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I'm supposed to be at work at 7 a.m. I find though if I don't get at least 8 hours of sleep I will usually wake up extremely exhausted. Last night went to bed at 10:30 and woke up at 5:30 overwhelmingly tired. I had to go back to bed and woke up at 7:08. Needless to say, I will be late to work. Does this problem happen to anyone else when they don't get enough sleep during this withdrawal?
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I'm supposed to be at work at 7 a.m. I find though if I don't get at least 8 hours of sleep I will usually wake up extremely exhausted. Last night went to bed at 10:30 and woke up at 5:30 overwhelmingly tired. I had to go back to bed and woke up at 7:08. Needless to say, I will be late to work. Does this problem happen to anyone else when they don't get enough sleep during this withdrawal?



I'd be thrilled if I could get 6-7 hours of sleep a night. It would be simply dreamy :) Benzogirl

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Yes, I find that if I don't get enough sleep it's as if I'm in a daze all day. I woke up today at 5 a.m. and had a hard time going back to sleep. Plus, I felt really just out of it, as if my brain wasn't working properly. I finally drifted off at 5:45 and woke up at 6:45 and that extra hour of sleep made all the difference in the world. I've still got my never-ending low-level anxiety, but my brain is working fine, and that's what counts. If I can think straight, I can deal with my symptoms...
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I have had horrible insomnia yet there are times during the day that I literally can't keep my eyes open.  I can feel it coming on and there is nothing I can do.  There is an unpleasant feeling that washes over me.  I almost feel like my speech becomes slurred.  Then I'll fall asleep for an hour or so.  It happens once or twice during the day.  Then I'm up all hours of the night.


A month ago, I started taking Baicalin and Magnolia Bark in the powder/small grain form twice a day.  I had almost instant relief from my other symptoms.  I'm not 100% better but for some reason, these two natural remedies have helped me immensely.  I still have insomnia, however.


I don't know how to start a new thread but my cousin had a heart attack due to Benzos a month ago.  Today, she had a stroke.  I don't know yet if the stroke is related to Benzos.  She is 57. 

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