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OMG! I woke up and I am 100 percent cured!


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Yeah, yeah, yeah. Ya fell for it. I knew the subject line would draw folks in.


I'm not cured but I'm really trying to focus on the POSITIVES in my life today, and try my best to ignore the little things that often seem so overwhelming. Happy Thanksgivinig, everyone!


I am thankful for Benzo Buddies for being here and for not charging us for user accounts. I am thankful for the many people who have supported me over the past 6+ months (you know who you are, and you know who you aren't).


I am thankful that, no matter how bad I feel, I have the strength of will and mind to set aside ONE DAY to stop worrying about my symptoms and just RELAX and appreciate that each day brings me closer to a life totally free of benzos.


I am thankful for a supportive wife and thankful that smart financial planning on my part, plus an inheritance, takes financial pressure off me to work, so I can focus on getting well for the next couple of years.


I am not "healed" yet, but I am making steady progress. So, yes, this year I have much to be thankful for, and I hope each of you can find one thing, no matter how small, to be thankful for on this, Thanksgiving Day in the USA.


Happy Thanksgiving to you all!



Day 186 out from a c/t

(aka Six months, 2 days)


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You got me Tex, damn you!


I'm thankful to still be alive. During acute w/d it felt as if there was no way my body would make it, even though I was really in no danger.


I'm thankful my family has supported me through all of this, and continue to.


I'm thankful Benzo Buddies has provided me with so many wonderful people that reassured me I would be ok and this horrible experience was normal. Without BB who knows how many wasted ER, doctor vists, tests, etc.... I would have gone through. Probably would be put on lots of bad meds as I'd have felt I was going insane.


Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Tex, and anyone else who is reading today  :smitten:

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Ditto on the topic of what to be thankful for. By this time next year, they will probably all of us  truly healed, many faster than others, but the BB forum has made me thankful that when I get down, I get experiences from others that make ne know it's gonna get better each and every day. Thanks BB FOLKS! Benzogirl

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Ya didn't get me . . . I saw the line and was ready to get on here and post . . . yea, right . . . but of course after reading your post, I will now post, okie dokie, cool - good try though  :thumbsup:


Definitely in a thankful mood today - not the best of days but most certainly not the worst and grateful for BB and my wonderful husband!




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You got me also, Tex. Great post. I am waiting for my family right now. Bird in. Pumpkin cheesecake, pie, trimmings. I feel ok today. It is better than I expected. Happy Thanksgiving from the high country!
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Sneaky deeky Tex. I thought maybe you had some weird major neurological event...you actually scared the heck out of me you little dickens!  Have a great holiday buddie! Keep up the healing.
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Love Ya Tex!  You got me too!!  I'm thankful to be alive and thankful that I made it to the point that I want to be alive.  I'm thankful to be off benzos and healing.  I'm thankful for my friends and family...and my new family here on BenzoBuddies.  I'm thankful for second chances, miracles, and wishes that come true.  And I'm very, very thankful for all of you!


Happy Thanksgiving


PD  :smitten:

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BHAAAA Tex " I clicked to seeeee" I would one day love to see you healed!! You soooooo Funny!!! Blessings to you…I lived in Tyler, Texas for 13 years..Beautiful country….. :smitten:
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My heartfelt apologies to all those who "fell for my lie." I just figured, hey, it's Thanksgiving and a lot of us are stressing out about it, so what can I do to put a smile on a few faces...


I WISH I could say I was 100 percent healed. I was at 50-60 percent until yesterday. It wore me out and wore me down, so now I'm about 30-40 percent, exhausted and emotionally drained, but I survived it, and that's what counts.


Christmas won't be as bad because it's here at my house and I'm the cook, so I'll be too busy to have much need for socializing, and cooking will give me plenty to distract my attention away from any anxiety...


Wow, one more day and then it's December! I started this journey on May 26. Where have the months gone -- and why am I still feeling so tentative about everything?


Oh, well, we made it through Thanksgiving...


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hi tex,

no need for an apology. it's all our wishful thinking everyday and your post made us laugh.

because of this, i have to thank you.

take care my friend.

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Hello tex this is a very nice blog here... we all do have so much to be thankful for and the biggest is to have all of us here.

Hello perfectdaughter, PO and heyjude  nice seeing you all tonight.  hello to everyone else whom i dont know. happy Thanksgiving to everyone here and let us be thankful and grateful for making it as far as we all have on this journey.  Blessings to all  Deb

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Love Ya Tex!  You got me too!!  I'm thankful to be alive and thankful that I made it to the point that I want to be alive.  I'm thankful to be off benzos and healing.  I'm thankful for my friends and family...and my new family here on BenzoBuddies.  I'm thankful for second chances, miracles, and wishes that come true.  And I'm very, very thankful for all of you!


Happy Thanksgiving


PD  :smitten:


hi pd,

so nice to hear from you. take care.

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Well, my goodness.

I think u got it, tex!

What you are doing is helping your receptors repair quicker.

Recovery is on its way!


It is so difficult for people to come to this point, understandbly, but it does make a difference.

The brain needs this type of motivation.


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Ohhhhh  :laugh:  you got me on this one!


Has this actually ever happened to anyone??? Or is it more gradual?


You are lucky Tex to have a supportive wife, I have had little luck with support from any partner through this ordeal.



I hope for you that you do wake up healed one of these days!!  :thumbsup:




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