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Tips for Calming Down when Panic sets in


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I need to remember these tips. I have to go to the grocery store today. We are out of just about everything. Any type of store is so hard for me to deal with.


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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for the good tips. I'm dealing with this anxiety and doubt right now after a tiny taper of Xanax.i'm starting to realize that with me there seems to be a pattern when I taper this fear and anxiety with physical symptoms lasts about two months and I'm unable to taper further until the horrible spell breaks because I'm too frightened. Seeing a pattern and coming out of the tunnel after two months on a couple of occasions has made me realize that getting off Xanax is really possible after all. Another thing that helps with anxiety is using some of the free tube Benz withdrawal meditation videos. They really help me get through the two hours before my Xanax dose which is always the hardest time of day for me as I'm suffering from strong inter dose withdrawal symptoms.


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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I’m in my phone so I skimmed through and didn’t read every reply... but I would like some advice on dealing with panic attacks when you are in the center of attention. I’m trying to do my own exposure therapy while waiting for insurance benefits. That’s one situation I can’t seem to overcome. When im surrounded by people watching me have a panic attack. I’ve faked being sick but I don’t really think that’s the best solution. I used to work in customer service and would choke up and have customers yelling at me. Asking if I’m retarded and or know how to speak English. I choke up and freeze and can’t speak and I’m shaking. I’ve had people worried I’m going to die... and it’s not so easy to tell people that I have general anxiety disorder and I’m currently having a panic attack. I’ve been fired from jobs because they think I’m doing things to be lazy and not work. This is the hardest situation for me and any advice is welcomed and much appreciated.
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  • 4 weeks later...
I haven’t looked through all the replies to see if this was suggested but holding an ice cube during an attack or pre attack has helped me. Your mind redirects to focus on that and stays fixated.
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  • 1 month later...
I've done all these things and I've had an anxiety disorder for most of my life. I would suggest for some it might be time to get help from a therapist. My overthinking and anxiety doesn't end no matter what I do. I've also had chronic depersonalization for about 50 years. I'm referring to 24/7. Things look unreal all the time. I didn't have much anxiety for most of it but since mom passed away 4 years ago I don't know how to start a new life. I was super busy for over 5 years and now nothing at age 65.
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  • 4 weeks later...

1. Tell yourself that your body feels funny, but that's it, nothing else is happening. There is no need to worry about what is wrong with you, you'll just panic more. It's just your body over-reacting to something that is not there and it helps to remember that.


2. When you feel anxious, usually it is because you are thinking irrational thoughts about things...and this escalates the anxiety. If you can write down what you are experiencing and thinking in a Journel, and then write the most rational responses to your irrational thoughts, ie "I am going crazy!" Response: "I am NOT going crazy, this is temporary. It is my brain chemistry playing tricks on me. I am NOT scared of the situation, I am scared of my body's reaction which is a FALSE reaction, I am ok!" etc. Writing helps to get you out of the distorted thinking that both causes and makes existing anxiety worse.


3. Breath breath breath, Concentrate on breathing from your diaphragm, not your upper chest.


4. Yoga - or any sort of stretching that involves deep rhythmic breathing and draining thoughts from your head. Focus on an object or on one thought/feeling. If Yoga is not an option, writing helps tremendously. Write anything - your thoughts, observations, this documentation permits you to evaluate your condition. What causes the anxiety and what alleviates it. Moreover, it drains your frustration - letting it out.


5. Read a really good book or see a movie, whatever holds your attention best and takes your mind off your anxiety. It's important to let go of that anxiety and concentrate on something else completely.


6. A nice long, hot bath or shower to relax your muscles and your mind!


7. A helpful phrase to use is, "They are only feelings, they can't hurt me".


8. Remind yourself that sensation is just that - sensation. You have to tell yourself that the physical sensations you're experiencing are not life threatening. It also helps to list for yourself all the times you have been able to do the very things you're afraid of.


9. One of the best ways to combat fear is to exercise - Not only does it relieve stress, it also produces endomorphins which raise your sense of well being - and it becomes another thing that reinforces your "rational" belief that you are not in any physical danger.


10. Drink a warm cup of milk which helps to relax so that you can start to think more rationally, without the anxiety clouding your thoughts. It usually helps to calm the anxious feelings.


11. If you "act" calm, you will be calm. Imitate the body language of a relaxed person and you will take on that feeling within minutes.


12. When you have a panic attack do deep breathing, and say over and over you are calm and relaxed. Think only positive thoughts, instead of thinking you're dying, tell yourself you are fine, you have gone through this many times and nothing has happened before, it takes a lot of practice.


13. Take a nice long walk, the exercise will help to clear your mind or talk to someone you're close to and tell them how you're feeling. Just telling someone else makes you look at it objectively.


14. Listen to music, it takes you away, write a letter to nobody, recite the alphabet backwards, If you're driving pick a color and start counting cars of that colour until you reach 100. Distraction is the key.


15. After you realize that it's just an attack and you're not dying or anything, you will calm yourself down, put on headphones and listen to relaxation music and do some more deep breathing.


What to do if you feel an Anxiety/Panic attack coming on to avoid it?


