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Will Drug Rehab Help Benzo WD?? I'm desperate can't do this by myself any more..


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How are things going?  Better, I hope.  Big congrats on conquering the beast.  I'm sure there are residual effects, but I hope those are short-lived.  So good to see you online.  I hope you'll be back home with your family today  :thumbsup:



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Mr. Scared, we've swapped numerous comments over the months and I've gotten to know you fairly well. In my opinion, you've already got your mind made up, so please just go ahead and do what you think you need to do. I know you're looking for affirmation, and in some instances you are getting it, but by my reckoning there are more people saying NO than those saying YES.


My gut feeling tells me you've already decided to do it, so do it. Please keep us posted on your progress. I hope it works out for you...


With best wishes,



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Mr Scared,


Some people have awful times at rehab, some rehabs are awful.  Some people have amazing experiences at rehab, some rehabs are actually pretty great.  Some people have poor experiences at good rehab centres.  Some have good experiences at crappy...Well you get what I'm saying.  Everybody will have their opinion.


I was one of the few who had a great experience.  I hope you do too if thats what you choose.  Keep us posted on your experience, best of luck.


Whatever you decide, you have support here at BB and can get through this! :thumbsup:

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I'm currently tapering & on 20 mg Librium and feel most of the time especially the day after zero sleep that I need a place that can finish this taper for me! I get desperate (as everyone else)! If I knew of a  humane & experienced benzo detox facility in south fl or in US FOR THT MATTER ,that would take over at my current dose and take it from there, I would consider it very seriously. I personally would do better with a set program.


I'm not good hanging at home wondering how I'm going to make it alone, again. Even with guest staying in my house its difficult to hide and mask what I'm going through.  I'm lucky he's an old friend and he's helping with my dogs and other day to day. But I can't tell him I'm in benzo hell! I just said I have a sleep disorder and its messing me up. Which is true. There are only at least for me a handful of friends and family I can talk to about this. And some of the just say ahh you've gotten out of worst pickles before. Those have no clue!


One friend does know what I'm going through and he was on 5/6 mg of Xanax daily and drinking round the clock for five years. He ended up in the emergency room at a Hosp in s.miami that 2 years ago had a detox facility and was tapered off on klon in 10 days, then shot out the door. He had a horrendous two months then he got much better in 6 and so on. Now @ 2 years he's @100 % ! The story here is he knows he couldn't have tapered on his own and that place prob saved his life.

I wish I knew of a great benzo detox facility.

Sometimes in desperation we make unwise decisions although sometimes we get lucky therefore blessed.


Best of luck





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Hello I fully realize most rehab centers are way too fast for benzo WD, it's just when I feel freaked right out i always want to have professional staff around me.... and feel safe....but for now I'm just going keep doing my taper and get low as I can, this way if a go into a rehab Center on a small dose it mite go smoother.... Hopefully I can go to 0 benzo on my own....as I'm sure you all know when the Devil is standing in front of you it's hard not to look into the gates of Terror Hell and not want a doctor or nurse in your corner. Alone and afraid is the worst .....Strength in numbers that's why Benzo Buddies is my rehab Center of Choice for now :)8)


Mr scared in Canada.

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