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Remeron (Mirtazapine) Withdrawal Support Group


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Reporting back.  I took mirtazapine for 2 1/2 weeks, and the withdrawal lasted 2 1/2 weeks as well.  I guess it's not too bad.  Next I'm going to cut seroquel.  I hope it's not too bad.
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Hi Rem People, I'm new to this support group but been on BB for a few years. I successfully tapered Ativan for a year and a half and have been off for 13 months. I was also taking Remeron and have been tapering that for the last 9 months or so - 30, then 22.5, 15, 7.5, then 3.75 for three weeks and stopped Friday. I thought I was gonna be ok Sat thru Monday, but then it hit! Feel horrible! Extreme anxiety, sweating, head pressure, tinnitus volume turned up, like back in acute! Should I reinstate and stay at 3.75 for a few more months? I had to leave work early yesterday and called in sick today. Oh, I also take 20 mgs of Elavil. I thought that would ease the withdrawal from Rem. Thoughts? Thanks Buddies!


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See, this is what scares me. Now I'm trapped on this stupid drug. I'm in such back BZ wd and I feel like the Remeron may be contributing,  but I can't get off it. I never should have listened to Parker....Why was I so stupid.
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Hi Rem People, I'm new to this support group but been on BB for a few years. I successfully tapered Ativan for a year and a half and have been off for 13 months. I was also taking Remeron and have been tapering that for the last 9 months or so - 30, then 22.5, 15, 7.5, then 3.75 for three weeks and stopped Friday. I thought I was gonna be ok Sat thru Monday, but then it hit! Feel horrible! Extreme anxiety, sweating, head pressure, tinnitus volume turned up, like back in acute! Should I reinstate and stay at 3.75 for a few more months? I had to leave work early yesterday and called in sick today. Oh, I also take 20 mgs of Elavil. I thought that would ease the withdrawal from Rem. Thoughts? Thanks Buddies!


Things were bad, but tolerable until I finished the last drop of Remeron 19 months ago.  Then it all hit the fan with insomnia, constant anxiety, chills, GI stuff, everything.  Still, my advice would be to not reinstate , just get through it.  This is a very tough drug to get over.  I'm embarking now on  ultra low neurofeedback to see if I can get some help with the insomnia and anxiety.  I've done many many things to alleviate this but most just help for a while, if at all. 


Currently doing chinese medicine with highly nutrient dense whole foods to heal the liver and get the metabolism working properly again.  Youve got to heal the gut at some point before you can heal forom this.


Still, you will someday have to get off this and take the time necessary for that to happen.  I'm off benzos for 35 months and off Rem for 19 months and still suffering.  Nevertheless, if you dont get off it, it will probably not get any easier down the road. there's always the risk that reinstating may have an adverse result. You just dont know.   


For me, the dizziness, anxiety,  and sleeplessness have been the worst.  Best of luck. Hope it works out for you.  BT.

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I decided to reinstate. I suffered horrific withdrawal from Ativan. I was non-functional for over a year. I just cant bear any more suffering right now. I need to live my life and work. Maybe Ill try tapering again some day. Im proud that I got down to 7.5.
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I'm currently alternating days:  3.75 one night,  1.87 the next....and so forth.  Next I will do 1.87 every night....then I thought I would alternate nights without it and nights with 1.87.  It's ridiculous how slowly you have to go off this drug, but when I jumped from 3.75 too quickly before I got really ill.
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Are you fully healed from benzo? How long after jumping did youvstart to taper Remeron? What was your starting dose of Remeron and how long were you on it? Thanks!
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I just cut 5% of 30 mg remeron two nights before and my insomnia came back full force! So I just reinstated it. I have been taking it only for 2 1/2 months..
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Are you fully healed from benzo? How long after jumping did youvstart to taper Remeron? What was your starting dose of Remeron and how long were you on it? Thanks!


Not sure if that question was for me, but no, I'm not fully healed.  I'm fully functional but still have some symptoms.  I just started tapering Remeron a few months ago, I was on 7.5 mg. for a couple years.  I am not having any problems with the taper I'm doing, but if things go to hell when I jump I'll just stay on 1.87 mg. forever.  I'm not going through this withdrawal crap again.

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I'm new to this group and wanted to get an idea of other's experiences with sleep quality on Remeron.


I've been taking 15mg for a couple of months now. For the most part, I sleep through the night, save one or two points where I need to get up and pee. The problem is I have dreams and nightmares all night long almost every night. There are very few nights where I don't have a busy night. Last night however, I woke from a horrible nightmare and started hallucinating. This has never happened before. The hallucinations faded after about 30-60 seconds but I'm still weirded out by it.


I'm seeing a psychiatrist on Monday to discuss this medication but I've already decided I need to get off asap. I need sleep, but I'm not sure it's worth this, and with the appearance of hallucinations, now I'm scared. Tonight I guess I'll start tapering slowly since I'm a pro at it having tapered off the benzos.

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Maybe you can stabilize on a lower dose? Whatever you do, go slowly. I got burned jumping from 3.75. I was shocked.
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I cut my dose in half to 7.5mg, and it's been pretty easy so far. Sleep has improved, the dreams have diminished. The psychiatrist was a moron so I'm on my own. I'll taper gradually but I've never had any issues getting off ADs, we'll see how this one goes.
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Bland, check out Doxylamine Succinate. It's over the counter Unisom. Make sure you get that ingredient, it's a strong anti-histamine, but not a psych med. Should do well with putting you to sleep. Another thought would be Melatonin. Please get off the drug while you still can, it's fucking evil. I know what you mean about the dreams and hallucinations.
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I decided to reinstate. I suffered horrific withdrawal from Ativan. I was non-functional for over a year. I just cant bear any more suffering right now. I need to live my life and work. Maybe Ill try tapering again some day. Im proud that I got down to 7.5.

