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Will Drug Rehab Help Benzo WD?? I'm desperate can't do this by myself any more..


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Hello is anyone out there ever been through drug rehab for benzo withdrawal I'm really desperate I can't handle living like this anymore I need help or some input thank you...


Mr scared

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Mr. Scared, I have been in your shoes so many times since starting my taper.  Had a giant wave of it just an hour ago at my dog's get.


I've never been to rehab.  I understand it can work wonders for people.  Help lifting the shame in itself would be helpful.  It was determined, with guidance from my benzo-wise doc (who consults for Hazelden), my therapist, friends and family, I would be best served rehabbing at home. 


I believe it is such an individual choice.  There must be tremendous stress reduction getting into another environment.  I understand the "fit" is essential for rehab to work.  Can you talk to your doc or other supportive people to help you figure this out?  There is also the issue of profit even in the non-profit centers.  My shrink actually expressed dismay about how money hungry the industry can be.


I've chimed in enough and haven't even been to rehab.  In advance, I apologize for a possibly unintelligible IPOD response.


In the meantime we are here for you.  You may think you can't do this alone anymore...you aren't alone.  And, there are many compassionate souls out there who can help to support you, rehab or not.


I like your name, Mr. Scared.  I can relate.


Take care, love, WILLDOIT

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Ive been to a rehab. For me it was a total nightmare. They took me off of 8mg of klonopin in 8 days. My brain and CNS

Completely freaked out. I was hahallucinating,  extreme anxiety, severe insomnia, horrible derealization. So many horrific symptoms . The rehab and their psychiatrist told me I was just "craving" benzos. They did not and would not recognize and legitimize the serious symptoms of the cold turkey w/d they put me through.


They expected and demanded that I go to drug treatment classes all day long (14 hour days) as symptomatic as I was. They put me on an antidepressant which I didnt need. I had a withdrawal nightmare later coming off the antidepressant they put me on.


In essence and to sum up, it was a complete hell. I wish I had just tapered off the drug slowly like I am now. Rehabs have ABSOLUTELY NO idea how to get someone off a benzo. Nor do they have the time to do it properly. Ones stay in a rehab is at max 30 days (if you're lucky) which isnt enough timd to get someone off a benzo.


That was my experience... I wish you well Mr scared.


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Mr Scared, I've had work experience with a lot or rehabs along with research experience. The problem with most of them, and it's not a problem so much as it is for people like us, is that there is usually very little examination of the physiological effects of the drug you're coming off of (or already off of). Most rehabs (and detox units, in facilities where these are separate) don't acknowledge longer term withdrawal any more than most in the medical community, and many use a only a week's taper of librium for people on benzos (whether abusing it or not).


The fact is, most rehab programs are geared for people who keep using and abusing substances again and again, and are geared mostly for that problem. Plenty of really good ones, however, offer a lot of therapy and teach relaxation techniques. It's just that most of the program for most of them (and over 90% are 12 step, not that that's a problem, and if you think it helps, great!) is not geared for people who can taper at all, and generally is repeated study in how to keep from using again. It's a worthy goal, but it doesn't seem like what you're dealing with.


I know a few experts in the rehab research field, I might ask if there's ANYWHERE that someone fitting the general BB board profile can go. The biggest problem is that most will NOT taper you or allow you to taper, but will do a week- 10 day taper on a shorter half-life benzo. Also, many have the problem of telling people who complain about their symptoms that they are exhibiting "drug seeking behavior". I have heard of one in Florida that does a slower taper, but it might be more cost effective to just do therapy where you are.

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Mr. Scared

I went to rehab 11 months ago. It was the most horrible experience of my life. These centers have no knowledge of what we go through as "accidental" addicts. If you want to know more send me a private message. When I left after 21 days I spent the next 3 months at My sister's. I am now 90% recovered and living a normal life. Please think long and hard before you take that plunge.


