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Tenacious Tinnitus Club – Ear Pressure, Noise and Hyperacusis


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Has anybody else got Hyperacusis so bad that even vibration causes pain? Even moving my head or neck sounds like a bomb going off in my brain when I got earplugs in and I can't not go without them, and the vibration from my own footsteps do the same. I have to eat with them in and the crunching noise is terrible too.


I also feel sick with it sometimes and my balance gets bad on times, and I just found an article on vestibular hyperacusis that will have this effect, but balance problems and nausea is  also known Benzo withdrawal symptoms in their own right. But now I think its possible that maybe its  vestibular hyperacusis in some cases.


vestibular hyperacusis  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vestibular_hyperacusis



Love Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:


Yes I had it that bad but I healed and the Hyperacusis eventually turned into tinnitus and now the tinnitus is slowly healing.  I remember walking on gravel and I could hear the gravel as if it where being crushed in my ears.  Looking back on my taper I'd say 90% of all my w/d hell came from the ears.  Hyperacusis, vertigo and the tinnitus which I still have and heals at a snails pace.


As far as ear pain I got to a point where it felt like a full blown ear infection.  This comes from all the fine muscles holding the ear bones going into a cramp.  Part of Hyperacusis is from having the muscles in your ears pulling the ear drum too tight making it hyper responsive along with the NMDA receptors just firing on hair triggers due to lack of gabaergic inhibition.


  The end of the taper was very difficult for me and hit my ears very hard!

Personally I would taper slower and hold more if I had to do it again.

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Has anybody else got Hyperacusis so bad that even vibration causes pain? Even moving my head or neck sounds like a bomb going off in my brain when I got earplugs in and I can't not go without them, and the vibration from my own footsteps do the same. I have to eat with them in and the crunching noise is terrible too.


I also feel sick with it sometimes and my balance gets bad on times, and I just found an article on vestibular hyperacusis that will have this effect, but balance problems and nausea is  also known Benzo withdrawal symptoms in their own right. But now I think its possible that maybe its  vestibular hyperacusis in some cases.


vestibular hyperacusis  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vestibular_hyperacusis



Love Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:


Yes I had it that bad but I healed and the Hyperacusis eventually turned into tinnitus and now the tinnitus is slowly healing.  I remember walking on gravel and I could hear the gravel as if it where being crushed in my ears.  Looking back on my taper I'd say 90% of all my w/d hell came from the ears.  Hyperacusis, vertigo and the tinnitus which I still have and heals at a snails pace.


As far as ear pain I got to a point where it felt like a full blown ear infection.  This comes from all the fine muscles holding the ear bones going into a cramp.  Part of Hyperacusis is from having the muscles in your ears pulling the ear drum too tight making it hyper responsive along with the NMDA receptors just firing on hair triggers due to lack of gabaergic inhibition.


  The end of the taper was very difficult for me and hit my ears very hard!

Personally I would taper slower and hold more if I had to do it again.


Hi Birdie  :hug: Thanks for your reply, I also have tenacious tinnitus, ear pressure, along with other ear issues, and the changing tones of the tinnitus also effect the hyperacusis as well.


And even running a tap with the earplugs in is agony, its not just the air sound but also the vibration of all sound a that hits the bones that carry sound and none of the earplugs I've tried do anything to prevent it, and now the sound the plugs were blocking breaks through as well. Do you have any earplug or any other suggestions that I can try  ? And I hear you on feeling like the ears are inflamed and infected and the itching is dreadful too plus the ear muscle spasm and cramping, putting ear plugs in and removing them also awful as well.


I'm slow tapering, really slow as I have to keep holding, buy man!! I'm suffering as if I'm CT and I don't remember the few  CT's I went through being this bad to be honest .  Mind I don't remember much about it at all except being in a permanent state of terror It was fkn terrible but I didn't have Hypercusis or half the other pain symptoms I have now which began in 10 year's of known tolerance WD I was in that was repeatedly misdiagnosed. The only 'Hearing' problem I can recall from past WD is auditory hallucinations, and that's started as well the last few days, I keep hearing the Ice cream truck music when its not there and other bits of music. And if I catch a noticeable sound when I take the earplugs out that plays repeatedly in my brain, and I also get the 'dentist drill' as you mentioned. I noticed that people are using different sounds to help but it seems that every tone on the planet is effecting me now and as for white noise suggestions??? EEKK!!!  :D :D :D I used to find Binural beats helpful a year ago but its hell now >:D



Love Nova xxx :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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The only 'Hearing' problem I can recall from past WD is auditory hallucinations, and that's started as well the last few days, I keep hearing the Ice cream truck music when its not there and other bits of music.


i still have the auditory hallucinations and keep hearing the train coming by when it's not. the hyperacusis for me is more severe of the vibration than the sounds. and any kind of movement in the house and it's also coupled with the startle response. it's been one my worst symptoms this whole time. it calms down from time to time and just for a short while where all sounds are normal again. boy, what a difference. but it's the vibration of sound that hurts me the most. i can't believe how physical this symptom is. i still don't have the tinnitus symptom, just the auditory hallucinations from time to time.

