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What good thing happened to you in the last 24 hours?


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After all these years, I decided to not fret over things I have no control, and just do the best each day, and it is working. sometimes we have to let things go, to get to a better place.  :clap::smitten:


Begood, That's super awesome! Benzos have a way of keeping us from our full potential, understatement, I know. Its amazing to see how strong we really are.  8)



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Pushed myself to walk for 20 minutes and try to break this 7 day slump. Made plans for a 3 mile hike tomorrow. Here's to goal setting!  :thumbsup:


Barkless, That's a big step in the right direction.  ;) It reinforces the fact that we CAN do things in spite of the withdrawl.  :thumbsup:




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Today I didn't get a severe headache.

I have a headache/migraine for the past four days, stemming from the tension in my neck and shoulders.


But today, no headache!

So thankful for that.

Still some seriously uncomfortable muscle tension, but it seems a lot more bearable now that my head isn't pounding!!


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hi bb89 , theres an exercise i do that helps alot for tension on my shoulders i stand i hold onto some light weiights in each hand i have my hands at my sides . i move my shoulders upwards as if im shrugging  i roll my shoulders some doing an oval shaped shrug , i do this for my neck i have a cloth tube called a bed buddy , here is a photo of how it look





this also helps me i have a contour pillow made of foam its shaped like this o-O  it gives me great sleep posture


i hope this helps you as much as it helped me, 


katie (babyangel)

P.S you look beautiful on your youtube video  :smitten::hug:

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hi bb89 , theres an exercise i do that helps alot for tension on my shoulders i stand i hold onto some light weiights in each hand i have my hands at my sides . i move my shoulders upwards as if im shrugging  i roll my shoulders some doing an oval shaped shrug , i do this for my neck i have a cloth tube called a bed buddy , here is a photo of how it look





this also helps me i have a contour pillow made of foam its shaped like this o-O  it gives me great sleep posture


i hope this helps you as much as it helped me, 


katie (babyangel)

P.S you look beautiful on your youtube video  :smitten::hug:



Thank you so much for that! I'm definitely going to try it! I'm willing to try just about anything at this point. And that bed buddy looks like a  good idea as well. I got a hot/cold pack, but its very small and doesn't stay in place. I'm def going to go order one of these.


Thank you so much for the suggestions <3

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This is more than 24 hours old (I'm a little behind)...


- I went to my first NFL game (very exciting; very cold)

- I went downhill skiing - twice! (fun; even colder).

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Nothing in particular, just coasting along, and hanging on, and on a hold now for 3-4wks. And all in all I feel pretty good. Just Living each moment. :smitten:
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You're doing great badso. Glad to hear about folks hanging in there, being present and having a good holiday.


This Christmas was the least frakked up of the past three. I was able to do some normal things like bake, cook and hike. There's still a lot of healing to do but when I compare to a year, 2 years, 3 years, ago there's progress. So thankful for that.

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Got all of my errands done. Made dinner. Watched my daughter ride her horse. In my pjs now watching The Notebook. Tapered down another .125 mg
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After a ton of panic about returning to work after two weeks off, my work day went just fine and the anxiety pretty much faded. It seems I get worked up for no reason most of the time:-) I'm thankful that anxiety isn't a 24/7 thing anymore.
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I have stepped up my walking and climbing the stairs, makes me feel better. Staying Positive with all the rain we have today, it is cleansing our soil


and whatever a good pouring rain will do, can't change it, just glad I can accept it.  :D:smitten:

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Put in 1.65 miles on a walk last night around 11pm...soaked in the tub with frankencense and spearmint oils, felt relaxed, made chicken/cheese/onion enchiladas, and was asleep by 4:30am, and woke up at 10:00am...that's a GOOD day for me.tex
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Spent the entire day shopping and having lunch with one of my close friends. She said you have been avoiding me. Told her I never know how I'm going to be feeling and don't want to be a whining mess around anyone. She told me that she doesn't care what state of mind or withdrawals I'm in. She just wants to be here for me. She loves me no matter what.  It's amazing how benzos can distort our brains into thinking we are so damaged that we should isolate ourselves until we are "normal" again. Another benzo lie busted!😘
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Despite severe pain and anxiety, I made it through my MRI without having a meltdown. (Very claustrophobic). Deep breathing and mindfulness meditation got me through the test. Yea!
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Have another good thing! Lol. Couldn't understand why the volume button on my tv controller wasn't making the sound go up....took a few seconds to realize it was my iPhone in my hand not the controller. Lmao
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I realized finally that I am closer to my Recovery than when I started and I think I see a flicker of light down there at the end of the Tunnel, and it has


my name on it.  :yippee:

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I slept the entire night through the day before yesterday. That hasn't happened in six months. Seems to be getting better. Working hard of myself.
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Haven't ridden my horse since the taper started. My psychiatrist told me again today how important exercise is and how much it will help me. Called my trainer today and will be back in the saddle Wednesday. God help me!  If I fall off maybe it'll knock my GABA receptors back into place. Lol
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Haven't ridden my horse since the taper started. My psychiatrist told me again today how important exercise is and how much it will help me. Called my trainer today and will be back in the saddle Wednesday. God help me!  If I fall off maybe it'll knock my GABA receptors back into place. Lol


Just tell that horse to Giddy-up-regulate! those darn receptors!  :D

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