I have been doing a lot of reading on Remeron and have found that A: It's WD doesn't seem to be as bad as Benzos (the biggest complaints are nausea, insomnia, depression and anxiety) B: Most testimony I can find say it lasts weeks or months, not years and is very back and forth with windows and waves


In short, it's not BZD WD, doesn't have the same stigma as benzos and may even be over in a couple weeks for lucky ppl.

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Just wanted to share, my withdrawal from Remeron was as bad as benzos. I know everyone is very different though and some have no issues at all. I just share to offer my opinion to suggest to go slowly when coming off the drug. I still deal with severe sleep issues because I believe I tapered too fast then went on other meds  recommended by my doc to "help" with the extreme withdrawal symptoms.
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Just wanted to share, my withdrawal from Remeron was as bad as benzos. I know everyone is very different though and some have no issues at all. I just share to offer my opinion to suggest to go slowly when coming off the drug. I still deal with severe sleep issues because I believe I tapered too fast then went on other meds  recommended by my doc to "help" with the extreme withdrawal symptoms.


How quickly did you taper?  I see you also got off gabapentin....I'm trying to get off that as well...did you have problems with it?  Thanks.

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I tapered Remeron over a 7 month period which seems slow but in hindsight was really too fast for me. Gabapentin was no problem at all of me to stop.
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Hi friends...


I am writing regarding some help from you.


As my signature shows i had used xanax for on and off  but after two weeks of continuous 0.25 mg usage it seems i got hooked and started to have a lot of anxiety and panic attack. Before that i have had twice problems before but i managed to pass them with personal power and sort of other CBT. This time was a bit harder.


I Somehow stabilized at start of April on 6 MG Bromazepam and 20 MG Anmitryptiline. After the stabilization i started tapering and failed the first time. The amount went big again up to 6 MG and after a period of 10 days i developed some kind of depression even though i manage to stay at work. Doctor prescribed Remeron 15 MG and i was a bit reluctant to take but i am in a very difficult position right now as my wife is giving birth to my second kid within two weeks and apart from that i have a loan to pay and could not afford to be off so i agreed with the doc to start it.


Psychologicaly in the beginning i felt good because with Remeron help i started to make big jumps on the Benzo (Bromazepam) and currently am on only 1.5 MG divided 0.75 night and morning.


I am still scared though because i have never been on an antidepressant before and there are horror stories all around web about all types of them as well.


This is the fourth week i am taking Remeron and is not helping to much with sleep due to my worry thoughts, some more it has side effects (high cholesterol and triglycerides are a trend in my family, me no exception to that) and i am only 40 Years old. There are days when i really feel very bad and hopeless in this situation but somehow manage to push it forward.


I need help whether i am doing the right thing and in case yes after i am done with bromazepam most probably in 10 days how long should i wait to start tapering Remeron....???


From my signature you will know that i was not a very long time benzo user... it will be around three months at 6th of June (Ok Kindling not excluded).


As you have more experience please let me know.....


All the best and keep it tight.... WE WILL PREVAIL.... :-)

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Hi all

I'm now 5 months off clonazepam but it has been almost 4 monts that I'm taking mirtazapine. I'm dealing with tinnitus so bad since the 6th week of my w/d and it just got worse. It used to be crickets all over my head but I swear to God I have electricity now. It feels so so weird to have this condition. The electrical storm with very pissed off tea kettles.


In Tinnitus Talk some people said mirtazapine is ototoxic. Is it true? I want to wean off it but I'm chronic insomniac and afraid of not getting night sleep.


What should I do? Do I suspect frim mirta for my worsening tinnitus?

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Simply get off all drugs.  these drugs that end in pine are also habit forming not good.  Got to say my dr is a drug person.  I don't know if it's the gifts he gets from the phamecitical corps. Anyway he would rather I stay on this poison.  That's no happening .  Definitely I will  change drs after I'm off this stuff.  I find the drs here shy to

Idk up another drs mess anyway.

Have good one everybody.  Some days do not go well.  trying to remember this to shall pass!!!!! :thumbsup:

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OMG Guys I need help immediately!

I have no mirta for tonight and I'm really scared of making a cold turkey from it. What should I do? I have 200 mg seroquel should I take it instead of it?


Bear in mind that I have tinnitus and scared to death of making it worse. Omg help me!

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Well after what I had said.  I still agree for me other addictive drugs not good.  I broke down yesterday and filled script for removal and after days actually slept.  The pharmacist told me be careful just take it if desperate shouldn't be an issue.  He's well aware of the jam I've been put in and has been pretty understanding.  Every day is different that's for sure.  Aww good sleep though.
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Well after what I had said.  I still agree for me other addictive drugs not good.  I broke down yesterday and filled script for removal and after days actually slept.  The pharmacist told me be careful just take it if desperate shouldn't be an issue.  He's well aware of the jam I've been put in and has been pretty understanding.  Every day is different that's for sure.  Aww good sleep though.


Hi there

Thank you for the answer. I am not afraid of not getting sleep but I'm afraid in my worse my tinnitus since I got it from already a cold turkey from clonazepam. God, I do not know what I'd do if it gets any worse..

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Hey Beste, Remeron shouldn't exacerbate your T. It's the only AD out there known to not cause T, so you should be okay getting off it.
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