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The only 'Hearing' problem I can recall from past WD is auditory hallucinations, and that's started as well the last few days, I keep hearing the Ice cream truck music when its not there and other bits of music.


i still have the auditory hallucinations and keep hearing the train coming by when it's not. the hyperacusis for me is more severe of the vibration than the sounds. and any kind of movement in the house and it's also coupled with the startle response. it's been one my worst symptoms this whole time. it calms down from time to time and just for a short while where all sounds are normal again. boy, what a difference. but it's the vibration of sound that hurts me the most. i can't believe how physical this symptom is. i still don't have the tinnitus symptom, just the auditory hallucinations from time to time.



I have the startled response problem as well Pretty  :'( and its not just outside noise caused by indoor moment, like my neighbors or myself moving about but also ''inner noise'.  Moving  my body and inner workings going on just moving my head, arms, neck sounds like a legion of bombs going off in my brain and typing also makes sounds via my fingers, I can actually 'hear'' through other body parts besides my ears :'( Year's ago there was a little Chinese boy on TV  who was born stone deaf, he grabbed another child around the throat in an argument and started yelling 'I can hear him!!!  I now know exactly what he meant, :D  I bought a set of Industrial ear protectors which stop all noise but can't wear them as they make my brain squeezes and head pressure and pain a lot worse :'(


And I got all sorts of noises with whats ongoing along side each other, and before all this I had hearing on par with an animal naturally so that make sit worse. My friend has a Pit Bull and I was sat talking to her in her bedroom with others as she was unwell, I kept telling her a Car had silently coasted down the road. And now some one was trying her side gate. Everyone said no way as the Dog would have heard it and gone through the window if that happened, in the end because I wouldn't shut up just to 'prove me wrong'' as they all said everyone went to the window.


There was a Car belonged to a  drug addict she knew outside, he was sat behind the wheel  and another guy was trying to get  in through her gate. I hung out in and with nature all my life, my Hippy Friend used to say that man has lost his connection to Nature  but you haven't, in the Night you become the Animal. I walked through forest with no artificial light all my life where even big hard men where afraid to walk and thought I was brave or insane, I felt completely safe there. Now the same ability is my enemy in WD, or not my ''enemy'' but my naturally normal heightened senses are now beyond living with. I feel like Jim Carey film 'Bruce Almighty'' I can hear everything, feel everything and its seriously painfully  fkn traumatic :o


Love Nova xxx :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  So sorry you are still suffering with this Nova.  I have tinnitus but not the bad s/x's you have.  Tinnitus was the first thing I noticed in interdose w/d.  I didnt realize what it was, I thought it was the cable box buzzing but it gradually got louder.  Now it is just there but it is not one of my worst s/x's.  I have terrible burning tongue, UTI and various other horrible things.  Its amazing what these drugs have done to us.  Drs. still don't get it.  I tell my Dr. and he sits there and writes it all down but I get the feeling he things I'm nuts but he is so kind and he will prescribe the Valium so I just love him for that.  Anyway jsut wanted to say I hope this lifts for you soon and hope everyone can get some good windows and relief today. 
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  So sorry you are still suffering with this Nova.  I have tinnitus but not the bad s/x's you have.  Tinnitus was the first thing I noticed in interdose w/d.  I didnt realize what it was, I thought it was the cable box buzzing but it gradually got louder.  Now it is just there but it is not one of my worst s/x's.  I have terrible burning tongue, UTI and various other horrible things.  Its amazing what these drugs have done to us.  Drs. still don't get it.  I tell my Dr. and he sits there and writes it all down but I get the feeling he things I'm nuts but he is so kind and he will prescribe the Valium so I just love him for that.  Anyway jsut wanted to say I hope this lifts for you soon and hope everyone can get some good windows and relief today.


