 15 different herbs that my apothecary makes up for me every night before bed.  I put lavender on my face and pillow, and take 3 Calmes Forte as I lay down. When I get desperate I try to use a little MMJ, but I do not find that it always works for me.  When the cortisol is blazing, the MMJ seems to amplify it. I am currently trying Moo's adrenal orange juice formula, and if howling at the moon would work, I would do that too :laugh:  I hope you find some peace, God know WE ALL DESERVE IT ;)

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Hello friends,

Just checking in and saying thanks for the support.

Withdrawal wise, I'm kinda dizzy and tinnitus is at an all time hig but that's not too wired, considering the current circumstances.

When it comes to that, I just keep going., like we all do,


Hoping all of you are as well as can be right now.





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Mountain yogi,


I too suffer poor or no sleep..


I heard of moo's cortisol drink.. I have those items...do you drink it at night.?


Or  upon weakening at wee hours?


I'm desperate for sleep..

I use a cpap device for sleep apnea. But after 2 weeks, my insomnia the same...

I guess it helps o2 levels.  But I'm still fatigued and spacey every day from no or poor sleep..


Any thing you could share is appreciated.


Rose. Terry


I first got this adrenal cocktail from Etown and I discovered many people were drinking it.


Rosy, you can drink it at night,yes. So you use the glucose from the oranges juice For the night time.

You can also drinks a second one in the afternoon or morning.



Let us know how it went at the dentist ?


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Mountain yogi,


I too suffer poor or no sleep..


I heard of moo's cortisol drink.. I have those items...do you drink it at night.?


Or  upon weakening at wee hours?


I'm desperate for sleep..

I use a cpap device for sleep apnea. But after 2 weeks, my insomnia the same...

I guess it helps o2 levels.  But I'm still fatigued and spacey every day from no or poor sleep..


Any thing you could share is appreciated.


Rose. Terry


I first got this adrenal cocktail from Etown and I discovered many people were drinking it.


Rosy, you can drink it at night,yes. So you use the glucose from the oranges juice For the night time.

You can also drinks a second one in the afternoon or morning.



Let us know how it went at the dentist ?


Moo, does it take a few days to kick in?

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Hello friends,

Just checking in and saying thanks for the support.

Withdrawal wise, I'm kinda dizzy and tinnitus is at an all time hig but that's not too wired, considering the current circumstances.

When it comes to that, I just keep going., like we all do,


Hoping all of you are as well as can be right now.



Hi Moo,

Thanks for the update.

My mom has never had the tinnitus, but the floaty boaty dizziness has gone away.

Hopefully, you sx's will be short lived.

Still praying for your family.

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Mountain yogi,


I too suffer poor or no sleep..


I heard of moo's cortisol drink.. I have those items...do you drink it at night.?


Or  upon weakening at wee hours?


I'm desperate for sleep..

I use a cpap device for sleep apnea. But after 2 weeks, my insomnia the same...

I guess it helps o2 levels.  But I'm still fatigued and spacey every day from no or poor sleep..


Any thing you could share is appreciated.


Rose. Terry


I first got this adrenal cocktail from Etown and I discovered many people were drinking it.


Rosy, you can drink it at night,yes. So you use the glucose from the oranges juice For the night time.

You can also drinks a second one in the afternoon or morning.



Let us know how it went at the dentist ?


Moo, does it take a few days to kick in?



Can you explain the adrenal cocktail formula?  I missed that post.

what is it exactly ?





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well sorry to say my neurologist knows next to NOTHING when it comes to these drugs.


he tried to tell me that within ONE month of coming off Zoloft I would have no w/d effects!!!!


anyway he has me coming BACK in on Monday to have EEG leads placed AGAIN and then I go home and wear them for 2 days...the EEG that was done in office was fine...but he says that's 30  minutes out of an entire day and just to rule out any seizure activity.


so I get to walk around like Frankenstein next week. Will scare my grandkids to death when they see me.


also he wants me to start Amitriptyline at night to see if that helps..Not going to start that until I get results of EEG. May not start it at all if this is all w/d

I am going to switch out .125mg Lorazepam for 1mg Diazepam tonight...will hold that for a week and then try another .125mg off that same dose with another 1mg on


that way I will be even with all lorazepam doses .25mg 4xs a day...so I can start with the tapering


going to MT .001 every other day to start (kgirl suggestion)  and see how I do. I will have to eventually go to all diazepam since DR is not willing to allow me to do partial c/o..but want to cut from loraz as much as possible before I go to all diazepam..


of course all this can change over night knowing me

so that's that. another Dr who knows less then I do...how sad

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