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You are soooo right about "the industry" having no knowledge or help for the "accidental addict."  As my benzo-wise doctor and former consultant to one of "the" most prestigious rehab clinic advised:  You are a "drug addict" once you enter those doors.  He advised me to stay away from those centers.  My family and I express such great frustration that there isn't more help for those of us who don't fit the industry standard.
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My rehab was good.  I went in for the 28 days but ended up staying 4+ months!


It was good to have the medical supervision,  the break from daily life, the massages, the acupuncture, talk therapy etc.


But, it was NOT easy.


I showed my councillor the Ashton site and she said "yes, it makes sense but theres really no info on a 'drug addicts" experience with benzos"  So she separated me from accidental addict, to drug addict.  I think an addict is dependent biophysically and biochemically just the same, its either here nor there.  That pissed me off, and I was in no shape to really argue because the whole treatment team were in the dark when it comes to benzo withdrawal.  The doctor tapered me fast using ativan for 2 weeks, then kept me on Depakote for 2 more weeks to prevent seizures.  I was forced to go to treatment classes, AA/NA meetings, recovery functions etc.


In retrospect it was HARD, but where I am at now at almost 7 months and mostly healed, I wouldnt trade it for the world.  Months 4-5 transitioning out of rehab were the hardest in some senses due to the mental symptoms.


It may help to call a few centres and really ask to find out how they deal with benzos because there are some that will do longer tapers and are pretty up to speed on bz withdrawal (so I've read).  But get them to agree to your circumstances BEFORE you give them your business because IT IS A BUSINESS.  Some centres will agree to special treatment to get the sale and provide a good safe structured environment to get some time under your belt.  Some good benzo free time.  Thats probably the biggest thing rehab gave me was 130+ days benzo freedom.


I also came off 80mgs of Methadone c/t, and Zoloft c/t along with the klonopin/valium/xanax so it was rough but now I am free and so grateful.  I would not have been able to do that alone and needed the medical facility.


Just sharing my experience.

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Wow Justin thanks for the great answers and everyone else. I'm at the point I can't take care of my self properly or mentally or run my company. The rehab place here in Ottawa will probably take me off my 4.5 mg valium in a few weeks... Then I get out in 30 days a big mess...

Please I would really like to hear others rehab experiences.... Thanks sooo much


Mr scared in Ottawa.


Ps.... I few weeks ago I was feeling strong and supportive to many other members here ... Sorry I'm a wreck now and feel I have let my friends down... I'm soo sorry everyone ..

I  just really need help.

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I was taken off 40mg of valium in 22 days as a hospital inpatient, but its not a rehab center. No addiction stuff here. I couldn't have done this at home, which is where I will hopefully be going on Friday. Youre on a low dose so I think you should be oK if you go to a rehab.
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Basically these mental institutin just put you on drug cocktails''''''first diazepam as a welcome dose'''than antypsychmeds'''plus sssri ''''plus bromezopam for sleeping ''''''and time to time they add valium as a calming shot if you nervous''''i would have died if I I  took this cocktail of drugs''''''''is so sad'''''''
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I went to a state-run rehab facility that had a 30-day program. This was about 10 years ago, when I first realized I had a problem. For me, it was a horrible experience. NO ONE on the staff had any experience or knowledge of benzo withdrawal. Most of the people there were coming off alcohol, opiates, or cocaine. They'd do their detox and be feeling better within a week, while I was really nearly psychotic.


I felt as if something truly was wrong with me because everyone else was feeling healthy and good again, and I was just in what I now know is "acute withdrawal," which lasts 2-3 months.


At the end of my 30 days I was still in bad shape and the doctors tried to talk me into taking thorazine and going from the rehab facility to a state hospital for the mentally ill -- all because I was in acute w/d, which they (and I) simply did not understand.


I did not go to the psych unit. I was discharged, went to my car, where I'd left a stash of 30-40 pills and within an hour was feeling somewhat "back to normal."