Thank you Freeme  :hug:

Love Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Do not be afraid to taper very slowly and by that I mean many years long is just fine.  Its not a good idea to suffer too much tinnitus as your brain can create this as a new pathway.  Keep tinnitus to a minimum and taper long and careful.
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Had the hyperacusis super super bad during taper--still have it but its gotten a bit better. 


Have the tinnitus always in one ear.  It's constant, no let-up.  Been drug free for 3 months.  Also have ear popping.  My taper was a bit fast.  Was also on Remeron but off it all. Hope the tinnitus eases one day.  It's a really nasty tough symptom, especially when its constant with no let-up.  I feel for everyone who has this nasty ear symptom.  If you have hyperacusis on top of it, it's just terrible.  I had hyperacusis so bad that when I typed on a keyboard, that sound hurt my ears bad--that's how low my sound tolerance level was.  Thank goodness that has improved.  With the T, no real improvement, but i've only been drug free for 3 months.


I've begun reading this thread from beginning, I couldn't do it previously as my concentration and focus ability is all over the place, but I just found this  above post, and this Buddie sound very much like myself. I didn't realise it but my Hypercusis and tinnitus started in tolerance WD, but was manageable. The tinnitus I noticed, the Hypearcusis I never cottoned on that certain sounds, tones  were to blame for other symptoms I had, like a high pitched sonic echo noise each time my feet hit the floor. I thought there was something wrong with my new wellington boots as the noise became noticeable after I bought them, and went walking in the woods, now I get a bomb going off in my head with the earplugs in each time my feet touch the ground as well.


But thing have gotten to point hell since I went from dry cut and hold to micro tapering using plain spring  water, I did try the vodka with water once a couple of weeks  man!!!! :D It was only 3mls of Vodka in 200mls of water and it burned right around my brain as I swallowed my dose and tripped off other sxs and pushed up my already present sxs to even more painful and hard to bear so I went back to  just water.


Do not be afraid to taper very slowly and by that I mean many years long is just fine.  Its not a good idea to suffer too much tinnitus as your brain can create this as a new pathway.  Keep tinnitus to a minimum and taper long and careful.'' Birdman




I am tapering slowly Birdie :hug:, and have had to hold more time than I would have liked to but yesterday I remembered that back in December after originally being CT'd from 20mg Disappear to 10mg, over time I cut myself down by another 4mg to 6mg by tapering 0.25

( a quarter of a pill) each month after having a hip replacement op while in unknown tolerance WD and CT on top. I wasn't aware that I had been kindled  over the ayer's, and that and being CT'd off different Benzo's, or that Benzos  were used in operations, and the bad effect it has.


I was very ill after the op and in terrible mess after I got home I now know why. Pain levels got way worse, I was ''vibrating' I felt like I was having a mental and nervous break down, and believed I had Alzheimer's kicking in as I felt completely lost in my own home.  I didn't know what I was doing and couldn't remember words or how to do the simplest of thing's or what the names of things were and my own name felt wrong brain cog fog rom hell. I even got lost a few minutes from my homewalking a straight road to the local shops, and didn't know what I was doing when I managed to find the shop which was in front of me :o


I realised that it was something to do with the drugs I was on, and I had been put back on Oxycontin and Dyhdrocodine, and Oxycontin which were all drugs I previously took myself off, and after a few weeks tapered off them again but was still taking Amytriplyline that was given to me with a bunch of other pain meds and stuff because of year's of chronic pain. Yep!! Benzos tolerance withdrawl which kept getting misdiagnosed, so I then believed it was the Amyltryptyline so stopped that completely in one go.


Then when still no let up I began the benzo taper down to 6mgs, and stayed at 6mgs for about 5 year's and never knew that once agi I had hit tolerance but last December Decided to get off the 6mg by dropping 1mg right away down to 5mg. Then about can't remember if it was 2 or 4 weeks later tried to drop another 1mg too rough so dropped a quarter, that hit me but in the pain department more tan anything else for 3 months but it was bearable, apart from the fact I was house bound I felt OK mentally and was coping.


I then decided to microtaper from 4Mg's, the Hypercusis just got worse along with brain squeezes and other head sxs along with burning pain stuff. Now yesterday I realised that its probably not just the 6mls its taken me to 7 months to cut down, but what I've cut down from since December, 2Mg's pills plus the 6mls liquid as I put a 2mg pill in water and toss a cut out from there and take my other 2mg pill at night.


