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I keep biting my tongue


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Hi Colorado,

I think we are all going to experience new things as this taper business winds down.  I sometimes find that in addition to the tongue biting spasms, that I find myself pressing my tongue against the roof of my mouth for no reason.  I hope my bite guard is ready this week.


CC how are you feeling?  I have not seen too many posts from you on the Valium or Working threads this last week.  I hope you are feeling better and that this week is better still.  :thumbsup:

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I held my last cut for 6 weeks and really leveled off. The last week has been great. However, it is time to move on. I cut to .65 this morning and expect that I will have a rough time of it within a week. I have been working a lot and it has been good to feel ok. Thanksgiving was pretty good. I am paradoxical tho. I got home tonight and took my pm dose and 1 hour later...I am buzzing and my ears are ringing...loudly. But no nausea and no paranoia. Yahoo. :-).  I remain grateful for the small things. I will post about this last cut. I have had a miserable go of it going below 1mg.

Thanks for checking in !  :thumbsup:


Colorado smiling

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God! I though this only happened to me...I bit my tongue a few of times in the most ridiculous way when I was eating. It had never happened to me before w/d. It was as if my brain just lost control of the jaw movement while chewing for a second or so.


The list of sxs on w/d is just endless.... ???

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FYI-I only shared my experience and what my neurologist stated..too much electrical activity in the brain from "withdrawal/detoxing benzo's or opiates can cause seizure." Yes, I did have jaw clinching too at night and had to get a mouth guard. Then one morning it happened.Woke suddenly to find I had stopped breathing but was still conscious..eyes opened really wide as I tryed to take a breath but could not/ twisted like a pretzel and pass out= grand-mal seizure. I lost consciousness from lack of air. Yes it happens people. If your doc's ignore you..perhaps get another opinion? I dont remember all seizures because of the amnesia it causes ..but find broken teeth..cuts in the face from striking myself while seizing..muscles pain from extreme contractions..bone fractures..and so forth after waking-thats when I know I just had one but dont remember it sometimes.  I thought the same thing at first..oh this isnt a problem..just my jaw moving out of control..I was very wrong. Wanted to save someone else from this b/s by posting. I am not a doc or giving any advise.Period. I just dont want anyone else to go through this. Best wishes to all-
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I had that tongue biting thing a lot.  Apparently my tongue goes slightly to the left when at rest and, amongst my many muscle jerks, I'd get this thing where my jaw would suddenly snap shut.  I actually had a sore on the side of my tongue for a few months because of it.  But then, just like all of the other symptoms, it went away.


Best wishes.



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