The lack of knowledge on the part of the staff was frustrating, but what really got me down was how crappy I felt when I'd see everyone else getting well and I was just doing horrible and making no progress.


I'd NEVER recommend anyone go to a detox or rehab for benzos. Coming off benzos is a long-term proposition that short-term rehabs just are not prepared for. It's better to do it with an understanding, cooperative doctor and to taper slowly.

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Thanks Tex67 but I feel I'm really going to freak out.... I just feel professionals to help

Me all day.... I'm super angry all the time, and have all day anxiety, seems to finally drop off after I take my 2mg dose. But I am not doing well at all may be hormone related wt my testosterone shots, but either way I can't live like this for the next year no way....I've been

Going threw this since last Jan 26... My poor family, my life is in danger I feel... Who can

Live this way every day??? Not me ...any one else have input or support story... I'm up to listen for an

Advice or ideas...


Mr scared









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Mr Scared,


If I was at the low dose you are at I would find a good rehab and think of it as a vacation.  A vacation where you are relieved of your duties, have distraction, healing, and a staff who is behind you.  A good centre will help you with anxiety, depression etc.  You will leave with tools to help you overcome these issues.  The 30 day length of stay is giving way to 90 day inpatient rehabs.  Studies are showing that staying 60 days and even 90 days increase the likelyhood of full recovery way more than the traditional 30 days which is now referred to as a "spin dry".  At 30 days I was nowhere near ready to go home.  The other drugs I was coming off probably factored into my horrid withdrawal.  Methadone is like the "benzo" of opiates.  It has to be tapered very slowly and w/d symptoms can last 6 months.  They lasted 3 for me.


If you have the financial means or insurance to cover a higher end treatment facility you can make sure they understand your unique situation and are willing to accomodate it then it might be worth a look.  It might be worth coming off a little quicker than slower if you are already in misery at your current taper rate.  Maybe speeding it along and getting the jump over with while being MEDICALLY SUPERVISED might be a route to take.  Maybe slowing your taper down to a micro taper with cut and hold might make it better.  I am just mentioning options that come to mind.


It sounds like you are re-evaluating your current plan and need to make a change.  I can't tell you what to do but I think it makes sense what you are thinking.


Keep us posted.


Best of luck.

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Yes, I went to a good 30-day rehab in Florida.  For me personally, I'm glad I did.  I'll try to keep this short.

I was trying to taper off klonopin with the help of my psychiatrist.  However, I think I had built up such a tolerance that I couldn't do it.  I started to take about 4 mg at one time about once a week just to knock myself out and sleep (I didn't want to be doing this but it was like my body was insisting on it).  Well this didn't last long until my psychiatrist cut me off and said you really need to go to this place.

So I went.  It was about $30,000 for a month.  I accepted that I was an addict.  I was so depressed that they put me on the max dose of Effexor.  I participated the best I could even though the depression, anxiety, and insomnia were horrible.  No one there understood benzo withdrawal but they were very supportive and I worked hard.  I made good progress in 30 days but was still a mess when I went home.

I stayed out of work and went to an addiction out-placement program for 8 weeks.  I participated in group sessions with addicts.  I was feeling better some days but was a mess other days.  I still went even when I could hardly function (my wife had to drive me some days).  No one there really understood what I was going through.  But I'm glad I went because it got me out of bed.

I went back to work after being out for 11 weeks.  I'm not recovered yet but I am functional.

In summary, I don't think I could have tapered my way off benzos.  It was a living hell but I think it was the only way I could have done it.  My life was really a living hell the whole time I was on benzos.

I'm not completely out of the woods yet but I feel good saying I'm functional and on my way to complete healing.

That's just my experience.  I hope it helps you.  Best of luck to ya.

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Thank you for the great answer!!! Please any one else been to rehab???