Now reading the post above that buddie had the samething happen and so did others the Hypercusis/tinnitus hit them while tapering as well. So it appears that its common in tapering but some got better as they hit lower numbers of once off. But reading posts like the above one helps to keep me a bit more hopeful things will get better as right now its awful :'(, and I have complete empathy for anyone whose suffering period.


Love Nova xxxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:



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I have been reading around the web for useful information, I don't know if any of this is already on this thread as I haven't read it all and its a very long thread, so I am putting this info here for those that need to see it, I hope its of help.



Love Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: 






not a disease, just the ability to hear sounds generated by the auditory (hearing) system, evidence of compensatory mechanisms that are part of its normal function. The problem is the distress created – not the type of sound.


Somatosounds ( I have this as well as Hyperacusis and tenacious Tinittus)


Body sounds) generated elsewhere e.g. heart sounds, muscle clicks, which become noticeable or instrusive. The problem is the distress created – not the type of sound!


Things that go bump in the night  (somatosounds etchttp://www.tinnitus.org/Things%20that%20go%20bump.pdf





dislike of environment sound(s). With or without tinnitus! Varies from ‘chalk scratching on blackboard’ to dislike of all sounds around you.





fear of environmental sounds. Fear that they may damage hearing or make other symptoms worse…



dislike of environment sound(s). With or without tinnitus! Varies from ‘chalk scratching on blackboard’ to dislike of all sounds around you.




over-amplification of environmental sounds in the auditory pathways. Everyday sounds seem too loud, but  other people aren’t complaining!



Jastreboff model

a new scientific analysis of tinnitus and hyperacusis.Since 1990 this thesis has never been seriously challenged, and is being adopted and referenced by increasing numbers of researchers and clinicians. It explains clearly and simply all the above phenomena and their close relationships.



Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT)


treatment based directly on the Jastreboff model. It uses a precise and individual combination of sound therapy and teaching / demystification / learning about tinnitus and  hyperacusis mechanisms, with directions about how to return to normal life without provoking symptoms.  1000+ professionals around the world have attended training courses and many have published identical excellent results to our own



The TRT method in practice http://www.tinnitus.org/TRT_in_practice.pdf



Results of tinnitus retraining therapy http://www.tinnitus.org/Results_of_TRT.pdf



Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Centre, London UK ...



(Hyperacusis, misophonia, phonophobia

and recruitment - decreased sound tolerance  http://www.tinnitus.org/Handout%203_DST_jh_oct2002.pdf

The effect of silence on tinnitus perception http://www.tinnitus.org/Effects%20of%20silence%20on%20tinnitus.pdf






Noted by the 'Hyperacusis Network''...


"Certain triggering factors for DSTare commonly reported by patients such as: chronic exposure to sound, e.g., at work, school, explosion and impulse noise, e.g., guns, fireworks; head injury, surgery of the head (particularly involving ear); stress associated with an event / activity involving sound, e.g., dental procedure, wedding, concert, participating for first time in summer camp, eating in new, stressful surrounding, cafeteria in new school or in college, sound of eating of a new unfriendly person, sounds after moving to a new house or to college.Some medical problems are linked to DST with tinnitus being most common.Lyme disease, withdrawal from benzodiazepines and tensor tympani syndrome, some surgical procedure, genetic disorder (William syndrome) and autism have been linked to DST as well."  http://www.hyperacusis.net/hyperacusis





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Good work to pull this together. Thanks. I've heard things that just aren't there, so I've been told. Deep thrumming, at beginning of taper. What's definition of that? Also, had auditory hallucination, a voice said " hello". At least it was friendly!  :idiot::smitten: just that once...it never said "goodbye".  :laugh:


Thanks for the links.


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Good work to pull this together. Thanks. I've heard things that just aren't there, so I've been told. Deep thrumming, at beginning of taper. What's definition of that? Also, had auditory hallucination, a voice said " hello". At least it was friendly!  :idiot::smitten: just that once...it never said "goodbye".  :laugh:

Thanks for the links.





Hi Benniejets  :hug: I have Auditory hallucinations as well,  :o I keep hearing the 'Invisible Ice cream van' voices, and see the odd 'not there'' thing as well, OH!! the not so wonderful world of withdrawal and its sneaky freaky  family ''The  symptoms'' DOH!  ;)



  Love Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:



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Hi all, my TT started before my taper =Torance Withdrawl or maybe not? Since taper lots worse but my question is i find if i can get a nap in when i awake it ripping nasty loud anyone else find this to be so? ~Thanks ~CD
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Good work to pull this together. Thanks. I've heard things that just aren't there, so I've been told. Deep thrumming, at beginning of taper. What's definition of that? Also, had auditory hallucination, a voice said " hello". At least it was friendly!  :idiot::smitten: just that once...it never said "goodbye".  :laugh:


Thanks for the links.




