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Revved up from soap


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Dove just changed their original beauty bar soap from one smell to another, and I'm also thinking they changed the formula because I have been reacting to it the past two days. I have no idea what to do. Any soap besides Dove has revved my symptoms up. I'm at my wits end right now. Does anyone have any suggestions? Or soaps that they use that don't cause any side effects? I'm scared this is going to set me back.
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This is just awful and I know how you feel believe me.  What are the ingredients in that soap?  At any rate,

Kiss my face plain olive oil soap you could try.  If you are not allergic to coconut, tropical traditions plain coconut soap.  If I think of anymore I will let you know.  These are just suggestions. 


You have been free for two years and this is still happening?


I hope you find something. 


Cappi :smitten:

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You have been free for two years and this is still happening?


Yes. There's certain oils I can't use in cooking, certain drinks I can't have, certain foods I can't eat. All hair products and different soaps will rev me up. I've been in pain the past two days since using this soap, and I don't know if it's going to get better. I'm very frustrated at this point.

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