Please help


Mr scared


I've been to rehab twice and it's a nightmare of unspeakable proportions. What you do at home is a piece of cake compared to what they'll do to you there. They'll strip you off all your meds immediately, C/T, and just let you suffer alone. I realize you're feeling terrible, but detoxing in rehab will eventually set you back because your S/X will be much much worse. Do what you think is best, but personally, I really regret going and never would have if I knew what they were going to do. I went to two fine rehab centers, the Cleveland Clinic and Cottonwoods in Tucson (the rehab for the stars), so don't think that if you went to a "premiere" institution you'll get any different treatment. I say no! no! no! Ask tex67, I think he knows about this from his work experience. Benzogirl.


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I did go once, for the first time I ever had withdrawals from prescription opiates (I have since learned that I have a good week's withdrawals from taking even the most minor amount of hydrocodone exactly as prescribed, and I'm just weird that way). Anyway, I was treated SO horrifically that I have researched these places ever since. It was THAT bad.


I was told by doctors and pharmacists that I should go there, because these people were the EXPERTS in withdrawals. They weren't. They cold turkeyed me off the klonopin I was on, after accusing me of lying that I'd never abused it. I've still never abused it to this day. They called me horrible names, were extremely confrontational, and told me that I was "in denial", all because I was just there for having stopped taking a drug my doctor had prescribed to me for a few months that I had stopped taking and gotten bad withdrawals from. I finally was allowed to leave after 4 days. This was after they told me I was "faking" seizures on the common room sofa (!!) and that if I wasn't, it was the "price to pay for sobriety". Due to cold turkey from klonopin (that I'd never abused, and over the objections of my neurologist who finally got involved) that THEY forced on me.


I have since gotten an apology from the new director of this facility, but while I was trying to be nice and helpful in my first post on this thread, my feelings about rehabs are far from benign. I have read of plenty of people who did well in them, but the horror stories are too terrible to really balance that out. And no, no apology will allow me to forgive that experience. Ever. I will work for reform in these places until I am dead.

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Hey my friend.

You are having such a hard time. Oh I wish I could help. I have never been in rehab. I have only heard stories. I am sorry for your misery. I hope someone else will post something helpful.

Big hug from Colorado.:smitten: :smitten:

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Even if it's a good experience Mr. Scared, what happens when you come home? Worse hell than what you had before? Who will pay for it? Are you willing to be treated like an addict? These are questions you need to ask yourself.


I am almost four months out and not anywhere near healed. The real withdrawal doesn't even begin until you are benzo-free and you are still tapering. One day at a time is the only way to do it, and slowly.

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Hey friend, I, too, am sorry you are having such a hard time.


You've got to do what is right for you, as others' expressed.  I think Tex has some good insights. 


I understand some people do well at rehab because they are free from the stressors at home.  Trying to run a company and dealing with the day to day stresses of life...you've got a lot on your plate. 


We have a "prestigious" rehab program in my city.  When early in w/d my family considered sending me there.  I thought I was losing my mind.  I know we are all different.  Once I slowed my taper my symptoms are "manageable."  We all have different circumstances.  I don't have to run a company.  I can't imagine the stress.


Please, don't be afraid to call a hotline to get you through until you decide what is best for you.  When Often, these kind folks can at least help you to keep going moment to moment.


Please keep us posted.  Kind thoughts to you.



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Mr Scared - Rehabs can not give you what you need - time to regrow new nerves.


How can they do this? They can't. You must understand how benzo recovery works.


Benzo healing is not about getting to zero. It is about giving your body the time and opportunity to regenerate brain cells to their pre benzo shape and function.


A slow taper and lots of time is the way. Rehabs don't care about this - they want your money. I hope you don't find this out the hard way.




I know you are desperate. I'm sorry. But the way out is to grow a new brain.








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Mr Scared - Rehabs can not give you what you need - time to regrow new nerves.


How can they do this? They can't. You must understand how benzo recovery works.



So well put River. We can also substitute the word "doctors" or "psychiatrists" for "rehabs". Nothing and nobody can replace time.

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