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Still having really loud hallucinations at sleep, the white noise ones of laughing or music have stopped, for now. Hyperacusis is really bad in terms of external sound, although I can hear my internal sound (cracking and stuff) Tinnitus is VERY loud....Super high pitched, more dominant in left ear, and pulses and switches tones a lot making me really dizzy. Also, lots of pressure in left ear and tension, believe it or not, fluid leaking, popping, ripping, periods of going semi deaf with a low hum tone and burning. My left ear is definitely more affected, right is just a light shrill ringing. 
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Hi all, my TT started before my taper =Torance Withdrawl or maybe not? Since taper lots worse but my question is i find if i can get a nap in when i awake it ripping nasty loud anyone else find this to be so? ~Thanks ~CD


More tinnitus on waking is normal as your brain gets flooded with extra glutamate as a natural part of the waking process. The first thing I grab is my iphone and turn my ear buds to loud and listen to some music first thing, it helps those first nasty 10 minutes first thing in the morning.    If you really want to see how this works have your partner wake you up one morning yelling FIRE - FIRE!!!  That really makes for loud tinnitus  :laugh:

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Still having really loud hallucinations at sleep, the white noise ones of laughing or music have stopped, for now. Hyperacusis is really bad in terms of external sound, although I can hear my internal sound (cracking and stuff) Tinnitus is VERY loud....Super high pitched, more dominant in left ear, and pulses and switches tones a lot making me really dizzy. Also, lots of pressure in left ear and tension, believe it or not, fluid leaking, popping, ripping, periods of going semi deaf with a low hum tone and burning. My left ear is definitely more affected, right is just a light shrill ringing.


I feel your pain CP    :smitten:

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  Last night I felt pulsing in my ears on top of the Tinnitus.  I only feel this once in a while but the T is always there, sometimes louder than at other times.  I said in an earlier post this was the first s/x I noticed and then started with others that led me to the Net and I saw I was having I/d or tolerance w/d, dont know which but now I have a bunch others.  Burning neuropathy is the worst one though.  I sure hope this all someday is a distant memory for us all.
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  No it doesn't change the sound, its just like a thump in the ear, very disturbing, My T mostly stays at the same pitch, like a buzzing cable sound. 
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Thanks Bird!


Free, have you noticed the pulsing changes the sound of your tinnitus at all?


Some place in this thread I did a writeup on the  Tensor_tympani_muscle




Sometimes benzo w/d gives people TTTS




It will get better :angel:

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Hi all, my TT started before my taper =Torance Withdrawl or maybe not? Since taper lots worse but my question is i find if i can get a nap in when i awake it ripping nasty loud anyone else find this to be so? ~Thanks ~CD


More tinnitus on waking is normal as your brain gets flooded with extra glutamate as a natural part of the waking process. The first thing I grab is my iphone and turn my ear buds to loud and listen to some music first thing, it helps those first nasty 10 minutes first thing in the morning.    If you really want to see how this works have your partner wake you up one morning yelling FIRE - FIRE!!!  That really makes for loud tinnitus  :laugh:

Ya mean like this Birdie?

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Hi all, my TT started before my taper =Torance Withdrawl or maybe not? Since taper lots worse but my question is i find if i can get a nap in when i awake it ripping nasty loud anyone else find this to be so? ~Thanks ~CD


More tinnitus on waking is normal as your brain gets flooded with extra glutamate as a natural part of the waking process. The first thing I grab is my iphone and turn my ear buds to loud and listen to some music first thing, it helps those first nasty 10 minutes first thing in the morning.    If you really want to see how this works have your partner wake you up one morning yelling FIRE - FIRE!!!  That really makes for loud tinnitus  :laugh:

Ya mean like this Birdie?


LOL  Yes that's perfect snowy  :laugh:  Makes my tinnitus hurt just watching it  ;D

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I saw your post on the tensor tympani a while ago...Found it very interesting. Along with a lot of your other theories and thoughts on other topics over the years (somehow I always come across them through my searching, great minds I guess) You have a great way of thinking, even if some of your research didn't end in a result that solved the problem, they were very well thought out, especially the ones on adjunct meds and supplements. The one on oxytocin was brilliant. It just seems benzo wd can outsmart even the strongest of intellects.  :o
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