If you feel a panic or anxiety attack coming on, think through the problem by breaking it down. Imagine the worst that can happen. Nine times out of ten it then appears less serious.



author unknown


Thank you so much for posting this, Jeff. This is excellent advice!

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  • 1 month later...

I found these guided meditations on YouTube and boy do they help. 'The Honest Guys' (they're Brits too) make many different ones for anxiety and also for insomnia. So far my favorite is 'The Perfect Deep Sleep' one. I love the fact that they talk the whole time to softly with pacifying tips and encouragement. Yesterday I thought I was going to die bc there is demolition going on all around me, and roofers on my roof. It helped a lot.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Hello All,


Just wanted to pop in and share what has been happening as of late.  Feel PRETTY DAMN GOOD today! Went through a HORRIBLE time with muscle cramps..insomnia...restless legs... at one point It felt difficult to even walk..I got winded VERY easily. I have always been an athletic person..and I honestly felt like a 98 year old man on oxygen. It was VERY difficult for me to leave the comfort of my own home. Grocery shopping..especially Walmart was a total nightmare. My senses were reved up to the max. I could smell a womans perfume from 50 feet away.

I dreaded going to sleep at night..for each night brought a new production of VERY VIVID dreams..in TRUE COLOR..scenes of ex wife..ex girlfriends and in general things that didnt make ay sense at all. I would wake up at least 4 times a night..covers twisted in a knot...My body felt like a heavyweight boxer was pounding on me all night long. NOT rested at all..in fact almost exhausted. I would wake up..eat a little bit..then go back to sleep on my Couch for a few hours. My biggest problem was ..if I were to give it a label would be Agoraphobia. I wasnt necessarily fearful of the market place so to speak. I just DIDNT want to get off the couch period. Seriously..I spent the last year watching tv..NO excercise at ALL..chain smoking my MARLBORO LiGHTS.

Luckily I was financially able to do this. The thought of doing even the most menial of work was out of the question. (I come from a background of 23 years of medical sales) Things are SLOWLY getting better..the muscle cramps havent visited me in a few weeks. I am able to buy groceries and hit the Walmart (I still wear my sunglasses in there ;->) I am sick of the couch...it's actually getting boring as hell laying there wasting my day away. My naps are down to one a day. I am getting sick of smoking ciggerettes. My dreams at night now make sense..and arent so damn vivid. I am sleeping much better. I no longer get as winded as I was getting. I am THINKING about starting to excercise again. I actually answer the phone now. I am having "Previews of Coming Attractions" thoughts in my head..where I am actually Physically, Mentally, and Spiritually fit...with feelings of Peace & Serenity. I AM supplementing with high end vitamins and minerals..and I can honestly say that I think it has worked wonders for me. Ok That's enough for now... If I had any advice to give it would be to be patient..Time does heal!..I dont thing any of us are "Terminally Unique"  we will all get better...NOT as fast as we want to but what are ya gonna do?  When times are VERY tough..distract yourself with ANYTHING...do your laundry..clean your bathroom..vacum...Adopt a pet.


Ciao' and God Bless!


jeff hale


Sounds like a familiar hell are the vitamins actually working for you & if so can you list them please , thanks



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  • 4 months later...
Hello,has anyone got any tips on how to get rid of a anxiety stomach and headache,I was thinking if I could sort that out I could maybe handle the mental anxiety.Thanks in Advance
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  • 9 months later...

There are some fantastic Dhamma talks (you don't have to be a Buddhist) that you can download from www.dhammatalks.org from Ajarn Geoff (Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu) which have helped me through some bad days and nights. He is an American who spent many years in Thailand as a monk and now is the abbot of the Metta Forest Monastery in San Diego County, California.

His voice is so calming and there are guided meditations you can download and many Dhamma talks on various topics.

They've really helped me through some bad times.

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  • 11 months later...
I found this recording on Youtube that is free. I was so impressed by how well it works that I ended up purchasing the entire collection and downloading it on my MP3 player. Here is the free version. I listen to it every night and it really helps to put me to sleep. It's called Anxiety & Depression Relief - Binaural Beats & Isochronic Tones (With Subliminal Messages). The link is there:
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  • 2 weeks later...

Highly recommend prayer/devotional, eft, holding each of the fingers for a few mins while deep breathing 5-6 in and 6 out. RAIN as dr brewer talks about which Stands for recognize - allow - investigate - Note. I’m just now using this method to try and redirect those ingrained pathways. Recognize there is panic or whatever feeling there allow it to move through and get curious and investigate the feeling. Lastly and most important note the sensations tight chest, breath flowing in and out of body, loud noises around me, fan blowing on my skin. Whatever the sensations are. You could most likely mix the RAIN method with deep breathing and holding your fingers which could add more relief and even and extra form of distraction to the mix.


I have dealt with high anxiety for a long time and those are just a few tricks I use and it has gotten less and less and less which is a blessing from God.


Lastly make a list of all the relaxing tips that help

With anxiety attacks. Keep it on your phone or wherever to resort too when the anxiety is so bad you can’t think straight. You look at just start plowing through the list.

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