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I can never just rest


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I can never rest anymore.  I can't get to that moment where you are like "ahhhh, finally I feel like I can just kick back and relax"

Instead I feel like I am always running.  24/7 I am going going going.  It is so exhausting.  I am so unbelievably tired all the time. 

And this has been going on for years with me.  I just wan to stop!  oh my gosh I just want to stop!  Does it have something to do with the cortisol level always being so high?  Am I right that w/d causes high levels of cortisol?

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Just a thought since I just went through thyroid Hell, but have you considered having your thyroid checked and make sure you're not hyperthyroid?  It is one possibility.  Obsid.
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for about 10 days, i have been so restless whole day. had to walk around the block whole day. maybe 5~6 hours a day.(in and out of home.)

i am waiting for this to pass. so that i do not have to walk whole day.

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it does seem that we have this never ending cortisol rushes. i've been trying to look into ways to calm that down a bit. i'm going to try some good doses of a pure Vitamin C. maybe some theanine too. are you ever able to nap or meditate?


i think it's always a good idea to have someone who really knows about thyroid to have the right tests done. i am still going to do that. i'm sure there is some kind of adrenal fatigue that happens in a BW.

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Oh you poor sausage!


I had my cortisol level taken morning and night, at 1 month off. it was in the red zone, worst in the evening than the morning, and the pathologist wrote something on the bottom about cushing syndrome. They put the reading from 2008 on there, which was in the bottom half of the normal range... What a comparison!!!!


Recently, I have been doing nerdy research on Google Scholar, in journal articles,  about high cortisol levels.  There is so much evidence that high cortisol is linked to malfunction of the autonomic nervous system. so that will HOPEFULLY explain why some of us like yours truly will get:


1. sudden onset of eyes so dry that you need to put drops in every hour, and photosensitivity too


3. slow motility in the GI, and very notably

4. peripheral neuropathy. Spiders dance on my fingertips, and if I take a drug or supplement the spiders go berserk.


It was good to discover (tentatively, I am just a lawyer not a doctor), the link. It was most disturbing when after recent swallow pains under the sternum, a specialist did a manometry test. He discovered that I have an "Ineffective Esophagus", which means that the peristalsis is down at 8% of normal function, and food takes 3 minutes to get from mouth to stomach.  He was utterly baffled.


Gee I hope that that is a new thing and is only related to the high cortisol which comes from w/d!!!! and not some pre-existing disease. People with cushings and diabetes have slow manometry, and they have high cortisol tendencies. So it seems to fit......


Because I take zoloft, I think that that is why the symptoms of high cortisol that you are getting, do not afflict me (yet!!)  I feel uptight for sure, but dont have the energy to go go go like you.


You must be exhausted!!!!  I hope that this is one symptom which subsides soon for you!!!!  fingers crossed for you


viking ;)


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I should clarify.  I am not always moving around physically it is just my brain that is go go go.  My body is actually exhausted all the time.  And I spend a lot of time on the couch when I'm not working.
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